General fluorescence
Lumpfish within this study produce 2 distinct fluorescence peaks, a broad green peak (~ 580–690 nm), and a pronounced red emission maximum (~ 690–715 nm). The documented fluorescence spectra are defined as green dominant with only the broad green peak fluorescence and red dominant that emits both green fluorescence and a sharp emission peak in the red spectra (Fig. 1). A portion of the measured lumpfish have both (49%), while the rest fluoresce green only (51%). A visual representation of the red and green fluorescence produced by lumpfish can be seen in Fig. 2.
Fluorescence spectra analysis
The fluorescence of the four experimental groups before and after the therapeutic treatment was compared first. The mean and the standard deviation of the fluorescence spectra for the experimental groups in the spectral range from 570 to 800 nm were classed as a combined single average of the fluorescence spectra (Fig. 3a-d). The mean emission spectra differ between groups, particularly between 690 to 750 nm. (Fig. 3e-h). A difference in the mean and a lower overlap of the standard deviation can be observed in this spectral region for the groups after the stress treatment; The mean fluorescence is higher after the treatment (Fig. 3f-h). For the control group, the mean spectra before and after the treatment are unchanged (Fig. 3e).
There is a high overlap between the standard deviation of the fluorescence spectra before and after the treatment (Fig. 3). For a more precise analysis, we computed the area under the curve (AUC) of the fluorescence spectra, which is the radiance over the spectral range, and used violin plots to represent their distribution before and after the treatment (Fig. 4). When all the spectral range (570 to 800 nm) is considered, we can observe different distributions of the AUC between the experimental groups (Fig. 4a). Additionally, we can observe that the distribution of the data corresponding to the control group, group 2, and group 3 present a main peak but a long tail for high values of the AUC. For the green spectral range (570 to 690 nm), there is a change in the AUC distribution for all the groups before and after the treatment (Fig. 4b). For the groups under stress treatment (G1, G2, and G3), the change in the shape of the distribution is more evident, and an increase in the mean AUC is observed. Additionally, a bimodal distribution can be observed for G1. Finally, the violin plots of the AUC in the red region of the spectra (670 nm to 800 nm) do not show evident differences in fluorescence before and after treatment (Fig. 4c).
Florescence type analysis
Since two distinct fluorescence signals were present in the lumpfish, each signal was analyzed separately. The mean and the standard deviation of the fluorescence spectra for all lumpfish (Fig. 5a), and for green dominant (Fig. 5b) and red dominant lumpfish (Fig. 5c) are shown in Fig. 5. Peak emission signals were reviewed separately due to detection limits. For the green dominant samples, a difference in the mean fluorescence spectra for the treatment groups can be observed, with a higher fluorescence after treatment, showing an increase in the mean spectral radiance after treatment of 11%, 4% and 16% for groups G1, G2, and G3, respectively. Those differences are more pronounced in the spectral range from 570 to 690 nm and for groups G1 and G3 (Fig. 5b). For the control group, the mean spectra before and after 3 hours are similar (with a 1% increase in the mean spectral radiance after the treatment), and the variations of the spectra are entirely overlapped. A similar trend can be observed for red dominant samples, with an increase of 5%, 10%, and 15% in the measured mean spectral radiance for groups G1, G2, and G3, and only a 1% increase for the control group. The mean fluorescence spectra are higher after treatment for all the treatment groups in the spectral range from 670 to 750 nm (Fig. 5c). Groups G1 and G3 also showed differences in the fluorescence spectra between 570 to 690 nm. For the control group, there are no visible differences between the fluorescence before and after 3 hours.
Green dominant fluorescence
The violin plots for the green dominant samples show a change of distribution and an increase in the fluorescence AUC for the groups after the treatment when all the spectral range is considered (Fig. 6a). We can also observe a change in the distributions before and after treatment when only the green region of the spectra (570 to 690 nm) is considered (Fig. 6b). These differences are more pronounced for groups G1 and G3. In the red parts of the spectra (from 690 to 800 nm), we observe that the range of the AUC values is similar to those within the green spectra (Fig. 6c). It is possible to additionally observe an increasing trend of the fluorescence AUC for the experimental groups after treatment, which is also shown to be higher for groups G1 and G3. According to this information, we can conclude that green dominant lumpfish show an increase in fluorescence after treatment in both the green and red regions of the spectra. Moreover, it is possible to observe bimodal distributions for the green and the red spectral ranges, which suggests that there are also subpopulations within the green dominant lumpfish. Regarding the control group, there is a slight change in the AUC distribution before and after 3 hours, but the increase in fluorescence is not evident.
Red dominant fluorescence
The violin plots of the red dominant lumpfish for all the spectral range show a subtle increase in the AUC for the groups under treatment (Fig. 7a). When the AUC distributions are calculated for the green and the red spectral ranges separately (Fig. 7b and 7c), it can be observed that the higher contributions to the total AUC come from the red region of the spectra. However, it can be observed that the most significant changes before and after treatment are shown in the green region of the spectra, where an increase in fluorescence can be observed for groups G2 and G3. Also, in that region of the spectra, the distribution of the AUC is changed after 3 hours for all the groups. On the other hand, in the red region of the spectra, the difference in AUC before and after 3 hours is not as evident, which indicates that the main changes in fluorescence spectra after treatment for red dominant lumpfish are in the green region of the spectra. Bimodal AUC distributions can be observed for both green and red spectra.