Method performance
The analysis method was validated and the satisfactory results were obtained, which accorded with the requirements of Chinese agricultural standards (NY/T788 2018). For the recoveries, the residues were estimated by comparing the peak area of the standard with that of spiked samples operating under the same conditions. The recoveries of spirotetramat and its four metabolites from kiwifruit, slices, juice, jam, canned, vinegar, wine and pomace were within the acceptable range of 74.7–108.7% at four fortified concentration levels (Table S2). The LOQ of the spirotetramat and its four metabolites was 1 μg kg-1 where they could be quantitatively detected at the minimum spiked concentration of each target analytes with acceptable recovery and precision. A good linearity was obtained at seven point range of 1-5000 μg L-1 and the correlation coefficient of determination (R2) in matrix-matched standards and acetonitrile were always ≥ 0.9968. The accuracy of the developed method validated by spiking spirotetramat and its four metabolites at four concentrations (1, 100, 1000 and 5000 μg kg-1) was satisfactory, as the recoveries of each target compounds were > 70% in all matrices. The intra-day precision expressed as RSDr ranged from 0.6 to 9.4%. The inter-day precision expressed as RSDR was calculated by analyzing the spiked samples on different three days and was within 1.3-13.1%. The matrix effect can suppress or enhance analyte signals, leading to quantification errors. Hence, in order to reduce the effect of matrix suppression or enhancement on the recoveries of target compounds, all quantifications in this study were performed using external matrix-matched calibration curves to obtain accurate results. These results indicated that the developed method was effective for the determination of the five analytes in kiwifruit and its products
Spirotetramat and its metabolites dissipation in the field
Figure 1(A, B) shows the residues of spirotetramat and its metabolites in kiwifruit throughout the entire experimental period at the RD and DD treatments. The average residues of spirotetramat were 158.4 ± 9.8 and 247.5 ± 19.6 μg kg-1 after 2 h of application of the RD and DD, respectively. The spirotetramat residues were decreased with the time. With 5 days about 62.4% spirotetramat residues dissipated from kiwifruit fruits at the RD, whereas 42.7% residue dissipation had occurred at the DD. After 10 days the residues dissipation of spirotetramat remained at 73.1% and 64.3% at the RD and DD, respectively. After 35 days, the residue dissipation of spirotetramat increased to 92.8% and 89.0% at the two dosages and the similar dissipation patterns of spirotetramat were observed at the two dosages. Meanwhile, spirotetramat dissipation occurring in the kiwifruit matrix followed the first-order kinetics (R2 = 0.8964 at the RD and R2 = 0.9551 at the DD) (Table 1). The half-lives for degradation of spirotetramat on kiwifruit was calculated to be 9.90 and 10.34 days, after application using the RD and DD, respectively (Table 1), a litter shorter than those of 30.1, 20.2, 12.4 and 12.0 days reported in persimmon, apricot, pear and hawthorn, respectively (Qian et al., 2019). Some studies also found that the half-lives of spirotetramat were 1.21 and 1.36 days in pepper and brinjal, respectively (Bhardwaj et al. 2016, Li et al. 2016). The half-lives were also longer than those of 1.6 and 6.2 days in citrus and peach, respectively (Ding et al. 2018, Tian et al. 2023). The results also indicated that the half-life values for degradation of spirotetramat were not significant different in kiwifruit at the RD and DD. The results were consistent with others. For instance, a study by Bhardwaj et al. proved that the half-lives of spirotetramat in brinjal were 1.09 and 1.36 days at dose of 625 and 1250 mL/ha, respectively (Bhardwaj et al. 2016), and the half-lives of isocycloseram in cabbage, cyflumetofen, tebuconazole, and triadimefon in cucumber were also similar from treatments at different dosages (Luo et al. 2022, Zhang et al. 2021). However, Mohapatra et al. found that the half-lives of spirotetramat were 3.3 and 5.2 days in mango from 90 and 180 g a.i./ha treatments, respectively (Mohapatra et al. 2012). The differeces of the half-lives of spirotetramat were observed in different crops. This is mainly due to different conditions, such as climate, amount of pesticide application, formulations, type of application, rainfall, temperature and crop types and so on (Kabir et al. 2017, Saber et al. 2016).
At present, the metabolites of pesticides have become one of the hot topics in the safety evaluation of pesticide residues. Some studies have reported that the main metabolites of spirotetramat in fruits and vegetables were B-enol, B-keto, B-mono and B-glu, also found that the types and content distribution of residual metabolites in different crops are different. For example, Chen et al. found that there were differences in the metabolic pathways of spirotetramat in the leaves, stems and roots of spinach. Spirotetramat was first metabolized to B-enol and B-keto on leaves, and then B-enol was further transformed into B-glu; in the stem, it was only degraded to B-enol, which then was transformed into B-glu; only B-enol was ultimately generated on the root. The total residue level was manifested as spinach leaves>stems>roots (Chen et al. 2016). Łozowicka et al. also found that spirotetramat could generate three metabolites in Dutch celery, dill, and radish tender leaves, with concentrations ranging from B-enol to B-keto > B-glu, while only the metabolite B-enol was generated in the roots. Moreover, the degradation pathways of spirotetramat in the tender leaves and roots of these three crops are the same as those in spinach leaves and roots, respectively (Lozowicka et al. 2017). B-mono is rarely detected in fruits and vegetables. In this study, spirotetramat was mainly degraded to B-enol and B-keto in kiwifruit, and B-mono and B-glu were not detected under field conditions. Figure 1(A, B) showed the residues of B-enol and B-keto in kiwifruit over the time period of the experiment at the RD and DD. The concentrations of B-enol decreased gradually with time elapse at different dosages. The maximum residues of B-enol were 97.4 ± 8.6 μg kg-1 and 86.9 ± 6.1 μg kg-1 after two hours at the RD and DD, respectively. The concentrations of B-keto increased in the first 14 days and then decreased with time at different dosages. And the maximum residues of B-keto were 36.2 ± 2.7 μg kg-1 and 52.1 ± 4.1 μg kg-1 at the RD and DD at 14 days, respectively. In the 35 days after application, the residues of B-enol and B-keto were 13.8 ± 1.1 μg kg-1 and 20.0 ± 1.3 μg kg-1 at RD, and 19.5 ± 1.6 μg kg-1 and 39.0 ± 2.9 μg kg-1 at DD, respectively. The results also indicated that spirotetramat may be first degraded to B-enol, which then was transformed into B-keto. It was basically consistent with those of Li et al. and Ye (Li et al. 2016, Ye 2018). The maximum residue limit (MRL) established in kiwifruit by Japan for spirotetramat, which was “the sum of spirotetramat and B-enol”, was 3 mg kg-1. The final spirotetramat and B-enol residues were less than the established MRL. Therefore, a pre-harvest interval (PHI) of spirotetramat was recommended 21 day for kiwifruit.
Spirotetramat and its metabolites dissipation during storage
In this study, the spirotetramat and the formation of four metabolites (B-enol, B-keto, B-mono and B-glu) were examined in a 70-day storage period at RD and FD. The results were presented in Figure 1C, D. The concentration of spirotetramat in kiwifruit was extensively degraded during storage. After 70 days, the residue dissipation of spirotetramat increased to 87.6% and 86.1% at RD and FD, respectively. The dissipation behaviors of spirotetramat exhibited the similar variation trends at RD and FD in kiwifruit. Notably, the spirotetramat at different dosages presented different degradation rates. It may be fitted using the first-order kinetic (Table 1). The half-lives of spirotetramat were 24.75 and 30.13 days at RD and FD, respectively. The results implied that the dosage had an obvious effect on the persistence of pesticide during storage. And the corresponding value of spirotetramat at FD was 1.22 times that at RD. Moreover, the spirotetramat half-lives during storage were higher than those in the field experiment. This may be due to the reduction of pesticide volatilization, enzymatic degradation and microbial activity at low temperatures during storage (Farha et al. 2016). Figure 1C, D revealed that only B-enol and B-keto metabolites were detected at different dosages in kiwifruit. The residues of B-enol were gradually decreased with the passage of time. After 70 dyas, the concentrations of B-enol 43.0 ± 1.9 μg kg-1 and 222.3 ± 13.1 μg kg-1 at RD and FD, respectively. And the residues was dissipated by 72.5% and 66.7% at RD and FD, respectively. The residues of B-keto remained relatively stable. B-keto reached maximum concentration at 63 and 0 days at RD and FD, with respective values at 32.9 ± 2.8 μg kg-1 and 308.5 ± 21.5 μg kg-1, respectively. For this, it may be that the spirotetramat was first decreased to B-enol, and then B-enol was further transformed into B-keto. The results were consistent with others (Li et al. 2016). When spirotetramat was applied in the field, the residue of spirotetramat were efficiently transformed to B-enol and B-keto, leading to relative enrichment of the two metabolites.
Degradation of spirotetramat and its metabolites in kiwifruit during processing
The effects of different processing procedures on spirotetramat and its metabolites residues were investigated. The residues of spirotetramat and its metabolites during kiwifruit processing were presented in Table 2-4. The data indicated that spirotetramat and its metabolites had a similar downward trends under different process conditions.
Washing. Washing is the easiest method to remove pesticide residues from the kiwifruits during commercial processing. Many studies confirmed that the pesticide residues in fruits can be removed by washing (Kang et al. 2023, Li et al. 2021b, Quan et al. 2020b, Tian et al. 2022b). In the current study, the original concentrations of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were 967.3 ± 85.1 μg kg-1, 738.4 ± 48.6 μg kg-1 and 360.5 ± 23.5 μg kg-1 in kiwifruit, respectively. And the B-mono and B-glu were not detected in kiwifruit. After washing, the residues of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto decreased by 82.0%, 77.6% and 67.9%, respectively (Table 2). The removal effect of washing on spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were slightly stronger than that of other pesticides, with imazalil (13.9% loss) in apple and difenoconazole (16.0% loss) in tomato (Kong et al. 2012, Li et al. 2021b). This is mainly because spirotetramat (Kow = 2.51) was lower than that of imazalil (Kow = 4.10) and difenoconazole (Kow = 4.36). The removal rates of B-enol and B-keto by washing were lower than that of spirotetramat. However, the Kow of the B-enol and B-keto were unknown. Hence, the reason should be further studied. The results further suggested that the high logKow of pesticides were easy to penetrate the kiwifruit and difficult to remove by washing (Huan et al. 2015).
Peeling. Peeling is also a common step in fruit processing. Table 2 and 3 showed that the kiwifruit sample peeling resulted in spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto residues with 97.0%, 93.8%, and 97.6% decrease, respectively. The kiwifruit skins contained the highest concentrations of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto. The concentrations of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were 2990.3 ± 174.6 μg kg-1, 1636.4 ± 109.7 μg kg-1 and 1396.9 ± 96.7 μg kg-1 in kiwifruit skins, respectively (Table 3). This is mainly because spirotetramat spray was in direct contact with the peel. Some studies have also reported that the removal rates of pesticide were between 50% and 100% by peeling in agricultural commodities (Chen et al. 2021, Han et al. 2013, Tian et al. 2022a). Han et al. found that the removal rates of spirotetramat by peeling was 76.4% in apple (Han et al. 2013). Besides, the results also suggested that peeling was stronger than washing to remove of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto. This is mainly because washing only removed the pesticides from the surface of the fruit skins (Quan et al. 2020a).
Color-protecting. From Table 2, we concluded that residual levels of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were reduced by 7.8%, 15.7% and 20.7% after color-protecting, respectively. Compared with other pesticides, the color-protecting presented slightly worse elimination capability of spirotetramat B-enol and B-keto, with the 31.8% loss of cyflumetofen in apple (Quan et al. 2020a). It may be that the acidic environment was helpful to improve the stability of spirotetramat.
Blanching, boiling and simmering. Thermal treatments is another step used in the fruit processing. In the current study, from Table 2, residual levels of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were reduced by 44.1%, 33.4% and 54.7% after blanching in the process of making kiwifruit slices, respectively. Whereas, during the process of canned kiwifruit, the effective elimination of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto with reductions of 45.2%, 3.8% and 6.9% after boiling, respectively. Meanwhile, the reductions of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were 15.1%, 17.1% and 34.5% after simmering during the process of kiwifruit jam, respectively. The results indicated that partial chemical structures of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto may be destroyed under high temperature conditions, further leading to its concentration reduction. Our results proved that the residues of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were decreased during blanching, boiling and simmering process. This is mainly due to the degradation or volatilization of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto caused by high temperature conditions (Han et al. 2016, Quan et al. 2020b). Some previous studies also support our results. A study by Jankowska et al. proved that thermal treatments resulted in decreasing the pesticide residues by 19-97% in broccoli and 43-93% in strawberries (Jankowska et al. 2019).
Puffing drying. As showed in Table 2, the results suggested that the residual levels of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were obviously reduced by 36.3%, 31.5% and 27.6% after puffing drying, respectively. This may be mainly caused by changes in pressure and temperature. Some studies have also reported that high temperature enhanced the volatilization, degradation and hydrolysis of pesticides, resulting in the reduction of residue levels (Quan et al. 2020a). For example, a study by Quan et al. found that the reductions of (+)- and (−)-cyflumetofen were 31.2% and 42.1% after puffing drying, respectively (Quan et al. 2020a). Furthermore, the effectiveness of pesticide removal by pressure has also been studied. A study by Iizuka and Shimizu confirmed that 75% of hydrophobic pesticide were removed by the hydro-static pressure technology from cherry tomatoes (Iizuka &Shimizu 2014). Hence, the changes of temperature and pressure during the puffing drying was contribute to reduce pesticide residues in fruits.
Enzymolysis and clarification. In the process of making kiwifruit juice, the enzymolysis showed effective elimination of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto by 19.9%, 19.5% and 10.3%, respectively (Table 2). This finding was in accordance with some previous studies that found that the concentrations of spirotetramat and its metabolite were reduced by approximately 24% and cyflumetofen by approximately 19% in apples after enzyme treatment (Han et al. 2013, Quan et al. 2020b). The clarification slightly affected on the degradation of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto, decreasing residues by 13.7%, 9.2% and 11.5%, respectively. This also meant that the addition of chitosan reduced the residual amount of spirotetramat and its metabolites.
Fermentation. Many studies have shown that the pesticide residues in fermented foods can be significantly reduced by the action of microorganisms such as yeast (Li et al. 2021a, Regueiro et al. 2015). After the application of pesticides in the field, the pesticides remaining on the surface of kiwifruits will gradually transfer to the fermentation system, and gradually transferred and changed with the processing process. Ultimately, the residues in processed products posed a potential threat to consumer health. In the current study, the residue of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto could be reduced by fermentation to varying degrees in kiwifruit vinegar. Specifically, reductions in the spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were 85.6%, 57.2% and 31.0%, respectively (Table 2). As previously mentioned, Quan et al. found that concentrations of cyflumetofen in apple vinegar was reduced by approximately 79% during fermentation (Quan et al. 2020b). During the kiwifruit wine-making, the dissipation behavior of spirotetramat had similar trends in the three groups (Figure 2). The amounts of spirotetramat and its metabolites decreased significantly during the wine-making, including fermentation and clarification. At the same time, there is a significant difference in the distribution of target pesticides in the solid-liquid phase, and the pesticide residue level in the by-process products such as lees and wine mud was significantly higher than that in the liquid sake, indicating that the target pesticides were significantly enriched in the samples of lees and wine mud during processing (Table 3). Table 1 showed that the half-lives of spirotetramat were 4.15, 4.91 and 3.36 days in group A, B and C, respectively. Figure 2 indicated that the concentrations of spirotetramat in wine reduced quickly at the initial stage. The concentrations slowly decreased after 2 days and then tended to be stable during the fermentation. This may be due to spirotetramat in the solid phase entering the wine. In summary, Table 4 presented the final residue of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto in wine was reduced 23.5-99.8% in the three groups after the wine-making process. Nevertheless, Table 3 also showed that the residue of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto in pomace were higher than that in the wine. The potential risk of spirotetramat and its metabolites should be further researched in pomace, because pomace was often used to produce other products.
Processing factors
According to the definition of PFs, the influence of each process step on the spirotetramat and its metabolites residue levels were determined by calculating the PF of pesticide residue in its processed products. The PFs of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were calculated and presented in Table 2 and 4 in each step. The processing factors of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto ranged from 0.0025 to 0.98 during each step into six products, which indicated that each step can significantly reduce the residues of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto. Meanwhile, it can greatly reduce the amount of pesticide residues in human consumption. Some studies also confirmed that several processing steps could be effective removal of the pesticide residues to varying degrees in agricultural products (Li et al. 2021c, Tian et al. 2022b, 2023). In this work, the PF values of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto were 0.18, 0.22 and 0.32 during washing processing, respectively. Peeling could also be removed the spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto, with PF values of 0.03, 0.06 and 0.02, respectively. The results were consistent with others. A study by Pan et al. proved that peeling was an effective method to remove the zoxamide, with a PF value of 0.059 (Pan et al. 2018). Such findings are not unique, Han et al. also found that the PF values of spirotetramat and B-enol were 0.14 and 0.22 after peeling in apple, respectively (Han et al. 2013). Therefore, peeling should be carried out at first time to reduce the pesticide residue in food for consumers.
In addition, the PF values of Color-protecting, blanching puffing drying, enzymolysis, clarification, boiling, simmering was less than one (Table 2 and 4). It indicated that these steps could also reduce pesticide residue levels to varying degrees. The PF values of spirotetramat, B-enol and B-keto acquired from fermentation were ranged from 0.13 to 0.98. The PF for kiwifruit wine was higher than that in kiwifruit vinegar, which was probably because the PH was different during the fermentation of kiwifruit vinegar and wine (Quan et al. 2020a). Zhao et al. confirmed that the PF values of triadimefon were 0.09 and 0.12 during the fermentation of jujube vinegar and wine, respectively (Zhao et al. 2017). In summary, the above results suggested that the kiwifruit after simple home preparation may be relatively safe for consumers. The peeling and fermentation steps were effective for the removal of spirotetramat and its metabolites residues. However, to ensure food safety, it is particularly necessary for detailed studies to optimize processing techniques to enhance the removal rate of pesticide residues.