TSHomas are rare tumors, occurring in one per million people and representing 0.5%-2.7% of all pituitary adenomas[1–3]. It has been reported that the incidence of TSHoma is rising probably due to the routine measurement of thyroid function and ultrasound examination. The male to female ratio was 1.25 in our analysis which is higher than 0.93 in a systematic review of 535 adults[4]. Mean age at diagnosis was 45 ± 12 years, which is similar to the 46 ± 6 years in the review. 68.25% of our patients presented hyperthyroidism which is lower than 75% in the review. However, 22.22% of our patients were asymptomatic. Due to its untypical clinical features, early diagnosis of TSHoma is difficult. The majority (76.27%) of the TSHomas were macroadenoma which is similar to the 76.9% in the review. We further described a worse clinical outcome associated with larger tumor size and tumor extension, but not associated with thyroid function, age or body mass index (BMI), which is consistent to the previous studies[4, 8, 9]. However, Ki67 index was similar between two groups (1.51 ± 1.04% in remission group vs. 1.64 ± 1.19% in nonremission group).
All of our patients were administrated preoperatively with somatostatin analogs (SSAs) such as octreotide or lanreotide. As reported, SSAs may lead to thyroid function normalization in up to 73–100% of cases, reduction in tumor size between 20–70% and improvement in visual field defects[8]. Administration of SSAs preoperatively could improve surgical outcome by reducing tumor size, but until now there is no consensus since some studies did not observe improved outcomes and because preoperative euthyroid status was not associated with a higher rate of remission. Antithyroid drugs (methimazole or propylthiouracil) or SSAs, alone with propranolol, are recommended to restore euthyroidism before surgery in 2013 European Thyroid Association guidelines[5], though there is a need to be cautious of using antithyroid drugs alone due to its feedback regulation of increasing TSH levels. SSAs have inhibitory effects on the secretion of TSH via binding to somatostatin receptor (SSTR), particularly SSTR2 and SSTR5[10]. Moreover, it was shown that SSAs bind with high affinity to SSTR2 and relatively lower affinity to SSTR5. Thus, the difference in the expression levels of SSTR5 and SSTR2 in TSHomas may explain or predict the different outcomes of treatment with SSAs. 88.14% of our patients achieved postoperative endocrinological remission, higher than the reported 20–84%[2, 7, 11–14]. All tumors expressed SSTR2 and PIT-1 in our study.
Remission for patients with Cushing’s disease after surgery, typically defined as serum cortisol < 55nmol/L (< 2 µg/dL) within 7 days, is seen in approximately 80% of patients with microadenomas and 60% with macroadenomas[15]. For patients with acromegaly, a serum GH 0.14g/L suggests “surgical remission”, and a level 1g/L indicates “control” and normalization of the mortality risk, which may be performed as early as postoperative day 1 while IGF-1 level measured at 12 weeks after surgery are a valid reflection of surgical remission[16]. However, we found that few of the clinical or biochemical parameters had a predictive value for remission for TSHoma. There was one research which enrolled 31 patients reporting that the immediate postoperative TSH level at 12 hours after surgery was the strongest predictor with a 0.62 µIU/mL cutoff[7]. TSH and FT4 levels were measured at 2, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after the operation to determine whether these values could predict postoperative remission. Otherwise, one Chinese research reported that TSH levels at 3 days and 1 month after surgery were significantly associated with 1-year postoperative remission[17]. The 2013 European guidelines issued by the European Thyroid Association and update in 2019 propose that an undetectable TSH level one week after surgery is indicative of complete resection[1, 5, 6]. In our analysis, we found that T3, T4, FT3 and FT4 levels between remission and nonremission groups all significantly differed at 3 months after surgery. We further determined the optimal T3, T4, FT3, and FT4 level cutoffs at 3 months after surgery, which were 2.12 nmol/L, 129.65 nmol/L, 6.28 pmol/L and 20.65 pmol/L respectively. We all know that thyroid function at 1 month after surgery could be affected by preoperative SSAs administration or postoperative stress leading to low T3/T4 syndrome. Therefore, 3 months after surgery could be the proper time to evaluate thyroid function for early identification of long-term endocrinological remission. The current guidelines suggest to clinically and biochemically evaluate the patient three times in the first postoperative year and once yearly thereafter. Pituitary imaging is recommended every 2–3 years regardless of thyroid function test and earlier if thyroid hormone levels increase or visual filed defects occur[5]. According to our study, postoperative thyroid function at 3 months was the strongest predictor for remission, especially for FT4 level with a 20.65pmol/L cutoff; thus, patients possibly do not need to be evaluated frequently.
There were some limitations in our study. The number of patients was small, especially in the nonremission group, which made it difficult to further conduct logistic regression analysis and have statistical significance. The conclusion should be testified by large-scaled studies, and longitudinal follow-ups were necessary in the following investigations. All patients were treated preoperatively with SSAs, thereby potentially limiting the generalizability of the series.