Site selection, sample collection and decalcification
This study was conducted on fringing reefs in the Keppel Islands of the southern inshore GBR. Four sites were selected across the Island group: Great Keppel Island (GKI, 23.1030° S 150.5740° E), North Keppel Island (NKI, 23.0738° S, 150.8987° E), Halfway Island (HI, 23.1984° S, 150.9718° E), and Pumpkin Island (PI, 23.0927° S, 150.9011° E) (Fig. 1) and were at 1 to 5 m depth below lowest astronomical tide (LAT). Acropora millepora is a corymbose species common across Woppaburra sea Country where it has been extensively studied (Jones and Berkelmans 2011).
Between 18 and 21 April 2020, at the height of the heatwave induced bleaching, 350 adult A. millepora colonies (~ 10–75 cm maximum diameter, average = 30 cm) were haphazardly tagged across sites, to capture a wide range of bleaching phenotypes within the populations. Colonies were tagged at each of NKI (n = 100), PI (n = 101), HI (n = 99), and GKI (n = 50). During tagging, colonies were assigned an in situ ordinal bleaching score that ranged from 1 to 6, based on the CoralWatch Coral Health Chart (Siebeck et al. 2006) and were photographed (Fig. 1).
Between 7 and 17 October 2020, approximately 1 month prior to the predicted coral spawning (realized on 9 Nov 2020 for colonies from the population (C. Randall personal observation)) and approximately 6 months following the height of bleaching, 311 tagged colonies were re-surveyed and the following data were recorded: (i) mortality status (dead or alive), (ii) percentage of live tissue remaining in intervals of 10% (i.e. 10–100% live tissue), (iii) maximum diameter (cm), (iv) maximum perpendicular diameter (cm), and (v) bleaching score (1–6), as described above. Colonies that were not sampled at the second time point (n = 39) were excluded from analysis. Estimated surface area of live tissue \(\left(SA\right)\) was calculated for each colony from the maximum diameter (\(a\)) and the maximum perpendicular diameter (\(b\)), both of which were recorded across a horizontal plane by a diver, using Eq. 1: \(SA = \pi \left(\frac{1}{2}a\right)\left(\frac{1}{2}b\right)\).Mean colony diameter was also calculated from \(a\) and \(b\).
During resurvey, three replicate branches were sampled from the central area of each colony to avoid the sterile zone found at the outer margins of Acropora colonies (Wallace 1985, Randall et al. 2021). Branches were collected using a small chisel or knife and were placed in pre-labeled sample bags with seawater. Immediately post dive, coral samples were transferred to a solution of 10% formaldehyde in 1 µm filtered seawater (FSW) (hereafter ‘formalin’). Samples were then transferred into 3% hydrochloric acid (HCl) in FSW solution for decalcification, and additional 3% HCl was added over a few days to replenish the weak acid until complete decalcification of the branches had occurred (decalcification durations varied from 3 to 10 days). Decalcified tissue samples were rinsed in FSW and stored in fresh formalin until dissection.
Sample dissection
Decalcified samples from a total of 94 colonies were dissected to assess fecundity. Colonies were systematically chosen for dissection to ensure an even representation across the range of bleaching phenotypes and, where possible, sites (Fig. 2b).
Branches were dissected under a Lecia M60 Stereomicroscope at 20x − 40x magnification. Measurements were taken at 25x magnification from live image (5mp digital C-mount camera) within ToupView software. Maximum branch length was measured with digital calipers, and then a longitudinal section was cut through the middle of the branch, which was suspended in FSW in a wax dish, using a scalpel (Fig. 3a). The length of the sterile zone— the tip of Acropora branches where the newest growth lacks gonads (Wallace 1985)—was clearly visible from the longitudinal section and measured from the apical polyp tip to the nearest visibly fecund polyp (Fig. 3a). Ten polyps were haphazardly selected from near the base of the branch, with the branch interior facing downward, in order to minimize bias in selecting polyps that had visible eggs; polyps were then removed with forceps and dissected as per Wallace 1985 (Fig. 3b). Very small polyps were avoided, although smaller than average polyps were sometimes selected as a result of the haphazard process and, in most instances, were observed to be reproductively mature. The number of polyps (out of 10) that had successfully produced oocytes was recorded. Then, the number of oocytes within each polyp was counted, and for each of the first three polyps containing eggs, the maximum diameter \(\left(d\right)\) was recorded for each egg observed. Egg volume (\(V\)) was then estimated using Eq. 2: \(V=\frac{4}{3}\pi {\left(\frac{d}{2}\right)}^{3}\), assuming a sphere.
Statistical Analysis
All statistical analyses were completed in R (R Core Team, 2022). Generalized linear mixed effect models (GLMM) utilizing a template model builder (Brooks et al. 2017) were used to model reproductive output. Models were created to test for the additive effects of bleaching score, site, and mean colony diameter on three reproductive metrics: (1) egg size, (2) number of eggs per polyp, and (3) number of eggs per fecund polyp. Replicate branch within colony, and colony within site were treated as nested random effects in the model of egg size. In the models of egg numbers, only colony within site was treated as a nested random effect due to a lack of convergence in the full model. All response variables (egg size, number of eggs per polyp, and number of eggs per fecund polyp) were modelled with a Gaussian distribution. A null model was formulated using only random effects and model selection was undertaken by comparing models with each combination of predictors against the null model, using second-order Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) in the MuMIn package (Bartoń 2013). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to statistically compare models and validate model selection. Based on this model selection method, site and mean diameter were not included in the final models of number of eggs per polyp and number of eggs per fecund polyp. Model assumptions were assessed and validated using DHARMa residual analysis (Hartig 2021) and results were visualized using ‘ggplot2’ (Wickham 2016).
Colony size does not appear to determine reproductive output of each polyp in A. millepora once coral maturation is reached at approximately 15 cm in diameter (Hall and Hughes 1996, Baria et al. 2012). Therefore, two colonies from NKI that were less than 15 cm diameter were excluded from the analysis. Samples from HI were also removed from the site-specific models due to a comparatively small sample size (HI n = 4, PI n = 29, NKI n = 34, GKI n = 27). Therefore, a total of 88 colonies were included in the models testing site-level variation, and 92 colonies were included in fecundity models.
To investigate the relationship between bleaching score and colony survival, a logistic regression with a binomial distribution and a logit link function was modelled using ‘glm’ from the ‘stats’ package and diagnostics were checked as described above (R Core Team, 2022).
Historical Data
Three years of historical A. millepora fecundity data from the Keppel Islands were used to establish a baseline of reproductive output prior to recent bleaching. Firstly, Tan et al. (2016) measured the number of eggs per polyp from haphazardly selected A. millepora colonies in a manner comparable to this study, in 2009 and 2010, prior to the 2016 and 2017 bleaching events. Secondly, following the sampling methods described above, a single branch from 49 haphazardly sampled colonies from 10 sites across the Keppel Islands in October 2019 (6 months before bleaching) were dissected, 12–19 days prior to 2019 spawning. To determine whether reproductive output in 2020 differed from these baselines, we modelled the number of eggs per polyp against year using a general linear model with a Gaussian distribution, as described above.
Estimate of population level reduction in fecundity
Based on the results of this study, a population level fecundity reduction was estimated from the bleaching data that were collected from all 310 colonies surveyed during bleaching in April 2020. Firstly, a hypothetical population-level fecundity potential was calculated, in the absence of bleaching. To do this, we first assumed a sterile zone of length 7.3 mm around the colony perimeter as per the mean sterile zone measured from all replicates. We then re-calculated the maximum fecund diameter (\(a\)) and maximum fecund perpendicular diameter \(\left(b\right)\) for each colony by subtracting 14.6 mm (7.3 mm on each side) from each metric and used those values to calculate a ‘fecund SA’ in cm2 for each colony using Eq. 1. The total number of fecund polyps per colony was then estimated by multiplying the fecund SA of planar area measured by diameter (in cm2) by the average density of polyps in Acropora millepora (87 polyps cm− 2; Hall and Hughes 1996). From this, the modelled number of eggs per polyp, assuming no bleaching (score = 6; 7.47 eggs per polyp), was multiplied by the number of reproductive polyps per colony, to create a baseline assumption of a colony’s potential reproductive output, if healthy. Then, to account for bleaching and partial mortality, the number of fecund polyps for each colony was reduced by the % reduction in egg number estimated for that colony’s bleaching score and then reduced by the % partial mortality observed, to estimate a realized reproductive output following bleaching. For colonies that suffered complete mortality, realized reproductive output was zero. Finally, the percentage reduction between the hypothetical reproductive output and the estimated realized reproductive output for all colonies combined was calculated, providing an estimate of the impact of the 2020 bleaching event on population-level fecundity. We note that this method assumes a planar SA and thus likely underestimates the colony-level reproductive potential, although the estimated percentage reduction should scale proportionally.
Comparison of diver assessed and photo-surveyed bleaching scores
To assess whether field images of colonies could be used to accurately identify bleaching severity, bleaching scores were estimated from images taken in April 2020 using Coral Point Count with Excel Extensions (CPCe), from 10 randomly placed points overlaid on each colony, excluding those points that fell on the growing tips of the colonies, which are naturally paler than the surrounding colony (Kohler et al. 2006). The relationship between in situ diver assessed and ex situ photo-surveyed bleaching scores was tested using a Pearson’s correlation coefficient with the function cor.test in base R (R Core Team 2022).