On average El Niño events are stronger and located further east than La Niña events (Fig. 1a,b), as highlighted by the amplitude and longitude of the CHI, namely + 1.3 K and 129°W for El Niño and − 1.0 K and 140°W for La Niña. The sum of the two composites (Fig. 1c) displays a positive pole in the east close to the South American coast and a negative horseshoe-like pattern in the west. ENSO asymmetry is measured by the difference between the eastern and western pole (the two index boxes are indicated in Fig. 1c), as suggested by Dommenget et al. (2013).
To highlight the diversity of El Niño and La Niña events, Fig. 1e) displays a scatterplot of the amplitude vs. longitude of the CHI for each El Niño and La Niña month during 1880–2019. Note that Fig. 1e) is plotted based on the ensemble mean of the four observational SST datasets but is very similar in all four observational datasets (Fig. S1). The scatterplot presents a horn-shaped pattern during El Niño months, with increasing amplitude as the SST patterns moves eastward, and a peak around 120°W. There is a slight tendency for the La Niña amplitude to increase when the SST pattern is centered around 145°W, but it is much less pronounced than for El Niño. This distribution is related to the larger amplitudes of EP versus CP El Niño events, with the largest amplitudes observed during the strong EP El Niños of 1982-83, 1997-98 and 2015-16 (indicated in Fig. 1e by the triangles, stars and squares, respectively). The strong EP El Niño of 2015-16 (red squares) had its center around 128°W and a smaller amplitude than the strong EP El Niño of 1997-98, consistent with the weaker PR anomalies over the Niño3 region in 2015-16 (Santoso et al. 2017). The intensity of La Niña events only weakly depends on their center. Therefore, we do not distinguish between CP and EP La Niña events. Further, a necessary condition for a large-amplitude El Niño event is that it extends sufficiently eastward: all strong El Niño events are EP events, but not all EP events are strong (e.g. Santoso et al. 2017).
Regarding the multidecadal modulation of the ENSO amplitude, we notice a period with generally lower ENSO amplitude (LOW period: 1910–1969 highlighted in blue in Fig. 1d,e) than the periods before and after (HIGH periods: 1880–1910 & 1970–2019 highlighted in red in Fig. 1d,e). In both LOW and HIGH, El Niño events have similar amplitudes for centers over the CEP, but the LOW period is missing the strong EP El Niño events with the eastward-shifted center and large amplitudes (Fig. 1e). Consequently, the horn-shaped pattern is well developed in HIGH while it is less pronounced in LOW. HIGH includes 7 strong EP El Niño events (1888-89, 1896-97, 1902-03, 1972-73, 1982-83, 1997-98 and 2015-16) while LOW includes only one (1930-31). The La Niña months in the HIGH periods exhibit slightly larger amplitudes around 145°W than the LOW period, but the difference is not as pronounced as for the El Niño months. This is exemplified by the blue and red lines, which are the means over 10° chunks, that is in HIGH considerably higher in the EEP during El Niño events, but only slightly higher in the CEP during La Niña events (Fig. 1e).
The ENSO amplitude has a statistically significant correlation (r = 0.59) with the ENSO asymmetry across decades (Fig. 1f), suggesting a relation with strong EP El Niño events. For example, the period 1980–1999 with the two strongest EP El Niños is outstanding in terms of both ENSO asymmetry and amplitude (Fig. 1f). Thus, the observations though relatively short suggest that epochs with a high ENSO amplitude and spatial asymmetry correspond to decades when more strong EP El Niño events occur. This suggests that the more frequent occurrence of strong EP El Niño events, may it be due to internal variability or external forcing, dominates multidecadal variations of the ENSO amplitude and asymmetry. This has however to be considered with some caution, as the spread between the four observational data sets is quite large prior to 1960 (Fig. 1d,f), and because the observational record is short (8 strong EP events in total).
We will next relate the SST asymmetries to those of the atmospheric and subsurface oceanic ENSO signature. We compute El Niño and La Niña composites of zonal wind stress anomalies (TAUXa), precipitation anomalies (PRa) and thermocline anomalies (Z20a) utilizing ERA5 and ORAS5 over the 1970–2019 period (second HIGH period). The composites are normalized by the average Niño3.4 SSTa, to obtain a feedback (unit of atmospheric or oceanic response per Kelvin), similar to a regression. During El Niño events the warm SSTa drives an eastward shift of the ascending branch of the PWC, resulting in enhanced PR over the CEP and a weakening of the TAUX in the WEP (Fig. 2a,d). This in turn deepens the Z20 in the EEP that reinforces the initial warming of the SSTa in the east (Fig. 2g).
During La Niña events the cold SSTa causes a westward shift of the PWC that leads to a strengthening TAUX over the WEP (Fig. 2b,e). In turn, the thermocline shoals in the EEP reinforcing the initial cooling of the SSTa in the east (Fig. 2h). The TAUXa, PRa and Z20a response per unit of SST are larger and eastward shifted for El Niño relative to La Niña (11°, 27° and 15° for TAUXa, PRa and Z20a, respectively, in Fig. 2 left and middle columns). As a result, the difference between El Niño and La Niña exhibits a dipole pattern in all three variables (Fig. 2c,f,i), which is related to the spatial and amplitude asymmetry of the wind-SST, rainfall-SST and thermocline feedbacks between El Niño and La Niña events.
We then consider the amplitude and center of each El Niño and La Niña month for the feedbacks to obtain information about feedback diversity within the two ENSO phases as well as the differences between them and how the feedbacks contribute to ENSO asymmetry. The amplitudes are not normalized by the SSTa, in order to reveal the interplay between spatial and amplitude asymmetry that are both important for SSTa asymmetry. The CHI of the SSTa from ERA5 over the period 1970–2019 (second HIGH period) shown in Fig. 3a) is very similar to that depicted in Fig. 1e). The amplitude and center distribution of the TAUXa response is rather different between El Niño and La Niña events (Fig. 3b). Further, the amplitude distribution is skewed to the east for El Niño events with a maximum around 160°W and skewed to the west for La Niña events with a maximum around 175°E.
The PRa display remarkable asymmetries between El Niño and La Niña events (Fig. 3c): the spread in the center and the overall amplitude is much larger for El Niño than for La Niña events. Especially the strong EP El Niño months stick out with their large amplitude and easternmost centers.
In comparison to the other variables (Fig. 3a-c), Z20a has a remarkable amplitude asymmetry between El Niño and La Niña (Fig. 3d), probably due to a saturation effect: the climatological thermocline is shallow in the east, so that the ocean surface limits negative Z20a during La Niña. The strong EP El Niño events clearly stick out with the largest amplitudes and centers in the far EEP.
We next investigate the spatial difference in the atmospheric response during La Niña, CP El Niño and strong EP El Niño using full-field composites (shading in Fig. 4a-f) at the peak of the ENSO events (the months November-February (NDJF)). During La Niña events, there is a pronounced Cold Tongue and the ITCZ and the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) are relatively far away from the equator (Fig. 4a,d). During CP El Niño events, the Cold Tongue is much weaker and the ITCZ and the SPCZ migrate closer to the equator, inducing considerable PR over the Niño4 region (Fig. 4b,e,k). During strong EP El Niño events, the Cold Tongue further weakens, with a nearly vanishing meridional SST gradient over the EEP, and the ITCZ migrates onto the equator over the Niño3 region with PR of more than 5 mm/day (Fig. 4c,f,j,k). The southward shift of the ITCZ onto the equator is also possible, as during strong EP El Niño in large parts of the Niño3 region the SST crosses the 28°C-threshold of deep convection (thick white line in Fig. 4c).
The composites of the SSTa, PRa and TAUXa for La Niña, CP El Niño and strong EP El Niño (contours in Fig. 4a-f and shadings in Fig. 4g-i) demonstrate that there is hardly any spatial asymmetry between La Niña and CP El Niño events, while there is considerable spatial asymmetry between La Niña and strong EP El Niño events. The southward migration of the ITCZ onto the equator over the Niño3 region (Fig. 4f) causes the eastward shift by 15° of the TAUX feedback during strong EP El Niños (Fig. 4i), which in turn leads to the stronger and more eastward located SSTa (Fig. 4c).
In summary we have shown the importance of the southward migration of the ITCZ onto the equator during strong EP El Niños for ENSO asymmetry, as the asymmetry between La Niña and CP El Niño is much weaker. Further, there are indications that the eastward shift of the atmospheric response during strong EP El Niños is essential for ENSO asymmetry, as it seems to be important for the higher and more eastern SSTa during these events. These results of course have to be considered with some caution due to the short period for which we have reliable observations and reanalysis data sets. Therefore we next investigate climate model output to support these results.