In this section, we will address several questions of interest. Clear answers or initial thoughts will be provided based on the results detailed in the previous section.
Q1 What is the relevance of the approach ‘‘EDS based calculation’’ proposed in this study?
The C3S HCP was selected in the study due to its simplicity in order to confirm the relevance of this approach. The Fig. 9 summarizes the 2D distribution of the solid species. A qualitative colormap with seven grades is applied to differentiate the ratio between dry C-S-H and portlandite in each pixel (For example, a yellow pixel is composed of 20 to 40% dry C-S-H and 80 to 60% portlandite). Pixels containing only anhydrous C3S are plotted in orchid.
At the REV scale, as shown in Table 3, the "EDS-based calculation" is in good agreement with experimental results and hydration calculations. The C3S HCP composition, after 28 days of hydration, consists of 35% dry C-S-H, 21% portlandite, 4% anhydrous C3S, 40% total porosity, and 9% capillary porosity. Additionally, the overall total porosity is estimated to 38% by considering the atomic distribution in the REV and the water-to-binder ratio (see appendix A).
At the pixel size of 2.4 µm, Fig. 9 highlights two main precipitation zones. The first zone, referred to as the "C-S-H rich zone," primarily consists of particles of saturated C-S-H that resemble the structure of old anhydrous C3S grains. The second zone, known as the "intergranular space," is composed of portlandite, capillary porosity, and some saturated C-S-H. This zonation can already be observed in the clustering results shown in Fig. 5. However, clusters often consist of multiple minerals, and specific names cannot be assigned to them, as indicated in Table 4.
Table 4
Average volume ratio of solid species in each cluster estimated by GMM method in C3S HCP
Cluster ID
Total solid
C1.62-S1-H1 (dry)
Anhydrous C3S
Only clusters 3 and 6 can be considered as a single species, as suggested by their C/S atomic ratio (Fig. 5d), which indicates the presence of dry C-S-H. Clusters 4 and 2 mainly consist of portlandite but still contain a significant amount of dry C-S-H. Pixels belonging to clusters 5 and 1, which form an intergranular matrix, are composed of a mixture of dry C-S-H and portlandite. The validity of these findings is confirmed by the comparison with the results of the "EDS based calculation" (Table 4). Clustering methods based on BSE, EDS, or nano-indentation measurements are common techniques used to analyze the 2D distribution in cement-based materials [17, 45, 47, 48]. For example, Georget et al. [18] applied clustering processes to grayscale combined maps generated from color elemental maps obtained through EDS analysis. Once the clusters were determined, the C/S atomic ratio and the aluminum-to-calcium atomic ratio from EDS spectra were calculated for a few pixels in each cluster to identify the main representative mineral. Like the work of Georget et al. [18], all existing studies consider pure phases within a pixel and not a mixture of phases.
The strength of the "EDS based calculation" approach lies in its ability to treat each pixel as a combination of mineral species, thanks to the introduction of a chemical solver. The Fig. 6 and Fig. 9 demonstrate that pixels are almost always composed of a mixture of species. The simplifications made for cluster 3 and 6 in Table 4 are based on global averaging and may not hold true locally.
However, the "EDS based calculation" encounters difficulties in properly estimating anhydrous C3S particles smaller than the pixel size. Thermodynamic rules tend to favor the dissolution of clinker species in favor of hydrates. The clustering process estimates only 4% of anhydrous C3S, compared to the experimental value of 7% (Table 3). There is still 3% of anhydrous C3S grains smaller than the pixel size present in the pixels, which cannot be accounted for in the solver calculation steps. Therefore, a portion of the low content of portlandite in the C-S-H rich zone and C-S-H in the portlandite-rich zone, observed in the Fig. 9, could be attributed to these C3S grains. As suggested by Stutzman et al. [49], a possible solution would be to perform segmentation on BSE maps at a nanometric scale in the same areas to estimate the proportion of anhydrous C3S below the EDS pixel size. A dissolving limit could be applied in the chemical solver for each pixel to account for the remaining anhydrous C3S.
The assumption of homogeneity of the initial water mass in the "EDS based calculation" approach limits the relevance of the homogenization process. The Fig. 8c shows a wide range of nano-indentation measurements, ranging from 0 to 80 GPa. In contrast, the numerical results have a much narrower data range of only a few GPa. In reality, access to the initial water is not the same depending on which part of the matrix is hydrated. For example, water must diffuse through a C-S-H layer to reach the anhydrous core of C3S, while the intergranular space has no limitations in terms of water consumption. Consequently, some pixels may exhibit high total porosity, as observed in nano-indentation measurements ranging from 0 to 20 GPa, while others may have low total porosity, as observed in measurements ranging from 26 to 80 GPa. In the latter case, the percentage of anhydrous C3S in the pixel can also significantly increase the young modulus of the pixel. Despite this criticism, the distribution of young modulus is in good agreement with nano-indentation measurements. Furthermore, the self-consistent homogenization scheme applied to all homogenized pixels provides a consistent macroscopic young modulus at the REV scale. Thus, the "EDS based calculation" approach can estimate the macroscopic mechanical properties of a material without the need for mechanical measurements.
The relevance of this approach is demonstrated by its good agreement at the REV scale with experimental and hydration calculation results, as well as at the pixel scale with clustering methods.
Q2 What is the influence of C-S-H chemical properties on the mineralogical distribution.
Thermodynamic, chemical, and mechanical properties of C-S-H are critical inputs in the 'EDS based calculation.' C-S-H models available in the thermodynamic database CEMDATA18 [26] influence the C/S ratio of the C-S-H matrix and, consequently, the atomic ratio between C-S-H and portlandite. In this study, considering the nature of HCP, the chosen C-S-HQ model estimates the C/S atomic ratio at 1.62. Another C-S-H model, such as the C-S-H II model, would provide a different C/S atomic ratio. The ‘‘EDS based calculation’’ assumes that water is in excess in each pixel. Therefore, the H/S atomic ratio of C-S-H proposed by the thermodynamic database has no effect on the modeling results. The selected H/S atomic ratio is used after the solver calculation to estimate the molar mass, density, and elastic mechanical properties.
The H/S atomic ratio has an impact on the value of the molar mass, which in turn affects the transition from atomic to mass. In this study, the H/S atomic ratio is equal to 1 for dry C-S-H and 4 for saturated C-S-H. As summarized in Fig. 10, Allen & al [50] propose a description of levels of porosity in C-S-H.
In this description, solid C-S-H corresponds to the particles inside the black line containing the interlayer physically bound water. Saturated C-S-H is composed of solid C-S-H and gel porosity. The H/S atomic ratio of solid C-S-H with a C/S atomic ratio of 1.7 is globally estimated to be equal to 1.8 [33, 50, 51]. Saturated C-S-H reaches an H/S atomic ratio between 4 and 5. As shown in Table 5, this value is highly influenced by the drying protocol applied before the analysis.
Table 5
H/S atomic ratio and density of C-S-H with C/S atomic ratio of 1.7 depending on its drying state
Drying state
H/S atomic ratio
Density g/cm3
Vacuum drying at room temperature
Oven 105°C/110°C
solid C-S-H (not dry)
2.65 / 2.73
[33, 50, 51]
11% HR
[36, 53]
Process at 11% of HR tends to eliminate gel water while conserving the interlayer water [35]. With this technique, the H/S atomic ratio is close to that of the solid C-S-H. Drying the sample in an oven at 110°C degrades not only the gel porosity but also some of the interlayer water. As a result, the H/S atomic ratio is lower than that of the solid C-S-H. Vacuum drying at ambient temperature is even more detrimental to the internal porosity of C-S-H.
The choice of drying protocol is not intended to preserve C-S-H porosity but to be compatible with the analysis technique. In this study, SEM-EDS analysis at 28 days of hydration requires freeze-drying. Due to the limited knowledge about the impact of freeze-drying on the H/S atomic ratio of C-S-H, the value is fitted based on the main peak oxygen atomic distribution from the EDS analysis. Considering this technique as one of the most damaging to the C-S-H structure [54], the estimation is consistent with the H/S ratio estimated with other drying methods.
The drying state of C-S-H also affects its density, which influences the transition from mass to volume in ‘‘EDS-based calculation’’. According to the work of Muller [33], the density of solid C-S-H ranges from 2650 to 2730 kg/m3 depending on the degree of hydration. Saturated C-S-H has a density between 1800 and 2100 kg/m3. In this study, the density of dry and saturated C-S-H is respectively 2650 kg/m3 and 1950 kg/m3 (Table 2).
C-S-H is the main component in the C3S HCP, and fluctuations in its mechanical properties have a significant influence on the distribution of the Young's modulus in the sample. Pellenq et al. [34] calculated the Young's modulus of solid C-S-H to be 57.1 GPa for a C/S atomic ratio of 1.7 and an H/S atomic ratio of 1.6 using atomistic simulation. This result serves as the basis for many studies to estimate the mechanical properties of saturated, HD, or LD C-S-H [45, 55–57]. Self-consistent or Mori-Tanaka homogenization schemes are used to calculate the effective Young's modulus of the saturated mineral by considering the solid C-S-H and porosity as a coupled system. An alternative option is to perform nano-indentation measurements to statistically estimate the Young's modulus of HD and LD C-S-H [38, 41, 44, 47, 58]. Most of the results agree on a Young's modulus between 18 and 25 GPa for LD C-S-H and between 29 and 36 GPa for HD C-S-H. These results are related to the packaging density of HD and LD C-S-H, which are respectively equal to 64% and 74% in the scientific papers [47, 55, 59]. Even in solid C-S-H, Dongshuai et al. [56] highlighted the influence of the H/S atomic ratio on its mechanical properties.
Except for the paper by Liu et al. [60], all these authors considered HD and LD C-S-H in 1D modeling. The LD/HD C-S-H volume ratio is estimated by the Tennis and Jennings model [42] or by nano-indentation measurement. Then, a homogenization scheme is applied to estimate the mechanical properties of the HCP. Stora et al. [1] used a generalized self-consistent scheme in which the HCP is constructed according to the following pattern: an anhydrous grain embedded in a layer of HD C-S-H, which is also embedded in a layer of LD C-S-H. On the other hand, Gao et al. [58] proposed constructing homogenized C-S-H as a matrix of LD C-S-H containing inclusions of HD C-S-H. This difference in modeling choices is due to the lack of knowledge regarding the 2D distribution of HD and LD C-S-H. Garrault et al. [53] considered that LD C-S-H precipitates first as a layer around the anhydrous C3S, and HD C-S-H appears through the diffusion of water molecules through the LD C-S-H layer. Liu et al. [60] calculated the 2D distribution of LD and HD C-S-H using high-resolution, high-speed nanoindentation mapping. This approach suggests that the pixels in the maps contain only pure phases, which is not always true (Table 4). Due to the difficulties in properly modeling the 2D distribution of HD and LD C-S-H with the "EDS based calculation," this study only considered dry and saturated C-S-H for the homogenization scheme. The Young's modulus of dry C-S-H is considered equal to that of solid C-S-H calculated by Pellenq et al. [34]. For the saturated C-S-H, the gel porosity is calculated using the H/S atomic ratio, and the Young's modulus is estimated through homogenization.
This study highlights the importance of the H/S atomic ratio in the mechanical properties of C-S-H and emphasizes the impact of the drying protocol on its composition and density. Further efforts are needed to refine the modeling of the 2D distribution of C-S-H and gain a better understanding of its behavior in cementitious materials.