DEA is a methodology that can evaluate the performance of comparable decision-making units (DMUs) by forming an efficient frontier in which, there exist some inputs and outputs for each DMU. A linear mathematical programming model is employed to compare the relative performance of all DMUs where this model would be input-oriented if it maximizes the outputs by keeping the input level constant while it would be output-oriented if it minimizes the inputs by keeping the output level constant. The returns to scale (RTS) and orientation are two important characteristics of DEA models. In the constant RTS, a multiple of inputs produces the same multiple of outputs, while in variable RTS, each multiple of inputs can produce the same, greater or smaller multiple of outputs. The DEA models are able to provide benchmarks for inefficient units as reference sets in order to transform these units into efficient units. Charnes, Cooper & Rohdes (1978) presented a mathematical output-oriented model, abbreviated to CCR, with a constant RTS. This model is presented in Equations (1)-(4) (Aldamak & Zolfaghari, 2017):
minimize | \(\sum _{\varvec{i}}{\varvec{v}}_{\varvec{i}}{\varvec{x}}_{\varvec{i}\varvec{o}}\) | | (1) |
subject to | \(\sum _{r}{u}_{r}{y}_{ro}=1\) | | (2) |
| \(\sum _{r}{u}_{r}{y}_{r\tau }-\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{i\tau } \le 0\) | \(\forall \tau ,\) | (3) |
| \({u}_{r}, {v}_{i}\ge \epsilon\) | \(\forall i,r,\) | (4) |
where index \(\tau =1,\dots , n\) denotes the number of DMUs, \(r=1,\dots , s\) denotes the number of outputs and \(i=1,\dots , m\) represents the index of inputs, \({x}_{ij}\) and \({y}_{rj}\) stand for the input and output parameters, respectively, \({v}_{i}\) and \({u}_{r}\) represent the decision variables related to the input weight and output weight, respectively, and \(\epsilon\) denotes a negligible value (Zhu, 2009). In this model, Eq. (1) shows the objective function which minimizes the weighted sum of inputs of DMUs under consideration. Formulas (2)–(4) express the constraints of the mathematical model where Eq. (2) sets output levels to 1, Constraint (3) states the ratio of output to input for all DMUs, and Constraint (4) expresses the positive variables greater than an equal to \(\epsilon\). The efficiency score of each DMU is determined by \(\frac{1}{\sum _{i}{v}_{i}^{*}{x}_{ij}}\), after solving the output-oriented CCR model. In this equation, \({v}_{i}^{*}\) is the optimal weight obtained from the mathematical model. Each time the mentioned model is solved, each DMU (here, each country) is evaluated with input and output criteria and its efficiency is measured.
In some cases, the inputs or outputs are undesirable (Liu et al., 2010). Generally, in DEA models, the inputs are undesirable and the outputs are desirable. Nevertheless, the outputs including carbon emissions, road accident fatalities and the quantity of energy (fuel) consumed in transportation are undesirable factors that should be transformed into desirable factors. Eq. (5) indicates how undesirable factors can be transformed into desirable ones (Zhu, 2009):
$$n{y}_{r\tau }=-{y}_{r\tau }+\text{M}\text{a}\text{x}\left\{{y}_{r\tau }\right\}+1,$$
where \(n{y}_{r\tau }\) is the optimal output of the \({\tau }^{\text{t}\text{h}}\) DMU and \(\text{M}\text{a}\text{x}\left\{{y}_{r\tau }\right\}\) represents the maximum output for all DMUs.
In this work, some indices are assigned to the input and output groups to evaluate the sustainability of road transportation in different countries in which, the outputs include the pollutant emission from transport (PET), the final energy consumption in road transport (FECRT) and the people killed in road accidents (PKRA). Since increasing the value of the outputs is considered undesirable, they can be transformed into desirable outputs based on Eq. (5). In addition, the inputs include passenger road transport on national territory (PRTNT) and total transported goods on national roads (TTGNR). The sustainability of the countries Germany (GE), Bulgaria (BU), France (FR), Croatia (CR), Italy (IT), Latvia (LA), Lithuania (LI), Poland (PO), Slovakia (SL), Finland (FI), Spain (SP) and Romania (RO) is assessed for years during 2011–2015, and it is attempted to determine the values of PRTNT and TTGNR for which the optimized values of PET, FECRT and PKRA can be obtained for each country. It is noteworthy that the criteria considered in this work are widely used in the literature of road transport sustainability performance evaluation (Babaei et al., 2022b; Omrani et al., 2020; Shen et al., 2012). For example, criteria related to road accidents, volume of freights and passengers in Shen et al. (2013), Shen et al. (2015), and Wu et al. (2016) were considered in the topic of transport evaluation. Furthermore, other useful criteria in the aspects of sustainability that are related to energy consumption and emissions have been mentioned by some studies such as Chang et al. (2013), Ignatius et al. (2016), and Chen et al. (2020). All these research works inferred that the afore-mentioned criteria make the DEA model as a powerful evaluation tool in the field of transportation. Regarding the consideration of 5-year data (2011 to 2015), it is worth noting that the data is not collected and reported immediately after the end of each year. Data is collected over a longer period and then validated. In addition, the data from different countries are not released at the same time. Therefore, access to the data of countries regarding certain criteria becomes possible after the passage of time. Moreover, with the passage of time, the previous data are corrected by the collectors and reviewers, and as a result, they become more accurate and stable. Due to this, these years are taken into account to make the data of the countries available, accurate and stable. It should be noted that our goal in this work is to come up with novel decision-making models based on DEA. Therefore, our models can be implemented on any data, and there are no restrictions in this regard for our models.
The discussions related to sustainability and transportation are topics that politicians, industries, people and researchers are interested in. It is worth noting that evaluating the transportation of countries has a significant impact on cities in terms of policy and resources (Wątróbski et al., 2022). Countries with lower efficiency levels set regulations and standards that cities are required to implement. Furthermore, if countries with low efficiency levels try to improve their transportation programs, cities will necessarily be involved in the improvement plan. Thus, it is necessary to anticipate and provide the necessary resources (e.g., financial resources for investment) required by cities.
In this study, two models are proposed to evaluate the sustainability performance of road transportation in different countries.
2.1. Model (1)
In this model, the efficiency score of each country is measured relative to other countries, in each iteration, with regard to sustainability. This model is represented in Equations (6)-(13). In this model, each country should be separately compared to other countries during each year. It is worth mentioning that the proposed multi-objective model considers wider dimensions compared to the research literature models. Our models not only minimize the weighted sum of the input of the DMU under investigation, but also optimize the ideal and anti-ideal DMUs at the same time. In addition, considering the amount of deviations can create more differentiation in the calculation of the efficiency score of the DMUs.
minimize | \(\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{io}\) | | (6) |
minimize | \(M+{d}_{o}\) | | (7) |
minimize | \(\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{i}^{l}\) | | (8) |
minimize | \(\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{i}^{u}\) | | (9) |
subject to | \(\sum _{r}{u}_{r}{y}_{ro}=1\) | | (10) |
| \(\sum _{r}{u}_{r}{y}_{rj}-\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{ij}+ {d}_{j}=0\) | \(\forall j\), | (11) |
| \(M\ge {d}_{j}\) | \(\forall j,\) | (12) |
| \({u}_{r}, {v}_{i}\ge \epsilon ,{d}_{j}\ge 0, M\) is a free variable | \(\forall i,r,\) | (13) |
where \(i\), \(r\) and \(j\) represent the inputs (PRTNT, TTGNR), the outputs (PET, FECRT, PKRA) and the countries, respectively, \({d}_{j}\) denotes the deviation variable for country \(j\) (inefficiency value), \({d}_{o}\) represents the deviation variable for the country under consideration, \({x}_{i}^{l}\) and \({x}_{i}^{u}\) represent the minimum and maximum value of input \(i\), respectively, and \(M\) is the free variable of deviation. In this model, Equations (6)-(9) show the objective functions and Formulas (10)-(13) represent the constraints of the model. Objective Function (6) minimizes PRTNT and TTGNR for each of the countries under consideration. Objective Function (7) also tries to minimize the level of deviation for the country under consideration as well as the maximum deviation level for all countries. This objective function can bring the power of the mathematical model in creating a differentiation between the efficiency scores of the DMUs. For more details, please see Ghasemi et al. (2014). Objective Function (8) considers the best state for the country under consideration because the outputs are obtained from the lowest levels of the inputs, and Objective Function (9) considers the worst state for the country under consideration because the outputs are obtained from the highest levels of the inputs. Considering two Objective Functions (8) and (9) increases the discriminative power of the model to calculate the efficiency scores of the DMUs where, in addition to the normal state (conventional state that DEA uses to calculate the efficiency), the best and the worst states are also reported to the decision-maker. Eq. (10) sets the output level to 1, Eq. (11) demonstrates the outputs to inputs ratio for each country, Constraint (12) displays the maximum deviation, and Constraint (13) indicates the non-negative and free variables. It should be noted that when the value of "\({d}_{o}\)" is equal to zero, the DMU is fully efficient.
2.2. Model (2)
In this model, in each iteration, the efficiency score of the country under consideration compared to the efficiency score of other countries during all the years is measured concerning sustainability. In this model, each DMU includes some divisions equal to the number of years, and each division has some inputs and outputs that are independent of the ones for other divisions (Kao, 2014). The ratio of the number of runs in Model (2) to those in Model (1) is equal to \(\frac{1}{NP}\), where \(NP\) denotes the number of years under study. This model is represented in Equations (14)-(21):
minimize | \(\sum _{k}\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{io}^{k}\) | | (14) |
minimize | \(M+\sum _{k}{d}_{o}^{k}\) | | (15) |
minimize | \(\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{i}^{l}\) | | (16) |
minimize | \(\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{i}^{u}\) | | (17) |
subject to | \(\sum _{k}\sum _{r}{u}_{r}{y}_{ro}^{k}=1,\) | | (18) |
| \(\sum _{r}{u}_{r}{y}_{rj}^{k}-\sum _{i}{v}_{i}{x}_{rj}^{k}+ {d}_{j}^{k}=0\) | \(\forall j,k,\) | (19) |
| \(M\ge {d}_{j}^{k}\) | \(\forall j,k,\) | (20) |
| \({u}_{r}, {v}_{i}\ge \epsilon ,{d}_{j}^{k}\ge 0, M\) is a free variable | \(\forall i,r,k.\) | (21) |
where \(i\), \(r\) and \(j\) represent the inputs, outputs and countries, respectively. Index \(k\) represents each year under study, \({x}_{i}^{l}\) and \({x}_{i}^{u}\) represent the minimum and maximum input values for all the years. Objective function (14) minimizes the weighted sum of the country's inputs during all years. Objective function (15) minimizes the sum of deviations (inefficiencies related to all years) for the country under consideration and the maximum deviations (inefficiencies related to all countries and all years). Objective functions (16) and (17) minimize the best and worst states of the country under consideration (where there are the lowest weighted sum of inputs and the highest weighted sum of inputs, respectively). Constraint (18) conventionally sets the weighted sum of the outputs equal to one. Constraint (19) determines the inefficiency for each country and each year. Constraint (20) shows the maximum inefficiency. Constraint (21) represents decision variables.