Isolation and characterization of cancer cell-derived exosomes.
To investigate differences between primary tumor and metastases, we wanted to use tumor cell lines originated from same individual. But no such human breast cancer cell line pairs are available. Thus we used canine mammary gland tumor cell lines; CHMp for primary tumor and CHMm for metastases (derived from metastatic lung pleural effusion) originated from same individual [24]. Canine breast cancer cell lines CHMp and CHMm are used due to its natural occurrence and the gene regulatory sequence of dogs is more similar to humans than mice [19, 25].
We previously established an exosome isolation method to purify exosomes from CHMp and CHMm [19]. The strategy we used is detailed in Fig. 1A. To further characterize the morphology of CHMp- and CHMm-derived exosomes, negative stained exosomes were performed with transmission electron microscope (TEM). The isolated exosomes were composed of cup-shaped membranous vesicles with sizes below 200 nm, and there was no significant difference in the morphology of exosomes between the CHMp and CHMm (Fig. 1B). The measurement of exosome diameter was performed by dynamic light scattering (DLS). DLS showed the average diameter of exosomes derived from CHMp was within 100 nm, while exosomes derived from CHMm were approximately 33 nm in size (Fig. 1C).
Proteomic profiling and comparison between CHMp- and CHMm-derived exosomes.
Next, we analyzed the proteins within the cell-derived exosomes. The proteins isolated from the exosomes were digested into peptides using the filter aided sample preparation (FASP). Technical replicates consisting of three samples each were labeled with TMT, fractionated, and subjected to LC-MS/MS (Fig. 2A). The exosomal proteins derived from CHMp and CHMm were analyzed in biological triplicates, and the TMT intensity for each replicate was uniformly labeled across all replicates (Fig. 2B). The correlation among replicates for the CHMp and CHMm exosomal proteins was examined by principal component (PC) analysis which approved a high correlation (> 0.9) (Fig. 2C,D). The exosome markers CD9, CD63, CD82, TSG101, Alix and GAPDH were enriched in all exosomes, while other markers such as Nucleus (HSP90B1, HIST2H3A, SUB1), Golgi (MAN2A1, BTGALT1), Lysosome (LAMP1), and Mitochondria (ITGB5) were not (Fig. 2E). Among total 1,284 proteins identified, 87 proteins were enriched in CHMp exosomes by log2 (FC (fold change)) > 1.2 and p-value < 0.05 and 63 proteins in CHMm exosomes by log2(FC) < -1.2 and p-value < 0.05 (Fig. 2F, Supplementary Table 1–3). Those 87 CHMp exosomal proteins were predominantly localized in the extracellular region or nucleus, while 63 CHMm exosomal proteins showed different localization patterns, mainly in the extracellular region or plasma membrane (Fig. 2G). These results suggest significant differences between the component of exosomal proteins derived from primary tumors and metastases, indicating that heterogeneity between primary tumors and metastases was reflected in the composition of exosomal proteins.
Protein interactions identified in CHMp and CHMm exosomal proteins.
To gain a better understanding of the function of the exosomal proteins identified, Gene ontology (GO), STRING (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes) and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) were conducted (Fig. 3). GO analysis was conducted for each group, including biological process (BP), cellular component (CC), and molecular function (MF) (Fig. 3A). CHMp exosomal proteins were significantly enriched in Collagen, Poly (A) RNA, and protein bindings, whereas CHMm exosomal proteins were mostly involved in extracellular matrix proteins organization and binding (Integrin, Laminin, and Cadherin). The protein interaction hubs of the CHMp and CHMm exosomal proteins were found to be completely different. The terms of "Proteasome", "Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis", “Splicing factor” and "Extracellular matrix-collagen" were exclusively composed of CHMp exosomal proteins (Fig. 3B). On the other hand, interactions with laminin (LAMA3, LAMA5, LAMB1, LAMB3, LAMC1, and LAMC2) proteins were observed in CHMm exosomal proteins (Fig. 3C). These PPI hubs were also reflected in the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA). The GO analysis of CHMp exosomal proteins revealed enrichment in the "carbohydrate catabolic process", while the Reactome analysis showed enrichment in "TCR signaling" (Fig. 3C). In addition, the GO analysis of CHMm exosomal proteins showed enrichment in the "positive regulation of GTPase activity", and the Reactome analysis indicated enrichment in "laminin interaction" (Fig. 3D). There results indicated that the composition of exosomal proteins differs between the two cell types, leading to distinct predicted functions. This highlights the potential functional variations of these exosomes in relation to their tumor microenvironment and target cells.
Glycolysis enzymes were enriched in primary tumor derived exosomes.
To investigate whether the differences observed in canine mammary gland tumor-derived exosomal proteins are applicable to other species and cancers, we conducted a comparative analysis using proteomic data from human primary (SW480) and metastatic (SW620) colorectal cancer-derived exosomes [26]. We selected SW480 enriched exosomal proteins with fold change (FC) > 1.2 and p-value < 0.05, and compared them with CHMp exosomal proteins. Among the selected proteins, we found 19 proteins that were more abundant commonly in both SW480 and CHMp exosomal proteins, with several proteins related to glycolysis/gluconeogenesis (GPI, LDHA, LDHB, TPI1, and ALDOA) being commonly enriched (Fig. 4A). Notably, GPI showed more than a three-fold enrichment in both the CHMp and SW480 primary tumor exosomes compared their respective metastases (Fig. 4B). The glycolysis enzymes enriched in the exosomes of primary tumors are all involved in lactate production during the glycolysis process (Fig. 4C). Western blot showed that LDHA proteins were significantly enriched in primary tumor-derived exosomes cross species and cancers. GPI proteins were enriched only in CHMp-derived exosomes (Fig. 4D). Among the genes of the five proteins selected, GPI, LDHA, TPI1, and ALDOA showed high expression in both breast cancer and colorectal cancer and were associated with poor patient prognosis (Fig. 4E). In summary, we identified glycolysis enzymes specifically enriched in the exosomes derived from primary tumors. These findings suggest that primary tumor-derived exosomes are likely to effect on the lactate production of neighboring tumor microenvironment or distant target cells and have implications for cancer prognosis.