2.1 Overview
The model was developed in ArcGIS Pro 2.8.0 (ESRI 2022), MATLAB 9.11 (MATLAB 2021), and R 4.2.1 (R Core Team 2021), to characterise the susceptibility of coral reefs to rubble accumulation (Fig. S1). A one-dimensional algorithm was developed to evaluate the risk of rubble accumulation, expressed as the potential rubble cover, at a transect level. Bathymetric profiles were extracted and analysed from transects sampled throughout the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) to determine the extent of rubble accumulation. Each transect was orientated roughly perpendicular to the reef, extending from the shallows towards deeper areas (Fig. 2). We then calculated reef-scale metrics, including the percentage of transects in which rubble was predicted to exceed defined thresholds. To create a GBR-scale metric, we examined the number of transects meeting a particular rubble criterion, and expressed their number as the linear distance, in kilometres, along the reef axis (i.e., perpendicular to the transects and at constant depth). Given that several of the algorithm’s components are uncertain, we explored the sensitivity of our conclusions to model assumptions.
2.2 Site description and sources of data
The study area is approximately 344,000 km2, spanning 14 degrees of latitude from 10° 20′ S in the north to 24° 30′ S in the south (Brodie and Waterhouse 2012). The forereef slopes of 1834 offshore shallow-water reefs were sampled across the GBRMP for modelling rubble accumulation. Nearshore reefs were excluded due to the limitations in their visibility and the coverage of the available data sources. Following the removal of data inconsistencies (see section 2.3), 1706 reefs were ultimately chosen for susceptibility mapping. Reef slopes, both exposed and sheltered, were isolated from individual reefs and selected as areas of interest due to their higher potential for rubble accumulation (Dollar and Tribble 1993; Highsmith et al. 1980; Rasser and Riegl 2002).
Publicly available, open-source data layers depicting the reef boundaries, bathymetry, and geomorphic zonation in the GBRMP (Table 1) were analysed using ArcGIS Pro Version 2.8.0 (ESRI 2022). The indicative boundaries of reefs in GBRMP were extracted from the “GBR Features” polygon layer acquired from GBRMPA Geoportal (GBRMPA 2020). Islands, cays, rocks and dry reefs were excluded from the layer during the extraction. The layer was used to group results by reef boundaries in statistical analyses and data visualisation. The bathymetry data layer was derived from optical Sentinel-2 satellite imagery at 10 m resolution, with a vertical accuracy of ± 1 m and a maximum depth of 25 m corrected to mean sea level (Hedley et al. 2018; Roelfsema et al. 2021). The source bathymetry data were divided into four parts based on management areas (GBRMPA 2021). The four parts were mosaicked and collated into a common geographic coordinate system to ensure data integrity and continuity during transect sampling and rubble modelling. The geomorphic zonation layer was mapped by the Remote Sensing Research Centre using a machine learning approach which combines satellite imagery, environmental attributes, and occurrences of geomorphic zonation (Roelfsema et al. 2021). According to Roelfsema et al. (2021), the data were mapped at 10 m resolution for depths ranging from 0 to 20 m (corrected to mean sea level) and has an overall accuracy of 68%. The layer was used to identify and isolate the reef slopes in preparation for transect sampling.
While rubble is extensively surveyed as a substrate type throughout the GBRMP, rubble cover is often under-reported, and there are no baseline data for rubble parameters, such as size, volume, and density of accumulations (Ceccarelli et al. 2020). Most of the literature focuses on rubble formation while the consequences of rubble accumulation remain relatively understudied (Kenyon et al. 2020; Rasser and Riegl 2002; Thornborough 2012).
Table 1
Data sources for the spatial analysis.
Data layer name
GBR Reef
Vector layer showing indicative boundaries of shallow water reefs in GBRMP.
GBRMPA (2020)
GBR10 Bathymetry
Raster layer combining four parts of the bathymetry data of different management areas and projected onto the same geographic coordinate system, WGS 1984.
GBRMPA (2021b)
GBR10 Geomorphic
Raster layer showing the geomorphic zones in GBRMP.
(GBRMPA, 2021a)
2.3 Transect sampling
Transects (n = 32,603) were generated along reef slopes at a separation distance of 500 m and aligned perpendicular to the reef axis to capture the variations in depth down the slope. Reef slopes isolated from the GBR10 Geomorphic raster layer were converted into polygons (Conversion toolbox) and simplified (Cartography toolbox) to remove potential errors during transect generation. The conversion process was necessary for the calculation of the centrelines for generating transects. To reduce data noise while maintaining data integrity, all polygons smaller than 0.01 km2 were removed after the polygons were simplified using the "retain critical bends" algorithm with a simplification tolerance of 500 m. The simplification process did not alter the values of the bathymetry layer but eliminated inconsistencies along the boundaries of the reef slopes. Centrelines were generated using the Topographic Production toolbox within the polygons to indicate the line along which perpendicular transects can be created. Some centrelines may not exactly reflect the alignment of the slope when the reef is irregularly shaped. These centrelines were manually removed to minimise inconsistencies during transect generation. Transects with a length of 500 m were generated along the centrelines using the Data Management toolbox to ensure they cross the entire reef slope. Both ends of the transects were truncated at a depth limit of -2 m to avoid sampling reef crests and reef flats (where the minus sign indicates below sea surface). The depth limit was selected based on the mean depth values for reef crests (M = − 1.32 m, SD = 0.5 m) and outer reef flats (M = − 1.49 m, SD = 0.87 m). The truncated transects were grouped by individual reefs on the GBR reef layer using Spatial Join in the Analysis toolbox. Transects were allocated to their closest reefs within a 1000 m searching distance radius. This step ensures that all transects were allocated correctly and accounts for any discrepancies between the GBR10 Bathymetry and GBR Reef layers. The average length of generated transects was 287.2 m (SD = 173.8).
To account for transects facing different directions, their mean aspect was calculated using a series of ArcGIS Pro tools, with reference to the python script tool by Beyerhelm (2013). The Aspect tool (Spatial Analyst) was used to generate the aspect from each cell of the bathymetry layer. Using the python script tool, a buffer of 10 m was created around each transect to calculate the zonal mean aspect. The following formula shows the fundamental calculation in the python script tool:
$$\left[360+ \text{atan2(s, c)}\left(\frac{\text{180}}{\text{π}}\right)\right]\text{mod360}$$
where s and c are the zonal mean values of the sine and cosine of the aspect, respectively. atan2 represents the two-argument arctangent function. The result is an angle in unit degrees that represents the average aspect of each transect and was classified into the four directions of North, East, South, and West based on its value.
Depth values were extracted from the transects and compiled into a data table for further analysis in the rubble accumulation algorithm. The extraction of bathymetric profiles required the Stack Profile tool in the 3D Analyst toolbox, which allows bilinear interpolation of depth values on the GBR Bathymetry layer for the grouped transects. The output of the tool was a table denoting the bathymetric profiles of the transects, with depth values recorded at each point on the transect spaced by 10 metres. The output was later cleaned and prepared in R version 4.2.1 for further analysis (R Core Team 2021). Duplicated records and missing values were also removed to maintain data consistency. After data cleaning, 22,562 transects which accounted for 1706 reefs were left for subsequent analyses.
2.4 Rubble accumulation algorithm
The algorithm was designed to locate rubble-prone areas on transects and calculate the percentage of potential rubble cover in different depth regions. Sections of transects were classified as either “shallow” or “deep”, based on their depths. "Shallow" sections are less than 10 m in depth; otherwise, they are considered "deep". The algorithm scans and evaluates each transect point to determine whether rubble is likely to accumulate, based on four input parameters – Moving window, Rubble height, Depth range within window that causes rubble to roll, and Depth change within window that is still considered flat (Fig. 3). A detailed description of each model parameter is given in Table 2. A base case of parameter values was determined using the distribution of transect lengths and critical slopes, in addition to expert opinion. The base case represents the most realistic scenario and acts as a reference point for the sensitivity analysis.
The ability of rubble to accumulate is determined within a floating horizontal window that passes along each transect. The width of the window is typically 5 pixels (Table 2). Rubble will accumulate in local depressions that exceed a depth of 0.5 m and on ‘flat’ sections of reef, defined as have a variation in depth of ≤ 0.5m. There are some exceptions to this. For example, rubble cannot accumulate on a local topographic high or if the ‘flat area’ is proximal to a steep slope, where rubble is likely to roll away. Proximity and slope are defined by the variation in depth ≥ 5 m within the evaluation window (Table 2). The parameterisation is somewhat subjective and based on two considerations. First, personal observations of one of the authors (PJM) studying the accumulation of rubble on reefs after cyclone impacts in Belize (Mumby 1999), Moorea (Mumby et al. 2016), and Palau (Roff et al. 2015). In several cases rubble accumulated for at least a decade, yet it rolled off reef structures that exceeded 5 m in height from surrounding areas. Second, the use of satellite-derived bathymetry, while being the only means of obtaining continuous data across the GBR, does have limited sensitivity. Despite the relatively high radiometric resolution of the Sentinel II imagery, bathymetry algorithms cannot resolve small-scale changes in depth, such as 0.1 m (Green et al. 2000). Therefore, we felt it appropriate to specify minimal depth differences of 0.5 m, which are resolvable in the data. We note that rubble accumulations of < 0.5 m are able to inhibit coral recruitment (Mumby, pers. obs.), but such levels could not be specified accurately in a GBR wide algorithm.
Table 2. Input parameters for the rubble accumulation model.
Parameter name
Base case value
Moving window
Spatial scale over which reef slope is evaluated around a focal point. Helps determine whether rubble will naturally roll down to a deeper location
5 pixels = 50 m
Rubble height
Minimum thickness of accumulated rubble that causes problems for coral recovery. Indentations on the reef surface that are shallower than this may accumulate rubble but are not considered problematic
Depth range within window that causes rubble to roll
The magnitude of change in depth within the moving window that decides if the point is on or close to a steep slope where rubble may roll off. Rubble cannot accumulate on the focal point if the depth change within the moving window is greater than this
Depth change within window that is still considered flat
The maximum permitted value of the change in depth within the moving window that would allow the rubble to remain on the focal point
2.5 Calculating reef susceptibility
We defined susceptibility as the percentage of transects per reef having a potential rubble cover higher than a given threshold. This approach highlights problematic areas within reefs that have a high potential of rubble accumulation. Since there is limited literature on the critical value of rubble cover at which the recovery of the reef would be impaired, we chose values in the range observed in the field, following Typhoon Bopha in Palau, where accumulated rubble represented up to 50% of the reef. We therefore used thresholds of 30%, 40%, and 50% cover (though a full range of 10–90% are shown for some results). The distribution of percentages was plotted using the “ggpubr” package in R to determine suitable thresholds for visualising the spatial variability of susceptibility to rubble in ArcGIS Pro (Kassambara 2020). The number of transects exceeding the thresholds was multiplied by the interval between transects to estimate the extent of reefs (in kilometres) that are thought to be susceptible. For example, if there were ten susceptible transects in a reef and the transects were placed 500 m apart, the linear distance would be 5 km.
A depth-stratified analysis was performed to compare the susceptibility of reef slopes facing various directions in different depth regions using a beta regression model in R 4.2.1. The R packages “glmmTMB”, “DHARMa”, and “betareg” were used for the analysis (Grün et al. 2012; Hartig 2022; Mollie et al. 2017). A beta regression model was used to test the fixed effects of depth and aspect on the proportion of potential rubble cover of the transects. The proportion data were linearly transformed and compressed to avoid zeros and ones using the methods discussed by Smithson and Verkuilen (2006). A two-component mixture model was used to fit the data due to the bimodal distribution of residuals in the data when fitting a generalised linear mixed model. The mixture model assumes that the data can split into two groups that fit two different beta distributions to reflects its bimodality.
2.6 Sensitivity Analysis
The one-at-a-time method was utilised to assess the sensitivity of the rubble accumulation algorithm to the four input parameters (Hamby 1994). Parameters were changed by ± 20% relative to the base case in each run, yielding three scenarios for each parameter. The analysis evaluated two output variables: the susceptible reef count and the reef’s susceptibility ranking. The sensitivity of the susceptible reef count was expressed as the mean percentage change in the number of reefs containing transects exceeding the critical thresholds relative to the change in input parameter values. For the sensitivity of reef ranking, the top 10% of highly susceptible reefs were chosen and ranked based on their percentage of transects with potential rubble cover over critical thresholds. The greater the percentage, the higher the ranking of the reef. This variable assesses the algorithm's consistency in the selection of highly susceptible reefs when parameter values are varied. The absolute change in reef ranking of the top 10% of reefs against the ± 20% change in parameter values was averaged for every threshold category to compute the overall sensitivity of the model’s decision. The parameters were then ranked based on sensitivity analysis results to determine which parameters contribute the most to the model’s variability.