The primary aim of the current study was to assign dogs and cats with overweight and obesity into two classes (I; ≤40% overweight; II > 40% overweight) based on body composition analysis by DXA, and then to compare differences in weight loss outcomes between classes. A further aim was to determine whether the proportion of dogs and cats with different obesity classes has changed over time, based on referrals to a specialist obesity care clinic. Overall, approximately half of all dogs and cats seen were classified as having class II obesity and, during controlled weight reduction, they lost weight more slowly and lost more lean tissue mass, than those with class I obesity.
In human medicine, obesity is subdivided into three classes (I, II and III) depending on degree of adiposity as defined by BMI [17]. Although somewhat arbitrary, such subclassification is justified by the fact that health outcomes differ amongst classes. In this respect, morbidity and mortality risk worsen as obesity class increases [22] with the greatest risks for individuals with class III obesity [23–27]. The use of classes, rather than historical descriptions (such as ‘severe’ or ‘morbid’), also avoids the use of stigmatising language, not least given the prevalence and negative consequences of weight stigma both in society [28] and amongst medical professionals [29]. In the current study, the cut-point between the two classes (40% overweight) was chosen because this value signifies the upper limit of the 9-point BCS in dogs and cats [15],[16]. Given this difference in assigning the cut-point, the two canine and feline obesity classes are not directly comparable with human classes of obesity, although it does then provide a similar opportunity to explore differences in health consequences and outcomes.
We assessed possible differences in morbidity by comparing differences in the presence of comorbidities between obesity classes. In contrast to humans, the proportion of individuals that had at least one comorbidity did not differ between animals with class I and class II obesity. However, we should be cautious in interpreting these results, firstly, because the study was undertaken at a specialist obesity care clinic and, therefore, the cases studied might not have been representative of pet dogs and cats attending primary care practices. This might explain why most animals studied had at least one comorbidity, with the effect that the statistical comparison was probably not meaningful. Further, many different comorbidities were present which were diverse in causes and consequences (supplementary data S1); grouping these comorbidities for the purpose of statistical analysis might have meant that genuine associations between obesity class and single comorbidities were missed. This was partially addressed in dogs by assessing orthopaedic, cardiorespiratory and dermatological disease separately; however, different diseases would still have been grouped into these single body system categories. Therefore, associations between obesity class and the presence of comorbidities would be better studied in epidemiological studies using larger, and more representative populations. A further limitation was the fact that we did not assess associations between obesity class and other adverse health impacts known to be associated with overweight status, such as lifespan, quality of life and comorbidities [4–12]. Again, therefore, further studies would be required to assess the full impact on of obesity class on health and well-being.
In humans, outcomes of conventional weight loss interventions are similar amongst classes, with individuals typically losing ~ 5–6% of their starting weight, whatever their obesity class [30]. In contrast, some weight loss outcomes did differ between obesity classes in dogs and cats of the current study: although both cats and dogs with class II obesity lost more weight than those in class I, weight reduction protocols took longer overall. Further, the rate of weight loss was slower, and more visits were required in dogs, but not cats, with class II obesity. Longer protocols requiring more visits are likely to be more challenging for owners, given the time commitment required, whilst a slower rate of weight loss might also be discouraging, increasing the chances of non-compliance or early discontinuation. This might explain why, compared with class I obesity, a lesser proportion of dogs with obesity class II reached their target weight. Recognising these challenges, it might be preferable to set pragmatic (i.e., easier to achieve) weight loss targets for dogs and cats with class II obesity. In this respect, a partial weight reduction plan could be considered whereby the target weight set is deliberately greater than the ideal weight, with the intention of maximising any benefits, such as functional improvements and quality of life whilst, concurrently, reducing the chances of failure because of non-compliance and discontinuation [31].
Despite the longer duration and greater number of visits, there were no significant differences between classes in the number of times the weight loss stalled or the number of times that a change in the diet plan was required. The number of weight loss stalls is a crude metric for the challenges faced by an owner during a weight loss plan because more weight loss stalls would be expected in more challenging plans. Similarly, poor compliance is likely when owners are finding the weight reduction process challenging and, in such cases, more diet changes might be expected. Therefore, the current results might suggest that, despite a longer and slower process, the day-to-day challenges were not different for owners. Arguably, however, these variables do not capture the full extent of challenges experienced by owners whose pet is undergoing controlled weight reduction. To explore this more completely, additional metrics would be needed including the amount of food-seeking behaviour and diary records of non-compliance with the diet. Further, since this was an observational study, causality cannot be assumed and, in fact, there might be inverse causality. In this respect, owners who are finding the process more challenging might be more resistant to changing the plan, for example, by reducing the daily food portion; this might then lead to a slower rate of weight loss, with the effect being a longer plan overall.
Compared with dogs with class I obesity, those with class II obesity lost a greater amount of fat during their controlled weight reduction plan which is, perhaps, not surprising given that their starting fat mass was greater. However, change in fat mass during weight reduction did not differ between cats in the two obesity classes. This finding might be explained by the variability in how much body fat mass changed and the fact that there was marked overlap between classes (class I -86 to -30%; class II -83% to -16%). Therefore, although a medium effect size was observed, the group sizes might have been too small to enable the detection of a statistically-significant difference between group medians in hypothesis testing. To address this, further work would be required where body composition changes during weight reduction are assessed in a larger population of cats with obesity.
Changes in lean tissue mass were also seen and, in both dogs and cats, losses were greater in those with class II compared with class I obesity. Whilst some lean tissue loss is expected during controlled weight reduction in cats and dogs [18–19],[32], consequences of excessive lean tissue loss in animals have not yet been established. Comparatively, lean tissue loss occurs with weight loss using diet-based strategies in humans [33], and the significance of excessive lean tissue loss has been well described, including consequences such as decreased metabolism and increased risk of injury [34–36]. Furthermore, the decrease in metabolism can make any weight loss hard to sustain, and this might be a reason for subsequent regain of weight [34]. Given such adverse effects, excessive lean tissue loss during weight reduction in dogs and cats might have similar negative effects. For this reason, partial weight reduction protocols should, perhaps, be considered as the default rather than the exception when veterinary professionals recommend controlled weight reduction for animals with class II obesity.
Approximately half of all the animals in this study (60% dogs, 41% cats) had class II obesity, with the proportion remaining relatively similar over time in dogs but not cats, where the prevalence between 2014 and 2017 was greater than the prevalence between 2009 and 2013. Given that these cases were seen at a specialist obesity care clinic, it is unclear as to whether the prevalence is similar within the wider pet population. Nonetheless, the findings are important because the commonly used 9-point BCS system [15],[16] does not accommodate them. Indeed, the current study used DXA to classify such cases, a technique that is not widely available, thereby limiting the generalisability of the current results to primary care practice. Even with investment in such equipment, the additional cost implications for owners of pets with obesity might limit its use. Therefore, for the concept of obesity class to be translated to primary care veterinary practice, simple clinical assessments would be required. One option might be to use a different approach to assess adiposity, such as the body fat index (BFI) or a system based on zoometric measurements [37],[38]. However, there are challenges with both these approaches; first, whilst the BFI has been validated against DXA, it is less well known by veterinary professionals compared with the 9-point BCS. Further, the previously-reported zoometric technique is complicated, taking longer to complete and requiring greater patient co-operation, whilst marked variability can occur with tape measure measurements, adversely affecting accuracy [39], not least when used in multi-veterinarian practices or in more challenging animals (aggressive or nervous). Such issues limit widespread acceptance of alternative techniques to the 9-point BCS, not least in busy primary care practices where the available time in consultations might be limited.
Alternatively, the existing 9-point BCS system could be redesigned, for example, by adding more categories for cats and dogs that are > 40% overweight. This would require further research whereby visual and physical characteristics of dogs and cats with class II obesity could be assessed to determine characteristics distinguishing these animals from those of existing classes (especially BCS 9). Any revised system would then need to be validated by comparing its performance with a gold-standard measure of body fat mass such as DXA. Of course, as with any new system, there might then be challenges with acceptance from veterinary professionals. A pragmatic approach could be to continue to use the existing BCS system, but also flag any individuals whose visual and palpable characteristics suggest that they are beyond the upper limit of the scale (i.e., by recording them as “9+” or “above 9”). One strength of the current 9-point BCS is that it can be used to estimate ideal weight [40], because the relationship between body fat mass and BCS is approximately linear [15],[16],[41]. A limitation of such the pragmatic approach of adding a “9+” category, is that estimates of ideal weight in that category would be problematic. For such cases, other methods would be required to estimate ideal weight, for example, by assessing historical weight records to identify a prior adult weight where the dog was in optimal body condition, which can then be used as an ideal weight.
As for any scientific research, there are limitations that warrant consideration, some of which have already been discussed, including the fact that the study population might not be representative of the general pet population. Owners who agree to be referred to such a clinic might well be more motivated and, as a result, outcomes might be more favourable than for animals in the general pet population. Further, there was variability among animals and the study population was relatively small (especially in cats), and this might have obscured the identification of relationships between the degree of obesity and outcomes of weight reduction. This was compounded by the fact that some data were missing, for example, post-weight-reduction body composition data in animals where DXA was not performed after weight reduction. This limited our ability to analyse changes in body composition during the weight reduction period and might have contributed to the failure to detect a significant difference in fat mass change between classes in cats despite a medium effect size.
In conclusion, the subclassification of canine and feline obesity into classes I and II has been described, with animals with class II obesity having worse weight outcomes than those with class I obesity. Based on such a classification, many pet dogs and cats presenting to a specialist obesity care clinic would have class II obesity and, therefore, not be well represented by the current 9-point BCS system.