Increased nutrient loading/concentration, especially of phosphorus, and sediment in water bodies such as lakes and coastal waters is a complex problem and growing global concern due to its adverse impact on water quality and environmental health (Smith 2003; Chislock et al. 2013; Stammler et al. 2017). The nutrients get exported from the near by basins into the water bodies and affect aquatic ecosystems, human and animal health, drinking water qualities and local amenities accelerating frequent algal blooms due to eutrophication in water bodies (Smith et al. 1999). Consequently, depletion of dissolved oxygen, due to decomposing algae, happens commonly in lakes and stratified estuaries including the Great Lakes which are five large lakes located between Canada and United States border.
In the recent times, high phophsorus and sediment is entering Great Lakes from the contributing basins from Canadian and USA side. In this paper, we focus on Canadian side. To be precise, excess sediment and phosphorus associated primarily with soil erosion and associated agricultural runoff and fertilizers originate primarly from the three dominant basins located in Southern Ontario, Canada: Northern Lake Erie, Eastern Lake Huron, and Lake Ontario & Niagara Peninsula. Over the past few decades, the expansion of croplands, livestock production and new industrial developments in the basins have raised serious concerns about the future of water quality in the downstream waters due to increased manure and fertilizer use as well as increased erosion (R. Halliday & Associates Ltd et al. 2009). Also, the 2003 census report (Statistics Canada 2003) indicated that a 40% human population increase was expected over the following 25 years, and significant increases in water consumption and wastewater discharge to streams were expected. This prediction seems to have similarity with the observed consequences of anthropogenic changes in Lake Ontario since European settlement (Estepp and Reavie, 2015). In the recent past, beneficial management practices have been implemented in various basins in southern ontario to promote the reduction of nutrient losses from agricultural fields (Miller et al. 2010). To assess the effectiveness of ongoing and past efforts, we need to keep analysing the historical monitored data. However, the current monitoring data is grab sampled (i.e one or two samples per month). It is beneficial to have continuous data to effectively perform analysis of historical data. Trend analysis is one of such analysis techniques which helps us in understanding of the spatiotemporal variation in nutrient loads and concentration in large and highly complex basins.
Therefore, gap-filling of data based on limited monitored/gauged data, for having continuous sample (on daily basis), is essential for analysis such as trend analysis to support existing modeling and monitoring efforts. To address this, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has developed a modified weighted regression method–Weighted Regression on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) (Hirsch et al. 2010). WRTDS can also detect and describe temporal trends that may not conform to linear or quadratic functional forms. On the other hand, combination of bootstrap technique with WRTDS (known as WRTDS_BT) facilitates a straightforward way to derive the estimates of standard errors and confidence intervals only using limited number of samples, without further sampling.
In this junction, the decision to use any given trend analysis procedure depends on two major considerations: one is the extent to which the test outputs can describe the nature and magnitude of the trend that may have occurred. The other is the degree to which it can accurately represent the level of variability in the results. Over the years, a few related studies have been carried out like Taylor and Hamilton (1993), Rock and Mayer (2004) and Burque (2013). Thus, the lack of comprehensive studies (in combination with limited data) and robustness of WRTDS_BT has motivated us to implement the methodology in order to compute sediment and phosphorus trends based on limited nutrient information. The specific objective of this research is to explore the long-term trend of total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations and loads in various streams/rivers in the Great Lakes Basin (Ontario, Canada) along with related statistical analysis, including confidence interval, to check the variability. This study is the first of a kind in the southern Ontario using WRTDS_BT, as per best of the knowledges of the authors. This study may help us not only to get the trends (with confidence intervals) of the nutrients, at selected tributaries, also to find out whether WRTDS_BT results have a match with previous trend analysis results with other techniques. In this regard we would like to mention that, though, a few reports describing local trends using different approaches have been been produced by the Conservation Authorities in the study area; but comprehensive work combinedly for Southern Ontario is limited.