Results from the systematic analysis highlight that NbS research (Fig. 1) has primarily focused on climate change and biodiversity loss. However, since the growth of large-scale research funding programs in 2015, NbS research has begun to focus on other societal challenges. For instance, research targeting disaster risk reduction has become prominent in recent years. Nonetheless, four of these societal challenges tend to remain peripheral to the overall NbS research landscape: (i) economic and social development, (ii) human health, (iii) food security, and (iv) water security. Research outputs in these disciplines have been disproportionately skewed towards Europe and North America, despite the greatest vulnerabilities lying outside these regions. This mismatch provides an opportunity for prioritising and funding future research in select regions where it is needed most.
To establish these understudied societal challenges as primary subjects of inquiry for future NbS research, it is critical to understand their role within the wider NbS context (see Supplementary Discussion) and to develop appropriate pathways that prioritise research in these disciplines. In this section, the importance of building on the current NbS foundations and expanding the research focus into the four understudied societal challenges is discussed. Strategies needed to advance NbS research are presented in Fig. 3, including key research pathways for supporting the scientific basis of NbS, namely:
Maintain research on the foundations of the NbS research landscape (NbS addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, and disaster risk);
Expand existing studies to consider the impacts of NbS on all societal challenges, and across different contexts;
Pilot and experiment with applied new projects to complement theoretical research on understudied societal challenges;
Innovate with alternative ideas and solutions to obtain causal evidence for using NbS across sectors;
Re-assign research foci to target regions with greatest vulnerability to societal challenges; and
Connect scientific evidence from past literature in understudied societal challenges (e.g., agroforestry) to support NbS research.
Economic and social development
The relationship between human activities and the environment can be established by adopting a nature-positive economy (NPE) pathway. An NPE encompasses a holistic approach that goes beyond minimising negative impacts and instead focuses on generating positive outcomes for biodiversity, ecosystems, and people53. This is achieved by integrating ecological considerations into socioeconomic development, leading to a more sustainable and resilient future. It acknowledges the interdependence between healthy ecosystems, thriving economies, and the well-being of communities, fostering a balanced and inclusive approach to progress. When implemented effectively through NbS, it can stimulate job creation, and inclusive and equitable economic development. This pathway has the potential for NbS to support income resilience and social justice in vulnerable regions and future-proof less vulnerable regions from potential unforeseen impacts (see pathway 5 in Fig. 3). However, more research is needed to address the lack of consensus on the definition and conceptual framework of NPE. To advance knowledge on the NPE concept and its market potential, research is needed in sectors such as agri-food, blue economy, forestry, built-environment, and tourism.
To deliver NbS for an NPE, capacity building for the private sector has been identified as crucial53. This includes skill building to boost the activities provided by nature-based enterprises (NBEs)54. These activities deliver NbS as services and projects, creating new jobs, developing new areas of knowledge and expertise, and fostering innovation, leading to broader socio-economic impacts. While the potential of NBEs in contributing to a just transition and generating economic benefits is recognised, further research is needed25. Studies should explore the unique characteristics of NBEs compared to other organisations, across sectors, regions, and scales. Understanding success factors, barriers, and the fit between innovation ecosystems and the needs of NBEs, requires additional theoretical and empirical research, especially in terms of financing and scaling mechanisms.
Applied research is recommended through pilot projects (see pathway 3 in Fig. 3) that serve as real-world testing grounds. These projects may be considered in regions that can draw on the success of neighbouring nations with stable economies and lower inequality (see Fig. 2b). However, it is important to note that the particularities of each context should always be carefully considered, and there is no one-size-fits-all or copy-paste solution. Local and Indigenous communities and knowledge, cultural considerations, socio-economic dynamics, and environmental characteristics need to be carefully assessed and integrated into the implementation of nature-positive approaches to ensure their effectiveness and suitability for the specific region. In such pilots, collaboration amongst a diverse range of stakeholders across industry value chains that consider the restoration of nature, is key to validate the NPE concept, explore its market potential, and pilot solutions that align with market drivers. By implementing and researching pilots, it becomes possible to demonstrate the practical application of the nature-positive dimension of NbS and perform assessments of feasibility and effectiveness.
Human health
Health research funding agencies should prioritise the field of NbS given its impact and opportunities for evidence that may contribute to win-win-win situations between health, the economy, and the environment. This inherently implies that transdisciplinary research with involvement of stakeholders from the start of the process must be supported and include interdisciplinary institutes across the globe, representing populations across income spectra and in different geographical and climate contexts. Studies on urbanising areas in regions with low Prosperity Index values, such as Africa and Asia (Fig. 2b), and where exposure to climate change impacts heightens the vulnerability to ill-health related to, for example, heat exposure, malnutrition, and vector-borne diseases55, should be prioritised for maximum health impact (see pathway 5 in Fig. 3). The range of Prosperity Index values present in Asia and North America means that existing datasets and research from countries with more favourable indices within these regions could be utilised to expand research to directly address challenges in countries with less favourable indices (see pathway 2 in Fig. 3).
To support the use of NbS in the health sector, causal evidence is needed and can be achieved through new research using new data, with the implementation of longitudinal studies. While NbS have the potential to provide significant benefits over time, quick fixes with immediate measurable effects are unlikely. This is why support must be provided for long-term follow-up studies. To identify mechanisms for the use of NbS in the health sector, innovative research designs and methods are required (see pathway 4 in Fig. 3). These could include collaborations with urban planners or engineers to conduct randomised, controlled NbS trials to significantly reduce the risk of bias and thereby provide stronger proof for the efficiency and impact of NbS.
When implementing NbS, experimental studies (see pathway 3 in Fig. 3) are recommended to understand the biological mechanisms between various NbS and health outcomes. Such trials could, for example, analyse specific components of nature, including biodiversity, to assess impact on the human microbiome and subsequent health effects56. In a highly urbanised world with a disrupted relation to nature, this kind of evidence could be groundbreaking and motivate broad implementation of NbS across regions. Proof of a cause-effect relationship could also serve to reduce scepticism within the medical establishment and support the use of NbS in health care36, 57. This would likely result in increased awareness in policy and decision-making, leading to better acceptance of NbS for several health challenges.
Food security
The reciprocal nature of food systems to both impact and be impacted by climate-induced hazards, water insecurity, and economic downturns, means that research targeting multiple societal challenges is critical to NbS supporting food security. For instance, considering how degraded farmlands can be reverted to biodiverse ecosystems to restore the protective benefits from floods and drought, without compromising the available land for agriculture. The complex dynamics between land use and agriculture have been identified as NbS research hotspots58, with ecosystems continually requiring conversion to agriculture to sustain the growing global population59, 60. Where it is unfeasible to revert agriculture to ecosystems, utilising more sustainable types of agriculture with NbS to enhance biodiversity, minimise soil erosion, and sequester carbon, without impacting production, should be promoted in place of intensive farming61 (see pathway 4 in Fig. 3). Further, NbS research that partners with Indigenous communities has the potential to utilise traditional, local knowledge to develop climate and disease resilient crops for enhancing sustainable food systems62.
By considering food systems through a resilience lens, transformative pathways have been developed to overcome the dichotomy of local and global perspectives on food insecurity, to achieve commonalities across scales and minimise the dependence on stable food processes at either the global or local level63. Achieving resilience in food systems is necessary in regions with the greatest vulnerability, such as in Africa and parts of Asia and North America (Fig. 2). Future NbS research should seek to establish methods for creating resilient food systems in these regions (see pathway 5 in Fig. 3) and re-establishing those in regions that have suffered the most from the effects of climate change and violent conflicts64. However, with a global economy that relies on trade between regions, undertaking NbS research in a range of climatic zones can help support the global food industry and the consumers during periods of transitory food insecurity65.
Water security
To ensure a sufficient water supply under conditions of high demand, further research on the effectiveness of NbS is needed, such as research that addresses the transition from existing grey infrastructure (e.g., concrete channels) to the use of sustainable measures through natural ecosystems. This includes understanding how NbS can replace planned or existing grey infrastructure while enabling a safe, reliable, and just water supply, and how NbS and/or hybrid solutions (combining green and grey elements) can mitigate the environmental impacts of and complement existing large-scale grey infrastructure. Such studies could focus on the aspects of NbS that restore river and habitat connectivity, improve flood and drought resilience, and reduce groundwater and streamflow depletion. Raising awareness and effectively communicating the advantages and disadvantages of NbS is crucial for decision-making, particularly among water engineers and managers who have traditionally prioritised technological solutions to achieve water security.
Evaluating how NbS can achieve these benefits for more sustainable water management in the long-term is crucial to community health and economic livelihoods. Research considering the long-term benefits, costs, and potential drawbacks of water-specific NbS is needed. With flood and drought durations increasing amidst rapid climate change66, 67, long-term field trials (see pathway 3 in Fig. 3) are needed to establish the boundary conditions for NbS to increase the resilience of certain regions to the impacts of both floods and drought, and how this effectiveness will differ with ongoing global change. Regions with high water-policy challenges68, and low Global Water Security Index values (Fig. 2b), present opportunities to introduce knowledge from regions with extensive research and low vulnerability to water insecurity (see pathway 5 in Fig. 3). Further, local solutions must be evaluated and upscaled to assess their feasibility across different landscapes and socioeconomic systems. At the same time, any implementation of NbS requires adequate monitoring across different spatial and temporal scales.
The long-term influence of NbS to address water scarcity has direct benefits to agricultural production and irrigation water availability. New research that considers the potential for NbS to benefit multiple sectors will have direct applications to the transition and/or transformation of livelihoods and landscapes towards a more sustainable use of available water resources. For example, research that targets the impact of NbS concerning the many interconnections within the water-energy-food nexus can establish the scientific evidence base for NbS as a multifaceted mitigation measure and highlight the trade-offs and synergies to requirements concerning food security, energy production, and economic development (see pathway 2 in Fig. 3).
Further considerations
Global affiliations and vulnerability indices
The development of the research production map in Fig. 2a is based on the assignment of author affiliations from bibliographic data. However, this may not always accurately represent the countries that are targeted in the research. For example, a study undertaken by researchers in one country will be assigned to the relevant region, although it may take place in a case study elsewhere. To evaluate more precisely how NbS research targets nations with greater vulnerability to the societal challenges, future studies could complement the distribution of research production with manual reviews of case studies and fieldwork locations for each paper, as well as with the research agencies funding the research.
In addition, the vulnerability indices used in this study present a starting point for recommending where future NbS research should be focused, but do not include all nations equally. For example, many nations in the Pacific Islands do not have available data for inclusion in the development of the indices, and thus the vulnerability for Oceania is often skewed towards that of larger nations, such as Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. Therefore, obtaining vulnerability data at a regional scale would help identify the nations that would gain the most benefit from NbS research in each societal challenge.
Alternative terminology
For each of the societal challenges considered in this study, a considerable amount of academic literature exists using alternative terminology that may not be directly linked to the NbS concept. Developing connections between existing literature and the NbS concept is needed to ensure that existing knowledge is captured and used to expand the current state of NbS research (see pathway 6 in Fig. 3). For example, ‘urban green spaces’ and ‘urban forests’ are terms often used in literature on nature and health. Evidence from these studies can be used to support the use of NbS for sustainable health care and disease prevention. Future scoping reviews could identify other terminology (including from Traditional Ecological Knowledge) and how it has been used in previous nature and interdisciplinary research in various parts of the world among different populations. For example, while the concept of ‘ecosystem services’ has been widely recognised within environmental sciences for decades, it has only recently been understood and adopted by human health disciplines to guide research questions and study designs69.