Given that attending females pumping behaviour denotes a voluntary nature (sender), and considering the effects of chemical stimulus over tadpoles (receiver) behaviour, we can assume that tadpoles’ aggregation and attraction to attending females is the result of a chemical signal (see Schulte et al. 2015). We experimentally demonstrated the importance of chemical signal for mother-tadpole communication in Leptodactylus podicipinus, resulting in tadpole aggregation and attraction to attending female. Tadpoles responded by actively aggregating themselves and following the chemical signal of the attending female, while visual or tactile signals had no effect. In a previous study with L. insularum (referred as bolivianus), Wells & Bard (1988) pointed out that tadpole aggregation and attraction could involve not only tactile stimulus (waves) produced by attending females, but also chemical signal. Accordingly, Hoffmann (2006) predicted a “beneficial or attractant” mucus secretion by the attending females secreted to keep school cohesion, and subsequently lead the tadpoles. Although our results did not show tactile effect on schooling behaviour, we demonstrated that tadpoles respond to chemical secretions produced by attending females increasing the time of aggregation.
The main purpose of aggregation is to reduce the risk of predation (Manna et al. 2018). In fish, chemoreception plays a crucial role in aggregation and orientation, but only under particular circumstances (Hara 1975). At night (under low visibility), fishes aggregate using intraspecific chemical cues (Keenleyside 1955; Jones 1962), and at the daytime, under the presence of predators, they can aggregate by using alarm cues (Rüppel and Gosswein 1972). In anuran larvae, aggregation depends on social factors such as tadpole density, predator presence or warning cues (Ponssa 2001; Spieler and Linsenmair 2001). Although visual signals may help to improve assembling the school (Blaustein and O’Hara 1982), in all scenarios, aggregation may be the result of chemical communication, triggered by a chemical signal/cue produced by siblings (Blaustein and O’Hara 1982). Here we found a similar trigger for tadpole aggregation in a species with parental care, where the chemical signal comes from the attending female.
Contrary to our expectations, experiments did not find any preference of schools for related over unrelated attending females. Tadpoles seem to follow equally the chemical signal of related and unrelated attending females, suggestion no kin recognition by tadpoles in relation to attending females. We hypothesize that tadpoles may benefit equally by receiving care and protection, and consequently, increasing their chances of survival whether the attending female is genetic related or not. This behaviour may lead to alloparental care, and it may be the reason why it is common to find schools with tadpoles in different stages of development (see supplementary 1). Additionally, field observations of two or even three schools of L. podicipinus mixing was common, which eventually broke up into small schools to follow attending females performing pumping behaviour (FC Carrillo, unpublished data). Interspecific schools of L. podicipinus and L. luctator, remaining grouped for more than 30 hours, with attending females performing pumping behaviour and guarding the tadpoles (Rodrigues et al., 2011).
Communication is fundamental for parental care and sibling recognition (Blaustein & O'Hara, 1982; Kam & Yang, 2002). For instance, cichlids can recognize related free-swimming offspring (Myrberg, 1975), and parents of blind goby fish avoid eating related offspring because they recognize them chemically (MacGinitie, 1939). In, species that provide food to their offspring use communication to know how much and when to provide it (Davis et al., 2019). This is the case of anurans that breed in phytotelmata, which use the water retained in plant axils for egg laying and tadpole development. As the water is poor in nutrients, tadpoles scrape attending female’s back (begging behaviour) to stimulate trophic eggs release (Summers & Tumulty, 2014) and attending females recognize offspring from unrelated tadpoles, as is the case of Oophaga pumilio (Stynosk, 2009) and Kurixalus eiffingeri (Kam & Hang, 2002). Although parents should be able to identify offspring to avoid alloparental care and parental fitness reduction (Trivers, 1972), offspring recognition by attending females of Leptodactylus seems unlikely because of the great number of tadpoles (see supplementary 1). Thus, in free swimming tadpoles, as in species of Leptodactylus, the main function of parental care is to protect tadpoles against predators and to keep them far away from deep waters, where predators are more abundant and food sources are limited (Vaz-Ferreira, 1975; Martins, 2001; Hurme, 2015; Carrillo et al., 2023). Tadpoles and females travel long distances (see Wells & Bar, 1988), and schools can follow attending females even through excavated channels and tunnels (Rodrigues et al., 2011; Hoffmann, 2006). Thus, we experimentally confirm, for L. podicipinus, that chemical signals play an important role in these complex behaviours. Moreover, we identified that chemical signals are specifically produced by attending females, not by non-attending females or males, proving to be proper chemical signals.
The chemical composition of amphibian skin has been primarily studied for their defensive properties, aiming to obtain bioactive substances, as reported in many reviews (e.g. Nascimento et al. 2003; Conlon et al. 2011; Thomas et al. 2012; Conlon et al. 2014; Xu and Lai 2015; Pantic et al. 2017; Rodriguez et al. 2017; Rodriguez et al. 2020). In amphibian social contexts, chemical compounds acting as pheromones during courtship and territorial disputes are some of the known functions (King et al. 2005; Starnberger et al. 2013). However, little is known about the substances involved in chemical communication during parent-offspring interaction, and future studies on Leptodactylus should focus on the identification of these compounds. This should combine chemical analyses and bioassays in order to understand the context and triggers of aggregation, and if aggregation is triggered by one or more chemical signals (see Schulte et al., 2015).
In conclusion, we showed that chemical signals are fundamental for mother-tadpole communication in the frog Leptodactylus podicipinus, playing an important role prompting aggregation (schooling behaviour) and attraction. Furthermore, our results indicate that school attraction does not seem to be mother-specific, therefore, tadpoles can follow unrelated attending females probably benefiting from alloparental care. Nonetheless, because females of many species of Leptodactylus perform “pumping” behaviour (sensu Wells & Bard, 1988), and diverse communication mode are known (Carrillo et al., 2023), further experiments are needed to investigate different signals that might be involved in the communication between attending females and offspring in the genus.