4.2 The strategies and mechanisms that JUCo use for CSR
Our study explored the strategies and mechanisms employed by JUCo in their CSR initiatives on public health. Understanding these strategies and mechanisms were crucial because CSR have significant implications for public health outcomes [30]. By examining JUCo's specific practices, the study aimed to identify how CSR initiatives can be leveraged to improve public health. JUCo's CSR strategies and mechanisms were examined to determine their potential influence on public health outcomes. By analyzing these practices, the study sought to identify whether JUCo's CSR efforts were targeted towards health-related issues, such as promoting access to healthcare, supporting disease prevention or addressing social determinants of health. Furthermore, the study aimed to assess the effectiveness of these strategies in terms of their impact on public health indicators. Understanding how JUCo approached CSR and its impact on public health can provide valuable insights for other companies and organizations interested in implementing effective CSR initiatives that contribute to improving public health outcomes.
4.2.1 Existence of CSR program at JUCo
Our study aimed at exploring the strategies and mechanisms utilized by JUCo to implement its CSR initiatives. The main objective was to determine whether JUCo has a CSR program in place. To collect pertinent data, we surveyed participants to gauge their awareness of JUCo's CSR programs. This investigation aimed to confirm the existence of an official CSR program at JUCo, which serves as a fundamental aspect for comprehending and analyzing the organization's CSR practices, initiatives, and their impact on public health. Participants were asked to indicate their perception of the level of improvement. The study results are presented in Fig. 1 below.
Source: Field study, 2023
According to Fig. 1 presented above, it becomes evident that a significant majority of the surveyed respondents, approximately 77 individuals, comprising about 79.4% of the total respondents, affirmed the existence of JUCo's CSR program. In contrast, a minority of 20 respondents, accounting for 20.6%, expressed disagreement. These results strongly suggest that a considerable proportion of the participants possess knowledge regarding JUCo's CSR initiatives. This finding aligns with the research conducted by Droppert and Bennett [30], who discovered that CSR strategies not only provide opportunities for exploring and developing new markets in Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMICs), but also create value by improving the health of the people in these countries.
Also, our study sought to know the funding sources for JUCo's CSR program. By understanding how JUCo finances its CSR initiatives, the study aimed to gain insights into the college's commitment to social and environmental responsibility, its financial allocation for CSR activities and the potential impact of funding sources on the scope and effectiveness of its CSR program. Table 1 presents the study results.
Table 1
Variables | Frequency | Percent |
| Through the university's operating budget | 51 | 52.6% |
Through donations from alumni and other supporters | 14 | 14.4% |
Through grants and sponsorships from external organizations | 32 | 33.0% |
Total | 97 | 100.0 |
Source: Field study, 2023 |
Table 1, provides insights into the funding sources for JUCo's CSR program. Our study revealed that JUCo's CSR program is funded through various channels. The majority of the funding, accounting for 52.6%, comes from the university's operating budget. This indicates that JUCo allocates a significant portion of its internal resources for CSR activities. Additionally, 14.4% of the funding is generated through donations from alumni and other supporters, highlighting the contribution of external individuals invested in JUCo's CSR initiatives. This finding aligns with previous research by Székely and vom Brocke [31], who emphasized that organizations can establish strong community relationships by engaging in fundraising and donations, developing strategies, and programs on social and environmental issues. Furthermore, grants and sponsorships from external organizations contribute 33.0% of the funding, indicating that JUCo actively seeks external partnerships and financial support for its CSR endeavors. Overall, the study sheds light on JUCo's financial commitment to CSR and the diverse funding sources that enable the university to implement its social and environmental responsibility initiatives.
4.2.2 Formal JUCo’s CSR policy related to public health
As organizations experience increasing civil society pressure to act responsibly in a changing globalized world, JUCo is expanding and/or reforming its CSR strategies and mechanisms [30]. Our study sought to understand how JUCo currently engage in CSR activities aimed at public health impact, its motivations for doing so and how their CSR strategies are evolving. To gain insights into JUCo's approach, the study asked respondents regarding the presence of a formal CSR policy specifically focused on public health. Therefore, examining JUCo's CSR strategies, particularly in relation to public health, the study seeks to evaluate JUCo's commitment and actions towards societal well-being, contributing to a deeper understanding of its overall CSR framework. Table 2 presents the study results.
Table 2
Formal CSR policy related to public health
Variables | Frequency | Percent | Valid Percent | Cumulative Percent |
| Yes | 76 | 78.4% | 78.4% | 78.4% |
No | 21 | 21.6% | 21.6% | 100.0% |
Total | 97 | 100.0% | 100.0% | |
Source: Field study, 2023 |
The Table 2 above, indicates that 76 (78.4%) respondents confirmed the presence of a formal CSR policy related to public health, while 21 (21.6%) respondents reported that no such policy existed at JUCo. These findings provide insights into JUCo's CSR approach and contribute to a better understanding of their overall CSR framework.
4.2.3 Primary goals of JUCo's CSR policy related to public health
Also, in exploring the strategies and mechanisms employed by JUCo in its CSR efforts, our study, specifically, focused on investigating primary goals of JUCo's CSR policy concerning public health. By asking respondents about these goals, the study seeks to gain insights into JUCo's CSR initiatives aimed at promoting and contributing to public health, potentially shedding light on the company's commitment to societal well-being and the specific areas within public health where they prioritize their efforts. Table 3 presents the study results.
Table 3
Primary goals of JUCo's CSR policy related to public health
Variables | Frequency | Percent |
| Promoting healthy behaviors among students, faculty and staffs | 27 | 35.5% |
Contributing to public health research and innovation | 11 | 14.5% |
Supporting local healthcare institutions and organizations | 16 | 21.1% |
Encouraging community engagement and participation in public health initiatives | 22 | 28.9% |
Total | 76 | 100.0% |
Source: Field study, 2023 |
Promoting healthy behaviors among students, faculty and staffs; it was found that a significant majority of respondents 27(35.5%) recognized JUCo's commitment to health and wellness as it fosters an environment that encourages healthy habits and positive lifestyle choices. The study result implies that engaging in regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management has proven to enhance overall well-being, physical fitness and mental health for individuals within the university community. This, in turn, has a ripple effect on the broader community and public health. The study is in line with the findings of various related studies [1, 32] which found that CSR strategies and mechanisms play a substantial role in shaping health and health behavior; these practices are one of the determinants of health. Moreover, when individuals within a community adopt healthy behaviors, it creates a culture of wellness that can inspire others to follow suit. Students who engage in regular physical activity and maintain healthy eating habits are more likely to continue these practices beyond their time at JUCo, influencing their families, friends and future communities. Faculty and staff who prioritize their health become role models for students and contributes to a positive campus culture. Therefore, emphasizing healthy behaviors, JUCo is not only investing in the well-being of its immediate community but also playing a crucial role in preventing chronic diseases, reducing healthcare costs and promoting public health at large.
Contributing to public health research and innovation; it was found that 11(14.5%) recognize JUCo's commitment on contributing to public health research and innovation. This implies that investing resources and expertise into research, JUCo identify and address critical health issues, develop innovative solutions and improve healthcare outcomes. This commitment fosters collaborations with experts and institutions, promoting knowledge exchange and the dissemination of best practices. The study result is consistent with the findings of previous related studies [1, 33] which found that corporate entities, JUCo in this case engage in CSR for social sustainable growth. Hence, through its emphasis on research and innovation, JUCo develop new technologies, treatments and interventions that have the potential to transform public health, enhance disease prevention and control efforts and ultimately improve the well-being and quality of life for individuals and surround communities.
Supporting local healthcare institutions and organizations; it was found that 16(21.1%) indicated that JUCo directs resources towards healthcare institutions and organizations. Hence, JUCo contributes to the development and enhancement of essential healthcare infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics and community health centers. This support enables these institutions to provide improved access to quality healthcare services, diagnosis, treatment, and preventive care to the local population. Additionally, JUCo's CSR efforts help in the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals, ensuring a skilled workforce to meet the healthcare needs of the community. Through this sustained commitment, JUCo strengthens the overall healthcare system, promotes public health and contributes to the well-being and resilience of the local population. Also, during data collection, one of the respondents attested that: -
…through JUCo's CSR efforts to encourage partnerships between healthcare providers and local communities there is the development of community health programs, preventive care initiatives and educational campaigns that aim to raise awareness about key health issues. Also, by actively engaging with local institutions, JUCo leverage its resources and expertise to support initiatives focused on disease prevention, health promotion and the overall well-being of the community. (KF3)
The view expressed by respondent (KF3) confirmed that JUCo’s collaborative efforts have a profound impact on public health by empowering individuals with knowledge, resources and access to essential healthcare services, ultimately leading to healthier communities.
Encouraging community engagement and participation in public health initiatives; it was found that 22 respondents accounted to 28.9% indicated that involving the community in CSR initiatives, JUCo promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility among the residents. This empowerment helps create a culture of health consciousness and proactive decision-making, leading to better health outcomes. The study result implies that when community members are engaged and actively participate in public health initiatives, several positive changes occur. Firstly, it fosters awareness and education about various health issues, enabling individuals to make informed choices regarding their well-being. By providing platforms for dialogue and collaboration, JUCo facilitates the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices among community members, leading to the dissemination of accurate health information and the adoption of healthy behaviors. Secondly, community engagement enhances the effectiveness of public health interventions. Therefore, involving local community, JUCo gains insight into the unique challenges and needs of the community, ensuring that interventions are tailored to address specific concerns. This approach promotes better targeting of resources and interventions, resulting in improved health outcomes. Furthermore, community participation fosters a sense of social cohesion and mutual support, creating a supportive environment for individuals to make positive health choices and sustain behavior change.
4.2.4 CSR initiatives to promote public health
Our study sought to explore the specific activities undertaken by JUCo to promote public health within its CSR program. By seeking insights from respondents, the study intended to uncover the precise initiatives and actions implemented by JUCo that contribute to the improvement of public health, enabling a comprehensive analysis of their CSR endeavors in this crucial area. Table 4 presents the study results.
Table 4
JUCo’s CSR initiatives to promote public health
S/No. | Variables | Agreed | Disagreed |
n | % | n | % |
1 | Health education campaigns | 66 | 68% | 31 | 32.0% |
2 | Community outreach programs | 75 | 77.3% | 22 | 22.7% |
3 | Research and development on public health issues | 56 | 57.7% | 41 | 42.3% |
4 | Donations to public health organizations | 62 | 63.9% | 35 | 36.1% |
5 | Preventing child abuse | 77 | 79.4% | 20 | 20.6% |
Source: Field study, 2023 |
Health education campaigns; it was found that 66 (68%) respondents agreed by indicating that health education campaign is the CSR activities that JUCo engages in to promote public health as part of its CSR program while 31(32%) respondents disagreed. The study result implies that JUCo recognized that raising awareness and educating the public about health-related issues is crucial in improving overall well-being and preventing diseases. Through these campaigns, JUCo aims to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their health [34, 35]. Moreover, JUCo's health education campaigns involve various strategies to effectively reach and engage the public. Therefore, JUCo utilize multiple channels such as social media, community workshops and collaborations with local healthcare organizations to disseminate information on topics like nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and disease prevention. These campaigns are designed to be interactive and inclusive, employing creative approaches to capture the attention and interest of diverse audiences. JUCo also actively involves its employees in these initiatives, encouraging them to volunteer and participate in community health programs, further enhancing the impact and reach of the campaigns. Furthermore, prioritizing health education, JUCo demonstrates its commitment to improving public health outcomes and contributes to building healthier and more informed communities.
Community outreach programs; according to Shin et al., [36] community health outreach generally entails engaging in social work with vulnerable populations to address homelessness, drug abuse, mental disorders, youth problems, and prostitution. It was found that 75 (77.3%) respondents agreed by indicating JUCo’s commitment in promoting public health through community outreach program while 22 respondents accounted to 22.7% disagreed. These findings indicate that JUCo recognizes the importance of community well-being and focuses its CSR efforts on initiatives that directly benefit the public. This aligns with the results of other studies [36, 37] that highlight how community health outreach programs provide essential health services to socioeconomically disadvantaged residents. JUCo's targeted outreach programs, such as health education workshops, free health screenings, and partnerships with local healthcare providers, aim to address health disparities, raise awareness about preventive measures, and empower individuals to make informed choices for their well-being. By actively engaging with the community and promoting public health, JUCo fulfills its commitment to social responsibility and positively impacts the lives of individuals and society as a whole.
Research and development on public health issues; it was found that 56(57.7%) respondents indicated that research and development (R&D) on public health issues has been recognized as a focal area of engagement for JUCo as part of its CSR program. Therefore, focusing on R&D, JUCo aims to contribute to the advancement of public health and the overall well-being of communities [30]. Through rigorous scientific research, JUCo seeks to address pressing health challenges, develop innovative solutions and enhance access to healthcare services. Hence, investing in R&D on public health issues, JUCo demonstrates its commitment to making a positive impact and promoting the welfare of society at large.
Donations to public health organizations; it was found that 62 respondents accounted 63.9% indicated JUCo’s commitment of donations to public health organizations as a key activity to promote public health while 35(36.1%) respondents disagreed. The study result implies that actively engaging in philanthropic efforts, JUCo aims to make a positive impact on society and address critical health issues. Basically, these donations provide vital support to organizations working towards improving healthcare access, disease prevention, research and other initiatives that benefit public health [1]. JUCo's CSR program recognizes the importance of investing in the well-being of communities and believes that these contributions can contribute to creating a healthier future for all.
Preventing child abuse; JUCo's CSR program emphasizes the importance of preventing child abuse as a means of promoting public health. A significant majority of the respondents, 77 out of the total, accounting for 79.4%, acknowledged JUCo's commitment to addressing the severe and long-lasting effects of child abuse on individuals, families, and communities. In light of this recognition, JUCo has undertaken proactive measures to combat child abuse, with only 20 respondents (20.6%) expressing disagreement. To prevent child abuse, JUCo has implemented various specific activities. Firstly, they have established a one-stop help center (Kituo cha pamoja cha huduma ya mkono kwa mkono kwa watoto waliofanyiwa ukatili) that serves as a comprehensive resource for assistance. This center performs a range of functions, including raising awareness through targeted campaigns. Additionally, JUCo provides educational resources and training sessions for parents, caregivers, and communities. Also, during data collection one of the respondents attested that: -
…we also collaborate with local organizations and experts to develop preventive programs, utilizing our expertise to tackle this issue effectively. Furthermore, JUCo advocates for policy changes aimed at enhancing child protection.(KF2)
The view expressed by respondent (KF2) confirmed that by actively engaging in CSR activities, JUCo creates a safer environment for children, promoting their overall well-being. These efforts align with the broader goal of fostering a healthier society, as JUCo recognizes the significant impact that preventing child abuse can have on individuals, families, and communities.
4.2.5 Mechanisms JUCo use to ensure that its CSR program is effectively implemented
The study sought to explore and analyze the mechanisms employed by JUCo in their CSR initiatives. To accomplish this, we surveyed respondents to gather insights on how JUCo ensures the effective implementation of their CSR program. Hence, investigating the mechanisms employed by JUCo, such as stakeholder engagement, internal policies, external partnerships and monitoring systems, the study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that contribute to the successful execution of CSR initiatives within the university. Table 5 presents the study results.
Table 5
Mechanisms that JUCo use to ensure CSR program is effective
S/No. | Variables | Agreed | Disagreed |
n | % | n | % |
1 | Regular reporting and communication of progress to stakeholders | 81 | 83.5 | 16 | 16.5 |
2 | Engagement of external consultants to evaluate the program | 56 | 60.8 | 38 | 39.2 |
3 | Use of performance metrics to track progress | 30 | 30.9 | 67 | 69.1 |
Source: Field study, 2023 |
Regular reporting and communication of progress to stakeholders; a significant proportion of 81 (83.5%) respondents, revealed that regular reporting and communication of progress to stakeholders is the primary mechanism employed by JUCo to effectively implement its CSR program. JUCo ensures transparency and accountability in its CSR initiatives by consistently updating and sharing relevant information with stakeholders, such as shareholders, staff, customers (JUCo students), communities, and regulatory bodies. This approach enables stakeholders to stay informed about the university's CSR efforts, including goals, actions taken, and outcomes achieved [30]. Additionally, it builds trust, enhances engagement, and encourages feedback, allowing JUCo to adapt and improve its CSR program based on stakeholder expectations and societal needs. As a result, JUCo maximizes the positive impact of its corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Engagement of external consultants to evaluate the program; the study results revealed that 56 (60.8%) respondents, agreed that JUCo utilizes engagement of external consultants as a means to ensure the effective implementation of its program while 38(39.2%) respondents disagreed. This finding suggests that involving external consultants allows JUCo to leverage their expertise and unbiased viewpoint in evaluating the program's effectiveness, identifying areas for enhancement, and offering valuable insights. Through this external evaluation, JUCo obtains an objective understanding of the program's efficacy, ensuring its alignment with the university's CSR goals and the fulfillment of the needs of the communities and stakeholders it seeks to serve.
Use of performance metrics to track progress; the use of performance metrics to track progress was examined, revealing that 30 (30.9%) respondents indicated that JUCo employs this method to ensure effective implementation of its CSR program. However, the majority of respondents, accounting for 67 (69.1%), disagreed with its use. The disparity highlights the need for improvement in utilizing performance metrics for tracking progress. JUCo can enhance its CSR program by establishing clear and measurable targets aligned with its CSR objectives. These targets should encompass various areas, including environmental sustainability, social impact, and ethical practices. Through regular monitoring and analysis of these metrics, JUCo can assess the progress of its CSR initiatives, identify areas requiring improvement, and make well-informed decisions to enhance its overall social responsibility efforts [1]. By doing so, JUCo can ensure the effective implementation of its CSR program.