The study protocol was approved by West Midlands – Edgbaston Research Ethics Committee (19/NI/0075) and performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to data collection.
2.5 Experimental procedures
Experiment 1. Modulation of single session of arm cycling on corticospinal excitability of the ES.
An arm ergometer (Pedal Exerciser with Digital Display, NRS Healthcare, Coalville, UK) placed on a height-adjustable table was used for arm cycling. The height and distance of the ergometer were adjusted individually so that the arm crank shaft was in line with the shoulders and the maximal pedal distance was with the elbow fully extended to minimize movements of the shoulder and upper body (Fig. 1A). Participants performed 2–3 brief (~ 2s) maximal voluntary contractions of the elbow flexors, with the shoulder at neutral position and the elbow flexed at 90⁰ prior to the exercise. EMG amplitudes obtained from the maximal voluntary contractions were calculated as the root mean square amplitude in a 500ms window centered at the peak amplitude. All participants underwent 30 minutes of arm cycling exercise at 60 revolutions per minute in seated position without back support in our laboratory. Breaks were given when needed. The resistance of the arm bike was set to require activity of the biceps brachii EMG in the pulling back phase (flexion phase) of the arm crank movement at ~ 20% of the maximal voluntary contraction of the less affected arm for the participants with SCI or the dominant arm for the controls (Fig. 1C)20,21. To examine the effect of the arm cycling on corticospinal excitability of the ES, TMS pulses were delivered before, and 10, 20, and 30 minutes after the arm cycling (Fig. 1B) when participants were seated and relaxed (with the back supported) in the chair. Ten TMS pulses were delivered at 4s intervals at each time point.
Data analysis. Peak-to-peak amplitudes of MEPs from the ES were averaged and measured for each time point and expressed as a percentage of the baseline MEP amplitude of the ES (before the arm cycling). Pre-stimulus baseline EMG obtained from ES was calculated as root-mean-square amplitudes in 100ms window before TMS to ensure that ES motoneuronal excitability was the same across all time points. Latencies of ES MEPs were determined as the point where rectified EMG traces exceeded 2 SD of the mean pre-stimulus baseline EMG.
Experiment 2. The effects of arm cycling exercise training on trunk motor control and corticospinal excitability of the ES in participants with SCI.
Participants with SCI who completed Experiment 1 were recruited into Experiment 2 to undertake a home-based arm cycling exercise training consisting of 5 x 30 minutes of arm cycling a week for 6 weeks. The initial resistance of the arm cycling was at ~ 20% of the maximal voluntary contraction of the biceps brachii, measured in Experiment 1. Participants were instructed to increase the resistance of the arm bike progressively in order to maintain the exercise intensity at the moderate level based on the modified CR-10 Borg Scale29. Participants were given an exercise diary to document their exercise adherence. They were contacted by the research team (JFLvH, EA) every 1–2 weeks to ensure there were no issues with the exercise. Participants were assessed before (pre-) and after (post-) the training in the laboratories at University of Birmingham.
Assessment. Participants underwent neurophysiological and functional assessments. For the neurophysiological assessment, participants received single TMS pulses eliciting MEPs in the ES at peak-to-peak amplitudes of ~ 0.1mV while they were seated and relaxed in a chair. If a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.1mV was unable to be achieved, an intensity of 100%maximal stimulator output was used. The stimulus intensity was the same at pre- and post-assessment. The coil position stored in the navigation system at pre-assessment was used at post-assessment so that the coil placement was the same between sessions. For the functional assessment, participants performed multidirectional reaching tasks and perturbation tasks while seated on a custom-made chair embedded with a force plate and reflective markers attached bilaterally over the ulnar styloid processes and over the first thoracic spinous process30. Their torso was unsupported, and feet were placed flat on the floor or a step, with hips and knees flexed at 90⁰. Participants were asked to reach forward (Fig. 2A left) and to the side (Fig. 2A right) with the less affected arm as far as they could without losing balance for 3 times30. In the first perturbation task, participants raised their arms as fast as possible in response to a light-emitting diode five times (rapid shoulder flexion; Fig. 2B left). In the external perturbation task, a pendulum with a weight of ~ 5% of the body mass of the individuals was released from a 45° angle towards the extended arm of the participants five times (Fig. 2B right)30. Kinematics of the wrist, trunk, and center of pressure, and activation of the ES during the tasks were recorded using a 3-D motion capture system and high-density surface electromyography (HDEMG), respectively. HDEMG was chosen over conventional bipolar EMG as it allows recording of muscle activity from a larger portion of the muscle compared to the conventional EMG31, providing greater reliability of amplitude estimations30, which is ideal for repeated measurements.
Kinematics. Trunk and wrist movements during the tasks were collected with a 3-D motion capture system (Smart-DX 6000, BTS Bioengineering Corp, Quincy, MA, USA) and seated ground reaction movements were recorded with a force plate (BTS P6000, BTS Bioengineering Corp, Quincy, MA, USA), both operating at 250 Hz. BTS Bioengineering Corp software tools were used to record and export data. A transistor–transistor logic switch was connected for offline data alignment and to indicate trial start/end.
HDEMG. Activity of bilateral ES was measured in monopolar mode using an HDEMG amplifier (Quattrocento, OT Bioelettronica, Turin, Italy), sampled at 2048Hz, bandpass filtered at 10-500Hz with a 3 dB cutoff frequency, 150-gain applied, and 16-bit A/D converted. Input resistance was > 1011Ω, input-referred noise was < 4 µV, and the common mode rejection ratio was > 95 dB. Two 64-channel grids (GR08MM1305, OT Bioelettronica, Turin, Italy), organized in 13 columns by 5 rows with an 8 mm interelectrode distance and 1 mm diameter were placed on bilateral ES, leaving a 2cm space between the grid and the 12th thoracic spinous process, with the top of the grid extending to approximately the 8th thoracic spinous process (Fig. 2C). Grid and skin preparation followed previously reported procedures, starting with attaching an adhesive foam matrix to the electrode grid30. The circular cavities in the foam matrix were then filled up with conductive paste (AC Cream, Spes Medica, Genoa, Italy) using a plastic card. In case it was necessary, the skin of the participant was shaved prior to the application of an abrasive skin cleaner (Nuprep Skin Prep Gel, Weaver and Company, CO, USA) and alcohol-based skin wipes (GAMA Healthcare, Hertfordshire, UK). Distance from bodily landmarks such as birthmarks to the electrode grids were measured to ensure consistent placement of the electrode grids in the post-assessment. Ground electrodes (Ambu WhiteSensor WS, Ballerup, Denmark) were placed over bilateral iliac crests and the 7th cervical spinous process. EMG data was recorded with OT Biolab + v1.5.7.
Data analysis. The analysis procedure for the ES MEP amplitudes was the same as described in Experiment 1. Kinematic and HDEMG data from the functional assessment were processed in MATLAB R2021a (Mathworks, Natic, MA, USA). EMG signals were filtered (second-order Butterworth filter 20-350Hz) before visually examining the monopolar EMG channels. Noisy channels were interpolated when possible. As a criterium, at least two non-noisy channels in neighboring rows and one channel in the same column surrounding the noisy channel had to be available to perform the interpolation. If this was not possible, the noisy channel was removed instead in the second visual inspection (see below). Subsequently, the differential of the monopolar channels across rows was calculated, followed by a second visual examination to remove poor-quality channels (3.72% of total number of channels).
Multidirectional reaching tasks were segmented into a reaching phase (baseline position to furthest reaching point) and returning phase (furthest reaching point to baseline position). The analysis window for the rapid shoulder flexion task was based on the onset of the wrist motion marker to the point where the shoulders reached full flexion. The onset was determined as the point at which the wrist motion signal (less affected side) crossed a threshold defined as the baseline values (average of 500ms before the light-emitting diode stimulus) plus three standard deviations of that baseline32.The impact point in the external perturbation task was derived from a clear peak in the participant’s wrist motion data from which two analysis windows were calculated with respect to the impact point: anticipatory postural adjustment window (APA; -100 to 50ms) and compensatory postural adjustment window (CPA; 50 to 200ms)33.
Root mean square (RMS) amplitudes were calculated for active channels, which were defined as those channels with a RMS amplitude higher than 70% of the maximum RMS amplitude34. The average amplitude of these channels was then considered as the global RMS amplitude. To facilitate comparisons of EMG amplitudes between different days (pre vs. post), we normalised the RMS amplitudes of the ES obtained from the tasks to the RMS amplitudes during static sitting (0.5s window) acquired on the day and expressed as a percentage.
For kinematic measurements, maximal displacement of trunk and wrist markers, as well as the center of pressure displacement, were calculated from the motion data as a difference between the minimum and maximum values in the anterior/posterior direction (forward reaching, rapid shoulder flexion, and external perturbation task) and medial/lateral direction (lateral reaching) in each repetition. Total trajectory of the markers and center of pressure was calculated by summing the absolute differences in both the anterior/posterior and medio-lateral directions.