The analysis carried out with the landscape attribute maps indicates that the continuous spatialization of the data, combined with the fuzzy membership functions applied, provide fragility maps consistent with the database used and effectively represent reality. Continuous data combined with fuzzy sets is highly appreciated in overlay-based analyses (Eastman 2015) since it allows greater flexibility to the applied methods than when using discrete maps conditioned to Boolean logic (Jiang and Eastman 2000).
By considering smooth variations in the level of fragility of landscape attributes, continuous spatialization not only breaks with the rigid limits imposed by Boolean classes but also brings a new level of variability to the analysis, the intra-class variability, since the buffer formed zone at its edges reflects the influence of its neighbor. The core of a class represents its intrinsic fragility, and it edges the result of the interaction with another class, which has a particular interest in maps such as LULC.
The benefits of continuously representing landscape attributes can be observed in different contexts. Guth et al. (2021) demonstrate that the geomorphometric complexity is better analyzed on continuous surfaces than discrete ones and mentions that significant practical implications are observed, mainly when the terrain is analyzed simultaneously with other biophysical aspects of the landscape. Likewise, fuzzy logic increases the usefulness of pedological data, as it treats the soil as a continuous variable in space, considering the slight variations that occur until one soil type gradually converts into another (Moonjun et al. 2020). Such characteristics are essential when, for example, these data are used in hydrological and erosion studies.
Continuous surfaces also represent a scientific advance in data representation, as is the case for rainfall values, since such an approach allows the estimation of values at unsampled points without bias and with minimal variance (Oliveira et al. 2013). Thus, the use of discrete surfaces to spatialize such a variable is inconsistent with current rainfall event mapping techniques (Nearing et al. 2017).
Notably, the LULC map (Fig. 4) shows that the fuzzy spatialization brings a transitional region between the class's boundaries, especially visible when antagonistic fragility classes confront, making a buffer zone between them. As Baalousha et al. (2021) reported, such a characteristic overcomes the boundary problems presented by the boolean maps and argues that even for a land use and land cover map, the discrete representation cannot be considered fully adequate since, ultimately, such maps are derived from remote sensing images and the spectral blending of the pixel per se represents a certain degree of uncertainty, which can be considered from the implementation of fuzzy sets.
The importance of considering a buffer zone between LULC classes is justified in several contexts. Concerning forest fragments, edge effects that negatively affect the structure, microclimate, biodiversity, and protection of these environments are widely reported in the literature (Ferreira et al. 2019), so the level of environmental fragility is naturally higher at their edges than at their core.
The negative influence of urbanized areas on the environment is significant up to 40Km away from its source (Du et al. 2019), so it is of interest to our environmental analysis that this effect, in a certain way, manifests itself in the buffer zone provided by the fuzzy approach.
By overcoming the boolean problems with the borders, the fuzzy logic allowed better detailing in the mapping and a better performance considering the heterogeneity of the landscape attributes, Baalousha et al. (2021) consider this one of the main reasons that fuzzy logic performs better in vulnerability mappings, for example.
A small participation of pixels with low or very low levels of fragility (values between 0.0 and 0.4) was identified, demonstrating that the occurrence of regions where the association of flat reliefs, poorly erodible soils, and lower erosive power of rains occur is rare. However, it is remarkable that the concentration of such regions in the southern portion of the study area is visibly determined mainly as a function of the R Factor.
Here, one must consider that the R Factor reflects long-term erosion rates reasonably on average (Nearing et al. 2017). However, Oliveira et al. (2013) demonstrate that significant variations in the severity of this factor are only observed on a macroscale analysis, so it can be said that the significant participation of this factor in the PEF represents an overestimation of the contribution of rainfall erosivity to environmental fragility.
The low variability of rainfall data at the watershed scale is yet reported (Lombardi Neto and Moldenhauer 1992; Oliveira et al. 2013; Nearing et al. 2017). In studies where this variable is considered in conjunction with other biophysical characteristics, the authors use different strategies to make its inclusion in decision-making processes appropriate. Such strategies can range from the simplest ones, such as considering rainfall as a constant for the entire area (Valle et al. 2016; Alves et al. 2021) or the option for not including it (Campos et al. 2019), to more complex solutions that involve assigning different weights to the landscape attribute maps. In this context, according to Spörl and Ross (2004), the predominance of the medium fragility class can be credited to the equal weighting between the landscape attributes, which can attenuate the results and may mask the identified fragility.
In similar scenarios, previous studies also achieved similar results, Anjinho et al. (2021) and Alves et al. (2021) observed very high PEF clusters in mountainous relief associated with Ultisols and Neossols, in both cases with little significant contribution, 0.88 and 0.2% respectively. Miguel et al. (2021) state that Neosols are naturally susceptible to erosive processes, mainly when found in steep regions since they are new, shallow soils and have a sandy-loam texture. To Castro (2016), the low drainage capacity of Ultisols, especially from 40 cm in depth, increases the possibility of developing erosive processes, especially in steep or poorly managed regions. Several studies of fragility and vulnerability report the high susceptibility to erosive processes in mountainous regions (Aires et al. 2022), soil loss is a fundamental factor for this risk, and when associated with regions with little vegetation, fragility increases considerably (Campos et al. 2019).
When the LULC map is added to the analysis to obtain the EEF, the first response observed is a substantial increase in environmental fragility, so an extensive portion of the study area has high EEF fragility values. It is noted in the southern region, where for the EPF, the very low and low fragility predominates, whereas, in the EEF, the medium fragility predominates. This result is related to the high agricultural activities present in the region, characterized by annual croplands on the conventional cropping system, with the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanization.
According to Calaboni et al. (2018), this production system has expanded in São Paulo since the 1960s, accompanied most of this period by a decrease in forest cover, including in areas considered less suitable, such as sloping regions and more sensitive soils. The constant movement and exposure of the soil provided by this production system are responsible for the increase in environmental fragility in these regions, according to authors such Fushita et al. (2010) and Oliveira-Andreoli et al. (2021).
The low hydraulic conductivity can cause severe problems in terms of runoff and soil erosion (Lucas-Borja et al., 2019), mainly caused by the transit of large agricultural machinery, especially in large-scale grain production areas, as is the case of activities developed in the region. The significant influence of the Factor R is also noted for the Fuzzy approach, with greater participation related to the highest values, resulting in a predominant region of high and very high fragility in the northwest and north edges of the studied region, standing out over the other landscape attributes.
Throughout the map, it is possible to notice that in regions where there is native forest cover, small clusters with low fragility are formed, demonstrating the performance of an essential role in reducing anthropic pressures by the forest patches, especially along with the hydrographic network, reducing a load of nutrients and the runoff of sediments into the rivers (Mello et al. 2017).
Campos et al. (2019) also reported this, the authors observed fragility reduction in regions covered with planted forests, crediting this fact to the ideal protection of the soil provided by this cover, mainly reducing runoff. Lamb (2018) considers that timber plantations provide such ecosystem services but with low association with biodiversity improvement.
In this case, it must be considered that most native forest fragments found in the study area are made up of riparian vegetation, following the drainage network following the Brazilian legislation on permanent preservation areas.
However, this characteristic originates in elongated fragments with little nuclear area. The literature widely reports that neighboring land uses significantly affect elongated fragments with small nuclear areas and cannot fully perform the ecosystem services provided by native vegetation.
The elongated shape in forest patches favors the susceptibility to edge effects that affect the structure and biodiversity (Magnago et al. 2015) and affects its resilience to adverse phenomena such as storms, fires, and biological invasions, in addition to being greatly influenced by neighboring land use and by human activities as logging and hunting (Ferraz et al. 2014).
In a way, the Fuzzy approach allows considering such characteristics, considering that the presence of a forest fragment alone does not necessarily represent the power to increase local fragility. This effect is observed with greater consistency as the fragment has a shape more regular and more extensive nuclear area it is possible to observe lower fragility clusters.