Our study was conducted from February-May 2023 on the island of San Cristóbal (557 km2) in the Galápagos archipelago. Our fieldwork was performed in three different sites that varied in their level of human activity and development, and each site was categorized as urban (n = 1) or non-urban (n = 2). Our urban site was within the town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (-0.9067715°, -89.6061678°), which is the capital of the Galápagos Islands. Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (hereinafter referred to as the “urban area”) has a permanent resident population of 6,553 individuals (2015) and an active tourist scene. Our non-urban sites included Jardín de las Opuntias (-0.9491651°, -89.5528454°) and Puerto Chino (-0.9259722°, -89.4298159°). Jardín de las Opuntias and Puerto Chino are located 8.0 km and 24.7 km, respectively, from the urban site. Residents and tourists of the island visit these sites but there are no permanent populations that live near these areas.
We monitored the nests of small ground finches (Geospiza fuliginosa), medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis), and common cactus finches (Geospiza scandens) for egg-laying, hatching, and survival. In the urban area, nests are constructed with grass, leaves, native cotton, and anthropogenic material, including cigarette butts (Theodosopoulos & Gotanda 2018; Harvey et al. 2021). Nests in non-urban sites are constructed with grass, native cotton, and lichen, with little to no human material. When nestlings fledged or the nest failed, the nest was collected, dissected, and any live 3rd instar larvae found were collected. We only included third instar larvae, because 1st and 2nd instar larvae cannot pupate (Guimaraes & Papavero 1999). For urban nests, we also weighed the total mass of nests and the mass of cigarette material (g). We only included third instar larvae because 1st and 2nd instar larvae cannot pupate. Nests from Jardín de las Opuntias (n = 28 nests) were collected for another study and nests from Puerto Chino (n = 1 nests) and Puerto Baquerizo (n = 5 nests) were collected opportunistically. Overall, 40 larvae from five urban nests and 270 larvae from 30 non-urban nests were collected for the study (Table S1, S2). Nests were also categorized as dry or not dry based on whether the nest material was moist to the touch. We included nest moisture because excessive exposure to water can affect the health and survival of larval insects (Hulthen & Clarke 2006; Li et al. 2019).
Once larvae were collected from nests, they were each placed individually in a ventilated 2 mL snap top tube with cotton from their respective treatment. For the tobacco treatment, we used Marlboro Red cigarettes that each weigh an average of 0.92 g (Lawler et al. 2017) and contain 20.30 mg of nicotine per gram of tobacco. Marlboro Red cigarettes were chosen due to their availability at local stores (LLP, pers. obs.). We first removed the filter, then collected the tobacco within the cigarette paper. One gram of tobacco was weighed and mixed with 20 mL of boiling drinking water (100°C) for five minutes. The solution was then poured through a strainer to remove the solid tobacco pieces and the liquid was used as our concentrated tobacco solution (4.76% tobacco; see Supplemental Methods for calculations). To create the diluted tobacco solution, we mixed 10 mL of boiling water with 10 mL of the concentrated tobacco solution for a final concentration of 3.33% tobacco. Boiled water without tobacco was used for the control treatment. Square cotton pads (57.55 mm x 50.85 mm) were saturated with 5 mL of their respective treatments (Fig. S1A). Once dry, cotton squares were cut into rectangular pieces that were approximately 26.55mm x 12.10 mm. For the moisture treatment, cotton was sprayed with approximately one pump of drinking water using a travel-sized spray bottle. All experimental treatments received the same water. Within seven days (mean ± SE = 4.81 ± 0.48), the cotton was used in the experiment by placing one piece in a 2 mL tube with one larva (Fig. S1B).
Larvae were monitored every other day for survival until pupation. Larvae mortality was noted when they stopped moving, turned gray in color, and shriveled in size. The length and width of surviving pupae were measured to calculate volume (mm3), which was calculated using the formula for a cylinder (Knutie et al. 2016). Pupae were also classified as “deformed” or “not deformed” based on the condition of the puparium (Fig. S2A-D). Non-deformed pupae have smooth abdominal segments and rounded posterior spiracles (Skidmore 1985; Guimaraes & Papavero 1999; Fessl et al. 2001) (Fig. S2A-B). In contrast, deformed pupae have rugged abdominal segments and shriveled posterior spiracles (Fig. 2C-D). Pupae were exposed to their respective cotton treatment for a total of 5–7 days post-pupation and then the cotton was removed to facilitate adult fly eclosure. After one week post-pupation, pupae were checked daily for eclosure; fly eclosure occurs 10–12 days from pupation (Kleindorfer et al. 2014). If the fly eclosed, their head width (mm) was measured and sex was determined. Eclosure failure was noted if the fly did not emerge within 15 days.
Analyses were conducted in R (2021, version 4.0.4) and RStudio (2021, version 1.4.1103). All figures were created in Prism (2023, version 9.5.0). We used generalized linear mixed effects models (GLMMs) with binomial distributions to determine the main effect of, and interaction between, tobacco and moisture treatment on binomial response variables, such as pupation success, pupal deformities, and eclosure success. For variables with continuous data (pupal and adult head size) we used a Shapiro-Wilk test to test for normality. Adult fly head width and pupal length and width were normally distributed (P > 0.05 for all measurements), but pupal volume was not normally distributed (W = 0.96, P < 0.0001). Since adult size and pupal length and width were normally distributed, we used GLMMs with Gaussian distributions to determine the main effect of, and interaction between, tobacco and moisture treatment on these response variables. Since pupal volume was not normally distributed, we used a GLMM with Gamma distribution for this analysis. We also used GLMMs with Gamma distribution and binomial distribution to determine whether pupal size and fly eclosure success, respectively, differed between deformed and non-deformed pupae. Lastly, we used a GLM to determine the effect of cigarette butt mass on fly abundance in urban nests.
Covariates were included in the analyses (location, Julian day, nest moisture, bird species, and number of days the cotton was treated) and were removed if they did not contribute significantly to the model. All covariates were removed for models that included pupal volume and deformities, fly eclosure success, and adult fly head width. For the effect of deformities on pupal volume, Julian day was included as a covariate. When we found a significant effect of tobacco treatment on a response variable, we used a pairwise t-test with a Bonferroni correction to determine which treatments were significantly different from each other. When we found a significant interaction between tobacco treatment and moisture, the function emmeans was used for the post-hoc tests (Garofalo et al. 2022) using the emmeans package (Lenth 2021). The GLM and GLMMs were conducted using the glm (GLM), lmer (GLMM), and glmer (GLMM) function with the lme4 package (Bates et al. 2015). Probability values (X2) were calculated using log-likelihood ratio tests using the Anova function in the car package (Fox & Weisberg 2018).