3.1. The CPM-based climatology
The “severe hail potential” is extracted for each grid point in the 20-year simulation data, every 3 hours. This identifies 3-hour periods with 10 m s− 1 or higher HGZ vertical velocity, 10 m s− 1 or higher DLS, and between 2000–4500 m FZLV, where graupel exists. Then the total at each grid point is divided by 20, to find the annual frequencies. As these are rare events, we visualise these frequencies per 10,000 km2 (i.e. per 100 km x 100 km), by applying a spatial smoothing (Fig. 4). We find frequencies in the range of 0 to 10 y− 1 10,000 km− 2 over most land areas, but the frequency exceeds 40 y− 1 10,000 km− 2 in some localities, such as parts of Northern Italy (south of the Alps).
Generally, the likelihood of severe hail decreases towards the north of Europe. Hotspots exist in the south, such as Italy, NE Spain, S France, and locally in the Balkans. The British Isles, as well as Scandinavia, have the least severe hail potential. Coastal zones in the north also have very low exposure, such as the Baltic Sea, Brittany and the Channel coasts of France, and the land around the North Sea. The Mediterranean Sea, however, has much higher frequencies of severe hail potential, both along the coasts and offshore. Despite high values in the surrounding region, the high mountains of the Alps themselves have little exposure.
Looking at the seasonality, severe hail potential in Europe is highest from May to August, over most land areas (Fig. 5). The Mediterranean Sea has a higher peak in the autumn, with some local coastal areas having higher frequencies in September and October, and severe hail cases occur in central parts of the Mediterranean Sea during the whole of winter.
We find that hailstorms over the land follow a diurnal cycle (Fig. 6); they mostly occur from the afternoon into the evening. The slightly earlier hour on initiation in the east of the domain reflects the local solar cycle. By contrast, the Mediterranean Sea and coastal areas can experience severe hail at any time of the day in the autumn and winter, as solar radiation forcing is not the dominant factor, and more non-surface-based convection (elevated thunderstorms) exist. These features are in line with previous severe hail climatologies for Europe, with convection following the solar cycle over land, while this is not the case for sea areas (Pucik et al. 2019; Dessens et al. 1986; Hulton and Schultz 2023; Punge and Kunz 2016; Burcea et al. 2016; Kahraman et al. 2016).
In addition to the spatial, seasonal, and diurnal distributions, it is also important to see how the hail proxy parameters are distributed. We find that stronger updrafts in the HGZ typically occur within warmer storms (Fig. 7). In winter, updrafts are less strong, but the wind shear is stronger. In summer, stronger updrafts are present, but the shear is less strong. These are all expected outcomes for observed European hailstorms, and the distributions indicate realistic features compared to observations (e.g. Taszarek et al 2020b).
3.2. Comparison with observations and existing climatologies
We aim to validate our climatology with the current knowledge on European severe hail. The first source is the ESWD observations (Section 2.3). It is important to emphasise here that severe weather observations are not homogeneous in space and time and should be treated accordingly. Due to the locality and short time-frame of hailstorms, and varying reporting practices spatially and temporally, a lack of reports does not mean that there are no severe hailstorms. In fact, reporting efficiency (RE) is the main limiting factor for usage of such databases. Theoretically, the number of reports (for unique events) for a region for a duration can be formulised as
R = RE x E
where R is the number of reports representing unique events, E is the number of events that actually occurred, and RE is a number between 0 and 1: the reporting efficiency. Due to various reasons, such as widespread adoption of relevant technology in the recent decade (internet, smart phones, social media, etc.), purposeful efforts (a rise in scientific interest in severe thunderstorms in Europe, international collaborations, establishment of ESWD, etc.), and changes in population (to a lesser extent), the RE can be considered to have increased nonlinearly over time. This likely overshadows the natural variability of severe hailstorms throughout the decades, which could be order(s) of magnitude lower than the prior, despite the stochastic nature of hailstorms. From the observations only, it is not possible to know if we have reached a RE plateau. Therefore, it is also impossible to detect any trend in the occurrence of hailstorms from observed reports only.
The number of severe hail reports in ESWD increases nonlinearly (Fig. 8). We appreciate the rise in 2021 could be mostly due to an increase in real events but, especially during its early years, the dataset suffers from insufficient RE. It is also important to appreciate different reporting practices in different countries, i.e. the increase of reports in Poland in recent years is likely linked to new volunteers from the Skywarn organization (https://lowcyburz.pl), rather than due to a lack of hailstorms there previously (Fig. 9). This is even though central Europe is best covered by ESWD (due to better reporting practices).
Despite issues with reporting efficiency, the ESWD dataset may be more reliable for assessing the seasonal variation or diurnal cycle of hail for specific countries. These aspects of the dataset may be useful for the validation of a model-derived climatology. For instance, the annual distribution of severe hail reports in seven selected central European countries indicate a May-to-August peak in severe hailstorms, and a considerable reduction off-season (Fig. 10). The different geographies will influence the occurrence of hailstorms between the countries, with reporting efficiency (which will be influenced by different population densities) also contributing to differences, e.g., due to larger mountainous areas in Slovakia, Switzerland, etc. Overall, the captured annual distribution by the model + proxy (Fig. 4) agrees well with the observations’ distribution.
The model-derived severe hail potential frequency in Central Europe and the number of ESWD reports with severe hail (diameter ≥ 2cm) converges with time and seem to be comparable in terms of order of frequency by circa 2010 (Fig. 11). Before 2004, the underreporting issue in the observational dataset is more pronounced. In fact, considering ESWD reports for whole Europe, a relatively stable time-period is suggested as 2010–2020 based both on the diurnal cycle of large hail, and the time accuracy of reports (by 3 hours or less, Hulton and Schultz 2023).
For a rare and local weather event like severe hail, it is not meaningful to perform a trend analysis with two decades of data. But it might be a useful tool to question the order of RE effects vs change in real occurrences. The annual variability of model-derived severe hail potential frequency suggests there is no obvious trend within the 20 years examined up to 2018, or a slightly decreasing one (Figs. 11 and 12). Applying an annual linear trend, the overall decrease in 20 years is 27%. This is a modest indication that most of the enormous increase of severe hail in observational datasets up to 2018 stems from changes in reporting practices, rather than from increases in occurrences.
Regarding the seasonality of severe hail in Central Europe, the model + proxy seems to capture the May-to-August peaks suggested by the observations (Fig. 12). Here, the effects of the improvement in reporting practices over time is realised as comparable peaks in the recent years. It is important to note here that a 20-year-long hindcast simulation is expected to capture the main characteristics of the climate. The model has information about the observed state at the boundaries of the European domain, where it is forced by ERA Interim and observed sea surface temperatures. However, in the interior of the model domain, the model evolves freely and thus the individual occurrence of hailstorms on a month-by-month basis is not expected to absolutely match the observations. Although good agreement may be seen (e.g., for the most recent years) where hailstorm occurrence is strongly constrained by the large-scale conditions.
Compared with our model results, severe hail observations from ESWD also indicate a peak severe hail month of May to August for most of the European continent, while the Mediterranean islands and some coastal zones have autumn, or even locally winter, peaks (Fig. 13). We note that there are a very limited number of reports offshore, so this distribution just reflects the climatology of land areas with better reporting practices, and the lack of sea reports does not imply less frequent severe hail offshore. For comparison, a similar map is produced for peak severe hail potential month based on the model data (Fig. 14). Generally, continental Europe shows similar peak months to the ESWD observations, but autumn peaks (mostly September) exist around the Mediterranean coasts. Some of this comes from spatial smoothing, but the algorithm extracts more autumn Mediterranean storms with severe hail potential compared to those over land in the summer. It is hard to assess if this is the case in reality, with only reporting-based observational data. However, satellite-based studies indicate a severe hail peak over the Central Mediterranean in the autumn (Bang and Cecil 2019; Bedka et al. 2023). Hail occurs on 3 to 5 days on average, at meteorological stations in the Ionian Islands of Greece, and almost all hail days in the western coasts of Greece happen between October-March rather than during the warm season (Sioutas 2019).
Warm season radar-derived hail frequencies for France, Germany, Belgium, and Luxembourg between 2005 and 2014 indicate the peak areas for hail days as the Massif Central and E France, as well as S Germany among the regions studied (Fluck et al. 2021). These areas are also hotspots in our model + proxy (Fig. 4). It is further noteworthy to mention the location of the highest average number of hail days in this region, which is on the leeward side of the Massif Central summits (the Fluck et al. 2021 study links this to low-level convergence in addition to the location of mountains), is captured well by our results in the warm season (Fig. 5). However, the high intensity of cases slightly south in our model in September does not exist in the radar-derived hail frequencies. The radar-derived diurnal distribution is at its maximum between 14:00 and 18:00 local time, which is consistent with peak frequencies at around 18z in our results. Small spatial differences such as the later hour of hailstorms in SW France are also captured by our model + proxy (Fig. 6e, 6f).
A proxy developed for estimating damaging hail hazard using 6-hourly ERA-Interim (0.75°) reanalysis data between 1979–2015 suggested June, July, and August as the peak months for large hail frequency over most of the continent, and September-October for coastal areas in the south and west (Prein and Holland 2018), agreeing well with our results. The spatial distribution is also essentially similar, revealing higher intensities from E Spain through S and E France, Italy, and locally in the Balkans, although this previous study lacks the fine-scale detail provided by our study for the first time (Prein and Holland 2018). An interesting aspect of the Prein and Holland (2018) results are the higher peaks over parts of the Mediterranean Sea (C and W Mediterranean and Adriatic) compared to over European land areas, confirming our spatial patterns over the sea (Fig. 4). A follow-up ERA5-based study (Torralba et al. 2023) focused on Italy with similar outcomes, but providing further details such as south of the Alps in northern Italy having the severe hail maxima, just as our proxy highlights. They also capture up to 3–4 hail days in October along the SW coastline of Italy, which is in line with our findings.
Punge et al. (2017) combined satellite data (overshooting tops of thunderstorms) and ERA-Interim to assess a hail frequency map for Europe, which also highlighted similar areas of severe hail in northern Italy, south-eastern Austria, eastern Spain and the Massif Central. They also showed a peak in NE Algeria and N Tunisia, an area also highlighted by our model, although being near our domain border.
A 4-year satellite-based study has highlighted that the Central Mediterranean experiences up to 4–6 hail occurrences per year, which is higher than anywhere over the European landmass (Bang and Cecil 2019). This is in line with our model + proxy predictions of autumn storms offshore, which cannot be validated by ground observations-based studies, due to reporting issues. Although satellite-based estimates might not reflect the ground truth completely, it is encouraging to retrieve similar results via convection-permitting model output and our derived proxy. This marine region might be a little known alley for hailstorms in Europe.