The main reason for eutrophication, one of the most important problems affecting freshwater ecosystems, is the excessive presence of nitrogen and phosphorus elements in the water column (Abell et al., 2011). The reason why these nutrients are associated with eutrophication is that nitrogen and phosphorus ratios have a significant effect on phytoplankton growth. The parameters that need to be examined in order to understand the nitrogen and phosphorus relationship in a lake are the total nitrogen and total phosphorus values in the lake water (Downing & McCauley, 1992). Secchi depth, another trophic level indicator, is inversely proportional to the density of phytoplankton populations in the water because suspended matter scatters and weakens incoming light (Frumin & Gildeeva, 2014). In this study, monthly chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus, and Secchi depth values in Yeniçağa Lake were evaluated using Carlson TSI Indices (Table 2). Carlson TSI Index values calculated based on the total phosphorus results indicated that the lake was at a hypertrophic level. The results calculated from chlorophyll-a showed that the lake had a hypertrophic tendency but at a eutrophic level, while the Secchi depth values showed that the lake was at a eutrophic level. In general, the lake can be considered to be at the eutrophic level with a hypertrophic tendency.
During the study period, Carlson TSI(CHL) and Carlson TSI(TP) values did not show parallel changes. TSI(CHL) results had their lowest values in the summer months when TSI(TP) results reached their highest values. Similarly, in autumn, TSI(TP) values decreased, while TSI(CHL) values increased, indicating a non-parallel relationship. However, TSI(TP) results were generally higher than TSI(CHL) results throughout the year, except for September. TSI(SD) showed quite parallel changes with TSI(CHL). According to Carlson and Simpson (1996), some interpretations can be made about ecosystem functioning based on the relationships between TSI indices calculated from chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus, and Secchi depth values. When the TSI(CHL) value is higher than the TSI(SD) value, the lake is dominated by large-sized cyanobacteria. Conversely, when the TSI(TP) value is higher than the TSI(CHL) value, zooplankton creates grazing pressure on phytoplankton in the food web, suggesting that the limiting nutrient in the lake is something other than phosphorus (Carlson & Simpson, 1996; Saluja & Garg, 2017; Markad et al., 2019). According to the TSI values obtained during the study, the TSI(CHL) value with an annual average of 65.65 is higher than the TSI(SD) with an annual average value of 55.19, and the TSI(TP) value with an annual average of 78.91 is higher than TSI(CHL). In order to better understand the deviations in TSI values, the Trophic Index deviation graph, which is Carlson's two-dimensional approach has been used (Fig. 3). Values below the horizontal axis indicate that chlorophyll-a is not limited by phosphorus, while values above the horizontal axis indicate that it is limited by phosphorus. On the vertical axis, the values to the right of the line represent cases where the light transmittance is higher than the expected chlorophyll index. In this case, it shows that zooplankton uses small-sized phytoplankton as food, and therefore large organisms such as filamentous cyanobacteria become dominant. Values to the left of the vertical axis indicate that water transparency is controlled by factors not dependent on phytoplankton (Carlson & Simpson, 1996). According to the trophic index deviation graph given in Fig. 3, almost all values for Lake Yeniçağa are gathered below the vertical axis and to the right of the horizontal axis. This suggests that phosphorus is not the limiting nutrient for chlorophyll-a in the lake, and phytoplankton is dominated by larger-sized species, with zooplankton exerting grazing pressure on small-sized phytoplankton organisms.
According to Sakamoto (1966), the Total Nitrogen:Total Phosphorus ratio provides information about the limiting element for photosynthetic organisms in an ecosystem. When, the Total Nitrogen:Total Phosphorus ratio is lower than 10, nitrogen is considered the limiting nutrient, and when it is higher than 17, phosphorus is considered the limiting nutrient. Ratios between 10–17 indicate that both nitrogen and phosphorus are limiting nutrients. Total Nitrogen:Total Phosphorus ratios obtained in Yeniçağa Lake indicate that nitrogen is the limiting element for photosynthetic organisms. These results align with our findings in the Carlson Trophic Index deviation graph. Additionally, the effect of total nitrogen and total phosphorus on chlorophyll-a was evaluated using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The analysis results showed that bottom-up controls had a positive effect on chlorophyll-a, with nutrients increasing phytoplankton biomass. This finding is consistent with what is commonly observed in freshwater lakes and reservoirs (Smith et al, 1999). The SEM analysis also revealed that the effect of total nitrogen on chlorophyll-a (r = 0.63) is stronger than the effect of total phosphorus (r = 0.57) in Lake Yeniçağa.
The analyses conducted for Yeniçağa Lake revealed that zooplankton was influenced by both top-down and bottom-up controls, and different groups within the zooplankton community responded differently to these effects. The standardized path coefficients obtained from the Structural Equation Model indicated that the top-down control exerted by fish mainly affected the organisms in the Calanoida and Cyclopoida groups. A similar, but weaker, effect was also observed on Rotifera (Fig. 2, Table 3). According to the SEM results, the relationship between fish biomass and zooplankton biomass was statistically significant for all groups except the Cladocera group (p > 0.05). An increase in fish biomass negatively affected the Calanoida group, while positively affecting the biomass of the Cyclopoida and Rotifera groups. No significant relationship was found between the biomass of planktivorous fish in Lake Yeniçağa and the Cladocera group (p = 0.305). The effect of chlorophyll-a on zooplankton was negative, except for the Cyclopoida group, for which no significant relationship could be detected (p = 0.155). The effect of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus on chlorophyll-a in the food web was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05), and according to the path coefficient results, it was determined that total nitrogen had a higher effect on phytoplankton (r = 0.63 for total nitrogen, r = 0.57 for total phosphorus).
Since a significant relationship could not be determined between the biomass of planktivorous fish and the Cladocera group in Lake Yeniçağa, it is thought that this group is not controlled by top-down effects. It has been reported in the literature that planktivorous fish species exert feeding pressure on Cladocera species with large body sizes (Hrbácek et al., 1961; Brooks & Dodson, 1965; Hall et al., 1976; Lynch, 1980). While there are studies supporting this relationship, there are also some studies where no significance could not be detected (Matsuzaki et al., 2018; Diniz & Moura, 2022). Therefore, it can be said that our analysis results for cladocerans partially contradict the literature. Planktivorous fish species such as Cyprinus carpio, Squalius cephalus, and Tinca tinca are not only dependent on zooplankton, but they are also omnivorous organisms that can feed on phytoplankton, insect larvae, and benthic macro-vertebrates (Rahman et al., 2006; Marković et al., 2007; Giles et al., 1990). Consequently, the food selectivity of the fish may have reduced the top-down pressure on the cladocerans. On the other hand, the feeding habits of fish may also change depending on the turbidity level of the water they are in, and the effect of size-related predation may decrease due to turbidity (Abrahams & Kattenfeld, 1997). Yeniçağa Lake can be classified as a medium turbid lake according to its turbidity values. Studies show that the pigmentation rate of zooplankton is effective in the food selectivity of planktivorous fish in turbid lakes, so transparent organisms with weak pigmentation can avoid the predation pressure of fish in turbid environments (Zaret, 1972; Zaret & Kerfoot, 1975). In the aquatic environment, cladocerans can also be found exhibiting daily vertical or horizontal migration behaviors to escape the predator pressure of fish, and experimental studies have shown that fish signals affect this migration behavior (Dodson, 1988; Ringelberg et al., 1991; Lampert, 1993). Although we have not conducted direct research on these issues, it can be argued that cladoceran organisms in Lake Yeniçağa could escape the predation of planktivorous fish under the influence of these factors.
When bottom-up effects on cladocerans are stronger than top-down effects, large-sized organisms such as Daphnia species may become dominant in the zooplankton community (Korponai et al., 2003). In Yeniçağa Lake, where the bottom-up effects are statistically significant, Daphnia species (Daphnia pulex + Daphnia magna) dominate in terms of numbers and biomass (Sorguç et al., 2022; Sorguç, 2023). The SEM analysis results also indicated a negative bottom-up effect due to chlorophyll-a on the cladocerans (r = -0.48). As the level of eutrophication increases in freshwater ecosystems, there is a decrease in the growth and fertility rates of cladocerans (Gliwicz & Siedlar, 1980; Gliwicz, 1990). Additionally, the increase in eutrophication in lake ecosystems triggers the overgrowth of cyanobacteria, which provide poor nutrition for cladocerans and limit their energy for growth and reproduction, especially in the case of large-sized cladocerans (Porter & McDonough, 1984; Gilbert & Durand, 1990; Havens et al., 2007). It was reported by Kılınç (2003) that the phytoplankton community in Lake Yeniçağa is dominated by large-size filamentous cyanobacteria, and these species, which are dominant in the lake, limit the feeding and reproduction characteristics of Daphnia species. Similarly, there are studies in which cladocerans are negatively affected by phytoplankton through bottom-up control. Elser et al., (1990) stated that the grazing of Daphnia over phytoplankton in a lake at a high eutrophic level decreased considerably compared to a mesotrophic lake, and the increase in the trophic level turned the bottom-up effects on Daphnia into negative.
The top-down effects on the Copepoda group in Lake Yeniçağa exhibited opposite patterns for the two different orders studied within this group. The biomass of calanoid copepods was negatively affected by the presence of fish (r = -0.75), while the biomass of cyclopoid copepods was positively affected (r = 0.82). According to Soto and Hurlbert (1991a), calanoid copepods are more sensitive to top-down effects than cyclopoid copepods. Calanoid copepods may enter into a food competition with cyclopoid copepods by consuming common food groups such as rotifers and protozoa with cyclopid copepods or by feeding on phytoplankton consumed by cyclopoid nauplius, leading to a numerical decrease in the Cyclopoida group (Soto & Hurlbert, 1991a,b). The top-down control of calanoid copepods by planktivorous fish in Yeniçağa Lake may indirectly affect the food competition between calanoid and cyclopoid copepods. Matsuzaki et al. (1998) found a positive relationship between Cyclopoida abundance and the CPUE of fish, while Li et al., (2017) found a negative relationship between the increase in planktivorous fish and calanoid biomass. The results obtained for copepods in Yeniçağa Lake are consistent with the literature.
The bottom-up effect, another effect seen in the Copepoda group, was clearly detected for the order Calanoida (r = -0.71), but no significant relationship was found for the order Cyclopoida (p > 0.05). It is known that calanoids are much more sensitive to eutrophication than cyclopoids and have lower biomass in eutrophic water systems (Gliwicz, 1969; Patalas, 1972; McNaught, 1975; Gannon & Stemberger, 1978; Gulati, 1984; Muck & Lampert, 1984). In our study, SEM results revealed that both top-down (r = -0.75) and bottom-up (r = -0.71) controls acted together on the Calanoida group, and it was understood that these effects were close to each other. The only significant effect in cyclopoid copepods was a positive top-down interaction. It is thought that the reason for this positive effect is the food competition with the calanoids, which decreases as a result of the negative effect exerted by the fish. As an omnivorous species, Acanthodiaptomus denticornis, the only Calanoida species identified in the study area, can feed on rotifers and ciliates (Lair & Hilal, 1992). At the same time, Cyclops strenuus, the most dominant Cyclopoid Copepod species in the lake, has an omnivorous feeding characteristic and feeds on rotifers, other crustaceans, and phytoplankton (Makino & Ban, 1998). For these reasons, it can be assumed that these two species entered into significant food competition.
Increasing the top-down effect of fish predation on Crustacea in the aquatic food web may reduce predation pressure and trigger an increase in both the abundance and biomass of rotifers (Telesh, 1993; Gilbert, 1988; Sanni & Wærvågen, 1990). The results of SEM analysis in Yeniçağa Lake showed a positive top-down control on rotifers from planktivorous fish (r = 0.42). An increase in planktivorous fish biomass also increased Rotifera biomass, and there are studies consistent with our results (Christoffersen et al., 1993; Miracle et al., 2007; Matsuzaki et al., 2018). Predation pressure from planktivorous fish, which negatively controls the calanoids from the top-down, may have indirectly contributed to this increase. Since Acanthodiaptomus denticornis, the only Calanoid species detected in Lake Yeniçağa, is a species that feeds on rotifers (Lair & Hilal, 1992), the decrease in their abundance may have caused a decrease in the predator pressure on the Rotifera. On the other hand, studies in freshwater ecosystems reveal that rotifers are also controlled from the bottom-up, and this effect is higher than top-down control (Yoshida et al., 2003; Du et al., 2015). In bottom-up controls, besides phytoplankton, there is also the effect of food sources such as bacteria, detritus, and Protista at a much higher rate. Due to the organism size of the filamentous algae, the lack of suitable nutrients for the rotifers reduces the filtration rate and creates negative effects on their nutrition and life cycles (Karabin, 1985; Gilbert & Durand, 1990; Rothhaupt, 1991; Weithoff & Walz, 1995). In this respect, it can be thought that the negative interactions we detected between Rotifera and chlorophyll-a are caused by dominant phytoplankton species (Anabaena circinalis, Aulacoseira granulata, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) in the phytoplankton of Lake Yeniçağa (Kılınç, 2003). According to the SEM analysis results in Yeniçağa Lake, the standardized path coefficient value was calculated as r = -0.48 in the bottom-up interaction of chlorophyll-a. Rotifers can interact positively with phytoplankton with bottom-up control in the food web, but these effects are weaker than interactions with other food sources such as bacteria and Protista (Duncan, 1989; Yoshida et al., 2003; Du et al., 2015). In the zooplankton community, organisms with small body sizes, such as rotifers, may turn to food sources like bacteria and detritus in the absence of suitable phytoplankton nutrients (Bays & Crisman, 1983; Sládeček, 1983; Karabin, 1985). Since these food sources are generally very abundant in eutrophic lakes, it can be hypothesized that in our study, rotifers increase their abundance by turning to these food sources. However, it is not possible to reach a definite judgment since we do not have data on supplementary food sources.