One of the most notable types of rock in the entire Aravalli range is the Quartzite, which is found in Delhi, used as the primary aggregate material for the majority of concrete production. However, three different types, Greyish, Reddish, and Yellowish Quartzite have been identified and categorized as separate kinds of Quartzite based on their colour composition. To investigate how these different Quartzites influenced the characteristics of fresh concrete-bleeding, workability and segregation and thereby influence the compressive strength, the concrete was produced in three distinct grades: M10, M15, and M20, and the compressive strength of the cubes cast was tested while curing for 7, 14, and 28 days. The greyish reacted the same way as the granite does however due to the effects of the weathering the reddish and the yellowish lost its workability, bleeding and segregated and thereby lost strength. Also due to the presence of the chemically active ferrous materials violated its non-active reaction and became chemically active, which disturbed the workability of the concrete. Further, experiments were carried out in the fresh state for bleeding and workability it was noted that the grey Quartzite aggregate did not affect the w/c ratio and retained the standard strength. However, bleeding and segregation were observed as a result of the reddish Quartzite and yellowish Quartzite disrupting the w/c ratio. Overall, it was discovered that greyish Quartzite could be used as a trustworthy coarse aggregate and that all of the aforementioned concrete grades were able to meet the necessary compressive strength. While in reddish and yellowish Quartzite concrete, workability and w/c ratio disturbances had an impact on the strength characteristics.