The Mars500 experiment
Mars500 mission was conducted in 2010-2011 by Russia’s Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), with extensive participation by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences (ELIPS) to prepare for future human missions to the Moon and Mars. The whole project consisted of three isolation studies: a 14-day pilot study to test facilities and procedures used during the simulation, a 105-day pilot study involving six crewmembers, and a 520-day study that simulated a complete space flight to Mars and back. Mars500 crew was composed of six male volunteers. All crewmembers were confined in the same living space from the 3rd of June 2010 till the 4 of November 2011 when they finally stepped out of the isolation facility to come back to their normal activities. During the mission the crew was hermetically isolated from the rest of the IBMP facility. Crewmember received three type of diets, a so called “first variant” (FV), “third variant” (TV) and, after the experiment, returned to a normal (non supervised) diet regime (NR). Detailed information on the experiment are reported in Supplemental Information file. Further details are also reported in the companion Mars500 microbiology paper [17].
Collecting salivary samples
Saliva samples were collected individually, based on the scientific protocol and pre-confinement training, with 5ml sterile vials (Nalgene V5257-250EA). Upon completion of the saliva sampling all samples from one sampling event were put into the hatch. After that, they were removed by the responsible person of the IBMP and stored at -80°C. After being stored at -80°C in the laboratories of the IBMP for periods of at least 4 days up to 6 months, the samples were sent via World Courier. Shipping from Moscow to the University of Tuscia, Viterbo – Italy. The shipment was performed in three batches on dry ice to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles which lead to reduction of microbial viability. Upon arrival, samples were kept at -80°C until processing. Salivary samples were collected by crewmembers during and after the permanence in the isolation facility (Table 1): 42 samples were collected during the first simulated journey from Earth to Mars (seven time-points), 30 samples were collected during the simulated trip back home from Mars to Earth (five time-points), and other 16 samples were collected when crewmembers came back to their normal activities and were followed for additional 200 days (three time-points). Unfortunately, two samples collected in the latter stage gave no good quality DNA and were thus discharged. Crewmembers did not collect salivary samples during the simulated landing on Mars where three of them—which simulated the landing on a separate module—used a different food variant. For this reason the second food variant used was not reported in the work passing from the first food variant (FV) directly to the third food variant (TV).
Sequencing of salivary samples
DNA was extracted from salivary samples stored at -80°C using a conventional bead-beating protocol (DNeasy PowerSoil Kit, Mobio). After fluorimetry quantification (Qubit), 20 ng of environmental DNA were used as template for amplification of 16S rRNA gene using V3-V4 primers (341F and 785R) as previously reported [25,26]. Libraries were constructed and sequenced on a MiSeq apparatus [27] (Illumina) by BMR Genomics (Padua, Italy).
Amplicon sequence variant reconstruction
The DADA2 pipeline (version 1.14.1) was used to reconstruct amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) from illumina reads [28]. Both ASV reconstruction and statistical analyses were performed in the R environment version 3.4.3 ( For a complete description of all the step performed see Supplementary material section. Briefly, primers used for V3-V4 amplification were detected and removed using cutadapt version 1.15 [29]. Low quality reads were discarded using the filterAndTrim function with an expected error threshold of two for both forward and reverse read pairs. Denoising was performed using the dada function after error rate modelling (learnErrors function). Denoised reads were then merged discarding those with any mismatches and/or an overlap length shorter than 20bp (‘mergePairs’ function). Chimeric sequences were removed using the removeBimeraDenovo function. Taxonomical classification was performed using DECIPHER package version 2.14.0 against the latest version of the pre-formatted Silva small-subunit reference database (SSU version 132 available at: [30,31]. All sequences classified as chloroplasts, mitochondria, Archaea and Eukarya were removed. A summary of retained reads in each step is reported in Table S1 and in Figure S1.
Diversity estimation
Bacterial diversity in each sample was computed using inverse Simpson index as implemented in the diversity function of vegan package. Differences according to crewmembers, permanence in the isolation facility, and food variants were inspected using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The effect of time was modeled using linear mixed models with fixed slope and random intercept. Since alpha diversity was measured multiple times on the same statistical units, crewmembers were used as random intercept factor.
Diversity across samples was inspected using different approaches. Qualitative and quantitative indexes were used to infer pairwise distances between samples. Qualitative indexes are binary indexes which take into account presence/absence of species to compute distances between samples whereas quantitative indexes are mainly based on the abundance of species [32]. Sorensen index [33] and un-weighted UniFrac distance [34] were used as qualitative indexes whereas Bray-Curtis dissimilarity [35] and weighted UniFrac distance [34] were used as quantitative indexes. UniFrac distances were computed using the distance function of the phyloseq R package version 1.30.0 [36] whereas Sorensen and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indexes were computed using the vegdist function of the R package vegan verison 2.5-6 [37]. Differences between salivary microbiota composition of the same crewmember at consecutive time-points (within-subject diversity) were computed using the TBI function of the adespatial R package verison 0.3-8 [38]. Packages vegan and adespatial use the same definition of Sorensen and Bray-Curtis distance.
Sorensen index is defined as:
where A and B are the numbers of ASVs on compared samples, and J is the number of the ASVs shared by both samples.
Bray-Curtis index is defined as:
where bik is the Bray-Curtis distance between sample i and k with J number of species, nij is the abundance of species j in sample i, and nkj is the abundance of species j in sample k[39]. The adespatial package computes the index by splitting the total diversity into 3 components: A (the unscaled similarity between two samples), B (the species loss between two samples), and C (the species gain between two samples). The computation is then performed using the formula (B + C)/(2A + B + C) giving the same results as the formalization given above.
Qualitative indexes rely on the assumption that all taxa are equally contributing to bacterial diversity independently from their abundance. For this reason, even extremely rare taxa may be relevant in shaping sample distribution. To relax this assumption ASVs detected in less than 5% of samples (4 samples overall) with an abundance lower than 10 were filtered out before diversity calculation.
Distances across samples were reported using non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) as implemented in the metaMDS function of the vegan package, with 300 random starts and monotone regression [40,41]. To test the effect of food variants, crewmembers, and time in shaping the salivary microbiota we used permutational multivariate analysis of variance on distance matrices obtained above (adonis2 function of the vegan package with 1,000 permutations). The proportion of sum of squares from the total (namely the value of permutational analysis) was used to report the percentage of variance explained by each factor included in the analysis. Before testing for differences in bacterial composition among groups is advisable to make sure that groups are homogeneously dispersed, otherwise permutational tests (such as adonis) may report significant results entirely due to uneven dispersion. To distinguish between actual differences in composition or differences due to dispersion we used the betadisper and anova functions (vegan package). P-values obtained were corrected using Benjamini & Hochberg correction (also known as false discovery rate)[42]. To avoid possible biases induced by uneven sequencing depths, read counts were scaled using DESeq2 before diversity calculation (counts function) [43]. Scaled counts were additionally transformed using the square root of the Wisconsin double standardized counts (wisconsin function of the vegan package).
Influence of time on bacterial diversity
Salivary microbiota may be affected by several factors. Sharing the same environment for a prolonged period of time may alter the composition of salivary microbiota at different levels. The bacterial composition may be altered within the same individual taken at consecutive time points but even between multiple individuals at each time point. To inspect both of these components, bacterial diversity within and between subjects, calculated as reported above, was modeled through time. Change-point analysis was used to identify specific time points which led to a decrease/increase of diversity. The optimal positioning and number of change-points for each crewmember was identified using a non-parametric cost function as implemented in the function of the R package, version 1.0.2 [44]. The pruned exact linear time algorithm (PELT) [45] was used to detect temporal changes in diversity within the same subject and between different subjects. The PELT algorithm searches for an optimal solution by minimizing the cost of different segmentation. We used the modified Bayes information criterion penalty term (MBIC) [46] as penalty function for cost minimization by the algorithm. Since PELT algorithm is exact, a solution is always found for each time series so, to avoid inflation of change-points due to the presence of data coming from six different subjects, a genetic algorithm was used to fine-tune the analysis. All change-points detected were used as starting point of the genetic algorithm and a fitness function was defined as:
where, RMSE(lmmk) stands form the root mean square error of the generalized linear model constructed on the segment and is the number of segments defined by change-point analysis. High error corresponds to a low fitness value whereas low error corresponds to a high fitness value. At each step of iteration, the genetic algorithm will keep segmentation that lead to linear models with a low RMSE and discard those leading to high error models. We implemented this algorithm using the R package GA [47] verison 3.2 with a population size of 200. Generalized linear model were fitted using crewmembers as random intercept and p-value were computed with the Satterthwaite’s degrees of freedom method as implemented in the package lmerTest [48,49] version 3.1-2.
We assessed the persistence of the salivary microbiota across subjects using dynamic time warping algorithm implemented in the dtwclust R package (version 5.5.6)[50]. At each time point the number of subjects in which a given ASV was detected (namely the ASV’s persistence) was reported together with its abundance. Persistence matrix was scaled and centered before clustering. Centering was performed by subtracting the mean of each ASV from their persistence whereas scaling was performed by dividing each value by its standard deviation. The relation between persistence and abundance was tested by fitting a linear model (‘lm’ function of R stat package). All detail s about clustering and modelling were reported in Supplementary methods. Persistence across subjects was also used for network construction: at each time point we constructed a bipartite network by linking subjects with ASVs that were present in their salivary microbiota. Subjects were represented using squared nodes whereas ASVs were represented using round circles colored according to the groups defined above. Doing so, we generated twelve bipartite, acyclic, and undirected networks representing the salivary microbiota of all subjects at different time points. The network R package (version 1.16.0) was used for network reconstruction whereas the package ggnetwork (version 0.5.8) was used for plotting [51,52]. The effect of time and the end of the isolation period on the number of formed/destroyed edges were tested using mixed effect models with random intercept. Subjects were taken as random intercept whereas the time and the end of the isolation period as fixed effects. P-values were computed as discussed above.
Differences along time, for each ASVs detected, were inspected by selecting drivers of within-subject beta diversity. Absolute differences between consecutive time points were fitted using linear models and the effect of time and changepoints was inspected. The slope of the models was used to assess the trend of selected ASVs in each stage. We selected ASVs showing a trend similar to what we found during changepoint detection to focus the analysis only on components of the salivary microbiota of each subject contributing to the total diversity. Finally, To inspect if “drivers of diversity” detected were more present in stable or inconsistent salivary microbiota, a hypergeometric test was performed. The test compared the the occurrence of stable ASVs (Cluster 2) in the overall population against the microbiota of single subjects seraching for significant enrichments in respect with the microbiota distribution in all subjects [53].