Ethics approval and consent to participate
Project was reviewed and approved by Austin Health Human Research Ethics Committee. All participants completed an ethics committee approved specific consent form for the study.
Consent for publication
The approved consent form for the study signed by all participants included consent to publication for all participants.
Availability of data and material
Sequence data is stored at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Supplemental resources are available online. Additional information not subject to ethical restrictions can be obtained from the corresponding author upon request.
Competing Interests
Ingrid E. Scheffer has served on scientific advisory boards for UCB, Eisai,GlaxoSmithKline, BioMarin, Nutricia, Rogcon, Chiesi, Encoded Therapeutics, Knopp Biosciences and Xenon Pharmaceuticals; has received speaker honoraria from GlaxoSmithKline, UCB, BioMarin, Biocodex, Chiesi, Liva Nova and Eisai; has received funding for travel from UCB, Biocodex, GlaxoSmithKline, Biomarin and Eisai; has served as an investigator for Zogenix, Zynerba, Ultragenyx, GW Pharma, UCB, Eisai, Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Anavex Life Sciences, Ovid Therapeutics, Epigenyx, Encoded Therapeutics and Marinus; and has consulted for Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Atheneum Partners, Ovid Therapeutics, Care Beyond Diagnosis, Epilepsy Consortium and UCB; and is a Nonexecutive Director of Bellberry Ltd. She may accrue future revenue on pending patent WO61/010176 (filed: 2008): Therapeutic Compound; has a patent for SCN1A testing held by Bionomics Inc and licensed to various diagnostic companies; has a patent molecular diagnostic/theranostic target for benign familial PCT/AU2012/001321 (TECH ID:2012‐009). JC serves on the Drug Safety Monitoring Board for an Anavex Clinical Trial, and is a member of an endpoint adjudication committee for a Taysha gene therapy trial. The remaining authors declare no competing interests or conflicts of interest.
Funding source: Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (VMARF) with matched funding from Austin Health. Individuals involved with this project are in receipt of NHMRC investigator grants and other sources of funding (see acknowledgments).
Author Contribution Statement
SDB, MW, JM and HR are joint first co-authors of this research article. The AHA-UDP was designed and initiated by SMe, MW, MBa, SFB, NJB and CYF with assistance and support from TJ, MD and JoC. MW served as initial PI, recruited patients and oversaw sequencing and analyses of half the cases. SDB assumed role of PI halfway through the project, oversaw sequencing and analysis of half the cases, wrote the research variant reports for the families, fed back results and co-wrote this manuscript. MSH, MBa, JoC, MD and SFB all served as co senior authors on the project. MSH oversaw the TSC analysis. MFB, ZY, FG contributed to TSC analysis. MBa oversaw the ES and GS data analysis. MW, SDB, MD, BC, AS, JeC, CS, AH, IS, DE, SMu, SMW, NJB, TJ, LS, GM, CR, RM, SFB, ALF, EK and AF all referred patients who were recruited to the study. EU, JH, LS and GV served as study coordinators. RS contributed to writing up this manuscript. All authors read and approved the final Manuscript.
We are grateful to all affected individuals and their relatives who participated in this study. We thank SMe for his contribution to the initial concept for the project. We thank Jonathan Cebon (CSU director Austin Health) and Fergus Kerr (CMO Austin Health) for their support in setting up the project. This project was funded by the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (VMRAF) and the Austin Hospital. The research conducted at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute was supported by the Victorian Government's Operational Infrastructure Support Program. The Chair in Genomic Medicine awarded to JC is generously supported by The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation. The research conducted at the University of Melbourne was supported by a Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen (SZSM201812005); an Australia National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Program Grant (1091593) to I.E.S. and S.F.B., a Project Grant (1129054) to S.F.B., a Project Grant (1079058) to M.S.H., a Practitioner Fellowship (1006110) and Senior Investigator grant (1172897) to I.E.S., a Senior Research Fellowship (1102971) and a Senior Investigator grant (1195236) to M.B., and a R.D Wright Career Development Fellowship (1063799) to M.S.H. This study was also supported by a Taking Flight Award from CURE Epilepsy to M.F.B. and an Australian Epilepsy Research Fund Scheme Grant from the Epilepsy Foundation to M.S.H. and Victorian State Government Operational Infrastructure Support and Australian Government NHMRC IRIISS.