İn some studies, it has been suggested that other complications of diabetes, especially DR, also start in the period of prediabetes. In these studies, the prevalence of DR has been reported to vary between 6% and 8% in prediabetics [5,18,25,26]. Because the corneal epithelium is avascular, it does not take glucose directly from the blood, but instead from the aqueous humor through the transcornea. In diabetes, the corneal epithelium is exposed to hyperglycemia, and severe inflammation and oxidative stress caused by chronic hyperglycemia in other tissues also occur in the corneal epithelium. It Metabolic disturbances have also been suggested to increase the risk of corneal epithelial damage, poor healing, and neurotrophic keratitis. Increased thickness and thus relative stiffness of the cornea can result in incorrectly high measurement of intraocular pressure [21,27-29].
The corneal epithelium, the first barrier that protects the eye against external aggressors, functions as an innate immune defense. Disruption of this barrier can predispose the cornea to infection and interfere with the eye's refractive abilities. Patients with diabetic keratopathy face primarily problems caused by the inability of the corneal epithelium to repair damage to the cornea and deterioration of tight barrier function [30,31]. CCT has been reported to be approximately 540-560 µm in healthy people, and it has been emphasized that it increases by 10-30 µm in patients with T2D. Duration of diabetes has been associated with increased corneal thickness [19-21,28,29]. The corneal epithelium is a stratified, nonkeratinized layer with a thickness of 48–53μm in healthy eyes, which has previously been shown to be moldable. It has an asymmetrical thickness profile, being slightly thicker inferiorly and nasally [32,33]. In a study conducted in well-controlled patients with T2D without retinopathy, it was emphasized that CET was increased, and this may be important in the early detection of DR [34].
In our data set in which we measured the CCT and CCET of prediabetics, the CCT right eye (CCTR) of prediabetics was 529±36 µm and CCT left eye (CCTL) was 520±67 µm. In addition, CCET of healthy people is approximately 50 µm and as we know, this is the first study measuring CCET of prediabetics [21]. In this study, CCETL 60.5±4.6 µm and CCETR 59.8±4.5 µm were found to be significantly higher than the other two groups. Based on these data, it can be suggested that CCET actually start to increase in the prediabetic period. Although information on the increase in corneal epithelial thickness in patients with T2D has been shared in some previous studies, so far there is no information in the literature that we can make this comparison in prediabetes. There is only one study in the literature that examines retina in prediabetes, suggesting that macular thickness decreases in prediabetics [15].
In our study, we found that the age of the prediabetes group was older than of the HC and IR groups (age: 47.67±7.24 years). The mean age of our prediabetes cohort was in parallel with that those reported in other series [18]. Determining an age cut-off point in a risk analysis scoring study for the early detection of prediabetes may yield very useful results for screening. In this way, proactive prevention of retinopathy development can be realized. As mentioned above, it has been suggested that the duration of diabetes is associated with an increase in corneal thickness in patients with T2D. Therefore, the effects of impaired glucose metabolism in prediabetics on the cornea during their stay in prediabetes may also be the subject of research (28,35). On the other hand, one explanation for the thicker central corneal thickness in the HC group compared to prediabetics may be due to the thickening beginning at the corneal epithelial level, and therefore CCET is higher in prediabetics. It may also be caused by the function of the corneal stroma to ensure the quality of corneal refraction in HC by providing electrolyte and water exchange with the endothelium [21,35-37].
In addition to the association of the duration of diabetes with increased corneal thickness, it has been suggested that increased glucose levels and the formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the tissue may also be the reason [20,27]. Hyperglycemia and increased metabolic parameters in patients with T2D have been suggested to decrease Na+/K+-ATPase activity by causing oxidative stress [28,37]. There is information that this may result in thickening of the corneal basement membrane in diabetes [21,27]. Higher HbA1c values among individuals with prediabetes have been claimed to be associated with twice the relative risk for DR [18]. In our study, as expected the values of FPG and HbA1c values were higher in prediabetics compared to the other two groups. Furthermore, the levels of TG, Tcol, LDL-c, fasting insulin, and fasting C-peptide levels were significantly different and higher. CCETR and CCETL were found to increase in our prediabetes cohort in which all glycemic and lipemic parameters were found to be higher than in the HC group. These data support the hypothesis that impaired metabolic parameters during prediabetes affect the corneal epithelium, leading to thickening.
Hyperglycemia alters the expression of growth factors and mediators secreted by corneal epithelial cells, leading to acyclic deterioration in cell growth, emigration, and unity [31,38]. Transparency and homeostasis are largely maintained by the epithelium, and rapid regeneration and healing of the epithelial surface in case of injury or infection is essential. Diabetes may increase susceptibility to spontaneous corneal trauma, including epithelial erosions and ulcerations [20]. In our study, we found a significant positive correlation of CCET with age, FPG, HbA1c, T-col, TG and LDL-c. This suggests that deterioration in metabolic processes begins during prediabetes and although the early effects on corneal health have not been well investigated, it is likely that the structure and function of the entire cornea are altered before the diagnosis of diabetes, given the continuum of diseases seen in other sections of the body [21]. Maintaining normoglycemic levels should be the primary goal of corneal health.
Small-sized population-based studies have also not found a relationship between obesity and corneal thickness [39,40]. However, a study reported significant associations between corneal thickness and body weight, BMI, FPG and PPG at 2 hours [41]. In our study, the anthropoemetric data of prediabetics were found to be significantly different and higher than those of the other groups. WHR and NC showed a significant positive correlation with CCET. On the other hand, BMI, and BF% showed a significant negative correlation with CCT. There were also significant correlations between obesity parameters and glycemic and lipidemic parameters of prediabetics. Interestingly, CCT and CCET correlated differently, with CCT showing a negative correlation and CCET a positive correlation. This paradox, which we tried to explain above, may be explained by the decrease in corneal stroma/endothelial cell density in patients with T2D, and this can lead to changes such as pleomorphism/polymegatism [21]. The correlation of obesity and prediabetes glycemic parameters with corneal epithelial thickness in our data is compatible with the metabolic disease corneal damage relationship model.
Most of the time patients with T2D are admitted to ophthalmologic clinics only after the visible signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, early detection of diabetes in the early prediabetic period is important in terms of preventing the disease and developing treatment modalities. The diabetes and ophthalmology societies recommend a comprehensive eye examination at the time of diagnosis of T2D, five years after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes ellitus, and annually thereafter [42-44]. There are no specific guidelines for patients with prediabetes or obesity. Research on the eye in T2D patients has been done on the retina in general, and more studies focusing on the cornea, especially in prediabetics, should be encouraged.
In studies of T2D, microalbuminuria and decreased renal function have been found to be associated with DR [45]. In our study, proteinuria and decreased GFR, which are indicators of nephropathy, were studied with CCET/CCT and no correlation was found between them.
The limitation of this study is the lack of neuropathy questions. Furthermore, due to the small number of participants in the insulin resistance group, adequate comparisons could not be made.
The most important modifiable risk factors for preventing the progression of diabetic retinopathy and reducing the risk of vision loss are hyperglycemic and hypertensive conditions [8]. Although studies have encouraged the monitoring and strong control of HbA1c even before the diagnosis of diabetes, we do not think that this parameter alone is sufficient for both diagnosis and treatment [18]. A screening algorithm should be made in which OGTT and HbA1c are used in combination, taking into account age, sex, obesity, gestational diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, smoking, and other similar risk factors. Although the American Diabetes Association recommends testing for HbA1c all patients over 45 years of age and overweight adults of all ages, it is obvious that this is not enough [44]. In addition, biomarker studies for early diagnosis should be emphasized. In addition to the access of family physicians and internal medicine specialists to these tests, the access of ophthalmologists should also be ensured. In this way, it may be possible to find out more patients in the previous period. A mobile cell phone risk assessment app can be performed using anthropometric data, noninvasive eye examination parameters, and metabolic biomarkers. In today's world, such applications are rapidly and widely used in outpatient clinics and make great contributions in accordance with the purpose.
In conclusion, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, age, and duration of diabetes are important risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in, but these parameters may also be important in prediabetics. It may be suggested that deterioration in metabolic processes starts during prediabetes, and this may have an effect on CCET. We believe that according to these findings, the duration of prediabetes should also be considered in studies. On the other hand, obesity is found to be a risk factor that increases CCET in prediabetics. Based on all of these findings, we believe that prediabetes screening should not be limited to HbA1c and OGTT alone; we believe that a multifactorial algorithmic risk scale may be useful. Finally, we believe that family physicians, internal medicine, and ophthalmology specialists should play an active role in the early recognition of prediabetes and in the early diagnosis and treatment of other complications, especially diabetic retinopathy. Equipping these specialties with sufficient knowledge, experience, and equipment for early diagnosis is the most crucial point of the issue.
In prediabetes, AS-OCT can be a non-invasive, easily accessible, and useful tool for the early diagnosis of ocular changes. More research is needed to determine the possible effects of prediabetes on corneal health. Additionally, it would be beneficial to encourage researches on the cornea and anterior segment in prediabetes. On the other hand, identifying and developing potential therapeutic agents that can accelerate corneal reepithelialisation or protect against oxidative stress during prediabetes may also be crucial.