Carbon capture systems and the utilization of renewable energy are key waysto reduce carbon emissions, but their uncertainty seriously affects the stableoperation and economic efficiency of power systems. To tackle this challenge, alow-carbon economic scheduling model for microgrid electric-thermal integratedenergy systems(IES) considering uncertainty is proposed in this paper. The modelsuggests an ideal dispatch of the IES system that accounts for the disruption ofthe carbon capture system’s integration into the grid belt and plans for the carbon capture plant’s low carbon features. Coupling of wind energy with carboncapture power plants employing incentives for system operation and dispatch toincorporate load-side demand response resources. The system’s low carbon performance is increased through cooperative source-load resource optimization. Awell-established industrial automation optimal dispatch model is developed usingYALMIP and CPLEX. The results reveal that the method contributes to the resolution of the system adaptability problem and encourages a balance between lowcarbon and economics for large loads, taking into account that uncertainty raisesthe cost by around 3%, thereby boosting system robustness to an acceptabledegree.