We discuss the public-domain data as well as field data available through Sri Lanka’s Department of Agriculture (DOA).
The initial release of BFBF seems to have been justified by a publication in the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau (CAB) journal, by Buddhika et al in 2016 [49], and publications by Seneviratne et al during 2008–2013 [35, 50, 51]. Later, A newspaper article (Indrajith 2017 [44]) made strong public claims following the CAB publication. In re-examining the article published in CAB, all claims for BFLk seem untenable.
Results of field trials on maize (Zea mays L.) conducted at the Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahaillippallama, Dept. of Agriculture, Sri Lanka (Renuka 2012 [52]) are examined and we find that BFLk had no impact on maize harvests.
The crop response to BFLk is said to be null at least until the CF fraction is close to 50% (Amarathunga et al. 2018 [53], Wickramasinghe et al. 2018 [54]). Usually only the crop yield at 50% CF + BFBF is given and compared with the 100% CF datum; complete yield curves have not been published in support of BFLk. Only short abstracts at conferences are available.
Studies on rice (Oryza sativa) are presented in a separate study (Dhrma-wardana et al, in preparation); we summarize the relevant results for rice in the paragraph below:
Studies of BFLk with rice by the DOA in 2017 and 2018, hitherto not available in the open literature, provide valuable data on rice harvests with and without BFBF. The Principal Agriculturist of the Rice Research Development Institute of the DOA had advised in December 2020 that more pilot scale trials should be conducted before recommending BFBF for farmer’s use (Thilakasiri 2020 [55]). The DOA Principal Soil Scientist had advised that “because of significant yield reduction”, substitution of even 35% of the recommended CF with BFBF is not advisable (Rathnayake 2020 [56]). However, the government seems to have approved BFLk usage, with the CF inputs reduced by 20% (DOA 2020 [57]). Nevertheless, BFLk commercials recommend reducing CF by 50% and including BFBF for rice cultivation, promising 20–30% boosted harvests. These claims are not supported by the available data.
A BFLk product, viz., BFBF-T specific for tea has been commercialized. However, only the work of DeSilva in 2014 [58], and a one-page abstract (Chandralal 2020 [59]) are available as scientific evidence. Chandralal et al [59] give one data point, but not for 50% CF + BFBF, but for 75% CF + BFBF, with a claimed 16% boost in the crop yield. This “boost” falls on the margin of the known uncertainty in made-tea yields. The advisory documents of the Tea Research Institute (TRI 2021 [60]) do not mention or recommend the use of currently available BFLk products.
These will be dealt in greater detail below.
Section 3.1 - The CAB Journal (2016) publication with erroneous claims for BFBF.
Buddhika et al [49], writing in the CAB journal state the following:
“BFBFs have been tested successfully for their fertilizing potential of many crops, such as maize, rice, a wide range of vegetables and for plantation crops like tea and rubber, under greenhouse and field conditions. Their effectiveness under field conditions has made it possible to reduce the use of chemical fertilizer (CF) NPK by 50%, with several other beneficial functions needed for sustainability of the agroecosystems”.
Their essential results were presented in their Table 6.1, and said to substantiate their claims of being able to obtain yields comparable to 100% CF using only 50% CF together with the recommended amount of BFBF. The earliest misgivings had been voiced by Sarath Amarasiri (2017, private communication), a past Director General of the DOA. Concerns were also expressed by Waidyanatha in 2017 [48] in response to the Island newspaper article on biofilm-biofertilizers by Indrajith in 2017 [44].
Table 1
Columns 1–3: Mean crop yields following application of biofilm- biofertilizer (BFBF) combined with 50% of the recommended rate of chemical fertilizer (50% CF) compared with application of the recommended rate of chemical fertilizer (100% CF) in field experiments conducted in different agroecological regions of Sri Lanka as given in Table 6.1, Buddhika et al (2016) [49] in the CAB journal. Column 4: Data from the Dept. of Agriculture (DOA) and the Dept. of Census and Statistics (DCS) of Sri Lanka for 100% CF application.
Yield (kg/ha)
50% CF + BFBF
Yield (kg/ha)
100% CF
Average and maxi yield (DCS and DOA https://doa.gov.lk/hordi-crops/ 100% CF
(Camellia sinensis)
4300 ± 606
4100 ± 678
3,500 6,000
(Oriza sativa)
4420 ± 715
3580 ± 1295
4,747 6,622
(Zea mays)
2681 ± 322
2502 ± 338
1,000 5,000
(Raphanus sativus)
1192 ± 251
992 ± 188
20,000 50,000
(Brassica oleracea)
1302 ± 342
980 ± 249
40,000 50,000
Bitter Gourd
(Momordica charantia)
1547 ± 445
1563 ± 440
20,000 30,000
(Solanum melongena)
748 ± 175
678 ± 260
18,000 40,000
(Abelmoschus esculentus)
3107 ± 1719
1739 ± 710
15,000 30,000
(Capsicum angulosum)
3478 ± 1754
2350 ± 919
25,000 32000
Hung. Wax pepper
(Capsicum annuum var annuum)
238 ± 50
152 ± 39
10,000 25,000
(Solanum lycopersicum)
335 ± 86
397 ± 131
20,000 30,000
Pole Bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris)
2762 ± 886
2396 ± 753
9,000, 12,000
We reexamine the crop yields reported in the CAB journal (Buddhika et al 2016 [49]), by comparing their data with accepted harvests for 100% CF, Dept. of Census and Statistics (DCS), Sri Lanka. Column 4 of Table 1 below shows that the CAB data (columns 2,3) are shockingly outside the domain of any statistical validity by orders of magnitude, in essentially all cases except for rice, maize and tea that are discussed further. For instance, the yields for cabbage in columns 2, 3 are a factor of 40 to 50 times less (i.e., < 2.5%) compared to normally expected yields (column 4)! There is an extreme decrease in harvests on using BFLk.
Section 3.2 - Field trials with BFBF for Maize cultivation.
We find the earliest claims of increased yields with reduced CF application for Maize (Zea Mays L.) when supplemented with BFLK in the work of Buddhika et al (2012) [61], although without detailed yield data. However, detailed data on the response of maize to CF + BFBF with the CF component varied from zero to 100% were available from the Mahailluppallama (MI)-DOA Research station, from the work done by one of the present authors (Renuka 2012) [52]. The data are displayed in Fig. 1.
The main graph displays the crop yield (black triangles) increasing almost linearly with the CF input with a harvest of about 5 mt/ha at 100% CF. The (red) boxes show the harvest when the CF input is supplemented with BFBF. The addition of BFBF has no impact on the yield.
The inset gives an extended yield function (triangles pointing down) modeled to include the effect of excess use of fertilizer, beyond the recommended value which is taken as 100% CF. The yield does NOT increase with excess fertilizer. The yield Y remains nearly flat beyond the optimal value (100%), and usually curves downwards with increased fertilizer, as shown in the inset plot. The MI-DOA field trial remained within the linear part of the curve.
According to Chathurika et al (2015) [62], an optimal CF for maize would consist of Urea 325, TSP 100, MOP 50, all given in kg/ha, i.e., a total CF of 475 kg/ha. While the DOA trial did NOT enter the excess-fertilizer regime as seen from the graph, we consider the hypothetical case of a trial with 100% CF taken at a significantly higher value, when the yield would be smaller than at the optimal value of CF at 475 kg/ha. In this case, using a smaller amount of CF and BFBF would give a better harvest, and one may erroneously claim that BFBF can successfully reduce the amount of CF needed, and at the same time increase yields. That is, unless the site-specific optimal CF 100% input is known, field trials conducted in the “beyond-the-maximum asymptotic region” of the yield curve can provide wrong conclusions about the efficacy of BFBF in lowering fertilizer inputs and in seemingly boosting harvests above the 100% CF.
This seems to be the case in Premarathne et al (2021) [47] as well, in their study of BFLK for rice use 450 kg/ha of CF when the DOA recommended values is in the 225–300 kg/ha, paving the way for misleading interpretations, as discussed elsewhere (Dharma-wardana et al, in preparation).
Section 3.4 - Use of BFBF in tea cultivation
A conference on Biotechnology in agriculture hosted by the ‘Coordinating Secretariat for Science Technology and Innovation’ (COSTI 2014) [64], Sri Lanka, contains a contribution entitled Biofilm biofertilizers, a success story. It alludes to successful use of BFBF + 50% CF to replace 100% CF in trials done in 2005 at the TRI, using 50% T65; trials done in 2008 and 2013 at Ratnapura, using 50% TRI3055, and refers to many farmers’ testimonies.
However, the TRI recommendations (TRI 2021) [60] circular 04/2021 or earlier technical documents do not even mention biofilm biofertilizers. This is true even for its most recent publications, although BFLk was tested for potential applications for tea cultivation (DeSilva et al 2014 [58]). The circular 04/2021 (TRI 2021 [60]) specifically states the following:
“Do not curtail fertilizer inputs for tea nurseries and immature tea (up to formative pruning) in the use of T 65, and T 200 and T 750 mixtures respectively and continue as recommended (Refer Advisory Circulars SP1 and SP2)”.
In contrast, the BFLk treatments recommend the use of 50% of T65 chemical fertilizer supplemented with BFLK for tea nurseries, alluding to unspecified research at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies (NIFS), Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, yield functions Y(x), i.e., crop-yield versus the amount of CF input, or any pertinent data from field trials since 2005 to date (2023) have not been reported in the peer-reviewed literature, nor in any public-domain records of the annual reports of the NIFS, Sri Lanka.
However, the work of DeSilva et al (2014) [58] provides some results that we summarize below. Trials at two low-elevation experimental stations (Ratnapura nad Kottawa), a mid-elevation station at Elkaduwa, and a high-elevation station at Talawakelle have been reported. Unfortunately, only result at 100% CF, 50% CF, and 50%CF + BFBF have been reported rather than full crop-yield curves in each case. What is encouraging is that there is a slight trend observable where the total soil N, P, K, as well as the microbial biomass, soil organic carbon etc., were higher for the 50%CF + BFBF applications. The crop yield (reported as made tea output per hectare) shows a small improvement, as summarized in Table 2 and can be considered encouraging a priori.
Nevertheless, the gain is well within the crop-yield error bars for tea cultivation even for adjacent tea plots or plantations. As no error bars had been given, we have constructed an estimate applicable for the Talawakelle area for 2014 using crop yield data for seven tea estates in the region, viz., Bearwell, Great Western, Holyrod, Logie, Mattekelle, Palmerstone and Wattegoda estates (Talawakelle PLC 2014 [64]). The uncertainty of ± 450 kg/ha is likely to hold for other regions was well. The claimed changes on using BFBF are well within these yield-uncertainty limits.
Table 2
2nd Year made-tea yield after harvesting commenced, as read off approximately from Fig. 11 of DeSilva et al (2014) [58], reporting results of field trials at four locations to test the efficacy of BFBF inoculants in tea cultivation. No error bars have been provided by the authors. We have added the ± 450 kg/ha error bar for the Talawakelle region using data available from the 2014 Annual report of the Talawakelle PLC (2014)[64].
Test site
100% CF
50% CF
50% CF + BFBF
1750 ± 450
In most crops, the non-linear asymptotic region beyond 100% CF either flattens out or becomes a decreasing function of the CF input. In contrast, with tea, because tea leaves are removed in weekly plucking rounds, the tea bushes remain responsive to continued fertilizer-input increases; consequently, no asymptotic flattening or decrease in the yield function Y(x), where x is the CF input, is observed for tea even for large values of x (Owuor 1997 [65], DeCosta et al 2007 [66], Cheruiyot et al. 2009 [67]).
Hence using a higher CF input and doing a throwback to 50% cannot be used to create the illusion of a boosted yield with 50% CF + BFBF. We examine the tea crop yield as a function of the CF input to relate it to claims made for the BFBF procedure. However, what are available as results for the BFLk
procedure are a few one-page poster abstracts of conference presentations that have not been followed up by full papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Although it is limited material, we consider the conference poster by Chandralal et al (2020) [59]. While BFBF advocates claim a 50% reduction in the CF input and a 25% boost in yields, Chandralal et al [59] claim only a 25% reduction and a boost in the yield of 16%. Only one data point (value at 75% CF input) has been presented.
The study consisted of two uniformly managed tea lands in Badulla, Sri Lanka using as chemical-fertilizer mixture meant for vegetatively propagated mature tea grown in the soils of the Uva province, identified by them as VP/Uva925.
According to Chandralal et al [59], the fields were applied with two treatments separately:
(a)100% CF of Tea Research Institute (TRI) recommendation of VP/Uva925
(b) 75% CF of TRI recommendation of VP/Uva925 + BFBF 2.5 L per hectare.
However, there is no TRI recommended fertilizer named VP/Uva925, although there exists a VP/Uva945. So, we assume that the field trials were conducted using VP/Uva945.
They report a yield of 1154 ± 40 kg/ha of made-tea from (b), while (a) with 100% CF gave a yield of 992 ± 33 kg/ha of made-tea. These two data points are displayed in Fig. 2 together with upper and lower bounds of the crop-yield functions which are constructed using the data from TRI publications etc., as discussed below.
The TRI advisory circular TRI 2000-SP3 [60] describes the fertilizer VP/Uva945 as 28.6% N, 3.8% P2O5, 14.8% K2O, made up of 587 parts of Urea, 125 parts of Eppawala Rock Phosphate, and 233 parts of MOP, making up a total of 945 parts.
Reviewing Tables 2 and 3 of the document TRI 2000 [60], a crop yield 992 kg/ha of made tea with 100% CF corresponds to supplying an amount of fertilizer with 140 kg of Nitrogen. That is, a 100% CF input implies that 490 kg/ha of VP/Uva945 are applied for mature tea grown in the Uva province to obtain a made-tea yield of 900–1300 kg/ha. If higher yields are sought, then higher amounts of CF have to be applied, as seen in the crop-yield curve (Fig. 2) which incorporates data from TRI 2000 SP3 in the range of inputs of 140–300 kg of N per hectare. Each N-input amount is proportional to the CF input amount, and defines the upper and lower bounds of the crop-yield curve.
Figure 2 shows that the BFBF + 75% CF procedure falls marginally on the upper bound of the expected crop uncertainty, and provides no evidence in favour of the BFBF claim that it can lower CF usage to 50% and boost the yield by ca 25%. In fact, no data at x = 50% CF + BFBF, and at any other values of x + BFBF are given by BFLk advocates.
Section 3.5 – Behaviour of BFBF at lower CF fractions
Premarathna et al (2021) [47] state that Amarathunga et al. (2018) [53] and Wickramasinghe et al. (2018) [54] showed that the application of BFBF alone could not support an improved plant growth. Normally, when the soil N-content is high, N-fixing organisms become less active. So, one would expect BFBF to work well at lower CF loadings, and not for higher CF loading. This has in fact been observed in assessing the NPK-use efficiency of commercial inoculants available in Colombia for cassava (Manihot esculenta Cratz) where Burbano-Fugueroa et al (2022) [33] used a sophisticated data-development-analysis methodology. In fact, a good criterion for the effectiveness of a biofertilizer is that it is successful in the absence of externally added fertilizers. So, BFLk is clearly seen to fail within this criterion.
The yield of maize obtained with CF and CF + BFBF in the form of BFLK led us to conclude that BFLk has a null effect on the harvest. The use of the non-linear part of the yield curve in CF + BFBF trials would explain why BFBF does not work alone or with lower fractions of CF. The advocates of BFLk claim that 50% CF should be used with BFLk to best observe its effect. In the case of maize; this corresponds to 162.5 kg/ha of urea, and BFLk is evidently unable to supply any N by its own action.
If the application of BFLk improves the soil-plant-microbial interactions and leads to better nutrient use and increased yield while cutting down the CFs (Seneviratne et al., 2008 [50]; Premarathna et al., 2021 [47]) then the failure of BFBF to act at low CFs is intriguing. We interpret this to mean that the development of strong microbial colonies in the soil triggered by BFLk occurs (if at all) only at high CF inputs, and is somewhat analogous to the rise of toxic algal blooms when nutrient concentrations become sufficiently large in aquatic systems. In such a situation, biofertilizer microbes would arrogate to themselves significant amounts of the input chemical fertilizer, while reducing crop yields rather than increasing them. This suggests that if the onset of any BFBF action is circa 50% CF or higher, then this would also be associated with a steep rise in CO2, N2O and other GHG emissions (Baggs 2011 [68], Sabba 2018 [69]). This aspect of biofertilizer usage has received scant attention.