Study Area
This study was carried out in the vibrant city of Ilorin, the capital city of Kwara State, Nigeria. Situated at a latitude of 830N and a longitude of 435E, within its boundaries lie three distinct local district councils: Ilorin East, West, and South. The UN World Urbanization Prospects revealed the city's bustling population reaching an impressive 1,030,498 individuals in 2023. Merging tradition with modernity, Ilorin's unique charm presents a harmonious blend of a traditional town and a thriving urban center. In the metropolis, there are large, medium, and small industrial companies. This research was conducted in areas housing medium to small scale industries. Soil samples were collected from 9 locations around the industries (Table 1). Coordinates of each sample location were obtained using GPS (geographical positioning system) and used to generate study area map (Figure 1).
Table 1: Location and the type of industries
Type of Industry
Wood and Furniture
Wood and Furniture
Wood and Furniture
Ipata Oloje
Jimba Oja
Metal and Steel
Metal and Steel
Metal and Steel
Samples Collection
The soil auger was pre-cleaned with concentrated nitric acid before sampling. At each location, samples were taken and composited at depths that varied from 0 to 20 cm. Substances including stones, pebbles, and organic and inorganic detritus were taken out of the soil before samples were taken. The samples were sealed in plastic bags, labelled, and sent off to a laboratory for heavy metal analysis.
Sample Preparation and Digestion
After 48 hours of air drying, soil samples were crushed and sieved through a 0.5mm mesh size. 10 mL of HNO3 was added to a digestion flask containing 0.5 g of the soil sample. This was then heated on a hot plate till near dryness. Afterwards, 10 mL HCl was added and heated until near dryness. We added 10 mL of perchloric acid and heated. Once again, 10 mL of HCl was added and evaporated nearly entirely by heating. The sample was cooled after 10 mL of distilled water was added. An Erlenmeyer flask was then used to filter the material. A 50 mL volumetric flask was used to add distilled water to the digestate. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AA320N) readings for Fe, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr were taken from the digestate.
Extraction of Soil for PAHs determination
QUECHERs method of extraction was employed for the sample extraction and preparations. 3g soil sample was weighed into a centrifuge tube, 3mL distilled water added and vigorously shaken. 10mL acetonitrile was added and then shaken vigorously. 4g of Magnesium Sulphate was added followed by 0.5 g Sodium Chloride and then shaken vigorously. The sample mixture was inserted into a centrifuge machine for 5 min at 4000 rpm (to separate into two phases). The upper layer which is liquid contains the acetonitrile and the analytes of interest. 6 mL of the extracted liquid was transferred into a clean-up kit containing primary-secondary amine and Magnesium Sulphate. The clean- up kit containing the analytes of interest was shaken vigorously and kept in a centrifuge machine for 5 min at 4000 rpm. The supernatant which contains the analytes of interest was transferred into a GCMS glass for analysis.
Data Analyses
Statistical analysis was conducted on laboratory results to enhance data interpretation. With precision, the study harnessed the power of statistical tool by calculating the mean and standard deviation. To comprehensively assess ecological risks, the research employed well-established indices, including the contamination factor, pollution load index, enrichment factor, geoaccumulation index, ecological risk factor, and potential ecological risk index.
Contamination Factor (CF)
CF measures the level of contamination in relation to the average measured background values of a certain heavy metal in a geologically comparable and uncontaminated location (Hakanson, 1980). The soil's heavy metal concentration and its correlation to the earth's overall geochemical value are assessed. The CF may be determined using the formula:
CF = Concentration of the metal in soil
Background value
The global average elemental concentrations of heavy metal in the earth crust as reported by Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961 were used as reference background values in this study due to unavailability of regional values of the metals (Ihedioha, 2017). Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961 gave world average values of heavy metals in mg/kg as: “0.30 for Cd, 95 for Zn, 68 for Ni, 45 for Cu, 20 for Pb, 90 for Cr, 850 for Mn and 47,200 for Fe”.
According to Hakanson, 1980, there are four classes of contamination: “CF<1 (low contamination), 1<CF<3 (moderate contamination), 3<CF<6 (considerable contamination) and CF>6 (very high contamination)”.
Pollution Load Index (PLI)
Contamination factor indicates the site’s pollution status in terms of individual metal whereas the pollution load index gives overall pollution state of the site. PLI can be calculated by:
PLI = (CF1 X CF2 X CF3 X CF4 ……X CFN)1/N (Tomlinson et al., 1980)
N is the number of metals studied in the site and CF is the contamination factor for each metal.
The PLI indicates pollution status of the site with respect to heavy metals and the necessary action that needed to be taken.
A PLI<1 indicates an unpolluted site; PLI = 1 represents moderate pollution, and PLI>1 site is polluted (Tomlinson et al., 1980).
Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo)
The geo-accumulation index assesses the level of heavy metal pollution in soil from anthropogenic or geogenic inputs and was developed by Muller, 1969 as:
Igeo = log2(𝐶/1.5𝐵)
where: Soil heavy metal concentration is denoted by C, whereas the metal's background geochemical value is denoted by B. Due to environmental metal changes, the correction constant is 1.5 (Kamani et al., 2017).
Igeo is categorized into seven: “Igeo≤0 - unpolluted, 0<Igeo≤1 - unpolluted to moderately polluted, 1<Igeo≤2 – moderately polluted, 2<Igeo≤3 – moderately to heavily polluted, 3<Igeo≤4 - heavily polluted, 4<Igeo≤ 5 - heavily to extremely polluted extremely, and Igeo>5 – extremely polluted” (Muller, 1979).
Enrichment Factor (EF)
EF is used to measure how much of heavy metal in soil has increased due to anthropogenic activities compared to the average natural abundance. It is calculated as:
EF = (Metal) Sample
(Metal) Background
(Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961).
EF has 5 classes, these are “(EF<2) no enrichment, (2<EF<5) moderate enrichment, (5< EF< 20) significant enrichment, (20<EF<40) very high enrichment, and (EF>40) extremely high enrichment” (Reimann and De Caritat, 2000).
Ecological Risk Factor (E)
The Ecological risk factor quantitatively expresses the potential ecological risk associated with specific individual metal (Hakanson, 1980). It can be calculated as follows:
E = T X CF
where T = toxic response factor of a specific heavy metal (Iron = 1, Copper = 5, lead = 5, Cadmium = 30, and Chromium = 2) (Orellana-Mendoza et al., 2022; Hakanson, 1980) and CF = contamination factor.
Ecological risk factors are classified as follows: “(E<40) low ecological risk, (40 ≤E<80) moderate ecological risk, (80≤ E<160) considerable ecological risk, (160≤E<320) high ecological risk, and (E≥320) very high ecological risk” (Hakanson, 1980).
Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI)
RI presents the total ecological risk associated with various heavy metals in soil (Orellana-Mendoza et al., 2022; Hakanson, 1980). RI estimates the harmful effect of metals in soils.
RI = ∑E
The followings represent the different classes of RI: “(RI<150) Low risk, (150≤RI<300) moderate risk, (300≤RI<600) high risk, and (RI≥600) very high risk” (Hakanson, 1980).