Oxygen is critical for life of aerobic organisms. Deviations in oxygen concentration significantly reduce an efficiency of energy metabolism and limit normal functioning causing death [46, 47]. Therefore, the signaling aimed at adaptation to changes of oxygen accessibility is among the most important cellular processes [1, 30–32, 35]. The HIF1 transcription factor, which is a heterodimer of the HIF1α and HIF1β proteins, is well known as a key factor in adaptation to oxygen deficiency [1, 34, 35]. HIF1α, being a regulated subunit, accumulates under hypoxic conditions, while HIF1β is expressed constitutively [30–32]. In addition to the prolyl hydroxylase associated activity, there are oxygen-independent pathways of stabilizing HIF1α, as well as mechanisms of regulation at the transcriptional level [34, 48–50]. HIF1 is reasonably recognized as a master regulator of adaptation to hypoxia affecting the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, glucose transporters, anaerobic glycolysis enzymes, including LDH, erythropoietin cytokine, and products of many other genes, which are necessary for functioning in conditions of chronic hypoxia [30–35].
Hypoxia is among the most damaging stressors for the developing fetal brain [8, 9, 13, 16]. Epigenetic programming during fetal development is a very important and complexly organized process that determines the balance of gene expression specific to cells and tissues and determines a plasticity during their life and adaptation to permanently changing environmental conditions [28, 51]. The impact of stressors (e.g., hypoxic stress) during the period of HPC maturation not only has a direct damaging effect on a fetus [25, 52], but also can cause intracellular processes, which are stable throughout life, associated with a steady change in the patterns of epigenetic modifications [18, 26, 53]. A significant increase in the levels of HIF1α protein in the brain of a 21-day-old fetus was previously shown on a model of antenatal hypoxia [10], which indicated a hypoxic condition in the fetal brain tissues. Our data show that prenatal hypoxia causes a prolonged increase in the content and activity of HIF1α, which persists not only in newborn animals [42] but also in adults.
The role of astrocytic expression of HIF1α under normoxia in the organization of energy metabolism cooperation between neurons and astrocytes is well known [54–56]. Thus, astrocytes differ in terms of mitochondrial metabolism and a high rate of glycolysis compared to neurons [57, 58]. Most of the glucose entering the glycolytic pathway in astrocytes is subsequently released into the extracellular space in the form of lactate and sent to neurons [58, 59]. The glycolytic nature of astrocytes and their preference for lactate production and secretion is determined by HIF1-dependent gene expression [54–59]. However, we have shown that the increase in the HIF1α content in the HPC of adult rats that survived prenatal hypoxia occurs predominantly in neuronal cells. Taking into account the highest importance of the adequate expression of this transcription factor to ensure the efficient functioning of the energy metabolism of the brain, the deviations in HIF1α expression patterns can affect gene expression and lead to disorders of the nervous system.
Our data on the LDH activity and the amount of lactate indicate that the increased expression of HIF1α in the HPC of PSH rats is accompanied by an intensification of anaerobic glycolysis. It is important to note that an increase in glucose consumption in neurons through the glycolytic pathway has a detrimental effect on the PPP, which is a source of NADPH, widely known as necessary to maintain the cellular antioxidant potential [60–62]. The delicate balance between these pathways is critical for maintaining both energy demands and providing antioxidant functions [62]. Induction of glycolysis in neuronal cells has been reported to induce a PPP deficiency-mediated state of oxidative stress and cell death [63].
In addition to limiting the effectiveness of PPP through the induction of glycolysis, HIF1α is able to directly inhibit PPP through a decrease in G6PD expression [40, 41, 64]. Indeed, in this study, we show that a stable increase in HIF1α expression in the HPC of rats that survived PSH is accompanied by both a decrease in the protein expression of G6PD and a decrease in the amount of the PPP product NADPH. Such a reprogramming of metabolism due to the activity of the PPP in the processes of antioxidant protection and anabolism as the source of NADPH, is an important homeostatic response during the period of prolonged tissue hypoxia, when there is a need to increase the efficiency of catabolism [33]. However, in the absence of oxygen deficiency, suppression of the PPP can be a serious pathogenetic factor [40, 62]. A decrease in the efficiency of the PPP mediates a wide range of adverse conditions, such as disruption of the work of mixed-function oxidases, a decrease in the efficiency of steroid hormones biosynthesis and a decrease in the rate of recovery of thioredoxins and glutathione, which are together reflected in both a defect in individual cell functions and in violation of the integrative regulation of the whole organism [61, 62, 65, 66]. Both up-regulated anaerobic glycolysis and decreased efficiency of the PPP caused by HIF1-associated perturbations in the HPC of PSH rats led the efficiency of glutathione reduction to fall, which was also accompanied by an increase in free lipid peroxidation compared to control rats.
It is interesting to note that the HIF1-associated rearrangements of metabolism in the HPC of PSH rats are characterized by low plasticity to external stressors, for which the effect of increased expression of HIF1α has been shown [40, 43]. Thus, in the HPC of control animals one day after an episode of severe hypoxia or 7 days after an episode of emotional stress (model of “learned helplessness”) there is an increase in the protein expression of HIF1α, which is accompanied by an increase in the activity of anaerobic glycolysis and a decrease in the efficiency of the PPP to values observed in intact PSH animals. At the same time, an additional increase in the amount of HIF1α in the HPC of PSH rats in response to stressors does not affect the activity of glycolysis and the PPP compared to intact PSH rats. Whereas in response to emotional stress the protein expression of G6PD in the HPC of control animals decreases to the level of intact and stressed PSH rats, hypoxic stress causes an increase in G6PD expression in both control and PSH, probably in an Nrf2 dependent way [67, 68].
It should be noted that the HIF1-associated changes of hippocampal energy metabolism in control animals were short-term after a stressful episode and not accompanied by an increased lipid peroxidation at each time point studied. In the PSH group, in contrast, a permanent imbalance between glycolysis and PPP in the HPC was the established readout. Nevertheless, PSH animals responded to severe hypoxia with a decrease in the amount of MDA. It allows us to consider the alterations in the genetic program, which occur after hypoxic stress in the prenatal period, as rather an adaptive conditioning to damaging environmental stimuli during postnatal life. But this adaptability comes at the cost of serious adverse long-term consequences, including premature brain aging [18, 26].
Thus, the results obtained suggest that the HIF1-dependent rearrangements of brain metabolism appear to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of prenatal hypoxia. Having survived an episode of severe hypoxia in the prenatal period, the adult rats demonstrate an increased content of the transcription factor HIF1α in the hippocampal neurons accompanied by a stable imbalance between glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway which results in development of oxidative stress.