Egypt produces a large amount of rice straw annually. Only about 20% of it is used in industries such as paper, fertilizers, ethanol production, and livestock feed. The remaining 80% is mostly discarded by burning it in the open, which creates black clouds and pollutes the air. Various efforts have been exerted to reduce the environmental pollution via utilization of agro-wastes as raw materials that are rich in bioactive components. Pulping of rice straw [1], as an example, results in the production of black liquor as a byproduct, along with the main cellulosic pulp [2].
Black liquor of rice straw mainly contains lignin, silica, hemicelluloses, and other organic compounds such as p-coumaric and ferulic acids, with known antimicrobial and antioxidant properties [3]. It’s worth mentioning that pulping rice straw under drastic conditions (high temperature and pressure) is associated with different side reactions of these components, which led to several condensed products and a dark brown color affording toxic liquor. On the other hand, the mild conditions such as in the alkaline solar pulping process leads to nontoxic black liquor that is easily refined [4–6]. This black liquor has been modified and fermented recently using a variety of methods to produce useful enzymes such as xylanase [7], Aspergillus awamori EM66 levansucrase [8], and β-glucosidase [9]. In addition, it has been used to precipitate new metal (lignin/silica/fatty acids) complexes that have been successfully used as antioxidants, fillers, and reinforcing agents in green rubber composites [6, 10–12].
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are one of the most important food legumes in the world, grown for both local consumption and export [13]. They are a nutritious crop that is especially important for people of low income [14], as they provide a source of dietary protein as the animal protein is often lacking in their diets [15].
Plant diseases are a recurring problem in many areas. They can spread rapidly and are difficult to cure once they have taken hold. This is why most management methods focus on preventing diseases from occurring in the first place. Beans are susceptible to a number of diseases, including wilt, root rot, and leaf spot. The most common soilborne fungi that cause these diseases are Fusarium solani, Sclerotium rolfsii, and Rhizoctonia solani [16, 17]. Nematodes can also damage bean plants by feeding on their roots and reducing nutrient uptake, which can lead to root knot disease. These diseases can have a significant negative impact on plant stand and crop yield. Root rots can affect seedlings throughout the growing season, from emergence to the seedling stage. They can also infect seeds before emergence, which can lead to pre-emergence infection and the need to replant missed hills or dead plants. Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are known to cause significant damage to crops all over the world. They are found in a wide range of climatic conditions and can attack a variety of crops. The damage caused by these nematodes is often severe, and can lead to significant crop losses [18–20]. The disease caused by Meloidogyne spp. is often the only, or one of the few, nematode diseases that farmers are aware of, as the nematodes' subterranean activities are not easily visible. However, the symptoms of the disease, such as stunted growth, wilting, and yellowing of leaves, are often unmistakable [21, 22].
There are a variety of methods to control Meloidogyne spp., including crop rotation, resistant varieties, and nematicides. However, no single method is completely effective, and a combination of methods is often necessary to manage these nematodes. Researchers have been working to find effective substances that can control root knot disease. As a matter of fact, chemical pesticides are often used to control plant diseases, but they can have harmful environmental and health effects. Controlling soilborne pathogens is particularly challenging because they live in the soil, which is a dynamic environment at the interface of root and soil.
Biomass-derived substances are emerging as a promising option without the dangers of using chemical pesticides, as they have been shown to be effective against nematodes and relatively safe for the environment [23].
The effectiveness of ammonia against soilborne microorganisms has been widely studied. Many ammonia-releasing compounds, such as ammonium hydroxide, ammonium phosphate, and ammonium bicarbonate, have been tested, and they all showed promising nematicidal activity in pots, with ammonium hydroxide being the most effective [24]. In addition to its toxicity to fungi, ammonia also increases soil pH and may stimulate microbial activity that can help to suppress pathogens [25]. A study by Zhao et al. [26] revealed that ammonia gas fumigation can effectively suppress Fusarium wilt, resulting in a four-fold increase in yield. Ammonium bicarbonate is another alternative fumigant that has been shown to be effective against soil-borne diseases such as southern stem rot, Sclerotinia blight of peanut [27], and Fusarium mycelia [28]. The toxicity of ammonia to susceptible organisms may be due to the passive diffusion of the non-ionized NH3 species through cell membranes. Worthy of mention are the attraction-repulsion effects of ammonia on entomopathogenic nematodes. These nematodes are parasites of insects and can be used to control insect pests. Ammonia can attract nematodes to a new host, but it can also repel them [29, 30]. The exact mechanism of this attraction-repulsion is not fully understood.
Since ammonia is supposed to be the active agent released from urea, Rodríguez-Kábana and King [31] found that urea can be used to control root knot nematodes when applied to the soil at a rate of 0.4 g/kg. However, this rate can be phytotoxic to plants. When urea is mixed with carbon-rich blackstrap molasses, the phytotoxicity is eliminated, nematode populations are reduced, and plant weight and height are increased. This suggests that adding nitrogen in the form of urea is an effective way to control root knot nematodes. Huebner et al. [32] found that soil amended with carbon rich hemicellulosic waste had more nematicidal efficacy when urea was also added to the soil.
As our program aims to develop an environmentally friendly approach to synthesize bioactive products using agro-waste instead of petrochemicals [33–36], the black liquor obtained from the solar pulping of rice straw [6] was used in the current study along with chicken feather waste to prepare and evaluate the biopesticidal activity of a new formulation and its efficiency when applied as seed dressing and soil drench to control root rot and root knot diseases of green beans in natural field conditions.