Investigation the impact of hydrogen embrittlement on welded elements of main pipelines with corrosion wall thinning anomalies is crucial to consider the intricate interaction between residual stress-strain states resulting from assembly welding and external loads. To achieve this, a numerical finite-element approach was employed for simulating assembly welding and operational loading of the pipeline while accounting for the presence of surface geometry anomalies of semielliptical shape (see Fig. 1a).
The weld heating flux qw is modeled as being distributed according to the Gaussian law. It is assumed that the heat transfer within the welded structure occurs through conductive processes, which can be described by solving the nonstationary heat conduction equation. The dissipation of heat into the environment, including technological equipment and the atmosphere with a temperature of Te, is considered by applying appropriate boundary conditions along the surface Θ based on the laws of Newton-Richmann and Stefan-Boltzmann [8]:
$$c\rho \left( {r,\beta ,z,T} \right)\frac{{\partial T\left( {r,\beta ,z} \right)}}{{\partial \tau }}=\nabla \left[ {\lambda \left( {r,\beta ,z,T} \right)\nabla T\left( {r,\beta ,z} \right)} \right]$$
$$- \lambda \left( T \right){\left. {\frac{{\partial T}}{{\partial {{\varvec{n}}_{\varvec{p}}}}}} \right|_{\left( {r,\beta ,z \in \Theta } \right)}}= - {q_w}+{\alpha _T}\left( {T - {T_e}} \right)+{ ε _{SB}}{\sigma _{SB}}\left( {{T^4} - T_{e}^{4}} \right)$$
where Т, λ, cρ are temperature, thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the material at a given point, correspondingly, np is normal to the surface; αT is heat transfer coefficient; εSB is emissivity of the surface of the structure; σSB is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The initial temperature state of the structure is assumed to be uniform, designated as Te.
An appropriate finite-element approach is utilized to solve the combined problem of temperature field kinetics and the development of stresses and strains. This method involves eight nodal finite elements (FE) based on the WeldPrediction software complex [9], as shown in Fig. 1b. Within these specific FEs, the distribution of temperatures, stresses, and strains is assumed to be uniform. The growth of the strain tensor can be expressed using the following equation:
$$\text{d}{ ε _{ij}}=\text{d} ε _{{ij}}^{e}+\text{d} ε _{{ij}}^{p}+{\delta _{ij}}\left( {\text{d}{ ε _T}+φ } \right)$$
where \(\text{d} ε _{{ij}}^{e}\), \(\text{d} ε _{{ij}}^{p}\), \({\delta _{ij}}\text{d}{ ε _T}\), φ are components of the strain tensor growth caused by the elastic deformation mechanism, plastic deformations, kinetics of the nonuniform temperature field, volumetric changes of metal due to phase transportations, respectively, i, j = r, β, z (Fig. 1a).
The kinetics of the stress-strain state of the structure was evaluated by tracing the elastic-plastic deformations, utilizing the FE solution for the boundary value problem of non-stationary thermoplasticity. This analysis considered the temperature-dependent mechanical properties of the material. During each tracing step, the relationship between the components of stress tensors (σij) and strains (εij) was determined using the generalized Hooke's law and the associated plastic flow law [10]:
where δij is Kronecker symbol, K = (1–2ν)/E, G = 0.5E/(1 + ν), E is Young’s modulus, ν is Poison’s ratio, symbol "*" refers to the variable of the previous tracing step, Ψ is the state function of the material, which is determined by iteration algorithm according to the plastic flow surface σs and was considered as follows [10]:
$$\begin{gathered} \Psi =\frac{1}{{2G}},\;\text{i}\text{f}\;{\sigma _{eq}}<{\sigma _s}={\sigma _Y}\left( {T,\;{ ε _p}} \right); \hfill \\ \Psi >\frac{1}{{2G}},\;\text{i}\text{f}\;{\sigma _{eq}}={\sigma _s}; \hfill \\ \text{s}\text{t}\text{a}\text{t}\text{e}\;{\sigma _{eq}}>{\sigma _s}\;\text{i}\text{s} \text{n}\text{o}\text{n}\text{a}\text{l}\text{l}\text{o}\text{w}\text{a}\text{b}\text{l}\text{e}. \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$
At each tracing step, conditions (5)–(7) are implemented through an iterative method, considering the temperature-dependent σS and the history of plastic deformation (strain hardening). Simultaneously, during each iteration on Ψ, the stresses σij are calculated as follows (summation occurs based on repeated indices):
$${\sigma _{ij}}=\frac{1}{\Psi }\left( {\Delta { ε _{ij}}+{\delta _{ij}}\frac{{\Psi - K}}{K}\Delta ε } \right)+{J_{ij}}$$
where \({J_{ij}}=\frac{1}{\Psi }\left[ {\left( {{b_{ij}} - {\delta _{ij}}b} \right)+{\delta _{ij}}\left( {K{\sigma ^ * } - \frac{{\Delta { ε _T}+φ }}{K}} \right)} \right]\), \(\Delta ε ={{\Delta { ε _{ii}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\Delta { ε _{ii}}} 3}} \right. \kern-0pt} 3}\), \(b={{{b_{ii}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{b_{ii}}} 3}} \right. \kern-0pt} 3}\).
The components of the stress tensor satisfy the statics equation for internal FEs and the boundary conditions for surface ones. Similarly, the components of the vector ΔUi=(ΔUi, ΔVi, ΔWi) adhere to their respective boundary conditions. To compose the system of algebraic equations for the vector of displacement increments at FE nodes during each tracing step and iterations along Ψ, the following functional (Lagrange's variational principle) is minimized [11]:
$${L_1}= - \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{V} {\left( {{\sigma _{ij}}+{J_{ij}}} \right)} \Delta { ε _{ij}}{V_{m,n,r}}+\sum\limits_{\Theta } {{F_i}\Delta {U_i}\Delta S_{P}^{{m,n,r}}}$$
where \(\sum\limits_{V} {}\) is the sum operator for internal FE; \(\sum\limits_{\Theta } {}\) is the sum operator on the surface FE, on which the components of the force vector Fi are specified, i.e. the following system of equations allows to obtain a solution in the components of the vector of displacement increment at each step of tracing and iterations on Ψ for a specific FE:
\(\frac{{\partial {L_1}}}{{\partial \Delta {U_{m,n,r}}}}=0\) , \(\frac{{\partial {L_1}}}{{\partial \Delta {V_{m,n,r}}}}=0\), \(\frac{{\partial {L_1}}}{{\partial \Delta {W_{m,n,r}}}}=0\). (8)
The FE description of equations (3)-(10) and its software implementation can be found in reference [12].
Assessment the actual reliability of the pipeline under varying degrees of hydrogen embrittlement of the material within a significantly heterogeneous stress field across the structure was carried out by the method of postulated defects. This method involves assuming the presence of small defects in specific locations and then evaluating their acceptability. For the evaluation of brittle strength in corroded welded pipelines with hydrogen-degraded metal, the implementation of the method of postulated defects entails assuming a crack (surface and embedded) of a particular size and orientation at each node of the FE mesh. For each postulated defect scenario, the safety factor n is calculated based on the corresponding limit state criterion for a body with a crack. The commonly used criterion is the R6 procedure [10], which relies on a two-parameter diagram of brittle-ductile fracture (Fig. 2) and can be mathematically described as:
\(n{K_r}\left( {{L_r}} \right)=\left\{ \begin{gathered} \left[ {1 - 0.14{{\left( {nL_{r}^{{}}} \right)}^2}} \right]\left\{ {0.3+0.7\exp \left[ { - 0.65{{\left( {nL_{r}^{{}}} \right)}^6}} \right]} \right\},\;\text{i}\text{f}\;n{L_r} \leqslant L_{{r\hbox{max} }}^{{}} \hfill \\ 0,\;\text{i}\text{f}\;n{L_r}>L_{{r\hbox{max} }}^{{}}. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.\)
where Kr=KI/KIc, Lr = σref/σT, KI is stress intensity factor, KIc is fracture toughness, σref is reference stresses. The calculation of KI and σref is performed following the algorithms provided in [10].
Analyzing the safety factor distribution across the structure allows estimation the brittle strength of the welded pipeline with a corrosion anomaly, considering parameters like welding process, external force loading, and hydrogen degradation of the material. Proper implementation of this algorithm crucially depends on selecting an appropriate size for the postulated defect. On one hand, the crack's linear dimensions should not exceed the resolution of instrumental flaw detection tools, while on the other hand, they should be large enough to reveal the welded structure's susceptibility to brittle failure. A conservative approach could involve complying with regulatory requirements regarding the size of the postulated defect or correlating the safety factor of the cracked pipeline with design requirements.
In addition to accounting for hydrogen degradation of material properties, it is essential to consider the possibility of fatigue failure resulting from cyclic loading when evaluating the performance of a welded pipeline element. This type of failure can be assessed using classical approaches such as S-N diagrams for long-term strength analysis of welded structures or by evaluating the acceptability of postulated cracks using the algorithms mentioned earlier. Additionally, the growth rate of fatigue cracks (increase in their linear dimensions) over a certain period of operation must be taken into account. The growth rate can be calculated based on the number of load cycles N with cycle asymmetry R using Paris law [13]:
$$\frac{{da}}{{dN}}=\frac{{C \cdot \Delta {K^m}}}{{\left( {1 - R} \right) - \frac{{\Delta K}}{{{K_{Ic}}}}}},$$
where C, m are the Paris coefficients, ΔK is the range of the stress intensity coefficient.