Study area and species
The study was conducted in the Bahía Blanca Estuary in southwest Buenos Aires province, Argentina. This wetland is characterized by extensive mudflats and marshes of Spartina spp. and Salicornia ambigua, and large populations of N. granulata and C. angulatus crabs (Zalba et al. 2008). In this area there are three protected areas: the Reserva Natural de Usos Múltiples Bahía Blanca, Bahía Falsa, Bahía Verde (2600 km2), Reserva Natural Municipal Costera Bahía Blanca (3.1 km2), and Reserva Natural Islote de la Gaviota Cangrejera/Isla del Puerto (16.1 km2). Every year, the latter concentrates the largest known breeding colony of Olrog’s Gulls (38° 49’ S, 62° 16’ W), which comprises ~ 3,500 pairs distributed in subcolonies adjacent to the intertidal area (Yorio et al. 2013). In the study area, Olrog’s Gulls start laying their eggs in early September, eggs start hatching between late September and early October, and chicks are fully fledged by late December (La Sala et al. 2011a). There are other Olrog’s Gull colonies in this area, but they are considerably smaller (Petracci and Sotelo 2013).
Fieldwork was conducted during the late incubation period of 2015 breeding season (1 November through 11 November). Due to the difficult access to the studied colony, and to minimize human disturbance to a vulnerable species during the breeding period, a convenience sampling was conducted. Coulson traps (Weaver and Kadlec 1970) were placed over active nests containing at least one egg, and which could be readily accessed with minimum disturbance to other breeding adults. During animal manipulation, the birds were hooded to minimize stress. After each capture, the trap was changed to a different location, and only one adult Olrog’s Gull per nest was captured. All the birds were fitted with metal and plastic leg bands with unique alpha-numeric identification codes to avoid recapture.
Individuals were weighed with a hand-held spring scale (nearest 10 g), and four measurements were taken using a caliper. Also, a blood sample was collected from each bird by venipuncture of the brachial vein using heparinized syringes with 23G×1-inch needles, and a few drops were placed on a small piece of commercial filter paper, air-dried, and stored at 4–8°C until processed for sex identification by molecular means (see Petracci et al. 2018).
GPS tracking
To characterize the flights of Olrog’s Gull, each bird was instrumented with a global positioning system (GPS) store-on-board logger (Cat-Track i-gotU GT-120), sealed using a rubber shrink tube. The devices were set to record time and position every 11 seconds.
We acknowledge that behavior, time, and energy budget of birds may be directly affected by externally attached devices (Elliott et al. 2007; Vandenabeele et al. 2012). However, studies using GPS with other gull species suggest minimum effects on weight, breeding success and/or survival (Masello et al. 2013; Camphuysen et al. 2015; Thaxter et al. 2016). Here, the presence of potential effects and on the studied birds was minimized by using small tags (20 g, including attachment), which represented 2.6% and 2.2% of the body mass of the captured females and males, respectively. We deployed loggers on one pair member from 17 nests. The devices were attached to the bird’s dorsal mantle cover feathers using adhesive tape. After release, the behavior of each gull was closely monitored for signs of disturbance. Each GPS was left operating on the bird for ca. 24 h, after which the birds were recaptured and the GPS was removed for data transfer. Only one GPS could not be recovered, but both pair members were observed nesting normally, indicating that this gull did not suffer any damage that would compromise its survival.
Home range analysis
We used kernel density estimation (KDE), a measure of the probability of occurrence, to characterize the distribution and define important areas for Olrog’s gulls during the early incubation stage. The use of KDE to characterize home ranges is a well-established method (Laver and Kelly 2008). Modern methods for home range estimation quantify not only the size of the area, but also how intensely animals use different areas within their home range, referred to as a utilization distribution (UD). Here, the dynamic Brownian bridge method (dBBMM) was chosen over the classic kernel method (Worton, 1987) as it better accounts for the auto-correlated nature of telemetry-derived data by basing kernel density estimations on the movement path rather than individual location estimates (Horne et al. 2007; Kranstauber et al. 2012). The dBBMM has been recognized for its broad potential in ecological studies (Farmer et al. 2010; Morten et al. 2022), assessments of the efficacy of marine reserves for marine birds (Mason et al. 2018), and disease outbreak investigations (Takekawa et al. 2010).
The analysis was performed using the “move” R package (Kranstauber et al. 2012) including an error of 10 m., a time step of five min., a margin of 21 locations and window sizes of 43, following Kranstauber et al. (2012).
To identify the percentage of utilization distribution (UD%) that best describes the FA, we visually identified areas corresponidng to “foraging” (n = 201) and “non-foraging” (n = 103) sites along flight trajectories of four Olrog’s gulls. This was done for two and two females to control potential biases associated to the sex of the birds. Following, we identified the UD% that best classified those areas using the accuracy level and this threshold was used to transform each continuous model into a binary raster map, where foraging and non-FAs were defined as those pixels with values above and below this threshold, respectively. Each FA was comprised of diferente number of pixels which were either adjunct, or disjunt with no-FA interspersed. Then, to improve the visualization of each FA, we identified visually clusters of pixels with values above the defined threshold and built a minumum convex polygon (MCP) around each cluster. The centroid of each FA was calculated to allow for easier spatial location of small foraging areas. Additionally, we estimated home ranges as 100% MPCs.
The temporal pattern of foraging trips was analyzed for each bird. Also, the total and percentage of FA laying inside or outside any of the protected areas was calculated, and the difference of proportion of protected FA between males and females was assesssed using a logistic regression model. The distance between each pixel classified as FA and the centroid of the breeding colony was calculated for each gull, and the difference in distance between sexes was estimated using a mixed effects model that included each gull as a random intercept using the “nlme” R package (Pinheiro and Bates 2000).
To allow better exploration of results, a dynamic application was developed using Google Earth Engine (Gorelik et al. 2017) through its JavaScript API (, which incorporates exploration capabilities for the location of FAs according to our models and allows the exploration of flight trajectories for individual Olrog’s gulls in the study area.