2.1 Wellbore integrity failure law analysis
Integrity of wellbores used for gas injection/production processes have been extensively studied in the literature and some general conclusions have been offered (Goodwin and Crook 1992; Thiercelin et al. 1998; Bois et al. 2012; Zhang and Eckert 2020; Deng et al. 2023). However, only a few of these studies focused on the specific locations where wellbore integrity is prone to failure (e.g., whether the failure happens near the formation interlayer, cement inner surface or outer surface, etc.).
In our previous research, we studied the wellbore integrity failure law during the injection and production processes of gas storage and obtained specific data (Wang et al. 2022), as shown in Fig. 1. By analyzing the wellbore integrity failure data, a summary of the statistical results of wellbore integrity failures occurring in the gas storage wells are shown in Tables 1 & 2. It can be found that the gas storage wellbore integrity failure is prone to occur inside the wellbore structure in the minimum ground stress direction near the lower interlayer boundary during the operation processes.
Table 1
Wellbore integrity failure law during the gas injection process
| | Cement shear | Cement tensile | Casing strength |
Position | Near the upper interlayer boundary | √ | | |
Interlayer zone | | √ | |
Near the lower interlayer boundary | √ | √ | √ |
Inside and outside | Inside | √ | √ | √ |
Outside | √ | | |
Direction | Minimum ground stress | √ | √ | √ |
Maximum ground stress | √ | √ | |
Table 2
Wellbore integrity failure law during the gas production process
| | Cement shear | Cement inner interface | Cement outer interface | Casing strength |
Position | Near the upper interlayer boundary | √ | | √ | |
Interlayer zone | | √ | | |
Near the lower interlayer boundary | √ | | √ | √ |
Inside and outside | Inside | √ | | | √ |
Outside | √ | | | |
Direction | Minimum ground stress | √ | √ | | √ |
Maximum ground stress | √ | | √ | |
2.2 Severity and risk assessment of wellbore integrity failure
In our previous study (Wang et al. 2022), the possible forms and results of wellbore integrity failure during gas injection and production have been summarized. In order to further explore the hidden value of wellbore integrity data from our previous study and identify hazardous zones where wellbore integrity failure prone to occur, in this study, we have developed criterions for assessing the severity of the occurred wellbore integrity failures and the risk of un-occurred wellbore integrity by referring to relevant wellbore integrity management and design standards. The previous CFD simulation data is converted into the corresponding wellbore integrity failure indicators.
2.2.1 Evaluation criteria for severity of the occurred wellbore integrity failures
(1)Cement shear failure
For the occurred wellbore integrity failure results during the operation of gas storage injection and production wells, the failure nodes number in the unit depth area is counted as the key indicator of severity evaluation. The following formula is used to evaluate the severity of wellbore integrity failure at a certain depth:
\({F}_{1}=\frac{{f}_{si}}{{f}_{s\text{m}\text{a}\text{x}}}\) | (1) |
Where, F1 is the evaluation index of wellbore failure severity at a certain depth, \({f}_{si}\) is the number of failure nodes at a certain depth, \({f}_{smax}\) is the maximum number of failure nodes of the whole well part.
(2)Cohesive failure of the cement interface
The CSQUADSCRT variable in the quadratic stress criterion is selected as the standard to judge the severity of cement inner or outer interfaces failure:
\({F}_{2}={f}_{1\text{C}\text{S}\text{Q}\text{U}\text{A}\text{D}\text{S}\text{C}\text{R}\text{T}}\) | (2) |
\({F}_{3}={f}_{2\text{C}\text{S}\text{Q}\text{U}\text{A}\text{D}\text{S}\text{C}\text{R}\text{T}}\) | (3) |
Where, F2, F3 are the evaluation index of the severity of cement inner or outer interface cohesive failure at a certain position; \({f}_{1\text{C}\text{S}\text{Q}\text{U}\text{A}\text{D}\text{S}\text{C}\text{R}\text{T}}\) and \({f}_{2\text{C}\text{S}\text{Q}\text{U}\text{A}\text{D}\text{S}\text{C}\text{R}\text{T}}\) are the quadratic stress damage standards, once this indicator reaches 1, it means that the cohesive force of cement interface here has failed.
According to the established evaluation criteria for the severity of wellbore integrity failure, the severity of the occurrence of wellbore integrity failures is divided into four grades based on the evaluation index F: Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Extremely severe. They are represented by different color, as shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Evaluation standard of wellbore integrity failure severity
Failure level
Wellbore integrity failure severity evaluation index F
Extremely severe
2.2.2 Criteria for risk assessment of un-occurred wellbore integrity failures
The average value of the stress in each region is statistically assessed based on the yield strength of the material. The following formula is used to evaluate the risk of casing strength failure.
$$E=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}{f}_{mi}}{n*M}$$
Where, E is the strength failure risk assessment index of a certain node of casing, \({f}_{mi}\) is the Von Mises stress on the node, MPa, n is the number of nodes prone to strength failure of casing at this depth, M is the yield strength of the casing, MPa.
The risk of wellbore integrity failure is divided into four grades (Winecki et al. 2022): Very low, Low, Medium, and High. They are represented by different color, as shown in Table 5.
Table4 Evaluation standard of wellbore integrity failure risk
Failure level
Wellbore integrity failure risk assessment index E
Very low
2.3 Hazardous zone determination criteria of well wellbore integrity failure
To determine the hazardous zone of wellbore integrity failure in gas storage, the assessment results of wellbore integrity failure severity and risk of the gas storage wells obtained above are taken into consideration. Equations (5) and (6) are used to calculate the hazardous zone evaluation index of the wellbore integrity failure in different areas of the gas storage wellbore:
$${S}_{i}=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}{\sigma }_{3n}}{n*{\stackrel{-}{{\sigma }_{3}}}_{min}}$$
Where, Si is the severity index of cement shear failure, F1i is the severity index of cement inner interface cohesive failure, F2i is the severity index of cement outer interface cohesive failure, Ei is the risk index of casing strength failure, n is the cement shear failure nodes number, \({\stackrel{-}{{\sigma }_{3}}}_{min}\) is the minimum value of the average minimum principal stress in the cement shear failure area, di is the hazardous zone evaluation index of wellbore integrity failure.
After getting the hazardous zone evaluation index at a certain depth of well, Eq. (5) can be used to determine the risk level of wellbore integrity failure in the entire wellbore. And the hazardous zone level of well at each depth is classified.
Where, Di is the evaluation index of the wellbore integrity failure hazardous zone, \({d}_{max}\) is the maximum value of the evaluation index of wellbore integrity failure hazardous zone. This formula can be used to determine the hazardous zone level of wellbore integrity failure in the entire wellbore.
The evaluation standard of the hazardous zone of well integrity failure is established by using the relevant norms and research results of well integrity risk assessment (Dethlefs and Chastain 2012). It is divided into four levels (Tartakovsky 2013): Very low, Low, Medium and High, which are represented by green, yellow, orange and red respectively, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5 Hazardous zone evaluation standard of wellbore integrity failure
Hazard level
Evaluation index range
Very low