This study determined the prevalence and distribution of E. coli, norovirus and three viral markers (F-RNA GII, crAssphage, PMMoV) in shellfish growing areas located in an urban tidal inlet during periods of normal harvesting and following wastewater overflows. It also investigated the dispersion, dilution and time of travel of wastewater contamination and the relationships between the microbiological contaminants and time since last spill, distance between the overflow site and the growing areas and wastewater dilution, to inform decisions on closure/reopening of harvesting activity following spills.
The criteria for reopening growing areas impacted by spills differ between countries. In the USA, the default closure period is 21 days, but this can be shortened to a minimum of 7 days if samples taken from the impacted area contain F-RNA bacteriophage at < 50 pfu/100 g (USFDA & ISSC, 2019). Similar requirements apply in Canada (CFIA, 2022) and Australia (ASQAAC, 2016) where impacted growing areas are closed for at least 7 days after the discharge event ceases (with verification sampling) or at least 21 days (without verification sampling). In NZ, the default closure period is 28 days, but it can be shortened or extended if the APO has evidence to indicate that a change to default is warranted (MPI, 2022). The 28-day closure period prescribed in the RCS-BMS is supported by data from laboratory studies in which norovirus and hepatitis A were tested in oysters held in tanks with filtered seawater (30–31 ppt) and later transplanted to a commercial growing area with water temperatures of 14–18°C (a similar range to that observed in the present study). Norovirus-positive samples collected at least 4 weeks after transplantation from the growing area supported the recommendation of a 28-day closure in the regulation (Greening et al., 2002).
Unlike more highly populated countries, NZ has a large animal to human ratio and most shellfish growing areas are remote from major population centres and large wastewater treatment plants (Greening & McCoubrey, 2010). Consequently, the risk of contamination of shellfish growing areas with domestic wastewater is perceived to be lower in NZ than that in western European countries. However, a nationally representative survey of norovirus in shellfish production areas has not been carried out. A study that included testing from non-commercial sites impacted by pollution sources showed high norovirus prevalence (50% positive samples) with concentrations > 1,000 genome copies/g digestive tissue detected in 25% of positive samples (Hewitt et al., 2019). Previous studies found 30% of samples positive for norovirus in the Bay of Islands (Greening, 2007), 32% of samples positive for norovirus GII in Tauranga Harbour (Scholes et al., 2009) and 38–71% of samples also positive for norovirus GII at coastal sites in Dunedin (Greening & Lewis, 2007) (all sites were near polluted urban areas). In the present study, norovirus was not detected in any of the 218 samples tested. This is likely associated with the small catchment population contributing wastewater in the study area (approximately 4,000) and/or the lack of norovirus in the community. While gastroenteritis outbreaks are notifiable, there is likely underreporting of outbreaks, and little reporting of cases.
Several studies in NZ and overseas have assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of norovirus in coastal environments (Greening & Lewis, 2007; Campos et al., 2015; Brake et al., 2017; Winterbourn et al., 2016; Green et al., 2022). Overall, these studies show that viral levels decline with distance and time from sewage sources. One study undertaken in a shallow estuary impacted by a high number of wastewater spills (162 events with duration varying from a few minutes to 38 days) reported small reductions (0.6 log10) in norovirus concentrations in oysters spanning approximately 10 km from the discharge point over 128 days (Campos et al., 2015). Another study in an open coast deep water environment impacted by a discharge of secondary-treated effluent reported a 0.2 log10 reduction in norovirus GII concentrations in caged mussels at a site 2 km from the outfall over the 30 days of cage deployment (Winterbourn et al., 2016). In contrast to the areas previously studied, Otago Harbour is not impacted by a continuous wastewater discharge and overflows to tidal waters occur infrequently. Water movement in this harbour is strongly influenced by the deep navigation channel. Data from acoustic Doppler current profiler deployments show that depth-averaged water current velocities in the main shipping channel can be 2x higher or more than those in the flanking sandbanks (Bell et al., 2009). The particle tracking model output illustrates this with a high number of particles following the path of the channel in the upper harbour. On the day of the dye release, Pile 7 and Pile 28 had smaller T-S ranges than those at sites in Sawyers Bay and growing area 1805 indicating waters with different physico-chemical characteristics in the channel. Taken together, these results indicate that the shipping channel reduces exposure of the shellfish growing areas to contamination from Sawyers Bay and potentially other sources in the upper harbour. This conclusion is supported by the very small hydrographic connectivity between the dye release site and the shellfish growing areas observed in the dye study, the lower mean E. coli concentrations at the 1804 and 1805 sites relative to those at Sawyers Bay sites, and the lack of relationships between microbiological contamination and wastewater dilution. Furthermore, the sand banks are exposed during low tide while the shellfish cages were immersed at all times, which may also explain the difference in mean E. coli levels between the growing area and Sawyers Bay sites.
Previous studies demonstrated that wastewater dilution combined with viral indicator monitoring can be used to manage norovirus contamination following wastewater spills (Goblick et al., 2011; Campos et al., 2017). For the three wastewater spills monitored in the present study, no significant evidence was found of microbiological impact on the growing areas. This suggests that, for smaller volume spills from the Sawyers Bay PS (≤ 327 m3), some reduction in the closure period for impacts from this source on growing areas 1804 and 1805 could be considered in the future. Five lines of evidence were found to support this claim:
No norovirus was detected in any of the shellfish samples collected following the wastewater spills, suggesting that the virus was not present in the community during the study period.
82% of the shellfish samples collected within 2–3 days post-spills had E. coli concentrations below the ‘Approved’ limit (230 MPN/100 g), which indicates rapid bacterial decay in the growing areas.
The concentrations of viral markers in emergency closure samples were not dissimilar from those in baseline when plotted against time since spill and distance from the wastewater discharge.
Samples collected post-spills with E. coli concentrations greater than 230 MPN/100 g had no F-RNA GII concentrations above the LoQ (200 genome copies/g).
The mean concentrations of viral markers (PMMoV and crAssphage) in emergency pollution condition samples were lower than average levels found in other commercial shellfish growing areas in NZ (during closed harvest periods) (Gyawali et al., 2021).
The potential for microbiological contamination from Sawyers Bay to impact growing area 1804 cannot be discounted given the small patch of dye detected by the fixed fluorometer at Pile 28. To determine appropriate closure periods following spills in Otago Harbour and other shellfish growing areas with similar characteristics, confirmatory viral testing of shellfish samples should be combined with an assessment of contaminant transport in the area affected (through field and/or modelling studies). Ideally, viral testing would include the pathogen(s) of concern. Site-specific norovirus contamination data are preferred over data reported in the overseas literature given the differences in viral seasonality reported for different climatic regions (Ahmed et al., 2013). A contaminant transport study for wastewater spills could consider the release of dye (as a ‘slug’ or continuously and proportionally to the flow of the discharge) and/or drogues and visual tracking of the dye cloud/drogues in the impacted area (Kilpatrick & Cobb, 1985). Ideally, such study would be undertaken at the time of the sanitary survey and the results reviewed periodically to develop a model of contamination fate. Freshwater flows and wind-driven water circulation have a significant effect on the dispersion and dilution of wastewater contamination. Consequently, it may be appropriate to undertake multiple dye releases during different weather conditions. To determine appropriate closure periods following spills, it is important to determine the dispersive characteristics of wastewater and estimate time of travel for all pollution sources of concern (FAO & WHO, 2021). A fit-for-purpose risk communication procedure and monitoring preparedness assessment similar to that recommended by Kirby et al. (2014) for oil spills would allow flexibility and efficiency in the decision-making process and the deployment of appropriate resources.
Detection and quantification of all viruses of concern following a wastewater overflow is not practical in the context of regulatory shellfish growing area monitoring. A risk assessment jointly undertaken by the US FDA and Health Canada support the use of F-RNA bacteriophage for shellfish growing area management (Pouillot et al., 2022). F-RNA bacteriophages behave similarly to norovirus in the marine environment (Hodgson et al., 2017) and are recommended by the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference for reopening growing areas following wastewater overflows (USFDA & ISSC, 2019). Other potentially useful indicators proposed in the literature are crAssphage (Farkas et al., 2019) and PMMoV (Symonds et al., 2017). Source specificity, sensitivity and prevalence have been evaluated for these indicators in NZ using animal faecal material, untreated wastewater, treated wastewater and shellfish (Gyawali et al., 2021). The Gyawali et al. study indicated that while crAssphage and PMMoV have greater sensitivity for predicting norovirus, F-RNA GII has greater predictive specificity. The study concluded that testing of crAssphage and F-RNA GII, by PCR, provides a more robust estimation of norovirus presence than either viral marker alone. The present study did not support or refute these results in the context of wastewater spill effects because norovirus was not detected in any samples. However, despite the elevated concentrations of viral markers detected at some sites post-spills, the concentrations were similar to background concentrations detected in other shellfish growing areas in the absence of wastewater spills (Gyawali et al., 2021).