3.1 The effect of alkaline pretreatment on the substrate chemical compounds
Presence of large amounts of organic materials in MSW has made this material suitable for biogas production [25]. One of the main effects of pretreatment is improving the biodegradability and increasing biogas production, with the high VS/TS ratio after the pretreatment confirming this point (Table 1). The MSW alkaline pretreatment increased the TS and VS/TS ratio, and reduced the C/N ratio. Elevation of TS and VS/TS ratio can be attributed to the diminished humidity after the pretreatment. The increase in the SS content of raw materials also leads to enhanced biogas performance [26]. The optimal mixing ratio of MSW and SS (MSW:SS: 60:40) was chosen based on the results of the studies by Ahmadi-Pirlou et al. (2017) [21] (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) [21] [21] (Ahmadi-Pirlou, Ebrahimi-Nik et al. 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) 21 (Ahmadi-Pirlou, Ebrahimi-Nik et al. 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou, Ebrahimi-Nik et al. 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) [21] (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al. 2017) [21] (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) (Ahmadi-Pirlou et al., 2017) [21]. The low C/N ratio of the SS after adding MSW lied within the proper AD range (15–30) [3, 27] (Table 1).
Table 1
The MSW and SS anaerobic co-digestion compounds before and after the pretreatment
Parameter | MSW | SS | Inoculum | 6%NaOH MSW |
TS (%) | 22.80 ± 0.15 | 18.30 ± 0.15 | 9.80 ± 0.25 | 29.60 ± 0.17 |
VS (%) | 77.50 ± 0.22 | 63.30 ± 0.20 | 59.70 ± 0.15 | 84.40 ± 0.12 |
VS/TS | 3.40 ± 0.00 | 4.46 ± 0.00 | 6.09 ± 0.00 | 2.85 ± 0.00 |
MC (%) | 77.20 ± 0.15 | 81.70 ± 0.15 | 90.20 ± 0.25 | 70.40 ± 0.17 |
C (%) | 45.20 ± 0.20 | 32.50 ± 0.15 | 30.80 ± 0.18 | 69.80 ± 0.15 |
N (%) | 1.79 ± 0.20 | 2.57 ± 0.20 | 2.85 ± 0.20 | 1.39 ± 0.20 |
C/N | 25.20 ± 0.00 | 12.65 ± 0.00 | 10.80 ± 0.00 | 50.22 ± 0.00 |
P (%) | 0.16 ± 0.15 | 0.72 ± 0.15 | 0.67 ± 0.22 | - |
K (%) | 0.27 ± 0.25 | 0.96 ± 0.15 | 0.11 ± 0.15 | - |
pH | 7.40 ± 0.30 | 6.90 ± 0.28 | 6.80 ± 0.22 | 8.10 ± 0.20 |
Cellulose (%) | 33.20 ± 0.20 | - | - | 61.50 ± 0.15 |
Hemicellulose (%) | 27.40 ± 0.15 | - | - | 18.40 ± 0.15 |
Lignin (%) | 14.20 ± 0.12 | - | - | 5.10 ± 0.10 |
The biomass degradability can be determined using lignin to cellulose ratio [28]. Low lignin to cellulose ratio indicates high biomass degradability. The lignin to cellulose ratio of pretreated MSW and control (untreated) was 0.04 and 0.42 respectively, suggesting greater degradability because of the alkaline pretreatment. Moreover, the alkaline pretreatment led to 85% increase in cellulose, 64% reduction in lignin, and 33% decrease in hemicellulose. Increased cellulose results from dissolution of the lignin and hemicellulose solution, as well as the conversion of crystallized cellulose to amorphous cellulose [14]. Also, the increase in cellulose can be attributed to ash removal during the pretreatment [29].
3.2 Nanoparticles characterization
Availability of amino acid groups and Fe-O bonds of coated nanoparticles was assessed through FTIR. Emergence of strong IR band at 584.75 nm suggests presence of Fe-O bonds [19]. Presence of the weak bands at 1615.80 and 1380 indicates symmetric and asymmetric COO- stretching [20], while a strong bond at 3535.28 shows N-H stretching in the amino acid coating on MNP [30]. The crystalline structure and purity of synthesized nanoparticles were examined by XRD. The position and relative intensity of nanoparticles with amino coating matched JCPDS card: 19–0629 standard. Some other low intensity multiple diffracted peaks were also found, which might be due to the presence of an amino acid coating. The crystalline size of nanoparticles was estimated as 7.4 nm using Scherrer equation.
3.3 Synergistic effect of the alkaline pretreatment and nanoparticles on biogas production
The performance of the daily biogas production of control MSW (untreated) with different nanoparticle concentrations (50, 70, 90, and 110 ppm) was analyzed over 30 days within the HRT using one-way analysis of variance (p < 0.05) (Fig. 1). Biogas production began in the early days and without delay phase, resulting from adequate microbial population, suitable inoculation, and proper conditions of reactors. The maximum daily biogas performance for the control and 6%NaOH pretreated samples with different nanoparticle concentrations of 50, 70, 90, and 110 ppm was obtained 47, 58, 61, 64, 68, and 51 Nml/g VS, respectively; the maximum daily biogas performance was achieved by 6%NaOH pretreated with 110 ppm Fe3O4 (Fig. 1).
The cumulative performance of the biogas for all digesters of 6%NaOH pretreatment with MNP concentrations was obtained to be significantly greater than the biogas produced by the control (p < 0.05). The maximum cumulative biogas performance was achieved for the 6%NaOH pretreatment plus adding 110 ppm Fe3O4, as 988 NmL/g VS (Fig. 2). Biogas production in the sample 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW with 110 ppm Fe3O4, in comparison to the control and 6%NaOH MSW was greater by 46 and 28.5%, respectively. On the other hand, the biogas performance in the 6%NaOH pretreatment (no MNP) was 23.8% greater than that of the control. Figure 3 displays the daily changes of pH for all treatments throughout the experiment. In proportion with the biogas production trend, in the early days of experiment, pH had a descending trend in all treatments. The pH has been always slightly higher in the pretreated digester compared to the control digester. Furthermore, the minimum pH has been higher in the pretreated digester compared to the control digester. This shows faster stability of the digestion process by applying the alkaline pretreatment. As shown in Fig. 3, hydrolysis of compounds in the early days and subsequent acidification lead to pH decline and hence reduced biogas production. After several days, with further growth of methanogen bacteria and consumption of acids by them, pH was re-elevated, and biogas production also increased (which is a result of acid consumption [31, 32]].
The positive effect of MNP can be attributed to cellular absorption of MNP inside methanogens and integration with metabolic mediators as well as enzymatic activity involved in hydrolysis of sludge, acidification, and methanogenesis [33]. Verma and Stellacci (2010) investigated the interaction effects of nanoparticles and found that the shape and size of nanoparticles affect their cellular absorption [34](Verma & Stellacci, 2010)[34][34](Verma and Stellacci 2010)(Verma & Stellacci, 2010)(Verma and Stellacci, 2010)34(Verma and Stellacci 2010)(Verma & Stellacci, 2010)(Verma & Stellacci, 2010)(Verma & Stellacci, 2010)(Verma and Stellacci 2010)(Verma and Stellacci, 2010)[34](Verma and Stellacci 2010)[34](Verma and Stellacci, 2010)(Verma & Stellacci, 2010)[34]. It was also observed that the size of nanoparticles heavily influences the attachment and activation of membrane receptors as well as the expression of the next protein. The results of the present research also confirmed this synergism of the size of nanoparticles in methane and biogas production. The results indicated that the cumulative biogas performance with the synergistic effect of the alkaline pretreatment and MNP was not only greater than that of the control, but it was also larger than that of 6%NaOH pretreatment or MNP alone. This feature can be attributed to the synergistic effect of the alkaline pretreatment and MNP [25]. The alkaline pretreatment helps in lignin removal and disrupts the hemicellulose structure; the cellulose released from that helps in increasing the microbial population of AD for holocellulose, thereby enhancing biogas production. The results of other studies also emphasize that Fe3O4 nanoparticles enhance electron transfer mechanism between methanogens and fermentation bacteria, leading to further augmentation in the biogas production [34, 35]. Ni et al. (2013) also noted that the interactions resulting from nanoparticles can promote the activated sludge activity and support formation of anaerobic medium, and also foster the activity of heterotrophic bacteria [36](Ni et al., 2013)[36][36](Ni, Ni et al. 2013)(Ni, Ni, Yang, & Wang, 2013)(Ni et al., 2013)36(Ni, Ni et al. 2013)(Ni et al., 2013)(Ni, Ni, Yang, & Wang, 2013)(Ni, Ni, Yang, & Wang, 2013)(Ni, Ni et al. 2013)(Ni et al., 2013)[36](Ni et al. 2013)[36](Ni et al., 2013)(Ni et al., 2013)[36].
3.4 The effect of alkaline pretreatment and MNP on the methane content and methane performance
The trend of methane production in the control and 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW without the presence of nanoparticles and after its addition has been shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 6. As can be seen, the alkaline pretreatment and adding nanoparticles have had a significant effect on the produced methane. The maximum methane content was observed for 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW with 110 ppm of Fe3O4, which was 62% higher than that of the control. The lowest methane content in the control might be due to lower performance of carbohydrates during hydrolysis as well as relatively high lignin content. The results suggest that 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW and MNP concentrations compared to the control enhance the methane performance by two times. Possibly, when the pretreatment and nanoparticles are applied to a biomaterial, a greater bioenergy would be obtained. Lu et al. (2017) employed alkaline pretreatment and 5% wt of Fe3O4 and added them to digester during AD. They observed 373% increase in methane performance compared to the untreated digester [37](Lu et al., 2017)[37][37](Lu, Wang et al. 2017)(Lu, Wang, Ma, Zhao, & Wang, 2017)(Lu et al., 2017)37(Lu, Wang et al. 2017)(Lu et al., 2017)(Lu, Wang, Ma, Zhao, & Wang, 2017)(Lu, Wang, Ma, Zhao, & Wang, 2017)(Lu, Wang et al. 2017)(Lu et al., 2017)[37](Lu et al. 2017)[37](Lu et al., 2017)(Lu et al., 2017)[37]. Abdelsalam et al. (2017) observed 2.2-fold increase in methane performance for bovine fertilizer while using 20 mg/l MNP compared to the control [38](Abdelsalam et al., 2017)[38][38](Abdelsalam, Samer et al. 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)38(Abdelsalam, Samer et al. 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)(Abdelsalam, Samer et al. 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)[38](Abdelsalam et al. 2017)[38](Abdelsalam et al., 2017)(Abdelsalam et al., 2017)[38]. Also, Khatri et al. (2015) reported 22.4 and 62% increase in methane performance for 6%NaOH pretreatment maize straw with 1000 mg/l Fe as compared to NaOH 6% pretreatment and without maize straw pretreatment [25](Khatri et al., 2015)[25][25](Khatri, Wu et al. 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)25(Khatri, Wu et al. 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)(Khatri, Wu et al. 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)[25](Khatri et al. 2015)[25](Khatri et al., 2015)(Khatri et al., 2015)[25].
The elevation of methane performance over alkaline pretreatment with Fe3O4 nanoparticles might be due to the increase in interfacial electron transfer mechanism between osteogenic and methanogenic bacteria, causing increased conversion of VFAs to methane. In addition, higher availability of holocellulose for microbial degradation might also be involved in improving the methane performance of the control compared to the alkaline pretreatment. Furthermore, in order to control H2S, by reducing the toxicity of sulfide to methanogens, iron is effective through accelerating it in AD process, thereby boosting the methane performance [39, 40].
3.5 The effect of alkaline pretreatment and magnetite nanoparticles on TS and VS reduction
TS and VS reduction can help assess the performance of AD process. TS and VS reduction for 6%NaOH pretreatment UCSW, 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW with different MNP concentrations of 50, 70, 90, and 110 ppm Fe3O4 increased by 31.5 and 15%; 40 and 25%; 42 and 28%; 46 and 31%; and 50 and 35% respectively, compared to the control (Fig. 5). In this study, VS reduction for the control digester was 57.5%, which is in line with similar studies performed by Abudi et al. (2016) and Ye et al. (2013) who reported respective percentages of 58 and 52 increase. 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW with 110 ppm Fe3O4 concentrations offered the maximum TS removal (78%) and VS removal (89%), whereby the highest biogas and methane was also observed from this treatment. If, in this study, a higher concentration of MNP were used (above 110 ppm), it would lead to the removal of volatile compound by 99% and even higher as well as a corresponding increase in the methane performance.
3.6 Volumetric methane production
Volumetric methane production in control and 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW with different MNP concentrations is shown in Fig. 5. The least volumetric methane production (9.6 Lmethane/Lwork) was observed in the control reactor and decreased 2.1 times compared to the alkaline pretreatment with 110ppm Fe3O4 concentrations. The volumetric of methane produced in reactors of 6%NaOH pretreatment MSW with different MNP concentrations of 50, 70, 90, and 110 ppm Fe3O4 compared to the control reactor increased by 32, 37, 46.4 and 53.3%, respectively. The highest volumetric yield was observed in 6%NaOH pretreatment with 110ppm MNP concentrations. The main cause of the better yield in 6%NaOH pretreatment with MNP concentrations can be explained by the synergistic effect of alkaline pretreatment and MNP due to the enhanced mechanism of DIET between osteogenic and metanogenic bacteria, which has led to an increase in the conversion of VFAs to methane [41].
3.7 Statistical analysis of MNP and alkaline pretreatment
A summary of the statistical analysis of the mean performance of methane and biogas production under alkaline pretreatment conditions with different MNP concentrations within the six-time period throughout the AD process has been shown in Table 2. Statistical analysis of cumulative performance of biogas produced by the pretreatment substrates with various MNP concentrations showed a significant difference with the control. All treatments had a significant difference at 5% probability level in terms of methane volume. The largest methane volume was obtained by adding 6%NaOH pretreatment with 110 ppm MNP concentrations to the substrate, as large as 988 Nml/g VS, which was significant compared to the control (Table 2). Figure 6 compares the mean cumulative production of biogas from control, 6%NaOH pretreatment UDSW, 6%NaOH pretreatment with 50, 70, 90, and 110 ppm MNP.
Table 2
Mean performance of the methane and biogas production under alkaline pretreatment conditions with different MNP concentrations at six time period throughout the AD process
Treatments | index | Time (day) | |
(1–4) | (4–8) | (8–12) | (12–16) | (16–20) | (20–24) | Mean |
6%NaOH | Biogas | 5500 | 4125 | 5100 | 4140 | 1170 | 0 | 3339 |
CH4 | 1882 | 1717 | 3111 | 3112 | 936 | 0 | 1793 |
6%NaOH with 50ppm Fe3O4 | Biogas | 6180 | 4310 | 5300 | 4350 | 1460 | 625 | 3704 |
CH4 | 1947 | 1954 | 3801 | 3480 | 1168 | 454 | 2134 |
6%NaOH with 70ppm Fe3O4 | Biogas | 6135 | 4265 | 5775 | 4690 | 1925 | 700 | 3915 |
CH4 | 2284 | 1962 | 3970 | 3722 | 1540 | 504 | 2330 |
6%NaOH with 90ppm Fe3O4 | Biogas | 6545 | 4900 | 6250 | 5190 | 2335 | 1045 | 4378 |
CH4 | 2951 | 2587 | 4252 | 4090 | 1868 | 758 | 2751 |
6%NaOH with 110ppm Fe3O4 | Biogas | 6430 | 5150 | 6375 | 5610 | 3020 | 1350 | 4656 |
CH4 | 2544 | 2797 | 4795 | 4488 | 2416 | 1051 | 3015 |
3.8 Environmental effects of using iron nanoparticles and alkaline pretreatment
NaOH recovery after pretreatment is environmentally important, since discharging a solution containing large concentrations of sodium ions (Na+) can lead to water pollution and soil salinity. Iron is a vital nutrient for plants and bacterial species in the soil, but high concentrations of iron in digestion can lead to toxicity. Iron concentration 500 ppm and above can cause toxicity in soil [42], which is far higher than the proposed concentration utilized in this study (110 ppm). In addition, iron remaining from digestion can be reclaimed through integrating the mechanisms of electrochemical discharge recovery such as the residual heat discharge of the digestive materials posttreatment [12]. This can recover reasonable amounts of iron used in the AD process. Recovery of NaOH and Fe can lead to reducing the costs related to pretreatment and application of nanoparticles. It can also eliminate the possible environmental contamination resulting from Na+ and iron accumulation in waste.