3.1 Characterization of PT-N-RGO nanocomposites
The surface morphology of the PT-N-RGO composite material was characterised via SEM. Seen from Fig. 1a, the surface of N-RGO has a lot of pore structure and silk-like fold structure, which proves that N-RGO has been successfully prepared. After persimmon tannin doping in N-RGO, SEM images (Fig. 1b) showed different morphology from precursors, which became more compact.
The TEM technique was employed to observe the morphologies of the involved materials. Fig. 1c shows that there are many 5nm nanoparticles and porous structures distributed on the surface of N-RGO, and the wrinkled silk wavy morphology and highly defective structure of N-RGO can also be observed. The TEM image (Fig. 1d) shows that the surface of PT-N-RGO nanocomposites has a typical laminar flow structure with loose wrinkles. N-RGO became loose after reacting with persimmon tannin, most of its pores were closed and many pore structures on the surface disappeared, showing different morphology,indicating that PT-N-RGO nanocomposites was successfully prepared.
FT-IR spectroscopy is useful for characterizing functional groups of nanomaterials. Figure 1e depicts the FT-IR spectra of PT (curve a), N-RGO (curve b), and PT-N-RGO nanocomposites (curve c). In the spectrum of persimmon powder, the peaks at 3415cm−1 and 3241cm−1 represent phenolic O-H stretching vibration, the peaks at 2934cm−1 represent C-H stretching ring of phenolic resin, and the peaks at 1625cm−1 represent ketone C=O bending vibration. The peak at 1450cm−1 represents C-C stretching vibration of the ring, the peak at 1224cm−1 is C=C-O stretching vibration, the peak at 1068cm−1 is C-O-C stretching vibration and bending vibration, and the peak at 614cm-1 can be attributed to the deformation vibration of C-H bond in the phenol ring. In the N-RGO spectrum, 3441cm-1 corresponds to the stretching vibration peak of O-H, 1633cm-1 corresponds to the stretching vibration peak of C=C, 1437cm-1 corresponds to the deformation vibration peak of O-H, 1106cm-1 corresponds to the stretching vibration peak of C-N, 872cm-1 corresponds to the N-H characteristic absorption peak. Therefore, it can be judged that N-RGO is successfully prepared. After cross linking, the O-H stretching vibration intensity decreased, indicating that the cross linking occurred through the condensation reaction of phenol hydroxyl group, forming C-O-C bond. Due to the stretching vibration of keto carbonyl C=O, the peak at 1625cm-1 moves to 1607cm-1, which indicates the π-π interaction between PT and N-RGO benzene ring. These results fully prove the successful synthesis of PT-N-RGO under the action of phenol condensation and π-π interaction.
The three substances of N-RGO, PT and PT-N-RGO were characterized by UV-visible spectrophotometer, as shown in Fig.1f. PT (Fig 1f. curve a) has a characteristic peak at 274nm, N-RGO (Fig 1f. curve b) has a characteristic absorption peak at 266 nm and the characteristic peak of PT-N-RGO nanocomposites (Fig 1f. curve c) is a flat peak between 260nm and 280nm. This is because the characteristic peak of persimmon tannin is similar to that of nitrogen and impurity reduced GO. This shows that PT-N-RGO nanocomposites have been successfully prepared by combining various substances.
The main application of XPS is determination of the binding energy of electrons for qualitative analysis of surface elements. Simultaneously, according to the intensity or area of photo-electron spectra, the relative concentration of atoms also can be obtained. Figure. 2a is the total element map of PT-N-RGO. It is not difficult to find that the sample mainly contains three elements, C, N and O. As shown in Fig. 2b, The high resolution C1s peak is 284.8eV centered and the tail has a high binding energy, indicating the presence of carbon atoms attached to N and O hetero atoms, there are two peaks located at 285eV, 286.3eV, which were assigned to C=C and C-O, respectively. In addition to the above two peaks, a new peak at 287.1 eV corresponds to C=O, which may be the result of reduction of O-C=O and C-O. In case of N1s, only one peak centered at 399.37 eV was corresponded to C=N groups. In Fig 2d, the high-resolution O1s spectrum of PT-N-RGO could be satisfactorily divided into three peaks, located at 531.18 eV (C-O), 532.31 eV (C=O) and 532.20 eV(0-C=O), respectively. These evidences indicated the successful preparation of the PT-N-RGO composites.
3.2 Analysis principle of Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor
A novel electrochemical biosensor for the detection of Cd (II) was constructed based on Au NPS/PT-N-RGO modified SPE and the schematic diagram is shown in Figure 3a. First, the naked SPE is activated with sulfuric acid, and Au NPs are deposited on the SPE surface at a constant potential. Then, the PT-N-RGO nanocomposites was added drop to the surface of Au NPs/SPE by electrostatic adsorption to construct a highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor (Au NPs/PT-N-RGO/SPE). Cd (II) solutions were prepared with an acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer of pH 5, stirred and deposited at a potential of -1.3 V for 180 s, followed by differential pulse voltammetry (DPASV) at a potential of -1.6 V to 0.2 V. During the DPASV measurement, Firstly, Cd (II) in solution is deposited on the electrode surface, and the deposited Cd (II) is reduced to Cd0 at negative potential, then the anodic stripping stage, where the reduced Cd0 can be oxidized to Cd (II) and dissolved during the negative potential scan, generates the stripping peak current signal. The reaction mechanism of the redox reduction of Cd (II) on the surface of Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/ SPE is as follows:
(Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE) + Cd (II) + 2e- → (Cd0....Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE)
Stripping step:
(Cd0......Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE) → (Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE) + Cd (II) + 2e-
In this experiment, due to its excellent conductivity and high specific surface area, PT-N-RGO not only further improves the electron transfer rate and enrichment of Cd (II) on the electrode surface, but also provides more functional sites for capturing Cd (II), thus avoiding the uneven deposition of Cd (II) on the SPE surface, which greatly improves the sensitivity of the electrochemical sensor and the accuracy of Cd (II) detection.
The feasibility of the prepared Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor was tested using the DPASV method, and the results are shown in Figure 3b. In the buffer solution without the addition of cadmium ions, there was no peak current, while in the solution with different concentrations of Cd (II), a significant peak current could be observed with a clear peak at around -0.72 V. The peak current increases with the increase of Cd (II) concentration. The reason for this phenomenon may be that more and more Cd (II) accumulates on Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE with time for redox reaction to achieve higher Cd (II) stripping peak response. The gradual positive shift in the stripping potential of Cd (II) may be due to the increase in the thickness of the Cd (II)-Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE interface. This is a common phenomenon during the determination of heavy metals by DPASV. There is a significant difference between the current response of the buffer with and without the addition of cadmium ions, indicating that the sensor can be used for Cd (II) detection.
3.3 Electrochemical characterization of Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor
In order to study the performance of the prepared electrochemical sensors, the electrochemical behavior of the electrodes after each preparation was monitored by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) method. Fig. 4a shows the CV graphs of the different electrodes at the various modification stages in the potential range of -0.8 V to 1.0 V at a scanning speed of 100 mVs-1 in PBS solution (0.2 M, pH=6.0) including 5.0 m M K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6 and 0.1 M KCl. For the bare SPE (curve a), a pair of weak redox peaks were observed with a small peak current value of 4.83 μA, indicating a clean and debris-free electrode surface as well as a slow electron transfer rate, which can be used for subsequent tests. Au NPs have good electrical conductivity and promote electron transfer, so a well-defined pair of quasi-reversible redox peaks (Ipa = 18.10 µA, Ipc = -19.96 µA) were obtained after Au NPs deposition, and the redox peak current was significantly higher than that of bare SPE (curve b). It indicates that Au NPs improve the conductivity of the electrode substrate. Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE has the highest peak current (Ip: 51.92 µA) (curve c), which is due to the PT-N-RGO composite with high specific surface area further increasing the electron transfer rate, thus improving the conductivity and sensitivity of the electrode. Moreover, we estimate the effective area of the modified electrode by Randles-Sevcik formula. The relationship between peak current (Ip) and effective surface area (A) of the electrode follows the Randles-Sevcik equation (Alejandro et al. 2018):
Ip = 2.69 x 105AD1/2n3/2ᵧ1/2C,
where Ip is the current peak, A is the valid surface acreage of the sensor (cm2), D is the proliferation parameter in the medium [Fe (CN)6]3-/4- (6.70 x 10-6 cm2 s-1), n is the number of electrons involved ([Fe (CN)6]3-/4-, n = 1), ᵧ is the scan rate (Vs-1) and c is the redox medium concentration (mol cm-3).
The effective areas of different modified electrodes calculated by the above formula are as follows: bare SPE (0.0043cm2) < Au NPS/SPE (0.0160cm2) < Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE (0.0470cm2). This result demonstrates that the modification of Au NPS and PT-N-RGO nanocomposites significantly enhances the electrical conductivity and expands the surface area, thus facilitating the electron transfer in electrochemical reactions.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is another method to characterize the interface characteristics of different modified electrodes. It has the advantages of fast, low cost, high sensitivity and simple operation, and is widely used in electrochemical analysis. The half-circle diameter of the Nyquist plot reflects the interfacial resistive charge transfer (Rct). The EIS spectra of bare SPE (curve a), Au NPS/SPE (curve b), and Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE (curve c) are shown in Figure 4b. The equivalent circuit corresponding to the EIS spectrum is inserted in Figure 4b, where Rs and Rct are the solution resistance and charge transfer resistance, Zw is the Warburg impedance, and Cp is the capacitance at the electrode surface/solution interface. As can be seen in Figure 4b, the bare SPE yields a larger diameter semicircle with a Ret value of 1222 Ω (curve a). the diameter of the semicircle for Au NPs/ SPE is considerably shorter with a Ret value of 682.39 Ω (curve b), because Au NPs can promote easier electron transfer and lower impedance during redox reactions. With the adsorption of PT-N-RGO, the Ret was further reduced to 329.60 Ω (curve c) due to the good electron conduction ability of PT-N-RGO as well as the high specific surface area. Therefore, the EIS results are consistent with the CV results, further demonstrating that the Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor has been successfully prepared.
3.4 Optimization of experimental conditions
In order to obtain the maximum current response of the prepared electrochemical biosensor for Cd (II) detection, the experimental conditions of deposition time, deposition potential, buffer pH and PT-N-RGO dose were optimized using a single-factor variable experiments. In Figure 5, the response currents under different conditions were recorded using DPASV.
There is no doubt that effective deposition can increase the amount of target on the electrode surface, thus improving the sensitivity and reducing the detection limit. Therefore, the effect of deposition time on the peak Cd (II) stripping current was investigated within the deposition time of 80s to 210s. As shown in Fig 5a, the peak current gradually enhanced with increasing deposition time, which could be attributed to the increase in the amount of Cd (II) deposited on the electrode surface. However, with the saturation of the active sites on Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE, the peak current started to decrease when the deposition time exceeded 180 s. Therefore, we chose 180 s as the optimal deposition time.
Similarly, the effect of deposition potential was discussed between -1.5 to -1.1 V. he results are shown in Figure 5b, when the deposition potential is shifted from -1.5 V to -1.3V, the electrochemical reduction of Cd (II) was promoted, the peak current of Cd (II) shows an increasing trend and reaches a maximum at -1.3 V. However, a further positive shift of the deposition potential from -1.3 V to -1.1 V leads to the occurrence of the hydrogen precipitation reaction, which hinders the deposition of Cd (II) on the electrode surface and leads to a decrease in the peak Cd (II) current. Therefore, we choose -1.3 V as the optimum deposition potential.
It is well known that the pH of a solution has a profound effect on the electrochemical behavior of Cd (II). Therefore, the effect of different pH values on the Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor was investigated to find its optimal pH, and we performed experiments on 0.2 M PBS buffer solutions with different pH values (3.0-7.0). Figure 5c shows the effect of the pH of PBS on the response current of the electrochemical biosensor. As shown in the figure, the response current increased from 4.49 µA to 9.24 µA when the pH of PBS was increased from 3.0 to 5.0. The response current decreased from 9.24 µA to 3.40 µA when the pH of PBS was increased from 5.0 to 7.0. This is due to the hydrolysis of metal ions with a further increase in pH and a sharp decrease in the peak cation current, It is clear that the peak response current (9.24 µA) was maximum at pH 5.0. Therefore, we chose pH=5.0 acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer for further experiments.
Figure 5d shows the effect of the dose of PT-N-RGO nanocomposite on the Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor. The current response of the sensor gradually increases as the dose of PT-N-RGO nanocomposite increases. Due to the good electron transfer ability of PT-N-RGO nanocomposite, the current response reached a maximum value of 13.80 µA when the dose of PT-N-RGO nanocomposite was increased to 6.0 µL. As the dose of PT-N-RGO nanocomposite continued to increase, the current response of the sensor gradually decreased, so the optimum PT-N-RGO nanocomposite dose is 6.0 µL.
From the above study, the optimal experimental conditions for this electrochemical sensor experiment are as follows: (1) the optimal dose of PT-N-RGO is 6.0 uL; (2) the optimal pH value of PBS is 5.0; (3) the optimal deposition time 180 s; (4) the optimal deposition potential -1.3 V; Therefore, we choose these values as the best criteria for further study.
3.5 Analytical performance of Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor
In order to obtain the analytical performance of the prepared Cd (II) electrochemical sensor, the DPASV response of the Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE sensor to different concentrations of Cd (II) solution was investigated under optimal experimental conditions to evaluate the sensitivity of the sensor, and the results are shown in Fig. 6a shows the electrochemical DPASV response in the range of 3.0 µg/L-30.0 µg/L. The peak current signal of Cd (II) gradually increase with the increase in the Cd (II) concentration. This may be due to the increase in the amount of Cd (II) deposited on the electrode surface with increasing deposition time. The peak current (I) is linearly proportional to Cd (II) concentration from 3.0µg/L−30.0µg/L, with the linear regression equation of I=1.0019x-1.6748 (where x is the concentration of Cd (II) and I is the response peak current of the sensor) with R2 of 0.9969. (Figure. 6b).
The limit of detection (LOD) of the electrochemical biosensor is calculated to be 0.46µg/L at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 using the formula CLOD=3Sb/b (Sb is the standard deviation calculated by six repeated detection blank samples,and b is the slope of the standard curve).The detection limit (LOD) of the above formula is as low as 0.46μg/L, much lower than the 5.00 µg/L stipulated in the national drinking water sanitation standard. Therefore, the prepared sensor can realize the application of the electrochemical detection of Cd (II) in water resources. The sensitivity of the electrochemical biosensor is calculated to be 0.44 µA uM-1 cm-2 using the formula K/A (K is the absolute value of slope of standard curve, and A is the effective surface area of the biosensor (cm2)].
Table 1 shows the results of previous studies using different methods for the detection of Cd (II). Compared with the earlier reported methods, Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE has a satisfactory linear range and lower detection limits, even better than many methods. The good detection performance was attributed to the following: Au NPS was used as a material to modify the electrode and deposited on the SPE surface at a constant potential, which promoted the electron transfer between Cd (II) and the electrode. PT-N-RGO composites have the advantages of large specific surface area, strong surface reactivity, strong electron transfer ability and ideal adsorption capacity, thus providing more binding sites for subsequent capture of Cd (II) more binding sites to improve the conductivity and affinity of the electrochemical sensor for specific recognition of heavy metal ions. Therefore, Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE can be used as an excellent electrode material for electrochemical determination of heavy metal ions.
3.6 Specificity, stability, and reproducibility of Cd (II) electrochemical biosensor
In practical application, the types of metal ions in water samples are complex, the sensing performance of the electrochemical sensor may be affected by the potentially interfering ions. Therefore,it is necessary to investigate the selectivity ability of the modified electrodes. we chose various possible coexisting ions.
The electrochemical sensor was immersed in 20.0 µg/L Cd (II) solution or one of the above-mentioned four interferents (200.0 µg/L) or a mixture (all the interferents mixing with Cd (II),with the substance concentrations of 20.0 µg/L). Testing the current response of the sample under optimal conditions using DPASV recordings, the results are shown in Figure 6 c, the electrochemical sensor for detection Cd (II) has the biggest response current compared with detection interference substance. (Mn2+, 3.63 µA; Pb2+, 2.25 µA; Cu2+,3.53 µA; Zn2+, 2.23 µA;Ca2+, 2.87 µA; Mg2+, 3.17µA; Ag+, 2.90 µA; Fe3+, 2.94 µA;Cd2+, 19.14µA; mixture, 15.99 µA). The above results show that the sensor has good selectivity for Cd (II).
After preparation,the electrochemical sensor was stored in a wet refrigerator at 4℃. DPASV method was used to detect Cd (II) solution (15.0 µg/L) and record its peak current value at regular intervals (1, 3, 5,7 and 10 days) and compared with those on the first day (Fig. 6d). The peak current of electrochemical sensor on that day of preparation was 13.16µA and the current response was 100%. When the storage time is 3 days, the response current drops to 95.52% of the original current, and when the storage time is 10 days, the response current drops to 84.78% of the original current,which shows that the biosensor had excellent stability.
To study the reproducibility of Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE sensor,Under the same experimental conditions, five Cd (II) electrochemical biosensors were employed to investigate the reproducibility with Cd (II) (15.0 µg/L) using the DPASV method. All five electrodes displayed similar current responses(15.82,15.65,15.87,15.54 and 15.30 µA) with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 2.39%,indicating that the electrochemical sensor had good reproducibility.
3.7 Application of Au NPS/PT-N-RGO/SPE for Cd (II) Detection in Real Sample Analysis
To verify the practical performance of the prepared sensors, tap water and lake water were used as water samples for Cd (II) determination by the standard addition method. Before analysis, tap water and lake water were filtered through 0.22 µm membrane filters, and the treated water samples were diluted with nitric acid buffer solution and added with known Cd (II) standard solution. As shown in Table 2, the original samples prepared were analyzed without any added Cd (II) markers and low concentrations of cadmium were detected. When 5, 10 and 25 µg/L of Cd (II) standards were added to the sample, the recoveries of tap water and lake water were in the ranges of 91.95%-106.94% and 95.62%-108.55%, with relative standard deviations (RSD) were in the range of 2.52%-5.51 % and 1.52 %-7.02 %, respectively. This method is commensurate with the detection results of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), indicating that the prepared electrochemical biosensor has good precision and accuracy for different water samples.