A coupled soil moisture deficit–plant water stress method to detect agricultural flash droughts
Soil moisture (\(\theta\)) is a crucial variable for monitoring the stress of the land system10,31. Its conditions reflect the actual water availability for plants while considering the time-integrated impact of preceding meteorological states that affect the soil wetness (e.g., precipitation, solar radiation, and wind speed). A soil moisture deficit limits direct soil evaporation, water uptake by roots for plant transpiration, and groundwater recharge32. As soil moisture decreases, the corresponding increase in evaporative demand induces plant water stress2. The soil moisture deficit and plant water stress can be explained through the hydraulic properties of the soil, specifically the field capacity (\({\theta }_{FC}\)) and the permanent wilting point (\({\theta }_{WP}\)). Soil cannot retain water above the field capacity because gravitational drainage predominates in the soil matrix. Plants cannot use soil moisture below the wilting point because the soil matrix holds water too tightly around the soil particles31,33. Consequently, the maximum amount of water that soil can store and provide for plant growth and transpiration is the available water capacity (\({\theta }_{AWC}= {\theta }_{FC}- {\theta }_{WP}\)) (see, e.g., ref. 34 for further details).
Building from these principles, ref. 35 defined the soil water deficit index (SWDI) as an agricultural drought index formulated as:
$$SWDI= \left(\frac{\theta - {\theta }_{FC}}{{\theta }_{FC} - {\theta }_{WP}}\right)\times 10 \left(1\right)$$
The SWDI equals zero when the soil moisture is at the field capacity, i.e., when plants have full water availability and no soil moisture deficit. Negative SWDI values indicate a soil moisture deficit, which becomes absolute when \({\theta \le \theta }_{WP}\) (SWDI ≤ -10). Below this point, there is no available water for plants, i.e., roots cannot absorb soil water, and plants wilt36.
Figure 1a (adapted from refs. 10,31) is a schematic that represents the transition between water-limited and energy-limited regimes. It presents the scatterplot of \(\theta\) and the evaporative fraction (\(EF\)) for the illustrative flash drought case shown in Fig. 1b. The \(\theta\) - \(EF\) figure includes the soil property values and their corresponding SWDI values. The \(\theta\) - \(EF\) relationship for another five flash drought cases is shown in Supplementary Fig. 1. An essential threshold, the critical soil moisture value31,39\({(\theta }_{CRIT})\), lies between\({\theta }_{WP}\) and \({\theta }_{FC}\) and differentiates evapotranspiration regimes: When\({ \theta >\theta }_{CRIT}\), evapotranspiration is independent of soil moisture (energy-limited regime). When\({ \theta <\theta }_{CRIT}\), evapotranspiration is constrained by soil moisture (water-limited regime). Thus, \({\theta }_{CRIT}\) is identified when a slight decrease in soil moisture leads to diminished evapotranspiration31.
The system is in a dry regime when no evapotranspiration can occur, that is, when \({\theta <\theta }_{WP}\) (or SWDI < -10). A transitional regime corresponds to the range \({\theta }_{WP} \le \theta \le {\theta }_{CRIT}\), where soil moisture limits evapotranspiration variability and, thus, land-atmosphere feedbacks. Our method establishes the upper threshold (SWDI = -3) at the beginning of the transitional regime and the lower SWDI threshold (SWDI = -5) to ensure that plants begin to experience water stress (see further details on Methods).
Figure 1b presents the SWDI typical evolution for a flash drought case along with the proposed thresholds to identify agricultural flash droughts. The figure illustrates the three fundamental characteristics of a flash drought (e.g., refs. 2,3,11,24): (1) a rapid depletion of the root-zone soil moisture, (2) an intensification period sufficiently long to avoid short synoptic scale events that deplete soil moisture rapidly but recover suddenly, and (3) plant water stress. The rapid decay of the soil moisture is represented by an SWDI decay from more than − 3 to less than − 5 in 20 days (or 4 pentads). The intensification period is met (following ref. 24) by requiring the soil moisture depletion period to last at least 15 days (or three pentads). The plant water stress is intrinsically integrated into the proposed indicator, as it directly addresses the water availability loss for plants by defining the SWDI thresholds. The SWDI thresholds for the third condition are based on the following refs. 10,31,37,38 that have addressed the relationship between soil moisture and evapotranspiration (see also Methods).
With a primary focus on crops, the proposed definition couples the rapid intensification of soil moisture drying and vegetation stress as crucial factors. Therefore, the proposed method is designed to detect flash droughts in agricultural areas rather than in regions with extreme climates where soil moisture flash drought conditions are rare (see Methods for further details).
Representation of well-known historical flash droughts
The proposed method is applied to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis version 5 (ERA5) data. It is first tested by examining the well-known 2012 flash drought in the central-eastern United States11,40,41 that severely impacted agriculture42. Figure 2 presents the SWDI evolution for key dates between April and July 2012. The spatiotemporal evolution of the flash drought aligns closely with findings from several previous studies11,19,40. The flash drought began to develop rapidly in early May towards the north of the southeastern region (Figs. 2b and 2f). Throughout late May and June, the flash drought expanded in a radial pattern with varying rates of intensification (Figs. 2c and 2g; 2d and 2h). By July, it spreads further into the northern States of the Midwestern region, when it reaches its maximum spatial extent (Fig. 2e). In these States (see the Minnesota example, Fig. 2i), the drought becomes extremely severe between late July and August (-9 < SWDI < -7). Note that soil moisture flash drought conditions do not develop towards the semi-arid regions west of 100 ° W and the desert areas of the Southwest USA, as they show low SWDI values (SWDI < -7, and SWDI < -10, respectively) but constant over time (Figs. 2a-e).
We also assess the robustness of the proposed method by testing its ability to detect several well-documented flash droughts in different regions of the world. The approach successfully identifies (a) a severe flash drought in southwestern Russia and eastern Ukraine that rapidly intensified during late April and early May 2010 (see Supplementary Fig. 2, consistent with findings by refs. 43,44), (b) one of the most severe flash droughts experienced in India, which occurred at the end of the 2001 monsoon season (see Supplementary Fig. 3, in agreement with ref. 45), and (c) the extremely rapid intensification and spatiotemporal evolution of the once-a-century 2013 flash drought in southern China (see Supplementary Fig. 4, in line with the studies by ref. 46,47).
Annual and seasonal frequencies of agricultural flash drought
Our approach is employed to estimate the global spatial distribution of agricultural flash drought frequencies over the 1960–2020 period. Regions with the highest annual frequency of agricultural flash drought events are identified as hotspots, that is, regions where agricultural flash droughts have an area-averaged frequency higher than two events per decade and in which half of the area experiences at least three events per decade. Eight world regions prone to high agricultural flash drought occurrence are found with the proposed method. These regions, highlighted in Fig. 3a, are identified in Table 1 along with the corresponding flash drought frequencies. Southeastern South America (SESA) and southern China (SCh) present the highest frequencies per decade (with a maximum of about four area-averaged events per decade). India (In), central-eastern USA (CEUSA), central-eastern Europe (CEEu), and southern Russia (SRus) have area-averaged frequencies between 3.6 to 2.9 events per decade. Lastly, the transition belt between the Sahel and the tropical forests in central-western Africa (CWAf), northern South America (NSA), and southeastern Asia (SEAs) are also identified as agricultural flash drought hotspots with frequencies of about 2.5 area-averaged events per decade. Figure 3a shows that the most prominent event frequencies occur in croplands (see Supplementary Figs. 5 and 6) of SESA, SCh, CEEu and SRus, central In, and the northern and southeastern portions of the CEUSA.
Table 1
Regions identified as agricultural flash drought occurrence hotspots. The columns show the acronyms used to identify the agricultural flash drought hotspots and the area-averaged and maximum decadal frequencies of flash droughts (FD) in each hotspot.
Hotspot | Acronym | Area-averaged FD frequency | Maximum FD frequency |
Southern China | SCh | 4.0 | 14.2 |
Southeastern South America | SESA | 4.0 | 12.6 |
India | In | 3.6 | 11.5 |
Central-eastern Europe | CEEu | 3.4 | 8.3 |
Southern Russia | SRus | 3.1 | 8.4 |
Central-eastern United States of America | CEUSA | 2.9 | 8.8 |
Southeastern Asia | SEAs | 2.8 | 11.9 |
Central-western Africa | CWAf | 2.4 | 8.4 |
Northern South America | NSA | 2.4 | 9 |
While the number of area-averaged cases is seemingly low, they encompass smaller regions with frequent agricultural flash droughts (Fig. 3a). SESA, SCh, In, and SAs present small regions with frequencies of more than eight events per decade, where also a few grid points show maximum frequencies of more than one flash drought event per year (Table 1). Large regions of SRus and the eastern CEEu and isolated areas of CEUSA and NSA experience between 5 and 8 events per decade.
Figure 3b presents the seasonal frequency of agricultural flash drought events, while Fig. 3c shows the annual cycles of their area-averaged frequency in each hotspot region. Figures 3b and 3c show that agricultural flash droughts tend to occur during the crops’ critical growth periods. In extratropical areas, agricultural flash droughts are most frequent in springtime. Central-eastern Europe and southern Russia have the most prominent flash drought event frequencies during boreal spring (March-April-May; MAM), thus impacting the planting and pollination periods of diverse rainfed crops, including wheat, barley, corn, soybeans, and rice (see Supplementary Fig. 6b). The main crops grown in the southern USA eastern seaboard and the midwestern USA corn belt (e.g., ref. 48) are impacted during the same season (MAM), with effects extending into June for the latter region. Last, in southeastern South America, agricultural flash droughts are most frequent in austral spring (November and December), thus impacting the planting and pollination periods of corn, soybean, and sunflower (see, e.g., ref. 49).
In subtropical and tropical regions, the highest agricultural flash drought frequency may occur at different times of the year but is always related to the growing season. In southern China, the maximum flash drought frequency occurs during boreal summer (July and August), thus reducing the water availability for rice cultivation in an area that concentrates most of the country’s rice production50. Agricultural flash droughts in India, southeastern Asia, and central-western Africa are most frequent during September-October-November (SON), affecting the main crop yields (e.g., refs. 45,51,52). In the croplands of northern South America (Colombia and Venezuela), frequent flash drought events in December-January-February (DJF) affect the critical growth periods of mixed crops, cotton, and coffee (Supplementary Fig. 6b, ref. 53).
Physical evolution of agricultural flash droughts
Analyzing the temporal progression of agricultural flash droughts helps understand the physical processes involved in their life cycle and the associated land-atmosphere feedbacks. Figure 4 presents the temporal evolution (lags − 4 to + 4) of the area-averaged standardized anomalies of relevant variables for all hotspot regions under agricultural flash drought conditions. All hotspots exhibit a similar temporal evolution (smooth color lines in Fig. 4), suggesting worldwide analogous agricultural flash drought development. Figure 5 shows the generic spatial structure of agricultural flash droughts to further study the spatiotemporal flash drought development. To this end, a composite of all flash droughts in the world is created over a 12°x12° degree window centered at the corresponding flash drought location (see Methods for further details). Both Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show a consistent spatiotemporal development of agricultural flash droughts. Figure 4 shows precipitation and temperature have almost constant values before the flash drought onset (lags − 4 to -1). During this period, sufficient soil moisture (energy-limited regime, see Fig. 1b) allows a slight increase in evapotranspiration. Between the lag − 1 and the onset, precipitation quickly decays while the temperature rises (Figs. 4a and 4b; Fig. 5, second and third columns). At this point, an enhanced evaporative demand favored by the warming rapidly increases evapotranspiration (Fig. 4c and Fig. 5, third column). Together with the precipitation decay, this increased evapotranspiration produces a soil moisture dry-down that accelerates over the following pentads.
At the flash drought onset (lag = 0), when the SWDI is above the upper threshold (SWDI = -3; Fig. 4e and Fig. 5, fifth column), the precipitation deficit deepens, and the soil moisture starts depleting (Fig. 4a and 4d; Fig. 5, first and fourth columns). At this time, temperature and evapotranspiration play a crucial role in flash drought development. After the flash drought onset (lag + 1), the precipitation deficit reaches its maximum intensity and extent (Fig. 5, first column) and soil moisture becomes insufficient to supply further water for evapotranspiration, signaling the start of the water-limited conditions (see Fig. 1b). From lag + 1, evapotranspiration starts to decrease, despite the increased temperature, due to water stress (Fig. 4c and Fig. 5, third column). As the flash drought progresses (lags + 1 to + 3), the mechanism intensifies, that is, the temperature continues to rise, evapotranspiration drops and soil moisture diminishes. By lag + 2 the precipitation deficit begins stabilizing and reverses slightly by lag + 3, although negative precipitation anomalies persist (Fig. 4a and Fig. 5, first column). At this time (lag + 3), the temperature starts to drop (while positive anomalies continue), and the negative anomalies of both evapotranspiration and soil moisture stabilize, indicating the approaching end of the flash drought intensification period.
The characteristics just described are seen in all regions with agricultural flash droughts, regardless of the location or climatic regime. The features are more marked in the main hotspots (CEEu and SRus, SCh, CEUSA, SESA, and In), where the largest negative precipitation anomalies and the highest positive evapotranspiration anomalies occur (see Supplementary Fig. 7).