The Green Revolution was a tremendous achievement in agriculture in the second half of the 20th century because it led to new selective plant-breeding programs and farming practices to meet global food demand from a rapidly growing human population1. Early successes in breeding gave rise to semi-dwarf cereals with better fertilizer uptake, light-harvesting for photosynthesis, and resistance to lodging2. The increased application of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and water delivery by large irrigation systems further enhanced crop growth and development. Engineered crops with higher photosynthetic efficiency are needed in the 21st century to overcome the challenge of diminishing returns from the Green Revolution, rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations and frequent weather extremes fueled by climate change, and the continued rise in global food demand3.
Three efficiencies control crop performance: (i) the marketable or consumable fraction of crop biomass, (ii) the fraction of light intercepted by the canopy, and (iii) the fraction of biomass accumulated versus the amount of light absorbed by the canopy4. The first two efficiencies (harvest index and light interception) will soon reach their biological limit for most cereals. Genetic engineers are shifting their attention to improving the third (photosynthetic) efficiency, which is well below its biological limit. Traditional breeding was a defining characteristic of the Green Revolution. It expressed desirable genetic traits in crops through field trials and artificial selection5. Genetic engineering, on the other hand, involves the direct manipulation of targeted crop genes in the laboratory. Improved photosynthetic efficiency is controlled by several genes, so optimizing a few targeted genes can diminish other beneficial genetic traits, which may limit the potential of this intervention to meet global food demands in the future6.
Genetic engineers are attempting to change the pathway crops take to metabolize atmospheric CO2 during photosynthesis instead of optimizing the photosynthetic efficiency of one pathway7. Most crops use the C3 pathway for photosynthesis. Crops that thrive in warm climates, such as maize, sorghum, sugarcane, and millet use the C4 pathway8. The key difference between C3 and C4 photosynthesis concerns the delivery of CO2 to the enzyme responsible for fixing CO2 and making glucose that fuels crop growth and development: Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RubisCO). RubisCO has an affinity to both CO2 and O2. During the process known as photorespiration, atmospheric O2 is fixed instead of CO2 and less glucose is produced8. C4 photosynthesis minimizes photorespiration using a biological pump that concentrates CO2 at the active sites of RubisCO9. The C4 pathway has a comparative advantage over the C3 pathway in hot environments because RubisCO has a greater affinity to O2 as temperatures rise10. C4 photosynthesis uses more energy than C3 photosynthesis to fuel the pump, so its benefits diminish as CO2 concentrations increase and temperatures decrease11.
The trade-off between C3 and C4 photosynthesis under increased CO2 concentrations and temperatures is documented in experiments with grasses but few studies analyzed these dynamics over ecologically meaningful spatial scales and time frames12. Several international research initiatives, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded C4 rice project (, Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (, and the European Commission funded "3to4: Converting C3 to C4 photosynthesis for sustainable agriculture" project, seek to introduce the C4 pathway into rice and wheat. C4 engineered crops require fundamental changes in plant anatomy and the Calvin cycle, which is the biochemical process that converts CO2 to glucose13. They also require inserting and expressing the genes of C4 photosynthesis. Such challenges are likely to delay the commercial release of C4 engineered crops for 10 to 30 years. It is therefore unlikely that C4 engineered crops will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal to achieve “Zero Hunger” (SDG-2) by 203014. The question is, can C4 engineered crops fulfill the promise of a second Green Revolution and significantly increase global crop yields beyond 2030?
Ecological biogeography is the scientific field that examines how environmental factors, such as such as CO2 fertilization and global warming, define the spatial distribution of plant and animal species across the globe15. We used the ecological approach to understand the trade-off of traditional C3 and C4 engineered rice production over space and time. Rice is the most important global food crop as it is the staple grain for more than half the world’s population9. We parameterized the Production Efficiency Model Optimized for Crops (PEMOC), which represents a broad class of light-use efficiency models first defined by Monteith16 and is appropriate for macroscale studies17. We used PEMOC to estimate the difference in expected crop yield for C3 and C4 rice from 1982 to 2013 across southern and eastern Asia—a region accounting for more than 90% of global rice production18. We compared the 1982‒2013 baseline to C3 and C4 rice yields projected to 2050 and 2100 under the four main Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) trajectories 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.519.
Productivity gains by C4 engineered rice occurred mostly in the lower performing countries with less rice area. These gains diminished under higher projected CO2 concentrations beyond 2030. The impact of global heating on photorespiration did not appear to outweigh future gains in traditional C3 rice production under intermediate and pessimistic RCPs.
The crossover between C3 and C4 rice production during the 1982 to 2013 baseline was spatially clustered (Figure 1). The major rice-producing regions of northeast, coastal southeast, and west China, the largest producer, showed greater yields from C3 than C4 rice. Production in the Yangtze River basin in the middle of the country was more heterogenous. The second largest rice producer (India) had a west-east gradient. The Basmati rice growing states in the north and west of the country (Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh) benefited more from C3 rice, while the major rice-producing regions of West Bengal and surrounding states in the east saw boosts in yield from C4 rice. Greater C4 rice yields in the east extended into Bangladesh, which is the third largest rice producing country. Major hotspots for C4 rice production were estimated further south in the central plains of Thailand, Mekong River delta of Vietnam, and Java Island of Indonesia. In RCP 2.6, by 2050, the differences deepened for C3 benefiting regions in the north, while many areas that showed modest increases in production from C4 rice over the baseline in the south, shifted to modest increases in yield from C3 rice. More pixels shifted from C4 to C3 rice as the scenarios became more pessimistic (RCP 4.5, 6.0, 8.5).
The clustering produced clear latitudinal crossovers. C4 yields on average were greater than C3 yields below 31°N latitude over the 1982‒2013 baseline (Figure 2), which accounts for approximately 71% of rice producing areas for southern and eastern Asia. The threshold dropped to 23°N latitude and represented only 33% of the rice area under RCP 2.6 by 2050. The boundary continued to move southward with each successive scenario. The latitudes for RCP 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 were below 17°N, 16°N, and 15°N, which represented around 17%, 14%, and 12% of the current rice producing area, respectively. By 2100, C4 rice yields were larger than C3 rice yields only for RCP 2.6 (Figure A1). In this scenario, the cutoff rebounded to the 31°N latitude baseline. For RCP 4.5 and 6.0, C3 yield was modestly higher at all latitudes (yield gain range=-1.76 to -0.19 and -2.50 to -0.34 t/ha). For RCP 8.5, C3 yields were substantially higher at all latitudes, particularly below 15°N latitude (yield gain range=-5.10 to -0.81 t/ha).
Much of rice production in China is north of 31°N latitude, so C4 rice tended to underperform for the baseline and all 2050 RCPs (Figure 3). Yield gains ranged from -0.57 (RCP 4.5) to -0.75 (RCP 6.0) t/ha. India is south of 31°N latitude, so it saw a benefit from C4 rice for the baseline period (+0.34 t/ha) and RCP 2.6 (+0.02 t/ha). However, the yield gains were negative under the other scenarios (-0.24, -0.23, -0.29 t/ha for RCP 4.5, 6.0, 8.5). More tropical countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines) experienced boosts in yield from C4 rice for the baseline period and under RCP 2.6. Under RCP 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5, however, C3 rice yields were greater or the gains for C4 rice were negligible. By 2100, sizable gains in yield from C4 rice were observed in these countries only for RCP 2.6 (Figure A2). The underperformance of C4 rice production for RCP 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 for these countries was striking compared to 2050.
Our results show it is likely that C4 rice will have little advantage in terms of production over C3 rice in the future unless global climate mitigation measures are taken to significantly lower CO2 concentrations. Most C4 plants evolved only 30 million years ago during the Oligocene epoch when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were at their lowest level in the past 300 million years20. Dramatic increases in oxygenase activity of RubisCO and photorespiration in the low CO2 environment likely drove the selection for C4 photosynthesis. Warming and to a lesser extent other factors that contribute to higher photorespiration, such as increased aridity, helped stagger C4 selection across diverse ecosystems of the globe21. Fossil fuel combustion, agricultural expansion into forested areas, and other human activities are pushing atmospheric CO2 concentrations to pre-Oligocene levels when conditions promoted low photorespiration. Doubling of atmospheric CO2 in the next 100 years, which corresponds to RCP 6.0, could reduce the rate of photorespiration by half22. If the rise in CO2 concentrations continue unabated as projected for RCP 8.5, photorespiratory activity may slow even more.
Our study considered the impact of average air temperature and CO2 concentrations via photosynthetic efficiency on the performance of C3 and C4 rice yield. This is consistent with earlier biogeographic studies that employed the "quantum yield hypothesis” 23–25. The hypothesis presumes photosynthetic efficiency is the principal determinant of C4 success. Ehleringer28 analyzed the impact of temperature with a simple light-use efficiency model. They observed a clear crossover around 45°N latitude in the Great Plains of North America for the month of peak productivity. They attributed the increase in C4 productivity at lower latitudes to warmer temperature effects on photorespiration inhibition. The crossover observed in our study was 31°N latitude, which is 14° further south. Still et al.54 used a land surface model to estimate GPP for C3 and C4 vegetation across the globe. They estimated a crossover around 15°N, which is even further south of our study. Like Still et al.54, our model covered a much wider geographic area and therefore diversity of environments than the Ehleringer28 study. It simulated production over the entire growing season instead of the month of peak productivity, which Ehleringer28 contended could push the crossover to a lower latitude. Our model considered other constraints on production independent of photosynthetic efficiency (fPAR, fA, fT, and fM) that were not included in Ehleringer28.
Collatz et al.29 supports our key finding on the biogeographic limits of C4 engineered rice in the future. The study developed a simple crossover relationship between temperature and CO2 concentration from model experiments and analysis of plant distributions. They used the relationship to map past and future distributions of C3 and C4 grasses globally. They predicted the increase in CO2 following the industrial revolution led to a 17% decline in C4 grass area because of increased CO2 concentrations. They projected a steady decline in C4 grass area with increased CO2 concentrations in the future irrespective of the compensating effects of global warming. The evidence suggested C4 vegetation may be completely overtaken by C3 vegetation if the increase in CO2 concentrations continues unabated.
Our analytical approach has a few limitations that should be addressed in future studies. First, we ignored the compensating effects of all factors impacting production integrated together. We conducted a sensitivity analysis of PEMOC on a per pixel basis using Sobol’s method and found the model was most sensitive to incoming shortwave radiation over much of the study area. We did not analyze differences in incoming radiation because the quantum yield hypothesis assumes light-limited carbon uptake25. Light-saturated conditions do occur and can pose a further restriction on carboxylase reactions that impede C3 photosynthesis, but the effect is small. We assumed fPAR, fA, fT, and fM were parameterized in the same way for C3 and C4 rice, but this may not always hold true. There is a cold-temperature limitation on C4 photosynthesis, for example, that is not accounted for by fT. Light-use efficiency models compensate for this with fPAR, which is downregulated for C4 vegetation under cold conditions. We did not account for this in our study, because we could not reasonably project fPAR into the future. Without this offset, C4 rice may be more productive at higher latitudes because of global warming.
Second, our approach did not consider other advantages of C4 photosynthesis. Water-use efficiency in C4 photosynthesis is higher because CO2 is used more effectively and less water is lost via transpiration. C4 crops therefore tend to perform better under drought conditions than C3 crops. C4 photosynthesis has higher nitrogen (fertilizer) use efficiency because less RubisCO is required for photosynthesis. RubisCO is the most abundant protein in plants and nitrogen occurs primarily as proteins in plants. The C4 pathway may benefit rainfed rice greatly, since it is more resource intensive than irrigated rice, but we did not consider watering regimes in our study.
Third, we made certain model assumptions to accommodate the scale of the study and availability of data. The harvest index and constraints on GPPMAX and respiration were constant, but they do vary to some degree for different rice varieties and environmental conditions. Production was only estimated for the primary growing season, but several agroecosystems in Asia include one or more rice growing seasons. The spatial resolution of the input data was ≥8×8km2, which may be too coarse to represent field-level rotation patterns and multiple rice seasons.
Achieving C4 photosynthesis in rice is an important goal to increase efficiency in yield gains while reducing water and fertilizer requirements. It is one of a basket of required technological advancements to continue to increase crop productivity in increasingly challenging environments, such as breeding to increase heat and salinity tolerance, and genetic engineering manipulations that increase yield whilst also improving water and nutrient use efficiency26. Geographic targeting of such technologies is essential for generating realistic assessments of the spatial patterns of their impact and benefits. This targeting must also account for the likely timing of their widespread availability and adoption as a changing climate leads to changing benefits. Such modelling provides location and time specific guidance on best-best technology packages which can help prevent a repeat of the severe spatial disparities in benefits from the Green Revolution.