D. insularis showed considerable fresh biomass accumulation in environments with 45 and 63% shading (Table 3), which correspond to the average levels of incident radiation of 607 and 394 µmols m− 2 s− 1 (Fig. 1), respectively, indicating the ability to grow even under low light intensity. Caron [48] did not identify the need for weed control in eucalyptus planted forests when the shading level was greater than 60% due to low plant growth. However, the study does not report the radiation level corresponding to the shading levels studied, a factor that depends on the time and region where the study was conducted and that directly impacts weed growth and the decision to manage them. In addition, the weed community in the study was mainly composed of the species Sida rhombifolia, Stellaria media, Sonchus oleraceus, and Echium plantagineum, different species from the present study, and which have an unknown ability to adapt to shading. Therefore, the decision to manage or not to manage weeds depends more on the incident radiation level and the species' ability to grow in the shade than just the shade level imposed by the forest canopy. From the observed D. insularis growth in shaded environments and full sunlight, it was observed that the species has phenotypic plasticity and good adaptation to environments with light restriction, which reinforces the need for attention with the species in forest areas.
The increased D. insularis sensitivity to glyphosate applied alone and in a mixture with carfentrazone-ethyl in shading may be linked to lower ETR and Pn of plants in these environments (Tables 4 and 6). These variables are related to carbon fixation and plant energy availability [52]. Plants with lower energy reserves are less likely to recover from the herbicides' injuries, becoming more sensitive to these products' actions [53]. The doses considered efficient in controlling D. insularis (1920 g ha− 1 of glyphosate alone and mixed with carfentrazone-ethyl at doses 1536 + 8 and 1152 + 16 g ha− 1) were the ones that most negatively affected the physiological variables analyzed (Tables 5 and 7).
In addition to the energy deficit, changes in D. insularis growth caused by shading may also be associated with greater herbicide sensitivity. D. insularis has rhizomes, reserve organs that, when present, make it difficult to control [54]. D. insularis begin to produce rhizomes 45 days after emergence [55]. In the present study, the herbicides were applied at 52 cultivation days, after the formation beginning of these structures in full sunlight. However, shading alters the dry matter partition of grasses, investing more resources in shoot development as a function of root growth [56, 57], which, combined with lower ETR and Pn (Tables 4 and 6), may have delayed or compromised rhizome development and increased D. insularis sensitivity.
D. insularis is a C4 metabolism grass. C4 metabolism plants have a high light and temperature saturation point [58]. The reductions in ETR, Pn, gs, and E in D. insularis grown in shading are due to the lower light incidence in these environments (Fig. 1). These results align with those found in other grasses grown in the shade [59–62].
Shading also alters wax deposition on the leaf surface. Wax has a variety of functions, such as reducing water loss and pesticide uptake [63, 64]. Due to reduced transpiration and water loss in shading (Table 6), wax deposition is also lower in these environments [65]. The smaller wax amount in shading can increase herbicide penetration and, consequently, its efficiency.
Increased sensitivity in shading to glyphosate applied alone was also observed in Euphorbia heterophylla [20] and Merremia cissoides [21], and the mixture of glyphosate and carfentrazone-ethyl in Macroptilium atropurpureum [66]. Unlike what was observed in the present study, where no increase in the efficiency of carfentrazone-ethyl isolated under shading was found, Santos Júnior [22] found an increase in saflufenacil efficiency, another protox-inhibiting herbicide, in controlling Commelina benghalensis.
The low control obtained by isolated carfentrazone-ethyl, regardless of the growth environment, is due to the advanced plant stage at the application time. Carfentrazone-ethyl is a contact herbicide efficient in controlling plants in the early development stages [67]. The low control obtained by the mixture of glyphosate and carfentrazone-ethyl at the dose of 384 + 32 g ha− 1, regardless of the growth environment, is associated with the low glyphosate dose used in the mixture. Carfentrazone-ethyl applied alone at a dose of 40 g ha− 1 and mixed with glyphosate at a dose of 384 + 32 g ha− 1 were the doses that had the least impact on D. insularis physiology (Tables 5 and 7).
Although isolated carfentrazone-ethyl has low control efficiency against D. insularis, it has good efficiency against other glyphosate-resistant weeds, such as Commelina ssp. [37]. Moreover, its use in a mixture with glyphosate can benefit D. insularis control in shading, as in the present study, and against other important weeds, like the glyphosate-tolerant species [37, 68]. Additionally, the constant glyphosate application, the most widely used herbicide in the world, led to the selection of resistant biotypes over time [69–71]. The use of two or more herbicides with different mechanisms of action has been an interesting agronomic practice because, in addition to improving the management efficiency of tolerant weeds [72–74], it decreases selection pressure for resistant weeds [30].
The application of glyphosate alone and in a mixture with carfentrazone-ethyl showed different behavior depending on the light intensity in the growth environments, indicating the need to consider this factor when defining weed control doses in eucalyptus areas. Studies on the absorption and translocation of glyphosate and carfentrazone-ethyl in D. insularis cultivated in environments with different light intensities are necessary to elucidate the mechanisms involved in species tolerance when cultivated in full sunlight.