Global energy transition has quickened in pace as more and more countries seek to address climate change and engage in sustainable development. The Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming within 1.5℃[1, 2]. To realize this target, 38–88% of primary energy and 59–97% of electricity must be obtained from renewable resources by 2040–2055 according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [3, 4]. Increasing the share of renewables in the global energy mix is also one of the SDG7 targets in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development[5]. Against this backdrop, the total installed wind and PV capacity surged from 292.34 GW in 2011 to 1667.96 GW in 2021, with an average annual increase of 47.06%. This is paralleled by similar increases in renewable energy generation from 908.32 TWh in 2011 to 3657.22 TWh in 2021, with an average annual growth of 14.9%[6]. The proliferation of renewable energy in the power system has become a key feature of the global energy transition[7, 8].
As a key driver of global supply chains (GSCs), energy is not only captured through direct commodity trade[9, 10], but also through energy embodied in products and services in the form of raw materials and fuels[11]. The latter is estimated to account for about 29–35% of global energy consumption[12]. As energy transition promotes the penetration of renewables into local electricity grids that in turn alters local energy mix, renewables are also embodied in goods and services in GSCs in the form of electricity[13, 14]. Electricity transforms the global energy mix, exerting an impact on the greening and ‘cleaning’ of GSCs and global sustainable development[12, 15].
How embodied renewable energy transfer is influencing the greening of GSCs remains understudied. Existing studies have examined embodied energy as a whole or focused on fossil fuels[9, 16–18]. Collectively, they have shed light on the energy footprints of different regions, countries, sectors and income groups[19–23], as well as the inter-regional[9, 16, 24, 25] and inter-sectoral transfer patterns of embodied energy[26–29]. They have also focused on energy consumption inequality and carbon leakages related to embodied fossil fuels transfer[30, 31]. But these studies tend to neglect the role of renewable energy in influencing the redistribution of clean energy welfare and GSC greening. Unlike fossil fuels that are embedded into GSCs both in the form of electricity and in the physical form of fuel and power, renewable energy is embedded into GSCs mainly in the form of electricity. Distinct embedding forms are likely to affect energy production and consumption differently between countries at different stages of energy transition, and, by sectors in global supply chains. Yet little is known about renewables’ impact on GSCs greening.
This paper addresses the above lacuna using renewable consumption data from electricity consumption data. Based on the latest energy data from British Petroleum (BP) [6], International Energy Agency (IEA) [32, 33], and Ember[34], as well as the latest multi-region input-output table from Eora global supply chain database[35, 36], we constructed a renewable energy extended multi-region input-output table. We then applied the multi-region input-output model and structural path analysis to analyze GSC greening and cleanness between countries and sector over the 2011–2021 period. The findings can help to inform policy on global climate change and sustainable development.
Evolution of global supply chain greening
From 2011 to 2021, energy embodied in global trade increased from 1525.7 to 1588.5 Mtoe (Fig. 1). This is attributed to embodied renewable energy which rose from 64 to 120.4 Mtoe, and experienced the largest growth rate (88.1%) among the three forms of embodied energy. Accordingly, the ratio of embodied renewable energy in total transferred energy rose from 4.2–7.6%. In contrast, fossil fuel that is largely transferred in the physical form, dropped by 2.5% from 1243.5 to 1212.7 Mtoe, and its ratio in total transferred energy declined from 81.5–76.34%. At the same time, fossil fuel that is transferred in the form of electricity increased by 17.1%. This implies that electricity is increasingly replacing the physical form of fossil fuel, and the substitution of fossil fuel by renewable energy in the electricity grid should be encouraged.
Contribution to global supply chain greening by countries and regions
Over the period, countries with greater renewable energy endowment and an early start in energy transition, such as Canada, Germany, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Italy and Austria, have been main contributors to GSC greening and progress in “cleaning” international trade. But emerging economies also made significant progress in energy transition, gradually surpassing the former group of developed countries (Fig. 2). In 2011, China was one of the largest countries in the world in pollution contribution rate (PCR=-0.6%). By 2021, with a boom in the installed renewable capacity, China overtook Canada as the top country in green contribution rate (GCR = 0.86%). It exported 35.2 Mtoe of embodied renewable energy, accounting for 29% of global share as the world's largest exporter, exceeding second-ranking Canada’s rate (7.4 Mtoe, 6.1%) by a wide margin (Fig. 2b&d). Vietnam is another example. Renewable energy embodied in its export showed a large increase from 0.8 Mtoe to 3.9 Mtoe. Correspondingly, Vietnam’s GCR also rose from 0.007 to 0.03%. On the other hand, African countries like Zambia and Ethiopia may be abundant in hydropower resources, but their contribution to GSC greening is limited (GCR between 0-0.001%) because they are relatively small traders and insignificant participants in global supply chains and international trade.
Among newly industrialized countries, Russia was the world's ninth largest contributor to GSC greening in 2011 (GCR = 0.02%) but reversed its position by 2021 to become the third largest contributor to pollution (PCR=-0.1%). India’s pollution contribution worsened over the period (from − 0.02 to -0.1%). India’s case is common among developing countries in Africa and Asia where there has been little progress in GSC greening. But developed countries like the United States and Japan also contributed to GSC pollution (Fig. 2a&c) although the rate appears to be falling slowly. In spite of the ramp up of global energy transition, the pace of greening varies not only between developed and developing countries, but also within the two groups.
Among the top ten countries in 2021, embodied renewable energy export was less concentrated in a single region for the three emerging economies of China, Brazil and Vietnam (Fig. 3a). China exported 21.7, 21.6, 18.0, and 14.3% of its total embodied renewable energy to North America, Latin America, Europe and Southeast Asia, respectively. Similarly, the results did not show high regional concentration for Brazil and Vietnam. On the other hand, the transfer pattern was highly concentrated in a region in the seven developed countries. For example, Canada exported 59% of its total to North America (the US and Bermuda) alone. Likewise, Austria’s export of 54% was concentrated in Europe (Fig. 3a). In other words, developed countries tended to export to other developed countries. Overall, embodied renewable energy benefits areas that have actively participated in international trade. Developing countries that are poorly integrated in global supply chains especially in Africa and Central Asia are unlikely to access embodied renewable energy through trade.
Not surprising, embodied renewable energy exported by developed countries in Fig. 3b was also concentrated in high-income countries compared to emerging economies, echoing Fig. 3a. Over 60% of renewable energy transfer targeted other high-income countries compared to slightly over 50% by China. Among the ten countries, China exported the highest share to lower middle income countries. The figure also shows negligible renewable energy transfer to low-income countries, that is less than 1% from each country. Renewable energy welfare for low-income developing countries is an issue of concern because it contributes to global energy inequality.
Sectoral contribution to global supply chain greening
Figure 4 shows that the share of embodied renewable energy in total exported embodied energy grew by over 39% (Fig. 4a). But considerable differences exist between sectors due to heterogeneity in energy consumption volume and energy transition pace of different sectors.
Metal products (GCR = 1.9%, 2021), electrical and machinery (0.5%), wood and paper (0.3%), financial intermediation and business activities (0.2%) and mining and quarrying (0.1%) were major sectors that contributed to GSC greening. The sectors were all characterized by high electrification rates (Fig. 4b) that exceeded 31% in 2021. Among them, electrical and machinery had the highest electrification rate at 65%. A high electrification rate enables renewable energy to be embedded into the electricity grid increasing the potential for fossil fuel substitution. Hence embodied renewable energy dominated in terms of relative shares in total exported embodied energy, that is over 10% (Fig. 4a). In service sectors like public administration and hotels and restaurants, the ratio of embodied renewable energy in total exported embodied energy and their electrification rate might be high, but their contribution to GSC greening was limited because trade level was lower.
In contrast, the electrification rates were low for transport and petroleum, chemical and non-metallic mineral products, and they were the top two sectors contributing to GSC pollution. While the contribution to GSC pollution increased for petroleum, chemical and non-metallic mineral products, it slightly fell for transport, with PCR down from − 15% to -10%. To a certain degree, the push for electrification of the transport sector worldwide has alleviated its contribution to pollution. Transport not only led in growth of electrification rate (57%), its ratio of embodied renewable energy in total exported embodied energy also experienced a high growth rate of 122%, and the fossil fuel embodied in its export reduced by 100 Mtoe (Fig. 4b, c&d). But the transition of transport remains a long way to go given its electrification rate is still the lowest among all sectors.
Contribution to GSC greening by different sectors not only differs in quantity (Fig. 4), but also in scope (Fig. 5). As some sectors improved their degree of greening (Fig. 4a), they also transferred renewable energy to other sectors through inter-sectoral linkages and spillovers. Figure 5 visualizes renewable energy flows by decomposing the entire supply chain. We present the chain segments in terms of layers by dividing them into upstream, midstream and downstream production layers. The figure shows that heavy industry and business services were the top two sectors that impacted greening. Heavy industry acts as a transit node of renewable energy, exerting influence on downstream sectors. Moreover, its impact on greening covered all layers across the global supply chain (i.e., when heavy industry acts as a producer of raw materials in the upstream layer, a manufacturer of intermediate goods in the midstream layer, or as a provider of final products in the downstream layer, it always has an impact on the greening of other sectors). Take year 2021 as an example. At upstream (PL3), mid-upstream (PL2) and mid-downstream (PL1) layers, heavy industry transferred 53.27%, 51.42% and 50.57% of embodied renewable energy to other sectors through inter-sectoral linkages (e.g., electrical and machinery→retail trade, metal products→construction (Table 1)), that in turn improved the greening of sectors like business services and construction. On the other hand, while the service sector also serves as a transit node of renewable energy, its influence is on upstream sectors, particularly both light and heavy industries. The sector’s impact on greening is concentrated at midstream; more specifically at mid-upstream (PL2) and mid-downstream (PL1) layers, (i.e., when the service sector acts as a buyer of raw materials or intermediate goods in the midstream layer, it has an impact on the greening of upstream sectors), a total of 47.56% and 45.92% embodied renewable energy were transferred into business services (e.g., metal products→maintenance and repair, metal products→wholesale trade (Table 1)).
Table 1
Top five flows of renewable energy between sectors at different layers of supply chain
Layer | Outflow sector | Inflow sector | Flow/Mtoe | Share/% |
PL3→PL2 | Metal Products | Maintenance and Repair | 11.6 | 16.2 |
Electrical and Machinery | Retail Trade | 4.0 | 5.6 |
Metal Products | Wholesale Trade | 3.5 | 4.9 |
Financial Intermediation and Business Activities | Maintenance and Repair | 2.3 | 3.3 |
Mining and Quarrying | Electrical and Machinery | 2.3 | 3.2 |
PL2→PL1 | Metal Products | Maintenance and Repair | 15.5 | 13.0 |
Electrical and Machinery | Retail Trade | 7.0 | 5.9 |
Metal Products | Wholesale Trade | 6.3 | 5.3 |
Financial Intermediation and Business Activities | Maintenance and Repair | 4.3 | 3.6 |
Mining and Quarrying | Electrical and Machinery | 3.6 | 3.0 |
PL1→PL0 | Metal Products | Construction | 17.0 | 7.8 |
Petroleum, Chemical and Non-Metallic Mineral Products | Construction | 11.2 | 5.2 |
Electrical and Machinery | Electrical and Machinery | 11.1 | 5.1 |
Metal Products | Electrical and Machinery | 11.0 | 5.1 |
Agriculture | Food & Beverages | 6.6 | 3.0 |