For more than a century, gasification of coal and biomass has been the only method used to produce gas-liquid fuels and create chemicals. Current work is based on new direction of research in the field of biomass gasification. The main of work is to investigate the characterization of biomass and coal samples for feed to gasification simultaneously. Three different types of biomass utilized in the current study that is based on availability on huge level and easy of handling. The study used a pressurized thermo-gravimetric analyzer (PTGA) and a quartz fixed-bed reactor to investigate the gasification reactions. The quartz fixed-bed reactor was utilized to prepare coal char at 900°C in a nitrogen environment. Dynamic heating segments were employed with a consistent heating rate throughout the experiments. The temperature range for the experiments was from room temperature to 1000°C. The gasification reactions were studied at different pressures: 1 atm., 5 atm., and 10 atm. using pure CO2 and H2O as reacting gases. The gasification reactions of the char samples with CO2 and steam (H2O) as reacting species were observed to initiate at 750°C and were completed after reaching 950°C at atmospheric pressure (1 atm). This means that the char began to react with the gases at 750°C and continued to do so until it reached 950°C, at which point the reactions were considered complete. The weight loss data obtained from the PTGA results were used to analyze the kinetic behavior of Thar lignite char during gasification reactions with CO2 and steam (H2O). The kinetic behavior provides insights into the rate at which the reactions occur and how they are influenced by temperature, pressure, and reacting gases.