Characterisation of Odonata and Coleoptera Communities in Lake Habitats 3110 and 3160
At a family level, an overall prevalence of Coenagrionidae in lake habitat 3110 was found with Gyrinidae more frequent within lake habitat 3160 (Table 3). Dytiscidae were the most diverse family in both lake habitats, in line with surveys from similar types of waterbodies within peatland catchments (Drinan, 2012; Free et al., 2006; Hannigan & Kelly-Quinn 2014; Soldán et al., 2012; Towers, 2004). Lake habitat 3110 showed significantly higher species richness compared to lake habitat 3160 (Fig. 2) suggesting that the dystrophic water chemistry conditions (Cappelli et al., 2023) of these sites may lead to lower species diversity, due to their limiting environmental conditions. In addition, lake habitat 3160 sites surveyed in this study were also significantly smaller and isolated compared to lake habitat 3110 sites, and which are known to sustain lower species diversity (Beadle et al., 2015; MacArthur & Wilson, 1967). 44 species of Coleoptera and Odonata were found in lake habitat 3110 and 35 in lake habitat 3160, similar to other studies within peatland regions. As an example, Hannigan et al. (2011) found 13 species of Coleoptera and Odonata in intact blanket bog pools in eastern Ireland and Towers (2004) found 15 species in similar pool habitats in Scotland. While Baars et al. (2014) found 22 species of Coleoptera in upland Irish lakes, and Drinan (2012) 54 species of Coleoptera and 12 species of Odonata from 13 peatland lakes in Ireland.
At a species level, the 24 waterbodies segregated according to lake habitat type (Fig. 3) with grouping correlated with eight significant environmental parameters (Fig. 3 and Table S3) resulting in one group dominated by Dytiscidae and Gyrinidae (lake habitat 3160) and another, more diverse, resembling larger lowland lakes (lake habitat 3110) (Fig. 3 and Figure S1). Although it is challenging to delineate clear profiles for the two lake habitats due to considerable overlap in the Odonata and Coleoptera assemblages. This was expected (O’Connor, 2015), because the lake habitats examined are similar in their chemical attributes (Cappelli et al., 2023) and because both belonged to catchments dominated by blanket bogs (NPWS, 2016a; NPWS, 2016b) therefore many species recorded are common and widespread bog fauna with preferences for acidic conditions (Foster et al., 1992, Nelson & Thompson, 2004). Nonetheless, lake habitat 3160 sites were smaller, more acidic and turbid but also more distant from the sea (colder with lower conductivity) which alignes with identified indicator species Acilius sulcuatus, Gyrinus aeratus and Gyrinus minutus (Table 5). A. sulcatus and G. minutus are both typical of stagnant waterbodies with exposed margins and share a full aquatic predatory life for which they developed strong swimming ability (Foster & Friday, 2011; Nilsson, 1996). On the other hand, lake habitat 3110 were associated with generalist and acid-tolerant dragonfly species such as the two Coenagrionidae I. elegans and P. nymphula or the Libellulidae S. striolatum. These species show preferences for lowland (warmer) nutrient poor lakes and are rarely found in colder or enriched sites in Ireland (Nelson & Thompson, 2004). Haliplus fulvus was the only Coleoptera species identified as an indicator species for lake habitat 3110 (Table 5). This species is among the few Haliplidae recorded in these habitat types (Baars et al., 2014; Drinan, 2012), and also a rather tolerant one, able to colonise acidic and upland waterbodies (Foster & Friday 2011, Nilsson, 1996). A similar community pattern was described by Drinan (2012) from upland and lowland peatland lakes, where the first were characterised by a prevalence of larger Coleoptera species, whereas lowland sites included a larger diversity of dragonflies. However, the altitudinal range within this study was limited (max 208 m a.s.l.) with the average altitude for lake habitat 3160 (138 ± 79 m), similar to that of lake habitat 3110 (101 ± 48 m) which is considered low for this lake habitat type (O’Connor, 2015) therefore the influence of altitude on community composition may be limited. In fact, only a few species found in this survey can be described typical of upland waters: Agabus arcticus, Boreonectes multilineatus and Dytiscus lapponicus (Foster et al., 2009); all of which were recorded in a small number of sites across both lake habitat types.
In summary, lake habitat types 3110 and 3160 show subtle differences in their Coleoptera and Odonata communities. However, the high rate of similarity between lake habitat types based on just Odonata and Coleoptera suggests that a wider target of monitoring invertebrates should be considered to address unexplained variability between the lake habitat types. For example, Drinan (2012) found that lowland, less acidic lakes were also characterised by higher abundances of gastropod Lymnaea peregra (Müller), Baars et al. (2014) identified 100 Chironomidae (Diptera) species from peatland lakes, while Kesti et al. (2022) found an increase in Chironomidae and a parallel decrease of Asellidae (Isopoda) in humic lakes compared to clearwater sites. Therefore, in order to build a comprehensive profile of the invertebrate communities of these protected lake habitats, future surveys should extend the characterisation to all available taxa with particular attention to the identification process, ensuring that specimens are identified at species level to facilitate habitats comparison.
Evaluating the influence of Region, Season and Environmental factors on community composition
As depicted by the NMDS ordination, the separation in Odonata and Coleoptera communities is also a reflection of the varying sampling regions (Fig. 3). Most of the lake habitat 3160 sites (nine of 13) were sampled in Owenduff/Nephin SAC and can be described as small acidic and less oxygenated bog pools whereas, those of lake habitat 3110 consist of larger waterbodies with slightly higher pH, alkalinity and colour (Cappelli et al., 2023). Ten sites in O/N were associated with the beetle Rhantus exsoletus (Dytiscidae) found in stagnant acid /mesotrophic waters (Foster & Friday, 2011) and the dragonfly Sympetrum danae (Libellulidae) a specialist of small acidic peat pools and cold environments (Nelson & Thompson, 2004). Based on PERMANOVA tests on the abundance data, the two groups in Connemara Bog Complex SAC (CW and CE) where not significantly different although indicator species analysis did differentiate between the sites with Ischnura elegans associated with CW and Aeshna juncea, Enallagma cyathigerum and Pyrrhosoma nymphula with CE, in line with indicator species found for lake habitat 3110 (Table 7).
Significant differences between regions based on varying physical or chemical conditions (Cappelli et al., 2023) does not exclude a separation based on habitat type. Oligotrophic lake habitat 3110 usually develops on rocky substrates such as granites, like those found in the Connemara SAC (NPWS, 2015a; EEA, 2016a; O’Connor, 2015) while dystrophic lake habitat 3160 develops in direct contact with the surrounding peatland and are less influenced by the underlying bedrock (EEA, 2016b; O’Connor, 2015). Although parameters connected to geology such as pH and alkalinity can have significant effects on invertebrate community structure, the role of geology on influencing the composition of biota within peatland lakes is considered to be limited (Baars et al., 2014; Drinan, 2012; Free et al., 2006). Therefore, in order to complete the classification of lake habitat types, future research should focus on including sites from representative geologies, elevations and surrounding catchment vegetation types.
Both lake habitat types saw an increase in Coleoptera and Odonata richness and abundance from spring to summer 2021 (Fig. 4). Enallagma cyathigerum was the most common species throughout the year, except in lake habitat 3160 during summer, when Gyrinus minutus became more abundant (Table 8). E. cyathigerum larvae are known to remain active during winter and have a long developmental phase therefore they can remain common throughout the year (Nelson & Thompson, 2004). The species composition remained distinct and essentially unchanged between seasons (Fig. 5) although indicator species of lake habitat 3160 were mostly found in spring (Table 9) and included only Dytiscidae and Gyrinidae. On the other hand, indicator species of lake habitat 3110 where mostly Coenagrionidae and dragonflies in general and were detected during summer (Table 9). Indeed, most adult Coleoptera would be expected to be present all year round (Foster & Friday, 2011), whilst dragonfly larvae generally start their emergence from diapause in June in Ireland (Nelson & Thompson, 2004). Increases in diversity between seasons was also noted by Drinan (2012) in Irish peatland lakes however, Baars et al. (2014) reported little seasonal change in Coleoptera richness from upland lakes in Ireland although this was not the case for other insect orders.
Sampling across two seasons (spring and summer) is normal within the survey methods of invertebrates and ensures good representation of the organisms living within the habitat however, frequency, timing and sampling effort should be designed according to the targets of the survey and would need standardisation (especially based on the size of the habitat) in the future. For instance, future monitoring of lake habitat 3160 would benefit from the use of activity traps which have been proven to be an effective method for collecting larger mobile fauna like beetles of the Dytiscidae family and reduce the impact of sampling in delicate protected environments such as shallow bog pools (Towers, 2004). While for lake habitat 3110 monitoring of the different vegetation zones or mesohabitats (O’Connor, 2015) at different depths such as a multi-habitat stratified lake sampling method would ensure representation from these larger sites.
Differences in Odonata and Coleoptera community composition could partially be explained by the chemical and environmental character of the lake habitat type. Redundancy analysis revealed six parameters significantly influenced the community structure: chloride, DO, lake area, pH, temperature and turbidity (Table S4); all parameters known to affect invertebrate composition in peatland regions (Baars et al., 2014; Drinan, 2012; Heino, 2008; Foster et al., 1992; Ranta, 1985). However, the constrained proportion explained by this model (41%) suggests that the physical and chemical attributes of the lake habitats only play a partial role in shaping the two communities and that other parameters, potentially more influential, were not considered. For instance, vegetation structure has been shown to be a significant parameter shaping aquatic Coleoptera assemblages in lakes undergoing succession (Plakulnicka & Zawal, 2018) and is a parameter which requires further consideration. As a matter of fact, indicator species of lake habitat 3110 were all benthic predators such as Pyrrhosoma nymphula and Sympetrum striolatum which prefer waterbodies with wide shallow areas covered with vegetation (Nelson & Thompson, 2004). Vegetation type (e.g. macrophyte or algae) may also be crucial for specialist taxa. Haliplus fulvus, indicator species in lake habitat 3110, is a tolerant beetle but a specialised algivorous species feeding on Chara sp. and Nitella sp. during its larval stages, hence, would be restricted to lake habitats hosting these macroalgae (Nillsson, 1996). Even under similar chemistry conditions, habitats at different successional stages will have different vegetation types and cover which in turn can favour specific feeding/functional groups of insects and therefore change how food webs are structured (Plakulnicka & Kruk, 2023). Acilius sulcatus, indicator species in lake habitat 3160, is known to avoid sites inhabited by fish (Foster & Friday, 2011), a preference shared with the Libellulidae Sympetrum danae (Boudot & Kalkman, 2015) an indicator species of the O/N region (Table 5). Drinan (2012) observed a prevalence of benthic predators like dragonflies in fishless lakes, with an abundance of Gastropoda and Ephemeroptera in lakes with fish in peatland regions, however, little effect on either abundance or diversity was reported. It is clear more research is needed to determine which environmental and ecological factors shape the invertebrate communities of lake habitats 3110 and 3160. Future research should include additional factors such as vegetation density and type (or stage of succession), presence of predators and prey and descriptions of the life history strategies of invertebrates and their habitat preferences in order to determine preferences between protected lake habitat types.
Despite being dominated by some generalist species, 15 of the 24 sites in this study hosted at least one species included in the Irish National Red List. Agabus arcticus, Boreonectes multilineatus, Dytiscus lapponicus and Cordulia aenea are all species previously recorded from similar waterbodies (Baars et al., 2014, Drinan, 2012, Towers, 2004), highlighting that they belong to recurrent communities strongly associated with peatland catchments and regions. However, the most frequently recorded species was the dragonfly Cordulia aenea (downy emerald dragonfly) (10 sites in total). This endangered species has previously been associated with lake habitat 3160 (O’Connnor, 2015), however, this was not found to be the case in the current study and was mostly recorded in sites assigned lake habitat 3110 (seven sites). C. aenea currently has a range in Ireland restricted to just three areas (Drinan, 2011; National Biodiversity Data Centre, 2023) one of which includes the study regions of Connemara Bog Complex SAC. Hence, a real association with either habitat type 3110 or 3160 needs to be reassessed considering the limited distribution of this rare species. The distribution of C. aenea likely affected SQS calculations, since it was the rarest species found in lake habitat 3110, hence habitats sampled outside of its range would have reported lower levels of this score. Furthermore, a confident rarity assessment needs to be estimated on the overall community of invertebrates (including several orders and families), however, in order to be accurate, the sample identification should be at a species-level which in turn requires a higher level of expertise and effort.