Our study is the first comprehensive analysis of prevalence, risk factors, and neurological outcomes of the comatose ECMO patients. We found that comaoff was common in ECMO patients. The number of pRBC transfusion (aOR = 1.16), average lactate level (aOR = 1.91), and ABI (aOR = 6.41) during ECMO support were independent risk factors for comaoff. Comaoff was strongly associated with unfavorable neurological outcomes at hospital discharge. There are multiple unique strengths of our study: 1) By implementing the institutional sedation cessation protocol, we minimized the confounding effect of sedation on the coma exams whenever feasible; 2) With the sedation cessation protocol in place, we were able to compare the patients on-sedation vs. those off-sedation; and 3) A standardized neuromonitoring protocol allowed for an early detection and prevention of ABIs in the ECMO patients 6.
Coma was commonly diagnosed when standardized sedation cessation and neuromonitoring protocols were implemented. In our cohort, the coma prevalence was: 56.6% in the VA-ECMO off-sedation group, 50.5% in the VA-ECMO on-sedation group, 52.2% in the VV-ECMO off-sedation group, and 17.2% in the VV-ECMO on-sedation group. The prevalence of coma varies in other ICU patient populations. Among out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors (unclear if off sedation), 56% remained in coma for > 24 hours after achieving return of spontaneous circulation, compared to 30% of in-hospital cardiac arrest survivors 13. Approximately 82% (however, < 1% off sedation) of the COVID-19 ICU patients remained comatose for a median of 10 days 14. Coma was also found in 16% of the patients (all off sedation) with severe sepsis 15. But none of those studies implemented a standardized sedation cessation protocol as the one used in our cohort.
Coma was associated with higher mortality and poor neurological outcomes. In our cohort, more patients died in the VA-ECMO comaoff group than the non-comaoff group (88.5% vs. 50.0%). Similar trend was also found in the VV-ECOM off-sedation patients (75.0% vs. 18.2%). The same pattern was observed in the neurological outcomes of those patients. It is surprising that no patient in the VA-ECMO comaoff group and only 1 patient in the VV-ECMO comaoff group had good outcomes upon discharge, which are striking numbers. Only 4 patients with comaoff regained some consciousness (GCS ≥ 9) later in the hospital course, but they all had poor neurological outcomes at discharge, indicating that comaoff may represent a surrogate marker for poor outcomes. The association of coma and mortality was also reported in other patient populations, e.g. post cardiac arrest 13 (unclear if off sedation), ARDS related to COVID-19 16 (not off sedation), and severe sepsis 15 (off sedation). Because of this significant association, being comatose while off sedation is commonly used to facilitate the decision to withdraw care in the real-world practice although it’s difficult to determine the “sufficient” off-sedation time. Also, it is important to remember that there is a high risk of bias from the self-fulfilling prophecy 17. In our cohort, WLST contributed to 86.2% of death in the VA-ECMO group and 90.1% in the entire VV-ECMO group.
Coma in the ICU setting is frequently multifactorial in nature, e.g., ABI, sedation/toxins, metabolic/electrolyte/endocrine derangement, nutrition, temperature, and infection 18. We included clinically relevant variables for comaoff in our regression model and identified 3 independent risk factors: ABI, average whole blood lactate level, and the number of pRBC transfusions during ECMO support. ABI was discovered in 31.7% of the ECMO patients in our study, which is likely due to our standardized neuromonitoring protocol 19. In our patient cohort, majority of our patients (58.3%) received RRT, which reduced confounding effects, although not completely, from metabolic imbalance as serum creatinine levels were normalized in most patients after RRT. The average levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) during the ECMO course were elevated. But their impact on the coma status was minimal if any with an unadjusted OR of only 1.00 and 1.01, respectively. Sedation frequently confounds coma exams 17, but proper sedation is often required to reduce ventilator desynchrony and to facilitate therapeutic interventions in the ICU 20. We implemented a sedation cessation protocol to all ECMO patients and minimized sedation when deemed safe. It is worth emphasizing that the median off-sedation duration was 2.5 days (IQR: 2.0–5.0) for the VA-ECMO off-sedation group, and 3.0 days (IQR: 2.0–9.0) for the VV-ECMO off-sedation group, which may be “sufficient” time to diagnose comaoff. Although our study was not able to adjust for all clinically relevant variables, this is by far the most controlled coma study in the ECMO literature.
Our study also has several limitations. 1) It is a retrospective single-center study. The data may not be generalizable to other institutions and populations. 2) Although we have a total of 230 ECMO patients, the sample size in some subgroups is in the lower teens or even in single digits. Therefore, the study may not have enough power to detect contributions of various risk factors to the comatose status. In addition, due to missing data, many clinically important variables were not included in the analyses, such as sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scores. 3) Only a fraction of our patients achieved the comaoff state, and the comaon state presented significant confounders for coma assessment. These may further limit the generalizability of our study across the EMCO patients. But this study presents a viable method to further define the impact of coma on ECMO. 4) ABI was certainly under-diagnosed since most patients did not have MRI brain studies. In a recent autopsy study, 68% ECMO patients had ABI 9. Point-of-care MRI has been performed in selected ECMO patients in our institution 21 which will significantly improve ABI detection. 5) We did not have enough data to explore the association between comaoff and WLST and to investigate the possible self-fulfilling prophecy. Further studies are needed to answer this important question.