The results of this study indicate that imaging artifacts are a common issue in OCTA, with 98.57% of eyes having at least one type of artifact. The most prevalent artifacts were loss of signal and displacement artifacts, which were found in 90% and 61.4% of eyes, respectively. The results also showed that the average score for all eyes was 3.23, with 41 (58.57%) eyes having a score greater than 3 points, which was considered severe.
When compared to the central retina, DR presents early pathological vascular alterations in the peripheral/mid-peripheral retina, supporting the necessity for UWF imaging of the retinal vasculature. Silva et al.[17] demonstrated that in approximately 33% of patients, early peripheral changes such as hemorrhages, microaneurysms, venous beading, intraretinal microvascular abnormalities, and retinal neovascularization could not be captured using the protocols of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) study fields. As a result, if a traditional fundus camera with a narrow FOV is used, a considerable proportion of individuals with DR results may be overlooked. The advantages of OCTA imaging can be integrated with the technology of UWF imaging to completely analyze early peripheral alterations now that UWF OCTA methods are available [18, 19]. Several comparisons have been made in the literature between UWF color fundus photography, FA, and OCTA. For identifying DR lesions, UWF OCTA has been proven to have superior sensitivity and specificity [11, 12, 20–22]. Furthermore, compared to FA, UWF OCTA employing EFI is rather comfortable for the patients [11].
The present study aimed to describe the imaging artifacts and evaluate the quality of the images in UWF SS-OCTA. In comparison to traditional 6 mm× 6 mm or 12 mm× 12 mm photos, capturing the Angio 23.5 mm× 17.5 mm image necessitates numerous additional considerations: (1) Fixation loss is common due to the extended acquisition time, resulting in additional artifacts, especially in the periphery; 16 (2) The curvature of the eye makes it difficult to keep the 23.5mm× 17.5mm scan span in focus for the montage image throughout acquisition (especially in the peripheral), and thus signal loss is more common than with conventional, shorter scans; (3) the Angio 23.5 mm×17.5-mm image was composed of vertical scans from top to bottom, and the motion artifacts caused by the eye movement were vertical; (4) several eyelash artifacts were mainly located in the inferior far retinal periphery because the imaging range of our research was 80×60°, which is susceptible to shadowing artifacts due to superior eyelashes (Fig. 3) [23].
The most common artifacts in this investigation were signal loss, which manifested as a localized patch of signal loss on the en face image due to scan focus loss. Beyond defocus, other common sources of global signal attenuation are cataracts and tear film break up. This phenomenon was common in eyes with tumors, high myopia, or hyperopia and was partially operator-dependent. Because of our wide acquisition, there is often a loss of signal around the retina, especially the peripheral vision, which may be because the eyeball is similar to an ellipse. During the peripheral scanning process, the curvature of the periphery of the eyeball is enlarged relative to the point of gaze. The curvature of the eye makes it difficult to keep in focus; thus, the signal may be folded or even flipped. The Super Depth technology was utilized to present the surrounding signals in the same 12×12 area to obtain a complete puzzle. Nihaal Mehta et al[24] found that there was a significant significant change in flow impairment area with montage OCTA images, which was more pronounced peripherally than centrally.
Displacement is the second most frequent artifact. Due to eye movements, very thin vertical lines induce an apparent disruption or displacement of the vessels. When acquiring the puzzle, at least 5 OCTA images of 12×12 area need to be scanned. Typically a 12×12 scan takes about 12s. The degree of cooperation of the patient decreases in a time-dependent manner, and eye movements or involuntary blinking of the eyes often occur while acquiring peripheral images, resulting in artifacts [5]. A putative solution is as follows: first, we allowed the patient to obtain a sufficiently comfortable posture before acquiring the image, thereby improving the patient’s ooperation. Second, if such an artifact occurs, the patient can be allowed to rest or relax with proper eye closure between scans. Third, if the patient has dry eye discomfort, sodium hyaluronate eye drops can be administered to relieve the patient’s dry eye symptoms, allowing the patient to complete the examination comfortably. In addition, real-time tracking could be improved to remove bulk motion artifacts [25].
Similarly, as DR progresses, there will be more refractive interstitial opacities, occlusion artifacts, and possibly dry eyes [16, 26], which gives rise to artifacts during image acquisition. Russell JF et al[27] used wide-field SS-OCTA to image diabetic tractional retinal detachments (TRDs) before and after pars plana vitrectomy. This result indicates that if the media are clear and fixation is acceptable, WF SS-OCTA might be the sole imaging modality required for the diagnosis and follow-up of diabetic TRDs. Diabetic TRD eyes with a preoperative BCVA less than 20/400 and/or a thick cataract or VH, on the other hand, cannot be acquired as high-quality preoperative SS-OCTA images.
In the current study, for the first time, we scored and graded the artifacts with ultrawide-field SS-OCTA in DR. The artifact is divided into three grades. When the total score is > 3 points, the quality of the image is poor, which affects the judgment and diagnosis of the disease. Hence, this is only an exploratory grading method. With the continuous development and progress of SS-OCTA technology, the treatment of images is elevated, and there may be a suitable scoring system. Importantly, we hope that our scores can provide a reference for the application of the ultrawide-field SS-OCTA in DR. It is also crucial for researchers to focus on the quality of images. Herein, we did not evaluate the error separation of the system (similar to the segmentation artifact and projection artifact) because the software and algorithms are continuously updated and upgraded. Some separation errors can be corrected by manual adjustment. It is difficult to improve the quality when acquiring images by these methods.
Nevertheless, the present study had some limitations: (1) the sample size was small, and there was a lack of consensus or guidelines for UWF OCTA. Due to the small sample size, data from the same hospital may have biased results. Thus, large sample sizes and multicenter studies are needed; (2) the ocular surface state was not tested objectively; (3) the lens status was not taken into account in the correlation analysis.