To the best of our knowledge, the current study represents the first detailed investigations on soil fertility parameters of organic fields concerning the diversity of soil types, different kinds of organic farming practices, and vegetable crops in south India. The systematic survey of organic fields in south India revealed that organic farming has not yet become a standardized agriculture program in the region. Most organic fields are pretty recent in the area; farming is carried out comparatively at small scales, usually in plots among chemicalized fields, and farmers are not very strict in specific organic practices. For most farmers, even when different names carry out farming, organic farming is just a kind of farming using organic fertilizers. The impact of chemicalized practices in the nearby fields can also influence organic fields. Accordingly, except for specific differences in soil quality parameters over organic and chemicalized farms in the area, the soil quality parameters of such fields are not yet distinctive in the significant soil fertility parameters. The fields cultivated under organic practices do not show significant differences in most soil quality parameters, especially in NPK. Although diverse vegetable fields are under different organic practices and soil types, no significant differences in soil parameters were observed over various such vegetable fields. The positive effects of long-term organic manure applications on paddy field soils' overall soil fertility status over that of chemicalized fields are known (Yu, 2023). However, such information is not available on tropical Indian soils. The current critical analysis of the comparative results of specific soil quality parameters reveals certain valuable observations discussed below.
Soil pH over organic and chemicalized fields
The soil's pH is one of the principal determinants of soil quality that profoundly influences many soil biogeochemical processes (Neina, 2019) and is crucial to plant growth and biomass productivity (Ejigu et al., 2023). Perhaps the current study is the first comparative analysis of pH variations over organic and chemicalized fields over the broad South Indian tropical climatic zone. Although the majority of fields (about 70%) showed a pH of medium soil quality range of 6.5 to 7.5 (Todorova & Zhiyanski, 2023), statistical analysis reveals that the variation in pH over seven specific soil types in the region is significant and varies widely from 5.43 (Pampadumpara soil series) to 8.88 (Koratty soil series). Naturally, soil series and orders may be distinct in pH (Bonfante & Bouma, 2015). However, in general, the range of pH over vegetable fields currently observed in the study falls within the recommendation for vegetable cultivation (TNAU Guide, 2020; Tashi et al., 2023). The absence of variations in soil pH over different vegetable fields under diverse organic practices reveals that such variations in practices have no influence on soil pH in the South Indian tropical region.
A significant observation in the present study was that the variations in soil pH over organic and chemicalized fields were insignificant except for seven distinct soil series. However, certain studies previously observed significant differences in soil pH between organic and conventional farms (Maucieri et al., 2022). Chemicalized practices are expected to cause soil acidification and low pH values (Pahalvi et al., 2021; Dikir, 2023). Moreover, soil pH decreases with the intensity of soil management (Feeney et al., 2023), and usually, soils are most intensely manipulated in chemicalized practices. However, no such influences on soil pH were observed over the currently investigated chemicalized and organic fields of South India. It may be because organic fields in the regions have recently converted to chemicalized fields or because of the climate and soil kinds in the area.
Moreover, significant seasonal fluctuations in soil quality parameters are not observed in the organic fields of south India (p > 0.05), unlike such significant seasonal changes observed in some previously examined specific soil types (Semy et al., 2023) elsewhere. It may be because vegetables are often cultivated in South India in the rainy season. Since rain overlaps over monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, the seasonal categorization of samples might remain insignificant in the present study.
Adverse pH affects the soil biota negatively (Bisht & Singh Chauhan, 2021), and organic farming causes soil to stabilize soil physicochemical properties (Gopinath et al., 2023; Kaur & Singh, 2023)) and improvement in soil biota (Babu et al., 2023). Since an increase in organic content may cause a decrease in soil pH (Sun et al., 2023), regular monitoring of soil pH has become imperative in organic farms within specific soil types in the region. However, monitoring soil pH over regular intervals (Müller et al., 2022) as a usual agricultural practice is absent in organic fields in South India. Overall, any negative influence of conventional chemicalized farming on soil pH (Duddigan et al., 2023) or any advantage or disadvantage of organic farming on soil pH could be established in the current search of soil pH over organic and chemicalized fields of the broad tropical climatic zone of south India.
TOC over organic and chemicalized fields
Just like soil pH, the influence of organic farming on the TOC of the organic and chemicalized vegetable fields of south India is not very distinctive. In general, organic farming is considered a means to improve carbon sequestration in soil (EU Report, 2023; Holka et al., 2022; Shade et al., 2021) because of an increased addition of organic manure into such fields and a consequent improvement in soil biotic activities (Babu et al., 2023). Increasing soil microbial activity without agrochemicals enhances the conservation of carbon sources in soils, including carbohydrates and amino acids (Liu et al., 2023). Therefore, substituting chemicalized to organic management is often considered a good option for increasing the carbon sequestration ratio (Hayatu et al., 2022; Jat et al., 2022) in soils. Moreover, many studies show that changing fertilizer inputs from chemical to organic manure has increased the quantity and quality of carbon in soils (Oliveira et al., 2023; Pacheco et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2022). However, the absence of significant differences in TOC over chemicalized and organic fields in any of the seasons in the present study may not be considered a counter to the known truth because most organic fields in the area are recently converted farms. Such fields might not have received sufficient time for a significant difference in soil quality parameters.
Usually, a positive influence of organic farming on TOC occurs over a long period of organic practices in the fields. Moreover, most of the organic and chemicalized fields included in the current study were nearby plots in the same villages, and the transition to organic means is relatively recent. Moreover, in Indian farms, farmers usually apply organic fertilizers in both chemicalized and organic farms and may add chemical fertilizers such as K2O into organic fields. However, they are often strict in avoiding toxic agrochemicals in organic fields. The impact of market fluctuation on organic practices observed elsewhere (Brady et al., 2023) applies to Indian fields as well. Overall, a positive influence of organic farming on TOC is not observable in the south Indian fields.
SAN over organic and chemicalized fields
Nitrogen is a major plant nutrient and constitutes approximately 56% of the total fertilizer requirement in agriculture (FAO, 2022) worldwide. Since the production and consumption of synthetic N fertilizer in agriculture contributes to 10.6% of total agriculture emission of greenhouse gases (Menegat et al., 2022), the conservation of N in agricultural fields is significant to the development of sustainable agriculture and control of global warming and the consequent climate change. Therefore, monitoring the N regime in soils over different agricultural fields in diverse soil types, cultivated of other crops, and managed by organic cultivation practices from different countries is significant to sustainable agriculture globally.
Measuring the field N content is the most critical process (Liu et al., 2023). Along with field monitoring, the success in control and conservation of N in agriculture depends on employing diverse means of N conservation methods in agriculture, such as improving the N accumulation efficiency of crops through manipulation of N-responsive genes or gene editing of crops for improving nitrogen use efficiency, precise methods of N application in fields, and practicing of organic agriculture. In organic agriculture, N conservation is achieved through adopting conservation tillage practices, retaining crop residues, and adding green biomass through the cultivation of such crops to reduce the consumption of synthetic N fertilizers. N conservation approaches aim to maximize the utilization of nitrogen resources while minimizing losses and avoiding environmental impacts (Govindasamy et al., 2023). However, none of such procedures can be fruitful without adequately assessing and monitoring diverse agricultural fields. According to (Zhu et al., 2023), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is the lowest in cases where crops are solely fertilized with inorganic nitrogen fertilizers. As alternatives to chemicalized farming, diverse organic agricultural practices have become significant in controlling global climate change.
In the above contexts, the current assessment of N regimes of organic and chemicalized vegetable fields is perhaps the first attempt to compare nitrogen regimes over such differently managed organic fields compared to chemicalized fields in south India. Generally, vegetables form one of the crops that contribute to significant emissions of greenhouse gases (Chataut et al., 2023)d content up to a critical level of 420 kg N ha− 1 in the fields is considered safe to prevent excessive GHG emissions from crop fields (Wang et al., 2023). However, in the current investigation, although most organic and chemicalized fields had N content below the critical level, some of the fields in both cases had N content above the required level. Organic farming focuses explicitly on optimizing nitrogen availability during distinct crop growth stages while concurrently minimizing detrimental environmental impacts (Valenzuela, 2023), and synthetic N fertilizers are avoided altogether.
The nitrogen content of fields above 180–190 kg ha− 1 usually contributes to excessive N2O emission from crop fields (van Groenigen et al., 2010). However, the current study reveals that about 38% of organic fields in the region have N content above 190 kg ha− 1, whereas 56.25% of chemicalized fields show N content above that critical level. However, the chemicalized fields show a significantly high percentage of global warming potential; the data indicate that some of the organic fields are similar to the chemicalized fields in N content, especially the 3.52% fields showing N > 560 kg ha− 1 because the natural means to control freely available N in the field soil (Yao et al., 2023) per organic agricultural norms are not found in such fields. Another reason for an excessive N in organic fields is the application of poultry manure rich in N content (Zhang et al., 2023) by farmers in organic areas without a limit. Whether organic or chemicalized farming, excessive use of N sources in agriculture significantly impacts global environmental integrity and human health (Pei et al., 2023). A significant portion of the unutilized synthetic nitrogen (N) in chemicalized agricultural fields reaches natural environments that degrade the quality of soil, water, and air, disrupting various ecosystem functions (Alam et al., 2023). Applying particular organic wastes, such as poultry manure rich in NPK, also has environmental concerns, such as air, soil, and water (Rahman et al., 2022). Overall, the organic farming practices in the broad tropical south India need close monitoring to get standardized, at least in N consumption, as evidenced by a random comparative assessment of SAN in the current study.
SAP over organic and chemicalized fields
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth and is a critical component of chemical and organic fertilizers used in agriculture. In the current study, over 70% of organic and chemicalized fields in south India are showing a high SAP (> 25kg ha− 1) per agricultural norms. However, compared to the P content of chemicalized fields elsewhere in the world (J. Chen et al., 2022), the P content of both organic and chemicalized fields in South India is not that high. Moreover, an excessive amount of SAP in soils above 100 kg ha-1 is often considered an increased P transformation efficiency, which depends on climate, soil factors, and agronomic practices (Chen et al., 2023). In general, the excessive usage and mismanagement of phosphorus can lead to adverse environmental consequences. Excessive P usage threatens soil health and aquatic ecosystems despite its crucial role in plant growth and food security (Panagos et al., 2022). In general, it is believed that the excessive use of P in chemicalized farms leads to a high amount of P in soil solution (Meyer et al., 2023), which can be prevented using organic production (Dikir, 2023) because the latter focuses on the biological recycling of minerals in soils by improving the microbial means to enhance nutrient uptake (George & Ray, 2023) by plants. However, the current study reveals that organic and chemicalized fields show high P in South Indian soils. Excessive P in soils can be due to the uncontrolled use of organic fertilizers such as poultry manure (Waldrip et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2023) or cattle manure and bone meal (Ullah et al., 2023) into fields, thinking that the addition of organic fertilizers into fields is safe, especially in the absence of any controlling norms of limits in this regard. A short-term incubation study in typical acidic red soil has discovered that cattle manure, a mainstay addition in organic farms, tends to act as a superior phosphorous source to other additives (Wang et al., 2023). To avoid excessive amounts of soil-available P occurring in the fields, which may leach into waters, biochar-blended organic fertilizers are now used and are an effective agronomic way to improve sustainable phosphorous availability (Jin et al., 2022) throughout the growth cycle of the crops. In general, it is believed that long-term utilization of phosphorus resources for agricultural sustainability, limiting the utilization of mineral P fertilizers and biological means to enhance the utilization of residual P in the field by plants is highly significant (Withers et al., 2014; Solangi et al., 2023). However, certain studies show that soils of organic production systems sometimes have high phosphorous content (Gopinath et al., 2023), which can be an impact of the increased addition of P-rich organic fertilizers into fields. The current study also endorses the same.
SAK over organic and chemicalized fields
The amount of SAK in soils is crucial to plant growth and productivity. Insufficient application of K into soils and lack of proper monitoring of K in agricultural soils have been causing detrimental effects on both soil fertility and long-term crop productivity in the Indian fields (Das et al., 2022). The high price of chemical fertilizers and the low K use efficiency in tropical soils remain significant hurdles to the optimum supply of K in such fields (Basak et al., 2023). However, the current study reveals that more than 98% of organic and 100% of chemicalized fields in South India show an agriculturally high amount of SAK (> 280 kg ha− 1) in soils. Farmers generally use different kinds of organic fertilizers and green manures to enhance K in organic fields (Gabhane et al., 2020) against mineral fertilizer applications in chemicalized fields. According to some reports, although there have been many organic resources to improve K in soils recently, the required level of SAK is not observed in soils of many areas worldwide (Song et al., 2019). However, proper monitoring of soil nutrient regimes significantly reduces the repeated application of costly fertilizer applications into soils (Schnitkey et al., 2023). The current study reveals that in the amount of SAK, the organic soils of South India are at par with the chemicalized fields. The positive impact of repeated use of organic manure on SAK in soils is well known (Reimer et al., 2023). However, the exact source of high SAK in organic and chemicalized soils in South India needs further investigation.