3.1. Analysis of LBF
3.1.1. FTIR
The FTIR spectra of the LSL, DOPO, and LBF (LD-5) between 400 and 4000 cm-1 are shown in Figure 2(a). In the FTIR spectrum of the LSL, typical characteristic peaks were observed at 3435, 2930, 1622, 1498, 1317, 1038, and 896 cm-1 that were attributed to the stretching of the hydroxyl group in the phenolic and aliphatic structures, C-H stretching in the aromatic methoxy groups, water, C-H deformation vibration of the aromatic ring, O-H vibration of the phenolic group, C-O-C stretching, and β-glucosidic bonds between sugars, respectively (Boeriu et al. 2004; Moghaddam et al. 2017). The peaks at 812 and 627 cm-1 were assigned to the stretching vibrations of the Si-O-Si and Si-O bands, respectively, confirming the presence of silica in the LSL (Xue et al. 2020). Similarly, DOPO showed peaks at 2390, 1277, and 753 cm-1 that were attributed to the P-H stretching vibration, stretching vibration of P=O, and P-O-Ph stretching vibrations, respectively (Wang et al. 2019).
The spectrum of the LBF exhibited strong evidence of the introduction of phosphate groups onto the LSL, as indicated by the prominent peaks attributed to the stretching vibrations of P=O and P-O-Ph at 1277 and 753 cm-1, respectively. Additionally, the emergence of a new peak corresponding to the P-C group (Zhang et al. 2018) at 1471 cm-1, combined with the absence of a P-H DOPO peak at 2390 cm-1 and decreased absorption intensity of the O-H group strongly supports the presence of covalent bonding between the LSL and DOPO, as shown in Figure 1(b).
3.1.2. TGA
The thermal properties were examined in a nitrogen atmosphere, and the thermograms are shown in Figure 2(b) with the corresponding numerical data listed in Table 1. The LSL degraded gradually from approximately 150°C to 700°C in three degradation stages. The weight loss was attributed to moisture evaporation at temperatures lower than 150°C. The low-molecular-weight lignin fraction disintegrated at approximately 285°C. The third decomposition step was caused by the cleavage of the inter-unit linkages of higher-molecular-weight lignin and the evaporation of monomeric phenols (Jiao et al. 2019). The LSL demonstrated better thermal stability at temperatures higher than 340°C when compared to commercially available lignin (Lcom). This can be attributed to the higher amount of high-molecular-weight lignin and silica present in the LSL. The residual char weight (at 700°C) and temperature at 30% of weight loss (T30%) of the LSL were higher than those of Lcom, as listed in Table 1. In contrast, DOPO showed rapid degradation between 243°C and 422°C owing to its decomposition to dibenzofuran and diphenyl with the generation of PO and PO2 radicals (Wang et al. 2021).
The LBF demonstrated a different degradation pattern than those of the LSL and DOPO. All the LBFs showed higher thermal stability compared to constituents during degradation at temperatures between 230°C and 370°C. The LBF achieved an enhanced temperature at 10% mass loss (T10%) in comparison with those of LSL and DOPO, as shown in Table 1. The phosphoric acid released from the DOPO in this temperature range initiated the formation of intumescent char. Furthermore, the continued release of phosphoric acid after 370°C accelerated the degradation of the lignin. This resulted in decreased thermal stability at elevated temperatures and an excessive amount of acid that may be the reason for decreased thermal stability. The maximum degradation of the LD-5, LD-10, and LD-15 samples occurred at 459°C, 475°C, and 479°C and the weights of final residues were 59.6%, 55.4%, and 51.1%, respectively. In summary, the LBF enhanced the thermal stability of cotton by producing intumescent char. In addition, the phosphorous present in the degradation products acted as a char-forming promoter that enhanced the thermal stability of the LBF.
Table 1. TGA and PCFC Data of the Lcom, LSL, DOPO, and LBF.
3.1.3. PCFC
The flame-retardant efficiency of the LBF was examined using PCFC. The heat release rate (HRR) is shown in Figure 2(c) and important corresponding data are presented in Table 1. DOPO exhibited the highest peak heat release rate (pHRR)of 408 W/g at 322°C and 30.7 kJ/g of the total heat release (THR). DOPO mainly decomposed into dibenzofuran, diphenyl, PO, and PO2 radicals with the formation of phosphorous-containing char (Wang et al. 2021). The pHRR and THR of the LSL were 21 W/g and 2.9 kJ/g, respectively. Owing to the presence of silica, the pHRR of the LSL was 40.5 W/g lower and occurred at 101°C higher when compared to the Lcom, indicating better flame retardancy.
The LBFs showed completely different flammability behaviors compared to those of LSL and DOPO. The combustions of the LBFs started at lower temperatures than that of the LSL. This can be explained by the formation of phosphoric acid generated from DOPO that decreased the decomposition temperature of the LBF. The LD-5 sample achieved a pHRR and THR of 61.6 W/g and 9.8 kJ/g, respectively, whereas the other samples showed comparatively higher flammability. The intumescence of the char was observed after the test, and the phenomena were more pronounced for the LD-10 and LD-15 samples (Figure S1). The excessive amount of gases released from DOPO decreased the char thickness. Subsequently, the combustible materials passed through the cracks that formed on the char surfaces. The pHRR values of the LD-10 and LD-15 samples were both 76.2 W/g, whereas the THR values were 11.7 and 14.4 kJ/g, respectively. DOPO promoted the intumescence of the char and contributed to the thermal shielding effect of the LBF. Similarly, the LBF can enhance the flame retardancy of cotton by blocking heat transfer to the underlying material.
3.2. Characterization of Cotton Fabrics
3.2.1. FTIR and Morphology of the Cotton Fabrics
FTIR spectroscopy was used to characterize the chemical structures of the untreated and LBF-treated cotton fabrics. The FTIR spectra of the untreated cotton, CLSL, and LBF-treated samples (CLD-5) are shown in Figure 2(d). The bands in the spectrum of the untreated cotton at 3330, 2900, 1636, 1430, 1317, and 1033 cm-1 were attributed to the O-H, C-H, water, H-C-H, C-O, and combined C-O and O-H groups, respectively. For the CLSL, a new peak centered at 845 cm-1 corresponded to the Si-O-Si stretching vibration of the LSL, indicating the deposition of LSL on the cotton surface.
The spectrum of the LBF-treated sample exhibited new peaks at 1137 and 753 cm-1 belonging to the P-O-C aromatic stretching vibration (Zhu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2019; Ao et al. 2020), whereas the peak at 1267 cm-1 was attributed to P=O (Castellano et al. 2019). Additionally, the -OH stretching vibration shifted from 3330 to 3326 cm-1, indicating a hydrogen bond formation between the hydroxyl groups of the LSL or LBF with similar groups of cellulose molecules in the cotton fabric (Zhang et al. 2021a; Song et al. 2022). The results of the FTIR analysis indicated the formation of hydrogen bonds between the LBF and cotton that can increase the flame retardancy of the fabric.
The surface morphologies and chemical compositions of the fabrics were examined using SEM-EDS to analyze the influence of the treatments on cotton. The SEM images of untreated cotton and the CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples are shown in Figure 3. Their corresponding X-ray spectra are shown in Figure S2. The surface of the untreated cotton appeared smooth and clean, with distinct gaps between the fibrils. After treatment, the cotton fibrils were covered with the substrate, and the gap size between the fibrils decreased compared to that of untreated cotton. Additionally, the coating adhered more securely to the surface of the cotton with increasing DOPO concentration, and the roughness of the single fibers and coating uniformity increased.
EDS analysis was conducted to determine the chemical composition of the cotton fabrics. Untreated cotton consisted of 53.27% carbon and 46.73% oxygen. The EDS spectrum of the CLSL exhibited the presence of silicon and sodium, indicating that the LSL was attached to the cotton surface. Meanwhile, the CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples contained 1.82%, 2.68%, and 2.8% phosphorous, respectively. The silicon concentration marginally dropped as the DOPO concentration increased. Furthermore, EDS elemental mapping (Figure S3) showed a homogeneous distribution of the LBF constituents throughout the cotton surface, implying the successful deposition of the LBF and equal flame retardancy throughout the fabric.
3.3. Flammability
3.3.1. UL-94 Vertical Burning Test
A VBT was performed to assess the impact of the LBF on the flame retardancy of the cotton fabrics. Digital images of the samples taken during the test are shown in Figure 4 and the data collected from the experiment are presented in Table 2. The videos recorded during the VBT are provided in the Supporting Information. The untreated cotton exhibited a rapid fire spread and burned out, leaving a minor amount of residue. The afterflame and afterglow durations were measured at 17 and 30 s, respectively. The CLSL fabric experienced no afterflame. However, the length of the damaged material was 251 mm after smoldering for 347 s. The CLD-5 and CLD-10 samples also immediately extinguished after the removal of the fire source, and the afterglow phenomena lasted for 33 and 17 s, respectively. Additionally, smoldering only appeared on the charred part of the fabric without spreading throughout the unburned material. The CLD-15 sample burned for 3 s and sustained afterglow for 5 s, resulting in the longest damaged area of 85 mm among the LBF-treated cottons. The lengths of the burned areas for the CLD-5 and CLD-10 samples were 63 and 75 mm, respectively. A distinct intumescence phenomenon for the LBF-treated cotton occurred after removing the burner. The VBT results indicated that the LBF treatment significantly enhanced the flame retardancy of cotton fabrics compared to untreated cotton. The LBF-treated samples demonstrated intumescence effects and reduced afterflame and afterglow durations. These findings highlighted the potential of using an LBF as an effective flame retardant for cotton production.
Table 2. Corresponding Data for TGA and VBT.
3.3.2. PCFC
PCFC was performed to further understand the flammability of the LBF-treated cotton. The HRR of the treated cotton and corresponding data are provided in Figure S4(a) and Table S1, respectively. Untreated cotton showed a rapid single HRR with a pHRR of 242 W/g at 380°C. This was owing to the formation of flammable compounds that contributed to its flammability, such as aldehydes, ketones, and ethers (Maksym et al. 2022). Conversely, treated samples combusted in two stages. The initial pHRR for the CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples occurred at temperatures of 321°C, 302°C, 306°C, and 317°C with corresponding values of 53.3, 53, 59.6, and 60.9 W/g, respectively. The first combustion peak occurred because of the enhanced charring ability of the treatments, as discussed in Section Subsequently, a second peak emerged at 444°C for CLSL, with a corresponding value of 18.6 W/g. In the case of the LBF-treated fabrics, the second pHRRs appeared at 414°C, 414°C, and 425°C with values of 33.2, 44.6, and 49.8W/g for the CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples, respectively. At this stage, the flammable gases released from the uncombusted material trapped inside the char were liberated through microcracks (Prabhakar et al. 2022). The THR of untreated cotton was the highest and equaled 15.6 kJ/g, whereas those of the CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples decreased by 65.4%, 53.2%, 39.7%, and 34%, respectively. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the LBF treatment in altering the flammability behavior of cotton fabrics. Additionally, the two-stage combustion pattern observed in the LBF-treated samples and reduced pHRR and THR values compared to the untreated cotton indicate improved flame retardancy and enhanced charring ability.
3.3.3. Cone Calorimetry
Table 3. Results of Cone Calorimetry Tests for Untreated Cotton, CLSL, and CLD-5.
A cone calorimeter test was performed on the untreated cotton, CLSL, and CLD-5 samples to examine their combustion behaviors. The HRR, THR, total smoke production (TSP), CO production (COP), and CO2 production (CO2P) curves are presented in Figure 5. The corresponding data, including time to ignition (TTI), pHRR, maximum average rate of heat emission (MARHE), and CO2/CO ratio are presented in Table 3. The untreated cotton, CLSL, and CLD-5 samples exhibited pHRRs of 239, 162, and 202 kW/m2 and THRs of 20.9, 6.1, and 11.9 MJ/m2, respectively. The 23 s delay in TTI for the CLSL and decreased pHRR and THR compared to untreated cotton confirmed the formation of char residue during heating, which can hinder cotton from burning and reduce combustion heat (Mandlekar et al. 2018). The CLS-5 sample ignited earlier than untreated cotton due to phosphoric acid produced from the LBF during combustion that catalyzed the degradation of the cellulose. Phosphorous char was formed at this stage, lowering the flammability of the cotton by converting flammable materials into non-combustible char (Li et al. 2022). Furthermore, the production of COP was higher for the treated samples, as demonstrated in Figure 5(d). This resulted from the aromatic structure of lignin, which can accelerate the carbonization reaction of cotton and create a protective char layer that prevents the contact of degradation products with oxygen, minimizing further CO combustion to generate CO2(Li et al. 2019). The evidence supporting this observation is further strengthened by the substantial decrease in the CO2/CO ratio. In the case of the CLSL, the ratio decreased from an initial value of 36.1 (as seen in the untreated cotton) to 15.7. Similarly, the ratio decreased from 36.1 to 25.4 for the CLD-5 sample. The combustion of the CLD-5 sample produced the highest quantity of smoke, as shown in Figure 5(c). This occurred due to the PO∙ and PO2∙radicals released from the phosphorous in the LBF reacting with the H∙ and OH∙ radicals, generating a much higher amount of non-flammable volatile products during the burning. The increased amount of residue after the test exhibited a flame-retardant effect in the condensed phase. The high char yield demonstrated that the flammable substrates remained in the condensed phase during burning, thereby reducing their flammability. Overall, the findings of this study highlight the improved fire performance and reduced flammability of the LBF-treated cotton sample compared with those of untreated cotton. The formation of a protective char layer and decreased CO2/CO ratio contributed to the potential of these treatments as effective flame retardants for cotton materials in various applications.
3.4. Flame-Retardant Mechanism
The pyrolysis products of untreated and treated cotton fabrics were analyzed using TG-FTIR to investigate the flame-retardant mechanism in the gas phase, as shown in Figures S5(a)-(c). The peak at 3593 cm-1 was attributed to the stretching vibration of the -OH group of the water, whereas the peaks at 2975, 2912, and 2815 cm-1 were ascribed to the absorption of the aliphatic C-H bond of the hydrocarbons. The peaks at 2358, 2184, 1724, and 1056 cm-1 (1100 cm-1 for CLSL and CLD-5) corresponded to the absorption of CO2, stretching vibration of CO, vibrations of C=O of carbonyl compounds, and C-O-C of ethers, respectively (Chen et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2023). The peak signals for untreated cotton intensified when the temperature reached 345°C. The maximum amounts of pyrolysis gas for the CLSL and CLD-5 samples were released at 275°C and 270°C, respectively. These findings further confirmed the catalytic influence of the LSL and LBF on cellulose and were consistent with the outcomes obtained from the TGA analysis. The disappearance of the characteristic peaks of aliphatic hydrocarbons (2975 and 2815 cm-1) and significant reduction in the intensities of peaks related to hydrocarbons (2912 cm-1), carbonyl compounds, and ethers are shown in Figures S5(b) and (c). Specifically, a detailed representation of the intensities of the characteristic peaks associated with flammable hydrocarbons, carbonyl compounds, and ethers, along with the peaks corresponding to non-flammable CO2, are shown in Figure 6(a) (Xu et al. 2019a). The CLSL and CLD-5 samples clearly released fewer flammable gases, whereas the production of CO2 was enhanced. These results suggest that phosphoric acid increased the carbonization of cellulose during combustion rather than decomposing and producing flammable volatiles (Wang et al. 2018; Xu et al. 2019b).
FTIR analysis was performed to understand the chemical structure of the residue, as shown in Figure S5(d). The peaks describing the molecular structure of cellulose disintegrated after burning owing to thermal-oxidative depolymerization. The peaks at 1588 and 1018 cm-1 can be ascribed to the C=C stretching vibration and stretching of the C-O band of the aromatic structure of carbonaceous char (Shukla et al. 2019). The char residues of both CLSL and CLD-5 samples exhibited peaks at 1430 cm-1 (belonging to the Na-O band) and 880 cm-1 (attributed to Si-O-Si stretching vibrations)(Huisken et al. 1999). This is the reason for the enhanced thermal stability of the char at elevated temperatures. Meanwhile, the char of the CLD-5 sample showed the presence of P=O and P-O-P groups at 1215, 1018, and 750 cm-1, which strongly indicated the generation of stable phosphorous char (Prabhakar and Song 2020).
The residues of the untreated and treated cotton fabrics after the VBT were studied using SEM to further investigate the flame-retardant mechanism. The morphologies of the untreated cotton, CLSL, and CLD-5 chars are shown in Figure 6S. The residue of the untreated cotton was weak and brittle owing to the complete combustion of cellulose and insufficient char formation. The SEM images of the CLSL sample showed that the single cotton fibers preserved their structure. In addition, intumescence could be observed on and outside of the fiber surface. However, the char was not strong enough to stop the cotton from smoldering, according to the VBT. In contrast, the surface of the CLD-5 sample was compact and continuous, without holes or cracks. The formation of a protective char barrier effectively hindered heat transfer to the unburned material, significantly decreasing the afterglow.
EDS was conducted to investigate the elemental compositions of the CLSL and CLD-5 sample residues. The CLSL surface retained carbon, oxygen, sodium, and silica after burning, whereas the LCD-5 sample showed the presence of phosphorus in addition to these elements, as shown in Figure 6(b). It was concluded that the presence of phosphorus played a crucial role in imparting excellent flame-retardant properties to cotton. This was achieved by creating a highly efficient phosphorus-char protective layer that resulted in enhanced flame retardancy.
According to the TG-IR, SEM-EDS, and FTIR results, a possible flame-retardant mechanism of LBF-treated cotton can be explained as the phosphorous-containing groups of the LBF generating phosphoric acid before any effects from cellulose and LSL. Furthermore, the accelerated degradation of the LSL and cellulose contributed to the formation of phosphate esters that catalyzed the carbonization of the cellulose and LSL, thereby decreasing the formation of flammable gases. Meanwhile, the released non-flammable water vapor and CO2 swelled the ester, providing intumescence to the char and greatly reducing heat and mass transfer. Moreover, a ceramic-metallic barrier could be generated from silicone- and sodium-containing compounds, greatly improving the strength of the char and preventing further material oxidation of the underlying material by diminishing heat transfer (Nam et al. 2017; Yan et al. 2017)
3.5. Tensile Properties
The effect of the treatment on the tensile properties of cotton textiles was studied by estimating the tensile strength, strain at break, and tensile modulus in the warp and weft directions. The test results are presented in Figures 7(a) and (b) and Table S2. The warp tensile strength and strain at the breaking point of the cotton fabric are shown in Figure 7(a). The tensile strengths of the untreated cotton, CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples were 32.4, 34.5, 31.7, 34.7, and 32.9 MPa, respectively. Notably, all treated samples showed an improvement in the strain at break. In the weft direction, only the CLD-15 sample showed a 3.4% reduction in tensile strength, whereas the CLSL, CLD-5, and CLD-10 samples exhibited improvements of 18.6%, 9.7%, and 31.7%, respectively. The strain at break slightly improved for the CLSL and CLD-10 samples, whereas the CLD-5 and CLD-15 samples exhibited minor reductions. A thin layer of LSL or LBF covering the cotton improved the stress-bearing capacity by evenly distributing the load in the principal direction and transferring it from the principal to the transverse direction. SEM images of the cotton fabric after the tensile test confirmed this hypothesis because they revealed damage to the flame-retardant coating layer, as shown in Figure S7.
In contrast, the tensile modulus of untreated cotton in the warp direction was 0.523 GPa, and the reductions in the CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples were 23.5%, 27.7%, 27.9%, and 29.8%, respectively. Meanwhile, tensile moduli in the weft direction for the CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples decreased compared to untreated cotton (0.403 GPa) by 13.9%, 7.4%, 10.7%, and 15.9%, respectively. The reductions in the moduli can be attributed to the crystallinity reduction caused by amorphous lignin (Ma et al. 2015). Overall, the LBF achieved a positive effect on the tensile strength and elongation at break of the cotton fabric.
3.7 Thermal Properties of Cotton Fabrics
The TG curves of untreated and treated cotton under a nitrogen atmosphere are shown in Figure 8(a) and the corresponding data are listed in Table 2. All samples exhibited weight loss at temperatures between 30°C and 150°C due to water evaporation. Untreated cotton exhibited rapid mass loss with the maximum loss rate (TRmax) at 383°C, which was associated with the depolymerization of cellulose to produce combustible gases, volatile liquids, and solid residue (Xu et al. 2019b). The thermal degradation of the treated fabrics was initiated at lower temperatures compared with the untreated cotton. Thus, the TRmax of the CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples were 286°C, 289°C, 288°C, and 322°C respectively. This phenomenon occurred because low-molecular fractions of lignin and phosphoric acid from DOPO promoted dehydration and carbonization before the pyrolysis of cellulose, which enhanced char formation from combustible materials to improve thermal stability and flame retardancy(Liu et al. 2017; Shukla et al. 2019). This explanation is corroborated by the lower weight-loss rate of the treated cotton fabrics during differential thermal analysis (DTG), as shown in Figure S4(b). Furthermore, the T10% for treated cotton slightly fluctuated at approximately 255°C, while the temperature at 60% mass loss (T60%) for the untreated cotton, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples were observed at 389°C, 665°C, 553°C, 450°C, and 401°C, respectively. This indicates enhanced thermal stability at elevated temperatures. The amounts of residue at 700°C for the untreated cotton, CLSL, CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples were 6.7%, 38.4%, 36.9%, 31.9%, and 27.8%, respectively. Incorporating DOPO resulted in a reduction in the T60% and weight of the final residue. This may have been due to the immoderate amount of gases liberated from the samples containing more DOPO, which could reduce the strength of the char. The second reason for this is the reduction in the thermally stable silica (as confirmed by EDS) in the sample with a higher DOPO concentration, which could also lead to a decline in the thermal stability at elevated temperatures.
TGA was performed in air to study the thermal decomposition of the cotton fabrics in an oxidizing environment. The thermo-oxidative behaviors of the cotton samples are shown in Figure 8(b). The initial mass loss at approximately 150°C was associated with moisture evaporation. Untreated cotton degraded between 320°C and 378 °C, producing CO, CO2, and CH4 as volatile products and approximately 8.5% of oxidized char. Furthermore, the char degraded between 377°C and 508°C, resulting in a 1.8% ash retention. The T10% for treated cotton samples was approximately 88°C lower compared to that of untreated cotton. The DTG results showed that the temperature of the first maximum rate of thermal oxidation (TRmax1) for the CLD-5 sample occurred at 261°C, as shown in Figure S4(c). This was the lowest compared with other treated cotton samples. The TRmax1 for the CLSL, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples occurred at 298°C, 281°C, and 289°C, respectively. The thermal behavior of the treated samples between 235°C and 338°C displayed a notable mass loss attributed to the thermal-oxidative degradation of cellulose, which was accelerated by the phosphoric acid released from the LBF and/or lignin. However, the subsequent thermal behaviors of the samples exhibited distinct characteristics. Upon reaching 338°C, the CLSL sample demonstrated a gradual loss in mass that continued until it reached 381°C. Beyond this point, a rapid mass loss occurred again, with the second maximum rate of thermal oxidation (TRmax2) at 411°C. A relatively low mass loss was observed between 420°C and 665°C, followed by a weight drop of 3.1%. However, the LBF-treated cotton fabrics exhibited better thermal stability than that for the CLSL. Accordingly, the TRmax2 for the CLD-5, CLD-10, and CLD-15 samples occurred at 649°C, 545°C, and 461°C, respectively. The TRmax2 was higher for the LBF-treated cotton than that for the CLSL owing to the formation of thermally stable char that protected the underlying material from thermo-oxidative degradation. Moreover, the third degradation stage for the LBF-treated cotton fabrics vanished. TRmax2 for the CLD-10 and CLD-15 samples occurred 104°C and 188°C earlier than that for the CLD-5 sample, respectively. This may be owing to the excessive amount of gases released from the DOPO that were present in the CLD-10 and CLD-15 samples, resulting in a decrease in the temperature at which degradation of the previously formed char occurred. In other words, the char formed in these samples was less stable than those formed in the other treated cotton samples, leading to its degradation at lower temperatures.