A total of six pharmacists were interviewed. Majority (n=5) of the participants were males with an average age of 35.6 years ranged from 27 to 53 years. All participants had bachelor's degree in pharmacy and on average 12 years of work experience ranged from 2 to 30 years. Four pharmacists were working in community pharmacies and were owners of the pharmacy. The remaining two pharmacists were working in hospitals as a case team coordinator (Table 1).
Awareness about COVID-19
All (n=6) pharmacists responded correctly to COVID-19 history, transmission and prevention strategies. The study showed that all respondents were aware of the disease and they had up-to-dated information about the pandemic. Different resources such internet, web pages and social-medias were mentioned as the main source of knowledge to update the recent development and progress of the disease. One of the respondents stated that:
“…COVID-19 is a disease caused by to a new strain of coronavirus family that affects the respiratory system. It was firstly reported from Wuhan, China in December 2019 and it became a pandemic disease affecting populations worldwide. The main transmission mechanisms are droplets, contact and airborne. An individual who has got the disease can transmit the disease while sneezing, handshaking and through surface contact. Therefore, it can be easily prevented by isolating suspected individuals, physical distancing, and hand washing using soap and water for 20-30 seconds or sanitizing our hands. Drugs and vaccines are under development. I always refer to WHO guideline and web page when I want to update my knowledge about the case.” (C19Phar002)
Preparedness to combat the pandemic disease
During the study period, all informants (n=6) mentioned their engagement to combat the pandemic. Among these, three of them had prepared standard alcohol-based hand-rub in collaboration with other bodies. Moreover, as we have checked on direct observation all of the premises had water tank with soap in the main gateway for hand wash and sanitizer, alcohol and were advising clients to keep physical distancing.
“… We are applying all the prevention mechanisms WHO recommends. We have prepared alcohol based sanitizer in collaboration with other bodies as the case is difficult to work and control alone. There is a taskforce organized from different professionals to control COVID-19 and we are actively working with the team especially in supplying sanitizers, drugs and medical supplies used as supportive treatment of the disease.” (C19Phar001)
Rational drug use and COVID-19
All study informants (n=6) responded that there was some tendency of change in the management and rational use of drugs. There was shortage of personal protective equipment and other medical supplies in the market. . During the beginning of the lockdown customers asked to procure antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs. This was strengthened by one informant that:
“… There was a minor change in the drug supply system and rational drug use because of COVID-19. This also imposed misunderstanding in the population especially in the beginning, late February 2020. During that time, many of my customers had asked me for prescription drugs and medical supplies. However, nowadays the population seems calmed which might be after the regional health bureau and we professionals had created various awareness programs.”(C19Phar003)
Another informant stated:
“…After new confirmed case was reported in our country some clients asked to get Chloroquine and Azithromycin as they heard they can be cured if they get sick. But, I have clarified to them these medications are prescription only drugs and are not approved for the treatment COVID-19.” (C19Phar006)
Customer wrong beliefs andCOVID-19
All participants (06) mentioned customers were with false claims in the beginning of the pandemic. They further responded, this might be because of usual traditional medication practice used commonly in the community.
“… some customers asked me if home remedies like garlic can prevent the disease and I have responded him these home remedies might have their own health value but there is no approved product for treatment of COVID-19. I advised him to follow the instructions given by healthcare providers, regional and national health bureaus, and WHO for reliable information.” (C19Phar004)
Challenges due to COVID-19 period
Study informants were asked if they face problems due to COVID-19 while in practice and to rate the status the pharmaceutical care service. All of them (n=6) mentioned that their revenue has decreased due to the introduction of lockdown. In addition, they reported there is negligence in the population in applying the prevention strategies though they are informing the population to do so. However, although the economic income has decreased they have rated the pharmacy service provided was very good.
“… in this regard similar to the country economic recession my income is substantially decreased which might be because of quarantine instructed by our local government. I hope this will be for the short period of time. The other challenging issue is peoples are not following the instruction given to prevent the disease. They are very negligent though we are counseling them to follow all the mechanisms to halt the spread of the disease. Although we are facing with these and other challenges the pharmacy service is being delivered very well.” (C19Phar005)
Collaboration with other bodies
Collaboration with other stakeholders was considered as a must do protocol to combat COVID-19. All the interview informants (n=6) have responded they were working with other healthcare professionals, COVID-19 prevention and control taskforce, clinics, hospitals, regional health bureau and other relevant stakeholders.
“… this disease is difficult to control apart that is why I am working with the command post and clinics around to report if I found any suspected case. I have the call number of the local government registered in my notebook which is assigned to inform and ask any of COVID-19 concern.” (C19Phar004)
Patient education and support
Our finding revealed, patient education and psychological support were being delivered. The strategies necessary outlined for the prevention and control of the pandemic were being given. Customers were counseled to stay at home, wash their hands or use hand sanitizer and maintain physical distancing.
“… We are educating them to apply all the prevention mechanisms given by WHO at home and out of home. We are instructing them to stay at home unless they have an urgent issue that necessities them to go out. If they go out of home we recommend them to stay away from crowded areas, wash or sanitize their hand and use face mask as possible.” (C19Phar002)
In addition, the case of COVID-19 has introduced some tendency of apprehension and psychological disturbance in the population. In our study, the participants responded many of their customers have asked them what could be the fate of Covid-19.
“… yes, some of my customers came and asked me what they should do and what will be the fate after the case. I have seen some degree of fear and I have tried to stabilize them… instructed them as the disease is not such a big threat… just we can control it if we stay in home, avoid crowded areas and physical contact until the pandemic is controlled and a solution is found.” (C19Phar006)