Vitamin B6 status in domestic research cats
Blood samples were collected from 47 mostly female, specific-pathogen-free, sexually intact cats (41 females, 6 males) ranging from 1 to 17 y old (Fig. 1A). This cohort had an almost equal representation of junior (1–2 y; n = 13), adults (3 to 6 y; n = 11), and mature cats (7–10 y; n = 15) with less representation of seniors (11–14 y; n = 7) and geriatric cats (≥15 y; n = 1).
To assess the overall fitness status, we used the body condition score. This parameter estimates adipose tissue, similar to the human body mass index52. The scale used in this study span from 1 (emaciated) to 9 (grossly obese), with a score of 5 being optimal52. The average body condition of this cohort indicated that most cats had a healthy body weight (mean ± SD = 5 ± 1). Notably, for those with scores available, the body condition score showed a positive and statistically significant correlation with age (Fig. 1B). The higher body condition score with age may be linked to various medical conditions such as atopic dermatitis, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, ophthalmic diseases, and allergies53; however, all cats at the time of blood withdrawal were healthy with no signs of any of these conditions.
The specific glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase activity (expressed as units/mg protein) was assessed in all blood samples with and without the supplementation of saturating PLP concentrations. The GOT activity without PLP addition declined steadily with age from 1 to 17 y (Fig. 2A; P = .008), whereas upon PLP supplementation, the significance of the correlation was lost (Fig. 2B).
As the degree of saturation of erythrocytic GOT by PLP has been used as a status indicator of B6 54,55, we calculated the primary activation ratio (the ratio of GOT activity with and without PLP supplementation). The PAR increased linearly with age (Fig. 2C; P < .0001), following a trend similar to that reported for humans (i.e., high in the newborn and gradually decreasing throughout the lifespan 56,57). The effect of PLP addition on GOT activity in samples from older animals is between 2 and 3 times greater than on the GOT in the younger ones (10 vs. 1 y old). These results are consistent with the incubation of hemolysates with PLP from older subjects, resulting in a greater activation of GOT than in samples from younger subjects, reflecting lower vitamin B6 levels in the blood of elders 58–60. These reports and the results presented here indicate that PLP is present in red blood cells in suboptimal concentrations for maximal GOT activity.
Considering that the PAR values increased with age, the mean PAR values corrected for age will result in cut-off values that could be used to identify marginal vitamin B6 deficiency. Since the PAR values normalized to age followed a normal distribution (Supplementary information), 1.65 x SD results in a tail that gives a probability of 5% of the data being excluded from the distribution. If this value is added to the mean, anything above this value has a < 5% probability of being significant. Accordingly, values > 1.24 of the age-adjusted mean indicated vitamin B6 deficiency. Under this condition, 6 cats (5 females, one male) were identified as having abnormally high PAR values normalized to age. The age distribution of these 6 cats indicated that the vitamin B6 deficiency was widely spread with no apparent pattern, with two juniors (1 and 2 y), one adult (3 y), two mature (7 and 8 y), and one senior (14 y).
Vitamin B6 status in domestic client-owned cats
Blood samples were collected from 54 male (n = 35) and female (n = 19) cats that visited the VMTH for a medical consultation between December 2022 and January 2023, from which blood samples were available ranging from 3 months to 17 y old of age (Fig. 3A). This cohort had more males (male-to-female ratio = 1.8 from the VMTH vs. 0.15 from the Cat Colony) and a more comprehensive representation of ages than those at the Cat Colony: junior (1–2 y; n = 7), adults (3 to 6 y; n = 13), mature cats (7–10 y; n = 14), seniors (11–14 y; n = 14) and geriatric cats (≥15 y; n = 6). In contrast with the correlation between body condition scores and age obtained with the Cat colony (Fig. 1B), the VMTH cohort did not show a statistically significant correlation (Fig. 3B).
As described before, the specific GOT activity was assessed in all blood samples with and without the supplementation of saturating PLP concentrations. The GOT activity without or with PLP addition shows a statistically significant correlation with age (Fig. 4A-B), but the PAR (as obtained before; Fig. 2C) showed a positive correlation (Fig. 4C).
The PAR values were corrected for age to establish a cut-off value to indicate vitamin B6 deficiency. After cleaning for outliers and verifying a normal distribution (Supplementary information), the cut-off was set at 1.23, similar to that obtained with the Cat Colony. Under this condition, 6 cats (3 females, 3 males) were identified as having abnormally high PAR values normalized to age. The age distribution of these 6 cats indicated that the vitamin B6 deficiency was mainly seen at older ages with one adult (4 y), three mature (7, 9, and 10 y old), and two seniors (11 and 12 y old).
Contributors to vitamin B6 status in cats
Whether the relatively higher PAR effect in elderly cats from both the Cat Colony and VMTH reflected poorer vitamin B6 status, lower plasma phosphatase activity (activity required to release pyridoxal from PLP for tissue uptake), or lower hepatic albumin secretion (needed for PLP transport) as suggested for humans58–61, is not known. To ascertain whether PLP or other factors were contributors to this effect, we presented the data from the Cat Colony and the VMTH (n = 101) in terms of a specific activity ratio (i.e., average specific GOT activity from junior divided by the average specific GOT activity from each age group, namely adults, mature, seniors, and geriatric). It was found that the initial specific activity ratio of 2.4 ± 0.2 decreased with the addition of PLP to 1.2 ± 0.2 (Fig. 5A). As the GOT activity from older animals with PLP supplementation was similar to that of younger animals (ratio close to 1), it is surmised that PLP accounts for most differences in enzymatic activities between younger and older animals, precluding a significant role for additional factors (86% for PLP, 14% to other factors). This result is similar to that reported for humans in which PLP status had a major contribution (77%); but, in humans, the role of factors other than B6 that account for the residual difference in GOT activity was more robust, and as such, it could not be excluded (23%)61.
To explore the putative contributors to the vitamin B6 status in domestic cats, we gathered more information on the 12 cats identified as vitamin B6 deficient (6 from the Cat Colony and 6 from the VMTH) as judged by the age-normalized PAR threshold. Based on the age and body condition scores (Fig. 5B), most cats with vitamin B6 deficiency had a low body condition score (41.7%), suggesting low food intake and/or malassimilation, and they were of advanced age (7 y old or older; 66.7%). This result is consistent with previously reported data, in which the increased energy requirements and compromised digestibility in older cats 62–64 are linked to a higher proportion of underweight elderly cats with lower body condition scores65. In contrast, two cross-sectional studies performed with human adults indicated that vitamin B6 concentrations were lower in obese subjects and patients with metabolic syndrome than in control subjects 66,67.
Changes in vitamin B6 status have been linked to numerous human diseases and conditions. For instance, GOT apoenzyme contents increase in diseases related to necrotic processes, while decreases had been reported following alcohol intake 45,47. Low plasma PLP in older adults is not explained by low dietary vitamin B6 or low protein intake 24,68, deficit in absorption, impaired synthesis or retention of PLP in erythrocytes or liver 69. However, some 70 but not all 69,71 studies suggest increased catabolism related or not to age-dependent decreases in albumin and, in particular, with an increase in alkaline phosphatase50,69,72. At the same time, the rise in plasma PA (which may be taken wrongly as increased catabolism) in both older men and women may partly be explained by impaired renal function 72. When the data of 12 vitamin B6-deficient cats were analyzed in terms of medical diagnosis (Fig. 5C), most (58.4%) had a condition associated with an increased inflammatory response, whether through an infection (feline coronavirus; 25%) or via diseases associated directly or indirectly with an inflammatory response (33.4%). None of the cats residing at the Cat Colony were asymptomatic for feline coronavirus, but they were tested as a part of the routine panel.
Concluding Remarks
In this study, and for the first time, a functional biomarker of vitamin B6 status has been obtained from domestic cats and established a clear path to define vitamin B6 deficiency. For the first time, we also identified key contributors to vitamin B6 deficiency: older age, low body weight, and inflammation.
In humans, various diseases have been associated with low levels of plasma PLP73, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, deep vein thrombosis, diabetes, and cancer 1,14,15,74–81. An inverse relationship has been found between the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein and plasma PLP status82,83, the acute-phase protein alpha1-acid glycoprotein, tumor necrosis factor-α, and the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 in rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease15,78,84. While the inverse association between vitamin B6 and inflammatory diseases may be interpreted as low dietary intake, and while this is true in some instances (e.g., Fig. 5B; 1 of 12; most of them 7 y old and older with putative lower food digestibility), in most human studies, there is no correlation between vitamin B6 intake and plasma PLP concentration with no indication of inadequate dietary intake of vitamin B6. Indeed, the cats from the Cat Colony are fed a diet with optimal nutrient levels (Purina Cat Chow Complete Formula), and no indication of dietary issues was recorded in the VMTH records for the cohort of cats tested. Furthermore, lower PLP concentration observed in inflammatory diseases seems linked to the inherent inflammation process, suggesting higher B6 is needed by the immune system during active inflammation73. Indeed, 58.4% of the cats identified in our study as vitamin B6 deficient were undergoing some inflammatory process (Fig. 5C). Thus, our study supports that vitamin B6 supplementation may be indicated in older and underweight animals, especially those undergoing an active inflammation process.