222 Rn concentration in water samples
Water samples of about 500ml were collected in airtight vials from different sampling stations throughout the district. The representative sample was collected after flushing out the stagnant water in the bore well for about 30 minutes. To minimise 222Rn leakage and bubble formation during sample collection, the vials were completely filled by immersing them in the sample-filled container and closing the lids beneath the water. GPS of the location and sampling time were noted and the samples were bought to the laboratory at the earliest.
The activity of 222Rn in water samples was measured using the Smart Radon Monitor (SRM) (Figs. 2 and 3) (Gaware et al. 2011). The samples were analysed by incorporating the procedure of the American standard test method for 222Rn in drinking water (ASTM 1998). About 60 ml of sample was taken in the sampling holder. By bubbling air through the water, the dissolved 222Rn in the water was transferred to the scintillation cell through a progeny filter for the elimination of 222Rn /220Rn progeny. The scintillation cell, which is coupled to a photomultiplier tube and counting electronics will count the 222Rn and its decay products which have undergone radioactive decay by emitting alpha particles. Background counts due to the residual decay product of 222Rn will be eliminated using the indigenous smart algorithm of the microprocessor. The efficiency of the ZnS(Ag) scintillation cell used in the radon monitor is 74%
. Figure 2 Schematic representation of SRM Fig. 3 Radon measurements in water samples
The concentration of 222Rn in water samples is calculated using Eq. (1) (Raghavayya et al. 1980).
Where, CRn is the activity of 222Rn in the water sample (Bql− 1), D is the alpha counts (s− 1), B is the background counts (s− 1), V is the volume of the actual water sample taken for analysis (ml), E is the efficiency of the smart radon monitor, λ is the radioactive decay constant of 222Rn (2.09×10− 6 s− 1), t is the total time duration of counting (s) and T is the time delay after sample collection (s).
Dose Estimation
The effective dose due to inhalation and ingestion from 222Rn in water per annum is calculated by UNSCEAR established parameters. The inhalation and ingestion dose due to 222Rn in water are given by Eqs. (2) and (3) respectively (UNSCEAR 2000). The weighted average water consumption by the population of the district is considered to be 730ly− 1, recommended by WHO, to estimate the ingestion dose (WHO 2017).
Inhalation dose due to Rn in water
Where, Dinh is the annual effective inhalation dose (µSvy− 1), CRn is the activity concentration of 222Rn in the water sample (Bqll), Raw is the ratio between the concentration of 222Rn in the air to the concentration of 222Rn in water (10− 4), I is the average time spent by an individual in indoor (7000hy− 1), F is the equilibrium factor between 222Rn and its progeny (0.4) and FD is the dose conversion factor for 222Rn exposure (9 nSv (Bqhm− 3)−1).
Ingestion dose due to Rn in water through drinking pathway
Where, Ding is the effective ingestion dose (µSvy− 1), W is the weighted average water consumption (730 ly− 1) and EDC is the dose coefficient for 222Rn in water through ingestion (3.5 nSvBq− 1).
Estimation of Ra by emanometry method
Emanometry technique (Raghavayya et al. 1980) was employed to measure 226Ra concentration in water. For radium measurements in water, the locations were marked based on the results of radon measurements. From each taluk of Chamarajanagar district, 5–6 locations were identified and water samples of about 20 litres were collected in pre-cleaned cans. The pH of samples and GPS of the locations were also noted.
The water sample was filtered and pre-concentrated by co-precipitation and evaporation for 226Ra analysis. 5 g of analytical grade manganese dioxide was added and stirred for an hour using a mechanical stirrer and kept for two hours to settle down. The precipitated solution was separated for further analysis by discarding about half of the upper layer (supernatant) solution. The precipitate was heated to evaporate the water content and treated with 50 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. This solution was evaporated to near dryness and treated with 30ml of concentrated nitric acid to convert it into nitric acid medium and heated to near dryness to evaporate organic materials. The solution was allowed to cool and then treated with 50 ml of 4N HNO3 and filtered using Whatman 42 filter paper.
About 70ml of pre-concentrated solution was transferred to the radon bubbler (Fig. 4). Using a vacuum pump, the air was sucked through the solution to purge dissolved 222Rn. The solution-filled bubbler was kept undisturbed for 21 days (3–5 half-lives of 222Rn) for 222Rn build up (Figs. 4 and 5). An evacuated and background counted scintillation cell was connected to the bubbler through a swage connector. Air with dissolved 222Rn gets sucked through the solution and fills the scintillation cell under the influence of vacuum of the scintillation cell. The bubbling was made uniform and steady to have the complete transfer of 222Rn.The cell was kept for about 3–4 hours to have equilibrium between 222Rn and its daughter products. The alpha activity in the scintillation cell was measured using a scintillation-based programmable alpha counting system for duration of 1000 s. The activity of 226Ra in the water sample was calculated using Eq. (4) (Raghavayya et al. 1980).
Where, CRa is the activity of 226Ra in the water sample (mBql− 1), D is the alpha counts (s− 1), B is the background alpha counts (s− 1), V is the volume of the water sample taken for processing (about 20 l), E is the efficiency of the programmable alpha counting system (74%), λ is the radioactive decay constant of 222Rn (2.098 x 10− 6 s− 1), T is the time delay after transferring the solution from radon bubbler to the scintillation cell (s), t is the time duration of alpha counting (s) and τ is radon build-up period in the bubbler (s).
Ingestion dose due to 226Ra through drinking water pathway
Ingestion dose to the public due to the dissolved 226Ra in drinking water was estimated using the method and dose coefficients described in the IAEA reports (IAEA 2011). The ingestion dose per annum is calculated using Eq. (5) (UNSCEAR 2000).
Where, DRa is the ingestion dose due to 226Ra in water (µSvy− 1), W is the weighted average water consumption by the population (730ly− 1) and DCRa is the dose conversion factor for dissolved 226Ra in drinking water (2.8×10− 7 SvBq− 1).
Polonium in water
Water samples of about 20 litres, collected from different regions of Chamarajanagar district were analysed for the 210Po activity by radiochemical analysis technique. Water samples were collected in clean plastic cans and the pH of the water was measured at each location.
Filtered water is transferred to a clean tub and hydrochloric acid is added to maintain the pH of the water to 2.0. Iron carriers (5g) were added to the solution and stirred for an hour using a specially designed mechanical stirrer. Ammonia solution is slowly added until the pH of the solution increase to 9.0 to precipitate iron as iron(III) hydroxide in the solution. The solution was stirred steadily for 6 hours and left undisturbed overnight for settling. The upper layer of this solution is discarded, and the precipitate is dissolved using conc. Hydrogen peroxide is added to remove the organic content present in the solution. Hydrochloric acid is added to this solution, stirred using a magnetic stirrer, and evaporated to near dryness in the beaker. The total dryness was avoided to prevent loss of 210Po due to volatilization and sorption onto the surface of the glass beaker. The residue is treated with 0.5M hydrochloric acid and to this solution ascorbic acid is added to avoid interference of ferric ion deposition on the silver disc (Sharma et al. 2021; WHO 2011).
Sample Processing
A background counted silver disc is immersed into the solution and stirred for 6 hours by maintaining the temperature at 90°C (Fig. 6). This process spontaneously deposits 99% of 210Po on the polished silver disc. After agitating for 6 hours, the silver disc is rinsed with double distilled water and ethanol and then dried. The silver disc is subjected to alpha counting and counts were recorded for 6000s on both surfaces (Kavitha et al. 2017; Makmur et al. 2020). The activity concentration of 210Po is calculated using Eq. (6).
Where, CPo is the activity of 210Po (mBql− 1), S is the background subtracted sample counts (s− 1), 𝜀 is the efficiency of alpha counting system (17.65%), Ep is the efficiency of 210Po deposition on a silver planchet (99%) and V is the volume of the water taken for processing (litre).
Ingestion dose due to 210Po in water through drinking pathway
The effective dose due to activity of 210Po in the ingested water per annum was calculated using Eq. (7) (Ahmed et al. 2018).
Where, DPo is the ingestion dose due to 210Po in water (µSvy− 1), W is the weighted average of water consumption (730 ly− 1) and DCPo is the dose conversion factor for 210Po (1.2×10− 6 SvBq− 1) (WHO 2017; ICRP 1996).