Decrease in the CS/DS amount and its average molecular weight in differentiated cells
Adipogenic induction stimulated the 3T3-L1 preadipocytes to differentiate into adipocytes-like phenotypes showing accumulation of lipid droplets that was also confirmed by the surge of the Pparg and Fabp4 expression in a day-dependent manner. The differentiated cells, in comparison to the undifferentiated cells, showed a lower amount of CS/DS and HA disaccharides, as well as their lower molecular weight. CSPGs have been reported to increase during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells [36], but it was confirmed that the large CSPG molecule level decreased after a few days, as observed at 72 h after the initiation of cell differentiation [39]. Decreasing the CSPG contents was also previously reported in the differentiated U-937-4 macrophage-like cells [57]. Moreover, a decrease in CS synthesis was also revealed in the differentiated HL-60 cell line toward granulocytes and monocytes [58, 59]. Although in this study we measured the CS/DS disaccharide under a different experimental design compared to those previous studies, it seems that the decrease in GAGs biosynthesis is a common phenomenon that occurs upon cell differentiation in some cell types including 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition, the average molecular weights of the GAGs detected in our study were remarkably low, they still fall within the range of the CS/DS subclass, which was from 2 to 50 kDa [60]. Our results indicate the decrease of CS/DS biosynthesis and/or the increase of their degradation during the 3T3-L1 cell differentiation.
Decreased expression of Csgalnact1, Csgalnact2, andChpfin differentiated cells
In accordance with the decreasing of CS/DS contents, relatively lower expression of Csgalnact1, Csgalnact2, and Chpf was observed in the DI group compared to that of the ND group, although Chsy1 expression remain unaltered. A similar result, decreased expression of CSGALNACT1 gene (compared to controls), has been reported in human adipose-derived stromal cells (ASCs) at 7 and 21 days after adipogenic induction [61]. It is known that some glycosyltransferases, namely ChGn-1, ChGn-2, ChSy-1, ChSy-2, ChSy-3, and ChPF, regulate CS synthesis. These glycosyltransferases are involved in the series of events, including chain initiation and catalyze chondroitin polymerization, forming the repeating GlcA and GalNAc disaccharide residue [7, 8, 10, 62, 63]. Moreover, this complex polymerization activity in CS biosynthesis involves various combinations of the above enzymes [10, 62]. These phenomena of the decreased expression of the genes encoding glycosyltransferases strongly support the results of CS/DS analysis, in which the content was significantly decreased in the DI group. These findings suggest that during 3T3-L1 differentiation, there is a decrease in glycosyltransferase activity required in the CS biosynthesis.
CS degradation-associated Hyal1 expression
In addition to the glycosyltransferases-encoded genes expression, our study demonstrates higher expression levels of Hyal1, but not Hyal2, in the DI group than that of the ND group on day 10. Both Hyal1 and Hyal2 encode hyaluronidases, which have degradation activity against CS, as well as HA [64–66]. In conjunction with the results of CS/DS contents, these results may indicate the involvement of hyaluronidases, mainly HYAL1, in the occurrence of CS degradation in the differentiating cells. However, since the increase of the Hyal1 in the DI group on day 10 was not as strong as the glycosyltransferase reduction, we suggest that the decrease of the molecular weight, as well as the amount of CS/DS, is predominantly caused by the decrease of their biosynthesis.
Decrease in Dsel expression in the differentiated cells
Both Dse and Dsel that encode DS-epi1 and DS-epi2, respectively, are detectable in 3T3-L1 cells, but their expressions tend to decrease during differentiation. As mentioned above, DS-epi1, and DS-epi2 facilitate epimerization of the GlcA residue into IdoA residue results in the formation of a DS chain [56]. Double knockout of both DS-epi1 and DS-epi2 mice showed no epimerase activity due to the complete absence of IdoA residue [53]. However, a study in the DS-epi1-null mice showed that epimerase activity is mainly regulated by DS-epi1 in several organs but the brain, which is suggested to be regulated by DS-epi2 [55]. Dsel expression in the mouse brain is higher than that of Dse and is suggested to be mainly responsible for the IdoA residue [42]. In the present study, Dsel expression was significantly higher in the ND group on day 10 compared to that of day 5 and control, and compared to Dse expression of the same group. Moreover, Dsel expression was significantly suppressed in the DI group, compared to the ND group on day 10, whereas Dse expression showed no significant difference at the same time point. Suppression of Dsel is linked to the decreasing of DS-epi2 activity, which may contribute to the decrease in the proportion of IdoA residue compared to GlcA residue. Here we also suggest that epimerase activity in adipose tissue is mainly regulated by DS-epi2.
Composition of CS/DS types and sulfotransferases gene expression
Compositional analysis of CS/DS types shows that the major disaccharide in the 3T3-L1 cells is ∆A unit [GlcA-GalNAc(4S) and IdoA-GalNAc(4S)]. In fact, compositions of the unsaturated disaccharides in CS vary among the cell lines, but the ∆O unit (∆Di-0S), ∆A unit (∆Di-4S), or ∆C unit (∆Di-6S) are the major three disaccharides [67]. Moreover, in the present study, the ratio of GlcA residue of A unit (CS-A) was increased in the differentiated cells compared to that of the non-differentiated cells. Consistent with the increase in the GlcA residues, the present study shows an increase in Chst12 in the differentiated cells on day 10. C4ST-2, encoded by the Chst12 gene, is known to catalyze the sulfate transfer of chondroitin and desulfated dermatan sulfate to position 4 of the GalNAc [68], and is involved in CS-A formation. The increased Chst12 expression in the DI group on day 10 may contribute to the increased ratio of CS-A in the DI group.
In the ND group, in addition to the major ∆A unit found, small ratio of non-sulfated CS/DS were detected, namely the O unit (GlcA-GalNAc), and iO unit (IdoA-GalNAc). However, non-sulfated CS/DS was not found in the DI group. On the other hand, the ratio of GlcA residues in the A unit (CS-A) was increased in differentiated cells. These changes suggest that sulfation at GlcA-GalNAc residues occurred and the CS/DS types were formed; it is reasonable to assume that the increase in Chst12 promoted the formation of non-sulfated CS/DS to A unit CS/DS. Another sulfotransferase-encoding gene, Chst14, that encodes D4ST-1, was significantly decreased in the DI group on days 5 and 10. The decreasing expression level of Chst14 was consistent with the genome-wide analysis in human ASCs, in which the CHST14 gene was down-regulated on days 7, 14, and 21 post-adipogenic induction [61]. Previous studies showed that a lack of D4ST-1 activity due to the CHST14 gene mutation causes a substantial reduction in the number of IdoA residue [69, 70]. The significant decrease in Chst14 expression in the DI group in this experiment probably promoted the substantial reduction of IdoA residue, especially DS-A.
Furthermore, IdoA residue, but not GlcA, of the highly sulfated iE unit (DS-E) was presented in 3T3-L1 cells, with the proportion was about 5-fold higher in the differentiated cells than in non-differentiated cells. The formation of both E units of CS/DS is facilitated by GalNAc4S-6ST which catalyzes the transfer of sulfates to positions 4 and 6 of their GalNAc residue [71, 72]. On the other hand, our study shows the lower expression of Chst15, that encodes GalNAc4S-6ST, in the DI group compared to the ND group on day 10. These results are also consistent with the CHST15 gene expression in human ASCs, which was reported to be downregulated on day 14 of post-adipogenic induction compared to the control group [61]. As previously mentioned, only iE, the IdoA residue of ∆E unit, was detected in the DI group. However, in the contrary, Chst15 expression was decreased in the DI group compared to the ND group, regardless of its relatively high expression on day 10. Thus, we suggest that the decrease of this Chst15 expression might occurred in correlation to the decreased CS/DS amount revealed by HPLC analysis, but was not at the level of reducing GalNAc4S-6ST activity. In addition, although mRNA expression of Ust, which transfers a sulfate group to position 2 of GlcA and IdoA residues in CS/DS [73], was observed, there was no significant difference between the ND and DI groups. However, its product, the ∆D unit, was not detectable by HPLC analysis, suggesting that the content of the ∆D unit was very low in 3T3-L1 cells and may have been below the minimum threshold detected by HPLC analysis.