The Taliban in their 2021 takeover have strongly discouraged women’s autonomy, limiting their mobility, decision-making power, and ability to leave domestic violence situations (Monir 2022). Taliban rule has led to numerous negative outcomes for women, including lowering marriage age, decreasing women’s ability to travel, and reducing support for survivors of IPV, which can potentially change community norms around gender equality within Afghanistan (Noury & Speciale 2016). Increased Taliban control has been shown to increase the number of child marriages in Afghanistan, as many families force their daughters into marriages as a way of protecting them from violence (de Silva de Alwis, 2021; Noury & Speciale 2016). Additionally, since the Taliban took over, women in Afghanistan have been banned from traveling more than 72 kilometers without a male relative (Monir 2022). Noury & Speciale (2016) suggest that this may have long-lasting impacts, as women exposed to more years of Taliban control during their youth were less likely to work outside of the household in 2008.
Community norms have a substantial influence on how women are treated in terms of their autonomy within marriage, their likelihood of experiencing IPV, and the choice of who she marries. These community norms may vary by ethnic group, and as Maity & Shukla (2021) suggest, ethnic groups’ relationship to the Taliban may affect how these norms change. Specifically, Maity & Shukla (2021) find that ethnic groups opposed to the Taliban, Tajik/Uzbek, saw an increase in marriage age. Outside of Afghanistan, one study of Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines concluded that women’s autonomy (e.g., mobility, decision making, and experience of IPV) is highly influenced by community norms and values (Jejeebhoy & Sathar, 2001). Second, a study of Egypt concluded that women’s agency depends on attitudes about gender, specifically regarding violence against wives (Yount et al., 2016). Similarly, a study of North India concluded that intimate partner violence was significantly related to community-level norms concerning wife-beating (Koenig et al., 2006). These studies suggest that community norms can limit women’s control over resources and freedom of movement, which reduces their ability to leave the household when they experience violence.
In India, Anukriti et al. (2022) find that women who live in districts with more female elected officials have an increased likelihood of experiencing IPV. They suggest the mechanism of misaligned fertility preferences driving conflict, as mentioned above. Similarly, Eswaran & Malhotra (2011) suggest that increasing women’s autonomy is also associated with increased IPV in India. In Zambia, providing women with contraceptives reduced happiness due to conflict with their husbands over fertility (Ashraf et al. 2014). This work in sum suggests that the downfall of the Taliban may increase autonomy, leading women to have fewer children but also to experience more IPV.
Conversely, two studies suggest that increasing women’s decision-making power tends to decrease IPV. Pakistan Mavisakalyan & Rammohan (2021) find that as women’s autonomy increases, IPV tends to decrease. In a study of 12 African countries using a similar survey instrument, Donald et al. (2023) find that women with more decision-making power are typically less likely to experience IPV.
War has also been shown to affect marriage choices and potentially women’s autonomy in other countries. Given the decades of conflict in Afghanistan, security and conflict also likely affect women’s marriages in Afghanistan. Mattina (2017) found that the 1994 Rwandan in areas that had more genocide caused an increase in domestic violence and decreased women's decision-making power for women who married after the genocide relative to women who married before. Mattina’s findings indicate that the “detrimental effects of genocide on women’s well-being were still sizeable as far as 16 years after the end of the mass killings.” Shemyakina, (2009) shows conflict that when a woman in Tajikistan is exposed to regional conflict during her most marriageable years, her probability of entering her first marriage is reduced by fourteen percentage points, although this delay may be a result of fewer men and it’s unclear what happened to IPV in this case.
Education tends to increase women’s autonomy and reduce the chance of IPV. Consistent with this result, Afghan women have one of the lowest rates of education in the world for women and the highest levels of IPV (Rammohan & Johar, 2009; Rizkianti et al., 2020; Sougou et al., 2020). The literacy rates in Afghanistan due to the spread of the Taliban regime and devastating wars are among the lowest in the world at approximately 45 percent for men and 17 percent for women (Alexander &Thelwell 2020). Noury & Speciale (2016) show that women exposed to more years of Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001 had reduced education. Afghanistan has one of the highest prevalence of IPV in the world (Coll et al. 2020). Previous work shows the expected negative relationship between education and experience of IPV in Afghanistan with the same survey data used in this paper’s analysis (Akbary 2020).
Child marriage and education are strongly linked, as women who stay in school longer typically get married later (Nguyen and Wodon, 2014). Child marriage tends to decrease women’s decision-making power and increase IPV, potentially in part due to their increased education, as discussed above (Kidman, 2017; Ahinkorah, 2021). Child marriage was relatively common during the first Taliban rule pre-2001; however, the attitudes of parents in Afghanistan when the Taliban lost control tended toward women staying in school and marrying later (Blum et al., 2019). Noury & Speciale (2016) find that marriage age decreased for women exposed more to Taliban rule.
Data and Descriptive Statistics
This paper links data from three sources: the 2015 Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) Long War Journal, and the Global Terrorism Database to construct a data set of over 2,000 women’s responses questions on decision making and IPV. The 2015 Afghanistan DHS is a large-scale household survey that asks women a myriad of questions, including their level of decision-making power in their household and their experience with IPV. Included in the DHS are 21,324 women aged 15–49 spanning all 34 provinces in Afghanistan who were married between 1975 and 2015. Important to the use of provincial-level variation, the survey is representative at the provincial level. We use approximately 10% of the sample for women married in the early 2000s that we can pair with data on Taliban control after the first US invasion in 2002. We use this data set to measure outcomes related to women’s decision-making power, experience of IPV, and marriage age. Summary statistics are presented in Table 1 below.
The DHS survey has information on women’s participation in household decisions regarding health care, spending, and travel, as well as their experience of IPV, all measured at the time of the survey in 2015. Approximately 60% of the 2,280 women married between 2002 and 2012 included in our sample have decision-making power for one of the four decisions, and almost 50% have experienced some type of violence from their husband/partner. More specifically, slightly more than half of the women have some level of decision-making power in visits to family or relatives (51%), and less than half have some level of decision-making power in their health care (48%) or large household purchases (42%). Interestingly, however, more than half of these women have some level of decision-making power in what is done with their husband’s income (56%).
Regarding IPV, almost half of the women in our sample experienced less severe violence in the last year (47%). In addition, approximately 16% of women have experienced severe violence, and approximately 9% have experienced sexual violence in the last year within their household. Last, the average age of cohabitation for the women in our analysis is 18 years old. We assume that women’s age of cohabitation and marriage age are synonymous, as it is customary for women to move in with their partner at marriage (Afghan Culture, n.d.).
To mirror the work of Anukriti et al. (2022), we also test for changes in the number of children a woman has ever given birth, with an average in the sample of approximately 4.5. It is worth noting that these women are of child-bearing age (15–49) and may have more children in the future. Anukriti et al. (2022) suggest that conflict arises as women increase their use of contraceptives and lower their fertility when governments are more favorable to women. Contraception use is low in Afghanistan, with only 21% of women reporting using any form of contraceptive, including traditional, nonmodern methods such as withdrawal. In the sample, 30% of the men wanted more children than the family had. Finally, Anukriti et al. (2022) rule out changing attitudes about IPV by examining questions if a husband beating his wife is ever justified. The survey asks if beatings are justified if a wife does one of five actions: goes out without telling her husband, neglects children, argues with her husband, or burns food. Most women (85%) believe that at least one of these actions justifies beating, and women believe that on average, 2.5 of these five actions justify beating. Going out without telling her husband is the most commonly justified reason at 70%, and burning food is the least common at 20%.
Additionally, we use the provincial average of the outcome variable for elder women married before the Islamic rule of Afghanistan as a proxy for norms within a province related to women’s decisions, IPV experience, and marriage age before Taliban rule. We use 1992 as the cutoff point, as the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1978–1992) was a period of more equal rights for Afghan women but was overthrown in 1992 and transitioned to the Islamic State of Afghanistan (Nunan, 2016). The goal of the leaders of the Islamic State was to Islamize society, which included abolishing women’s freedoms.
We see in the summary statistics (Table 1) that younger women have less decision-making power, with approximately 10% fewer women from the newer generation having some decision-making power in their own health care, large household purchases, and travel. The greatest change is in travel, with only 51% of women from the newer generation having some decision-making power compared to 64% of the elder generation. The result is consistent with the Taliban’s focus on limiting women’s travel during their rule.
In terms of IPV, the difference between generations is slightly smaller, and in the opposite direction, with 5% fewer women from the newer generation reporting less severe or severe IPV. Sexual violence stayed relatively constant, from 8% of the older generation experiencing sexual violence to 9% of the newer generation experiencing such violence.
To measure our key variable of Taliban control at women’s time of marriage, we use data from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). These visualizations identify five levels of Taliban control (insignificant, minimal, moderate, high, and full) for each Afghan province in the years 2000, 2002, 2009 & 2012. The data for these visualizations were collected by an FDD senior fellow, Bill Roggio, based on his discussions with leaders in the field and his independent research (B. Rodrigo, personal communication, February 9, 2022). We are unable to include the year 2000 in our analysis, as it too closely mirrors the effect variable “high Taliban control” (as 32 out of 34 of the provinces were fully controlled by the Taliban at that time). Thus, the variable “Taliban Control” in our analysis indicates the varying levels of Taliban control across Afghan provinces in 2002, 2009 and 2012. It is important to note that the lack of data for Taliban control outside of these three years significantly limits our sample, as we are required to restrict our analysis only to women married in 2002, 2009, and 2012. This decreases our sample size from 21,324 women to 2,280.
The Long War Journal visualizations show that Taliban control was greatest in early 2000, with the Taliban controlling 32 out of 34 provinces. Following 9/11, in early 2002, the U.S. had the largest influence in the country, and the Taliban lost control of all provincial capitals. Later, in early 2009, the Taliban expanded into the south, east, and north, contesting seven provincial capitals. In response, by 2012, the U.S. doubled its military presence in the country and reclaimed all provincial capitals. In the descriptive statistics, we can see that approximately 14% of women in our sample were married under high Taliban control, 28% under moderate control, 43% under minimal control and 14% under insignificant control.
A graphical descriptive look at the relationship between Taliban power and outcomes shows that where Taliban had insignificant control, women had more decision making (see Fig. 1A) and were less likely to experience IPV (Fig. 1B), although there were negligible differences in age of cohabitation. For example, in Fig. 1A, 63% of women who married in 2002 in a province with insignificant Taliban control had some level of decision-making power, compared to the mere 31% of women who married in 2002 in a region with full Taliban control. This trend holds true for the years 2009 & 2012 as well for decision-making power. We do not show such a clear relationship between Taliban control at women’s time of marriage and women’s age of cohabitation, as seen in Fig. 1C.
Variation in Taliban control could potentially occur at times of varying degrees of violence and conflict. Next, we measure conflict in Afghan regions with the Global Terrorism Database, which is an open-source database with information on terrorist attacks around the world. The database includes terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and lists their date and the province in which they took place. We use this database to measure the number of terrorist attacks in a woman’s province in the year she was married to proxy conflict at the time of her marriage. The mean number of terrorist attacks in a province in a year was 20, but the median was only 8, signifying that there may be some outliers in the data.
We use four additional control variables from the DHS that potentially influence women’s decision-making power and experience of IPV: wealth, age, education, and rurality. The wealth quintile ranges from the lowest household wealth at 1 to the highest at 5, and the average is approximately 3. The effect of the respondent’s current age was examined, with the average being 26 years old. Education was also a factor, with the mean education being 1.58 years, the minimum being 0 years and the max being 14 years. Last, each household is defined as a rural or urban residence. Approximately 77% of households were classified as rural.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Econometric Model
The econometric model is written out in equation #1 below. The unit of observation is a woman, i, living in a household, h, in a province, j, and married in year t. Recall we have women only married in 2002, 2009 or 2012. We have multiple outcomes corresponding to decisions of health care, purchases, travel, and spending of the husband’s income (decideHlthCare, decidePurchases, decideTravel, & decideHusbIncome). These outcomes are all measured in 2015, the time of the DHS survey. We also measure if she has a role in any four of those decisions (anyDecision). We have three measures of IPV (severeViolence, lessViolence, & sexualViolence) and another if she experiences any form of IPV (anyIPV). We analyze her age at first cohabitation (ageCohab), a proxy for marriage. We use a linear probability model with 1 indicating that she has some input in the decision (or experiences some IPV) and with 0 indicating she does not, while age at first cohabitation.
We also test for changes in fertility, contraception, fertility preferences and views on IPV, which are potential mechanisms for the increase in IPV. We measure fertility with (births) the total number of births the respondent has had, contraception (Contraception) a binary variable if the respondent uses contraception, and a binary indicator if the husband wants more children, then the family has (HusbandMoreKids). In terms of justification of IPV, respondents are asked for five scenarios if a beating is justified: if she goes out without telling her husband (Goesout), neglects children (NeglectsKids), argues with her husband (Argues), refuses to have sex (RefusesSex), or burns food (BurnsFood). We estimate regressions for each individually, the total number of the five she says are justified, and if any of the five are justified. All estimations for mechanisms are also linear probability models, except in the case of births, which is continuous.
$${1) Y}_{i}={\beta }_{0}+{\beta }_{1}{ElderY}_{j}+{\beta }_{2}{Insignificant}_{jt}+{\beta }_{3}{Minimal}_{jt}+{\beta }_{4}{Moderate}_{jt}+{\beta }_{5}{attacks}_{jt}+{\beta }_{6}{2009}_{j}+{\beta }_{7}{2012}_{j}+{\beta }_{8}{wealth}_{h}+{\beta }_{9}{age}_{i}+{\beta }_{10}{yrsEducation}_{i}+{\beta }_{11}{rural}_{h}+\mathcal{E}$$
The first predictor variable (ElderY) measures norms using the average of the outcome variable of interest in 2015 for all elder women married before 1992. As noted, these women were married before the Islamic takeover of Afghanistan. The Elderly variable varies only at the province level, denoted by the subscript j.
Taliban control is measured at the time (t) of a woman’s marriage (either 2002, 2009 or 2012), which is defined as either Insignificant, Minimal, Moderate, or High. This variable represents the level of Taliban control in a woman’s region when she was married and is thus measured at the province level, denoted by the subscript j and time t. The level of High control is the omitted comparison group. We also control for conflict at the time of a woman’s marriage using attacks, which indicates the number of terrorist attacks in province (j) in the year of her marriage (t = 2002, 2009 or 2012).
There are six more control variables included in the regressions: marriage year, education, age, wealth, rurality, and province. We control for national time variant trends with indicators for women married in 2009 and 2012 (2009 & 2012), with the year 2002 omitted for comparison in the econometric model, as the model is comparing results from the other two years to 2002. The variable yrsEducation represents the years of education attained by a woman and is measured at the individual level. The woman’s age (age) at the time of survey in 2015 controls for trends in the population. The variable wealth represents the wealth quintile of a woman’s household, which ranges from the lowest household wealth at a coefficient of 1 to the highest at a coefficient of 5. This variable is measured at the individual level, denoted by the subscript h. The variable rural represents whether a household is in a rural or urban setting, with a coefficient of 1 indicating rural and a coefficient of 0 indicating urban.