Description of the outbreak
All the 21 cases tested positive by PCR or ELISA. These included cases from the districts of Bantan (one case, PCR), Bengkalis (three cases, PCR), Bukit Batu (10 cases, PCR), Siak Kecil (four cases, PCR) and Rupat (three cases, ELISA).
Table 1 shows that eight out of 11 districts in the region were affected by the LSD outbreak. During the 168 days outbreak period (16 February - 02 August 2022), 94 cases were observed. The duration of an outbreak in a district ranged from 1 – 64 days, with an average of 20.8 days. The districts of Bukit Batu, Siak Kecil and Bathin Solapan suffered the longest outbreaks (64, 52 and 29 days respectively). The distance between two districts with two consecutive outbreaks ranged between 20 – 85 km. The time intervals between two consecutive primary cases in different districts ranged from 9 – 36 days. An exception was the primary case reported in the district of Pinggir, which occurred 80 days after the preceding primary case in the Bathin Solapan.
The outbreak affected 1.2% (n=43) of 3,582 farms in 20.7% (n=25) of 121 villages in the eight districts. The outbreak caused 10.4% (94/906) morbidity and 0.6% (5/906) mortality of cattle on infected farms. The case fatality rate was 5.3% (5/94). The incidence rate on the infected farms was 6 cases per 10,000 animal-day. In the 94 cases, lumps were the single most observed clinical sign (37.2%) or occurred along with nasal discharge (33.0%) or with a crust on the lumps (29.8%).
The outbreak was grouped into three spatial clusters: 1) the Bengkalis cluster included the districts of Bantan, Bengkalis, Bukit Batu and Siak Kecil, where the index case was reported on 16 Feb 2022 in the Bantan; 2) the Rupat cluster included only the district of Rupat, with the primary case on 29 April 2022 and; 3) the Mandau cluster, included the districts of Mandau, Bathin Solapan and Pinggir, the primary case was reported on 10 May 2022 in the Mandau. Data plotting on primary cases, wind speed and wind directions indicated that the wind-borne transmissions moved mainly to the southwest directions. The wind-borne incursion of LSD to Bantan and Rupat districts might possibly have originated from the neighboring Malaysian Peninsula. From the Bantan, the epidemic might spread to the Bukit Batu, Bengkalis, and Siak Kecil. Additionally, the Rupat might have been also infected from the Bantan cluster and, from the Rupat, the LSD might spread to the Mandau cluster (Table 1, Figure 2).
The epidemic curve indicates that the outbreak occurred in three waves (Figure 3): the first small wave involved the districts of Bantan, Bukit Batu and Bengkalis. The second wave involved the districts of Bukit Batu and Siak Kecil, while the major wave occurred in the districts of Bukit Batu, Siak Kecil, Rupat, Bathin Solapan and Mandau. The first wave lasted from 16 Feb to 8 March 2022, the second from 8 March to 17 April 2022 and the major wave occurred between 17 April and 16 June 2022. Sporadical cases occurred from 26 July until 2 Aug 2022, in Bathin Solapan and Pinggir districts.
Vaccination against LSD
The Bengkalis region has 155 villages, 143 villages of which have cattle populations. Vaccination planned to target 95 villages in the eight affected districts. It included 25 infected villages and the surrounding 70 non-infected villages in vaccination zones (Kementerian Pertanian RI, 2022). Vaccination commenced on 17 March until 21 September 2022, covered 73.7% (70/95) of the target villages, but only 47.0% (5,517/11,733) of cattle in the target villages. In detail, 92.0% (23/25) of infected villages were vaccinated, covering 49.1% (2,436/4,958) of their cattle population, while 67.1% (47/70) of non-infected villages in the vaccination zones were vaccinated, covering 45.5% (3,081/6,775) of their cattle populations (Table 2).
Vaccination campaigns were divided into two rounds. The first round was conducted in the areas of the first two epidemic waves, covering 49.7% (3,002/6,036) of cattle in target villages, in the districts of Bantan, Bukit Batu, Siak Kecil and Bengkalis, completed within 105 days, from 17 March – 30 June 2022. By the time the first two waves stopped, the vaccination had been covering only 0.0% (0/6036) and 27.8% (1,676/6,036) of the targeted cattle population. The second round of vaccination was to cope with the major epidemic, completed within 118 days from 26 May - 21 September 2022. It covered 44.1% (2,515/5,697) of cattle in four districts in the vaccination zone; Rupat, Bathin Solapan, Mandau and Pinggir. By the day the major wave stopped, vaccination had covered only 9.7% (550/5,697) of the cattle population in the target villages.
The proportion of LSD-infected villages was 5.3 times larger in villages with cattle populations of >150 animals (n=36) than in villages with cattle population of ≤150 animals (n=107) (CI: 2.56 – 10.90, P<0.01). Similarly, in villages that were vaccinated against LSD, the proportion of LSD-infected villages in villages with cattle population of >150 animals (n=29) was 2.2 times larger than that in villages with cattle population of ≤150 animals (n=41) (CI: 1.10 – 4.38, P=0.04). However, the proportion of villages with a vaccination rate of >50% in villages with cattle population of >150 animals (n=29) was 0.63 lower than that in villages with cattle population of ≤150 animals (n=41) (CI: 0.39 – 1.02, P=0.05) (Table 3).
The first two waves ceased two months and a half month before the Eid Al-Fitri festival in 2nd May 2022 and the major wave ended almost a month before Eid Al-Adha in the 10th July 2022. Multiple linear regression statistic showed a positive association between the average of ten-day rainfall and temperature, and the ten-day cumulative frequency of cases in the next 10 days, with the formula of Cases=-62.787*rain+95.018*rain*temperature*0.025 (F(2, 13)=5.822 , P=0.016, R2=0.47, variables rain and temperature added to the prediction at P=0.006).